CNN highlights right-wing terror on 9/11, uses day to smear Trump

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," September 11, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: I am Laura Ingraham and this is “The Ingraham Angle” from Washington tonight. So you heard me just mention it, what are the real lessons of 9/11 and why are some politicians and certain media outlets down playing the terror of that day. We examine those important questions tonight and also, what to do on the home front.

Also who suffered a bigger loss in last night special election, now the Democrats candidates or the media? Bongino and Hann debate the latest failed narrative. Plus Raymond Arroyo brings us a push for a female James Bond and a feminist version of monopoly. All that in "Seen and Unseen."

And six weeks after he took aim at Baltimore President Trump will set foot in Charm City tomorrow. Horace Cooper and Leo Terrel are here on the protests that are expected. But first, 9/11 lessons forgotten, that's a focused of tonight's “Angle.”

Each year on September 11th we say we will never forget. We remember where we were on that horrific day. I was here in Washington, the tear streaked faces of family members that were desperately trying to find loved ones who frankly had already died but they held out hope.

And we haven't forgotten the brave first responders, the fathers, the sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, thousands of others who lost their lives.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Marie Rose Abbott. Andrew Anthony Abbate.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Catheline And Burns, Marlin Capital Batista. Mark Lauren Davis.


INGRAHAM: But did we really learn the lessons from 9/11? All these years later, it seems like many have forgotten. Forgotten who carried out these attacks. And the sick Islamic ideology that motivated them.

We speak in vague terms about an attack on our freedom and we commemorate 9/11 respectfully, but that's not enough. Bin Laden is dead, but the radical mind-set that motivated a twisted man to kill themselves in 2,977 others didn't die with him.

We saw it inspire a deadly bombing at a Paris nightclub. We saw it play out on a London bridge, at the Boston Marathon, at Forthood and a U.S. Diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya. At a Catholic Mass in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday they used guns and bombs and knives and chemicals and cars to cause maximum pain and bloodshed.

These attacks and many more happened despite our sending hundreds of thousands of men and women into battle in Iraq and Afghanistan and despite borrowing trillions of dollars to pay for it all. Although we did make it harder for law-abiding Americans to fly on commercial airplanes, we still haven't taken some of the most common sense steps here at home to really make us safer.

Remember at least five of the 19 hijackers overstayed their visas. Attacks accused by dozens of convicted terrorists since then to infiltrate our country. That we still haven't cracked down on these overstays in this country. Now look at this chart, it's infuriating. More than 666,000 overstayed their visas last year alone. Most will never leave America voluntarily.

Each and every one of these individuals should be found and sent home. And the failure to learn doesn't stop there, astonishingly we still haven't implemented some of the key recommendations of the 9/11 commission like biometric screenings of all foreigners traveling on visas into the United States, this would help us track people once they are here.

And it could have helped avert 9/11 in the first place. Of course President Trump has taken practical steps to secure the homeland. It took him to do it the travel ban from terror watch list countries, extreme vetting. Of course he fought to get the wall built and we are starting that. Changing the asylum process, we're finally getting military help from Mexico and a lot more.

All of these measures by the way have been challenged by the left in courts by Congress and of course by nonprofits funded by the open borders lobby Michelle Malcolm was on last night laying that out. Hollywood celebrities vilify the President for doing what should have been done long ago again to keep America safe.

We can't ask American soldiers, I don't think to fight in faraway lands to enforce other country's borders as we resist enforcing our own. Does that make any sense? In the wake of 9/11 the government established, remember the Department of Homeland Security it was supposed to streamline our efforts to fill in the gaps in order to keep America safe and stay ahead all of these new types of treats.

Last year we spent $74 billion on Homeland Security yet we still had tens of thousands of individuals making their way across our border every month. That's a decrease, by the way. Now how is that learning the lessons of 9/11? Why would we risk endangering the lives of American citizens, set aside the pocketbook cost of all this with even a small percentage of criminals or even one terrorist got through if we could have stopped them from ever entering the country in the first place?

On this anniversary of 9/11 we must knowledge that not only do some influential Americans not respect to the rule of law, this common sense measures that were recommended to us after 9/11 they don't even respect our first responders.


REP. RASHIDA TLAIB, D-MICH.: Abolishing ICE protects my families from the militarization that's happening in our neighborhood.

JULIAN CASTRO, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We do until we have a national use of force standard and that we end qualified immunity for police officers so that we can hold them accountable for using--

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, I-VT, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: To make sure that police departments look like the communities that they serve, not like an oppressive army.


