Confetti Calamity

The latest from the Political Grapevine:

Strength of Support

As we reported earlier, the latest Fox Poll gives President Bush a five-point lead over Senator Kerry among likely voters. But how solid are Bush and Kerry supporters? Eighty-eight percent of Bush backers say they'll definitely vote for the president, while 91 percent of Kerry supporters say their vote is set in stone.

Meanwhile, 80 percent of those who say they will vote for President Bush described their vote as being for Bush, while 16 percent said their vote was against Kerry. Fifty-one percent of those who said they would vote for Kerry described their vote as being for Kerry, and 41 percent said their vote is a vote against President Bush.

Hearing from Harkin

More draft scare talk from Senator Tom Harkin. In an op-ed in the Minnesota Daily, the Iowa Democrat writes that the president, "avoided the draft when he was a young man. But if re-elected, he will not be able to avoid the draft as president."

Harkin goes on to say that the president, "may or may not have a secret plan to reinstate the draft." This despite the fact that President Bush has repeatedly denied that he would institute a draft.

Meanwhile, according to the Cedar Valley Daily Times, Harkin told a Democratic rally in Iowa this week that Kerry has been surging in recent polls because "that's how God wants it to be."

Confetti Calamity

At a Bush Campaign rally in Manchester, New Hampshire today, someone had their finger on the button, ready to fire off confetti pods when the president ended his speech with his traditional sign off — "God Bless.” There was one problem though; the president threw out an unexpected blessing before the end of his speech.

The president went on with the final five minutes of his speech in the midst of the falling confetti.

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report