CNN's Begala and Carville to Advise Kerry?

The latest from the Political Grapevine:

Testimony Based on Testimony?

A Vietnam veteran who testified in the so-called "Winter Soldier Investigation" in 1971 now says he was encouraged by anti-war leaders, including John Kerry, to make up statements.

In a recently signed affidavit, Steven Pitkin says, "John Kerry and other leaders of [a Winter Soldier] event pressured me to testify about American war crimes, despite my repeated statements that I could not honestly do so. ... Kerry and other leaders of the event ... instructed me to publicly state that I had witnessed incidents of rape, brutality, atrocities and racism, knowing that such statements would necessarily be untrue."

Kerry's campaign has said Kerry's testimony on war crimes in Vietnam was based on others' specific testimony.

CNN's Begala and Carville to Advise Kerry?

Two leading journalism reviews are harrumphing that CNN commentators Paul Begala and James Carville have signed on as advisers to the Kerry campaign, insisting it's a conflict of interest.

The Columbia Journalism Review says such a conflict is, "obvious," and the American Journalism Review calls it, "outrageous." But a CNN spokesman tells the Washington Times that Carville and Begala are only, "informal" advisers to the Kerry campaign, with no official role.

Speaking of Carville and Begala, they're now criticizing Monday Night Football for having announcers that, "think they're some kind of political ... pontificators." This after announcer Al Michaels said during the season opener in Massachusetts last week, which had a seesawing score, "This is what you call a flip-flop ... [and] you're in the right state for that."

Kerry the Ivy Winner?

More than 90 percent of political donations from Princeton University employees since March have gone to democratic or liberal causes, that according to a study of FEC records by the school's newspaper.

What's more, John Kerry has received nearly $41,000 from Princeton employees ... where as President Bush has received a single donation of $250. Similarly, the DNC has obtained more than $53,000 from University employees, compared with a total of $500 for the RNC.

At fellow Ivy League schools Yale and Harvard, 95 percent of employees' donations went to Kerry.

Sitting Down for Their Country?

A new poll in Britain shows that a majority of Britons between 18 and 30 years old say they would fight for their country only if they agreed with the reasons for fighting. What's more, according to the London Times poll, nearly a fifth of younger Britons say they would not fight for their country, "under any circumstances."

– FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report