INGRAHAM: How is that all these years after 9/11? The left relentlessly trashing cops and border patrol agents on the front lines undermining their authority in making their jobs frankly more dangerous. Now, contrast to this with what President Trump said Monday to honor those courageous first responders during the Dayton and El Paso mass shootings.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: These incredible patriots responded to the forest violence and most barbaric hatred with the best of American courage, character and strength, faced with grave and harrowing threats, the men and women standing behind us stepped forward to save the lives of their fellow Americans few people could have done and even would have done what they did.


INGRAHAM: And we shouldn't just praise law enforcement after mass shootings, it's good to do that but it's not enough to praise him after big anniversaries like today. We should honor their bravery every day. I know President Trump does, as they carry out those very difficult jobs.

And by the way, their work will be made easier and Americans will be safer if we don't allow foreign criminals or would-be terrorists into the country in the first place, getting back to the first point. Wouldn't all of this be a truly meaningful tribute to those who died on 9/11?

And that's THE ANGLE. Here to respond is Ed Mullins, President of the NYPD Sergeants Benevolence Association. Ed, you are an NYPD Officer during the 9/11 attack. Is the disrespect that officers are enduring both on the streets and uniformed law enforcement at our borders having an impact on our safety and their morale?

ED MULLINS, SERGANTS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION: No doubt Laura. The police officers that are out there today protecting the American people, are under much more scrutiny and that's a very strong anti-police sentiment that exists.

Having gone through the NYPD from the 80s to the present time, there is also going to be people like and dislike police officers. On 9/11 you didn't have enough police officers. 18 years ago tonight, NYPD fire fighters iron workers were all on a pile saving lives.

18 years later police officers are not only enemy of the people and ultimately, you are really not hurting the police. What you are doing is hurting ourselves because without laws being enforced, we have a lawless society. We have more victims.

And that is going to infringe upon each person's freedom. I don't understand, as many police officers don't understand why people don't see this. We are promoting the criminal and we are condemning the police officer and it makes no sense.

INGRAHAM: The criminal motivations and family upbringing are taken into account but the snap judgment that police officers have to make, a life and death judgment at a moment's notice. They always want to assume the worst, always. And I want to play something for you if you don't mind. This is from today, Tom Homan, of course Former Acting ICE Director.

He was at a hearing on Capitol Hill and was trying to make this point about respect for ICE and people trying to help at our border and he kept being interrupted by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, watch.


TOM HOMAN, FORMER ICE DIRECTOR: In my 34 years I've never seen such hate towards a law enforcement agency in my life that you want to--

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: Mr. Homan, the time is expired.

HOMAN: --they were doing your job and--

OCASIO-CORTEZ: Mr. Homan, your time has expired.

HOMAN: --legislate.


INGRAHAM: His time is expired. I think when someone who served this country as he did for so many years wants to make a point about what these men and women at the border need and the interior enforcement, he should be allowed to finish his sentence. That's just a small example but it's meant to shut him down and to take his voice away.

MULLINS: Well, the job of the people and the job of the representatives in the House of Congress is to be the voice of the people and you have to listen to the people. Congresswoman Cortez was you have to remember was elected by a very small majority of voters in a district where it was poor voter turnout.

She does not speak for America. She does not speak for the American people. We have a President who was elected by the people who speaks to the American people. And, thank God for law enforcement that he is a person who supports law enforcement.

But what she's going through is her 15 minutes of fame right now and to not allow someone to speak is really improper in the House of Representatives of that to happen especially you have brought them into speak.

INGRAHAM: Ed, again 18 years after 9/11, we had so many first responders lose their lives. I want to play this incident from September 5th where police officers again treated like dirt stuff thrown at them by the citizens that they are actually trying to protect. Watch.


INGRAHAM: Throwing gallons of milk and so forth at the police and I guess they are just opposed to smile and say, I have good day?

MULLINS: Well, Laura in New York City we have Mayor De Blasio and we have a Police Commissioner who follows the policies of Mayor De Blasio. And New York City police officers have been under attack for the last four years that we've been going through for five years with Mayor De Blasio.

We are seeing this across the country and on the anniversary of 9/11, I would like to just to get across law enforcement across the country the men and women surging at law enforcement. We need to hold that line, we need to stand shoulder to shoulder and defend the law at this country and defend the constitution that we spent to want to protect and encourage the American people that we will lead the lead the way to have a law and order society contrary to this anti-police atmosphere.


INGRAHAM: That the elected Representatives Ed - Ed I'm going to interrupt you but the elected Representatives have to be behind law enforcement as well by saying yes these are the laws that have been duly passed, signed into law by the President or the Governor if it's a state law or the Mayor.

And that's it, the laws are enforced but that's not what's happening that they break down in law and order, that's why after all these years of 9/11, I think there are too many people who still don't get it. Ed you are a true patriot. You saw the best and the worst of humanity on that day and both attacks on the World Trade Center and we just really, really appreciate you. Thank you so much.

MULLINS: Thanks you, Laura.

INGRAHAM: I also want to bring in Terry Strada, she lost her husband on 9/11, and is the National share of the 9/11 families and survivors united for justice. Terry is with us now. Thanks for being here Terry. My first question to you is, like you lost her husband, you were just given birth. I believe it was four days before 9/11. He just went in for a half day--


INGRAHAM: --and he never came home. How do you process this day let alone any other day?

STRADA: It's a very difficult day, Laura. From the moment the alarm goes off in the morning and it reminds me, he was here at 7:00 in the morning. He was still alive, and he was taking a shower and he was saying goodbye to the children and kissing each and every one of them.

And he left and turned around and said I will be home early, I'll be home before 2. And I never saw him again. I did speak to him, he did call me that morning after the plane hit the building and it was a terrifying phone call. It was just a nightmare of the day to live through.

INGRAHAM: Terry, I want to get your thoughts on the mind-boggling fact that the mastermind of 9/11 Khaleel Shaik Mohammed will not face trial until 20 years after 9/11. 2021, it looks like that when his trial will began.

STRADA: I know.

INGRAHAM: We got him back in 2003. What is this say to the families?

STRADA: Well, the families need to heal. And we can't heal as long as these perpetrators are not held accountable and held to justice in the courtroom. I have been to - and I've met the prosecution team and I have a lot of respect for them. I believe that they have given up so much of their time and so much of their lives to try this case and they want to get it right.

So they are collecting all the evidence that they can, so when get in the courtroom that will be done right and it's what the families deserve. We will get justice.

INGRAHAM: And I know families such as yours are adamant that Saudi Arabia's role if whatever connection we know all the hijackers who came from Saudi Arabia, the U.S. government endeavored to interview many of the family members, connected associates to the 9/11 hijackers. I do not believe our government was ever allowed to do those types of in-depth interviews. But we do have some information. And yet that has not been unredacted in an ongoing lawsuit that I know is seeking some relief. You want some answers?

STRADA: Yes, we absolutely want answers and tomorrow the DOJ is supposed to file a motion on documents that have been kept from us all these years and we are hopeful that we're going to see some truths come out tomorrow. We don't know exactly, we're kind of on pins and needles here waiting to see what happens, but there is a name that talks about - there is a name that tests the two Saudi agents that were here in the United States out in San Diego. Their names were Bayoumi and Thumairy and they were tasking the hijackers while they were here. So we need to know the name of that Saudi individual who was tasking these two Saudi agents here in this country. Once we get that name, there is a lot more that we need to uncover.

INGRAHAM: Yes, Terry, this is an 18 years of heartache and hurt for you, and almost 3,000 other Americans. And the fact that we haven't learned all the lessons still all these years later is really infuriating. It all came back to me today.

I mean, I was here, I saw the Pentagon's in flame, I was on my bike, I rode - I just, I'm really doing this show tonight for my friend Barbara Olson who was killed in the plane that went into the Pentagon. She was a dear friend of mine, she was - she literally could make me laugh at any moment of the day any time, she was an awesome person.

STRADA: Right.

INGRAHAM: And you would have loved her. And we honor your husband and all those who gave their lives, those innocent Americans, and we just appreciate your fighting for justice and fighting for the truth, and your husband was like an incredible man.

STRADA: Well thank you, and we have a wonderful President now who is on our side and fighting alongside with us. He actually invited some of us down to the White House this morning just to share with a moment of silence on the South Lawn and then invited us in just to give us his condolences and let him hear a couple of our stories. And he's just a wonderful man and the First Lady was there too and it was an honor to meet both of them.

INGRAHAM: Oh so glad.


INGRAHAM: I'm so glad, and he honors our police officers and our first responders.

STRADA: Yes he's does.

INGRAHAM: Everyday, not just on the big days. Terry, thank you very much.

STRADA: Thank you.

INGRAHAM: And coming up, the son of a 9/11 victim lashes out at Ilhan Omar, and why is the media using this solemn day to attack the President? Well Dinesh D'Souza and Raheem Kassam with can't-miss reaction next.



REP. ILHAN OMAR, D-MINN.: CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.


INGRAHAM: Oh my God, every time I hear that, it infuriates me anew, those vile words even more disgusting when you hear them on this day.

This morning at Ground Zero, heartbroken family members read the names once again of 9/11 victims. Nicholas Haros Jr., whose mother Frances was killed that day, lashed out at Congresswoman Omar and her callous some people did something remarks.


NICHOLAS HAROS JR., LOST MOTHER ON 9/11: Some people did something, said a freshman Congresswoman from Minnesota. Today, I am here to respond to you exactly who did what to whom.

On that day, 19 Islamic terrorists, members of Al-Qaeda killed over 3,000 people and caused billions of dollars of economic damage. Is that clear? I was attacked, your relatives and friends were attacked, our constitutional freedoms were attacked, and our nation's founding on Judeo-Christian principles were attacked. That's what some people did. Got that now?


INGRAHAM: Joining me now, Dinesh D'Souza, conservative commentator. Dinesh, that was quite a moment. Are you concerned that some on the Radical Left are diminishing what really occurred or purposely putting blinders on for their own political expediency?

DINESH D'SOUZA, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I think we're witnessing what can be called a 9/11 minimization strategy and the strategy is to shift the blame away from who did this and why they did it, and point it anywhere else.

I was struck just today, The New York Times, they put out a tweet and then they deleted it. But the tweet is illuminating, because the tweet basically said, it pointed the finger at the airplanes, it says the airplanes "Took aim at the buildings," and "Brought them down."

Now, ordinarily this would be crazy, a kind of animism in which you attribute intentionality to inanimate objects. Why are they doing this? Well, what they're trying to do is avoid saying that Islamic radicals did this in the name of Islam.

Now remember, if white supremacists had done it, they'd be all over it.


D'SOUZA: But they have to protect this notion of radical Islam for reasons of political alliance.

INGRAHAM: Yes well, so otherwise Ilhan Omar would get upset, and others in Congress would get upset, and CAIR would get upset. But heaven forbid, the American people get upset. So you're right, they deleted the tweet, but it's a - amnesia really usually something that happens to you, but they're bringing on their own amnesia or they never understood it in the first place.

There was also another point, and Dinesh, you've spoken at so many universities over the years, you've written about the craziness on college campuses. But there's a professor at Northwestern University in Qatar, who tweeted today, happy 9/11, more than 8441 civilians died in Yemen this year, helped by US arms dealt to Saudi Arabia and UAE. The US is complicit in far more terror than it has ever suffered.

We reached out to Northwestern to find out what they thought about one of their professors tweeting this on this day, but have not heard back. Dinesh, fact is, well there are a lot of professors out there who agree with that, but they might not be stupid enough to tweet it, correct?

D'SOUZA: Right. And there's a false equivalence here. Look, this is a sacred event because of the targeting, the deliberate targeting of civilians. There's no comparison between that and what's going on in Yemen.

This would be almost like, if we were talking about Auschwitz and The New York Times were to tweet out, some people did something or they tweet out that the concentration camps "took aim at the Jews" and "brought them down," the concentration camps didn't do that, the Nazis did that. So why are you covering up for the bad guys and pretending that inanimate objects are the ones responsible here?

INGRAHAM: Yes, because then the travel ban would have made sense, right, then extreme vetting would make sense, and policing our borders would make sense. But if once you admit that, their entire construct falls apart. It shatters into a million pieces, that's why they won't admit it.

It's patently obvious to anyone who has half a brain cell, and I think academia, Dinesh, and the Hollywood and the media elites and some in politics, they're all together in this, they're all in the same play pen with the 9/11 amnesia. And it extends beyond that into a whole host of other issues. Final thought.

D'SOUZA: A decade ago, in a book called The Enemy at Home, I predicted - I didn't know anything about Ilhan Omar - that there was an alliance emerging between the most liberal and the most illiberal forces in the world, and that radical Islam was becoming weirdly allied with the Progressive Left in this country.

And I'm sorry to say that that sort of dire prediction is now very evidently true, and Ilhan Omar is the sort of walking embodiment of it.

INGRAHAM: Oh the intersectionality of it all. Dinesh, thank you so much. And 9/11 is normally a solemn day of remembrance, yet this morning, CNN took the opportunity to hit Trump and equate right-wing terror with radical Islamic terror.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There is an absence of memory about 9/11. We've seen a President from New York float the truly awful idea of hosting the Taliban at Camp David for withdrawal talks within days of the 9/11 anniversary.

But in the past year, we've also been forced to confront a growing threat from another form of violent extremism, white nationalist terrorism. Since 9/11, right-wing terrorists have killed more people in the United States than jihadist terrorists, that's according to New America.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now Raheem Kassam, Fellow at the American Principles Project. Raheem, explain what New America is, the source just cited by CNN.

RAHEEM KASSAM, FELLOW AT THE AMERICAN PRINCIPLES PROJECT: So what CNN did this morning, Laura, is the perfect example of laundering information around the DC bubble, around the swamp.

New America is a 20 year old think-tank in Washington DC, staffed by the same people who staff all the other think-tanks, who are in all the boards of all the other think-tanks, whether it's Brookings Institution and all this stuff. It's the same sort of crowds that we see.

On that board is CNN's Fareed Zakaria. So you have CNN there quoting a CNN source without declaring an interest, they then go on to cite a report written by New America, which was written by another CNN employee, CNN's National Security Analyst Peter Bergen.

So CNN reporting on CNN reporting on CNN is where they're getting their information from. CNN sources, as the President always says, there are no sources for some of the things they said. Turns out the source is themselves.

INGRAHAM: Well, there's Ilhan Omar is upset, speaking of her, Dinesh raised her, she's upset because of this idea that we should be able to check immigrants, people coming aboard, maybe asylees, refugees, their social media to find out what their intent is, or may be to get some idea of what they want them to do once they come here, heaven forbid, all these years after 9/11.

This is what she said, "Make no mistake, this is fascism in action. There's no guarantee that the Trump administration won's weaponize immigrants' political views against them by denying entry." Why should we allow someone to enter the country if they think we're an evil terrorist entity that should be brought down? Is she saying we should bring them into the country? That's fascism?

KASSAM: If I tweeted the U.S. government should be overthrown and returned to the monarchy, as I might one day, then you would expect that when I apply for my visa, as I have done, and I've sat in front of your embassy in London and begged my case, when I sit there, should they not know that I've said that? Should they not take that into consideration before affording me the luxury of being here and living here?

And just to finalize on the CNN point from earlier, because all of this stuff comes together, doesn't it? "The New York Times" had an article about 160,000 birds' migratory patterns being affected almost as of 3,000 people dead is not enough. We've got to add birds into the mix.

INGRAHAM: That will be an acceptable tragedy.

KASSAM: Exactly. And then you see what CNN is doing with all this, and now you hear what Ilhan Omar is doing, and the fact that they gaslight, they put CNN on the chyron they put "amnesia" at the bottom of the screen.

INGRAHAM: They are the one with amnesia.

KASSAM: They are the one with the amnesia.

INGRAHAM: I didn't even know there was a chyron when I said what I said. I did even know --

KASSAM: They are the ones who are intentionally trying to stir ordinary Americans views away from what really happened on 9/11, and they're accusing the rest of us of having amnesia. It's disgusting.

INGRAHAM: It's even worse than that. The enemy is not political Islam is, Islamism, radical Islam. That's not the enemy. The enemy is us, our way of life, our traditions, our patriotism, our president. The enemy is that, the American historical understanding. Raheem, thank you for being here.

KASSAM: Thank you.

INGRAHAM: We could have talked to Brexit, too.

Coming up, are you ready for a female James Bond? What about a feminist version of the game of Monopoly? Who is going to play that? Raymond Arroyo here next with all the details up next.


INGRAHAM: It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we expose the big cultural stories of the day.

A female James Bond, a feminist Monopoly, and U.S. history gone totally awry. Joining us with all the details, Raymond Arroyo, Fox News contributor. All right Raymond, let's start with the former James Bond, Pierce Brosnan's pronouncement.

RAYMOND ARROYO, CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, Laura, the four-time Bond star told "The "Hollywood Reporter" of 007 this week, "I think we've watched the guys do it for 40 years. Let's get out of the way, guys, and put a woman up there. I think it would be exhilarating. It would be exciting." Not everybody is so bullish on female Bond, Laura, including former Bond girl Valerie Leon.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm in mourning that we're here to talk about Bond being a woman. He was conceived as a man. That is how Ian Fleming saw him. He's been successful all these years. We don't want to see him as one.


ARROYO: Ian Fleming built this character as a composite of commandos and spies he knew in actual service. It was never meant to be polygender here. It was supposed to be -- I'm creating new terms, too.

INGRAHAM: Polygender. Raymond just created a new term, "polygender."

ARROYO: It was also an escapist male fantasy, fast cars, quick kills, the Bond girls. I think you do lose something if you recast the character as a woman.

INGRAHAM: Let's just say this is stupid. This is stupid. Get over yourselves. You can have your own superhero. Should Wonder Woman be a man, Wonder Man? This is so dumb. It's the stupidest thing ever.

ARROYO: This is all bubbling up because in the latest James Bond, the one that's going to be released in the spring, they announced 007 come in, and in walks this beautiful black actress, Lashana Lynch. She is the new 007. So everybody is trying to justify it. But Laura, the female "Ghostbusters" reboot bombed. "The Kitchen," which was a heist film with Melissa McCarthy, bombed.

INGRAHAM: We need sound effects for that.

ARROYO: Create original heroes with women, for women.

INGRAHAM: You know what's really tedious? Our producers, writers, directors, and people who live derivative lives. They can't live their own life. They have to suck off the energy of other people's franchises. Just come up with your own idea.

ARROYO: I agree.

INGRAHAM: It's pathetic. What else?

ARROYO: While we're talking feminizing cultural icons, Hasbro is announcing a new version of Monopoly, Mrs. Monopoly.

INGRAHAM: Ms. Monopoly.

ARROYO: Well, Ms. Monopoly. I'm trying to upgrade her. It creates a world where women have an advantage often enjoyed by men. Women are paid $240 when they pass go, men are paid at the customary $200. Do you like this idea, Laura?

INGRAHAM: Well, I might want to play Monopoly, as long as it's real money. I'm joking.

ARROYO: I don't like the idea of what we're talking about here. It's pandering to girls and it condescends. I won't want my daughter -- my daughter wants an even playing field.


ARROYO: So we were thinking, Laura, how would this play out, what might it look like if we did this? And the prompter is not there, so I'm going to run through this myself. We took the old top hat from Monopoly and replaced it with a pussy hat, a pink pussy hat.

INGRAHAM: That is one. That's weird.

ARROYO: We created it. And then what about the get out of jail card? What that might look like?


INGRAHAM: That's good. That's good.

ARROYO: So it's Ms. Monopoly.

INGRAHAM: I actually lost my affection for Monopoly when the little players, they turned them into lightweight alloy, plastic, the heavy metal.

ARROYO: Plastic and not metal anymore. The kids were choking on the lead probably. Go ahead.

INGRAHAM: Before we go, Susan Page tweeted this from Reagan Airport, "18 years ago at this moment I was on a flight from DCA to NY. Today I'm back at DCA waiting for a flight. There was an announcement asking for a moment of silence remembering the 9/11 attacks and those we lost. And to my dismay almost no one stopped talking." If I were on that plane, that would not have --

ARROYO: This was in the airport. This was in DCA. But what this tells you is we have a culture who have forgotten. Young people don't care. There was a new study that just came out, and this is pretty important. It shows colleges, only 18 percent of them, insist that kids study basic government facts or U.S. history. The same study found, Laura, 26 percent of college graduates thought Kavanaugh was the chief justice of the U.S., 14 percent thought it was Antonin Scalia, and 18 percent thought AOC was the author of the New Deal.

We have to be very careful. We're making fun of this, this is funny kind of slipped fact, but when you lose and forget something like 9/11 and have no reverence for loss of life, you've lost something, and you are not prepared for the next tragedy and the next danger that lies ahead.

INGRAHAM: Two of my older kids, they both studied it in school today, and I quizzed them. They knew it. Maybe it's because I've drilled it into their head.

ARROYO: Drilled it --

INGRAHAM: But they learned it in school and I was really happy to hear that. Raymond, thank you very much for tonight, as always.

And up next, it's hard to say who is more upset by the results of North Carolina's special election last night. Were the Democrats more upset they lost, or the media? Dan Bongino, Chris Hahn face-off next for that debate.


INGRAHAM: Two media narratives, two bubbles burst. Here to debate is Dan Bongino, FOX News contributor, author of the upcoming book "Exonerated." Also with me is Chris Hahn, former aide to Senator Chuck Schumer and host of the "Aggressive Progressive" podcast. Gentlemen, let's get right into this.

We all saw this coming, but the media eagerly hyped last night's special election. They saw trouble on the horizon for Trump and the Republicans when they thought the Democrat was going to win.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The race is incredibly close between Bishop and Democrat Dan McCready, and the president is now trying to downplay expectations for his guy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What does it tell you that both the president and vice president have been there in the last 24 hours?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It tells you they are worried.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If Republicans lose this seat, do you think Trump's in trouble?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think Trump's in trouble regardless.


INGRAHAM: When the Democrat didn't win, pundits got kind of dour. CNN was clearly distraught over the results. Look at those faces. Dan, obviously we are just having fun with CNN, but the contortions we saw from the media following last night's results, they are kind of telling. If Trump wins, he still loses. He loses and he loses, he wins and he loses. What's going on here, Dan?

DAN BONGINO, FORMER SECRET SERVICE AGENT: This is the media eager to tell a story, not the story. And the story is what you just said. Sometimes examples work better. When Democrats come close but lose, like McCready did to Bishop yesterday in North Carolina, Laura, it's painted as it was a moral victory, it was close. It's a Republican leaning district. We gave it the good old college try. It's a moral victory for the Dems. But when the Republicans actually win an election like Donald Trump, well, he lost the popular vote. Meanwhile, nobody wins, but it's not how it actually works, the system. And you know the Russians did it. It's just again another example of the media eager to tell a story, not the story.

INGRAHAM: So have you all become the party of moral victories? And it's a victory in theory if not in actual results.

CHRIS HAHN, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: I don't believe in moral victories in elections, Laura. You know that. We've been talking about this for a long time. A win is a win. That said, it was an R-11 district. They spent millions of dollars and had to have a presidential and vice presidential visit to pull out the victory. And if that's going to be the case across the country in R-11 districts and lower, they are going to have a tough time in 2020. There really are no moral victories, but if you look at the numbers here, the Democrat way outperformed what they had done in that district. It's still a loss.

INGRAHAM: You're still doing it though. But you're doing it.

HAHN: He still lost, and I give credit to the Republicans for pulling out their vote, but it was a tough win. If they have to spend money in districts like that, they're not going to have enough to go around.

INGRAHAM: We don't want to spend the whole segment on this, but I will say this. Dan, he was down 17, 19 points three weeks before. Trump rolls into town with Pence, and the guy wins by three. That tells me that this president is extremely popular.

HAHN: Two.

INGRAHAM: In a state like North Carolina that's gotten tougher and tougher for Republicans, that's what it tells me.

BONGINO: What Chris is conveniently leaving out there is McCready was a really good candidate who ran as a moderate, had a great pedigree, and the Democrats outspent the Republicans dramatically. Also, McCready was running for that seat, Laura, for two years based on what happened in all the malfeasance in the last one. And --

HAHN: It's an R-11 district. It's an R-plus 11.

INGRAHAM: Bishop, guys, he's not the most dynamic candidate either. Candidates do matter. He got better over time, but he didn't come out of the gate very strong. Anyway, but I think Trump won that, and that is a good sign for 2020. So I smashed that narrative back.

Gentlemen, the next big narrative, though, the media has been pushing, I would say hoping for, is an eminent recession.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The big selloff on Wall Street today, troubling new signs the U.S. economy may be inching toward a recession.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: New warning signs of a recession send stock prices plummeting.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Trump doesn't want to talk about the coming recession which might be upon us.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fears of a global recession, that's right, the "r- word."


INGRAHAM: Alisyn Camerota was smiling when he said "recession" I think. But the good news of course keeps rolling in, latest data shows that household income finally, finally we have been waiting for this, matching it's 99 peak, the lowest poverty rate since 2001. Chris, how much longer can your Democrats actually ignore reality with the best economy of the G7? Wages up, optimism up. Why are you down talking the economy?

HAHN: People who are worried about trade wars and rumors of trade wars, the economy for most people when they vote is state of mind, not a set of numbers, Laura. And if the president keeps threatening trade wars, people who are concerned about that are going to think the economy is going down. And that's his problem. He doesn't know how to get out of his own way on the economy. That's probably why he's going to lose.

INGRAHAM: OK, yes. Americans' confidence in the economy is up, up, up. Dan, final thought.

HAHN: They're not.

BONGINO: Everything Obama promised, Trump actually produced. Income inequality is lower, the poverty rate is decreasing, minority unemployment is at historic lows, wage increases concentrated at the lower end of the income scale, literally everything Obama promised Trump produced, and Obama made worse. And Chris just can't take it. I'm sorry, Chris.

HAHN: The farmers in Iowa are worried about selling their soybean, man, they are worried.

INGRAHAM: If you think the farmers in Iowa are going to determine all of U.S. trade policy, it's never going to happen, not when we have the big dog of China in the pen.

HAHN: Not if the president keeps bailing them out like the socialist he is.

INGRAHAM: Yes, yes, OK, Dan and Chris, thank you so much for joining us.

And six weeks after slamming the city, President Trump is heading to Baltimore tomorrow. We expect protests, and we're going to be there to cover them. But should the president extend his stay? Horace Cooper, Leo Terrell debate it, next.


INGRAHAM: President Trump will visit Baltimore tomorrow for the annual Republican Congressional Retreat. It's going to be his first visit since bringing attention to the city's plight and calling out Democrats failure to fix it. Throngs of protesters are expected downtown. What else do protesters do? But here's a question, should Trump extend his stay in the charm city?

Joining me now is Horace Cooper, cochair of Project 21, author of the forthcoming book, "How Trump is Making Black America Great Again," and Leo Terrell, civil rights attorney. All right, Leo, should Trump stay longer? He may have something planned. We are hearing dribs and drabs of it tonight. But if so, what should he do and see?

LEO TERRELL, CIVIL RIGHT ATTORNEY: First of all, the answer to your question is yes, because I cannot wait to hear Trump's make Baltimore great again. Laura, I just heard your last segment. You talked about the unemployment rate being low. How did it miss Baltimore? How did skip Congressional district of Elijah Cumming?

INGRAHAM: Why don't you ask him that.

TERRELL: But he talks about Baltimore being a rat-infested place. How did his great economy miss Baltimore?

INGRAHAM: Is that your argument? I will answer your question with a question. How is L.A.'s homelessness such a disaster? Why can't San Francisco pick up the needles that you walk on right near the opera house downtown in San Francisco? Why? Because they are badly run cities by liberals who won't learn lessons, that's why. Any other questions? OK, Horace.

TERRELL: I'm confused. I'm confused, totally confused.

INGRAHAM: OK, then you can think of a good answer. Horace, the president has an opportunity, I don't know if he's going to take it tomorrow. Maybe he's going to go in and out for this thing. He has an opportunity to make a real difference by just bonding with the people of Baltimore and saying, you are not forgotten. We are here, we want you to do better. We think you can do better, but there are some common sense things we have to work on together. Is that a good idea?

HORACE COOPER, CO-CHAIR, PROJECT 21: I don't have a problem with it, but what I am concerned about is the emphasis over appearance contrasted with substance. This president, even Baltimore is better today than it was before he became president. There's a lot more that needs to be done because that city is still being mismanaged.

But the free market, the low regulation, small government --

INGRAHAM: Look at these pictures. What are you talking about? Is it looking like it's humming there in Baltimore?

COOPER: It's not humming yet.

INGRAHAM: Look at this.

COOPER: It's not humming. It's better.

INGRAHAM: This doesn't look better.

COOPER: And the point is, the point about it being better -- yes, it is.

TERRELL: If you say it's better, then you just defeated Trump's argument. I'm confused. Is it bad or is it worse? What is it?

COOPER: No, no, no. You can look at that place --

TERRELL: You just said that.

COOPER: No, no. I said it's better, it has improved. I spent the Fourth of July in Baltimore because it's something that I would do now that I wouldn't have done three or four years ago.

INGRAHAM: OK, so why did Trump say it was a disaster? I'm taking Leo's side here now.

TERRELL: Right. Every city has a segment that could be improved.


TERRELL: But if you look at what Trump has been saying, every city has that. So I'm confused --


TERRELL: Yes, Horace, yes, yes.

COOPER: And Baltimore needs complete overhauling. The mismanagement that has occurred --

TERRELL: You just said it was OK. You said it was improving.

COOPER: It's not OK. I said improving. Every step forward we should acknowledge as positive. What we shouldn't say is there hasn't been any steps forward. There have been some, but there are a lot more that need to take place.

TERRELL: Horace and Laura, just answer this question, just answer this question. Two years ago, Laura, three years ago, Trump went to every urban city and said what do you have to lose? Give me a chance. OK, then what has he done in three years. Those were his words, Laura, those were his words. What he has he done for Baltimore, for Baltimore?

COOPER: I will tell you what he's done. What he has done has created a circumstance for more black Americans, including --

INGRAHAM: If you want to work, you can get a job.

COOPER: You can get a job, exactly right.

INGRAHAM: If you want to work you can get a job. But you can't get a job if you are heading to jail. You can't get a job if you're a member of a gang. You can't get a job if you don't finish high school, if you get involved with criminal justice systems. If you can't -- it's all harder, I think that's a point. Forty more homicides this year already than last year, that's a big problem. But I think we all want to fix this. We'll see if Trump steps into the morass tomorrow.

TERRELL: Have Trump meet --

INGRAHAM: In moments, a story of sacrifice you need to hear.


INGRAHAM: To close, I want to tell you about two brothers, Joe and John Vigiano. Joe was an NYPD detective, John a New York City firefighter. Both answered the call on 9/11, both tragically lost their lives. And the last words both men said to their beloved dad, who is also a New York City police officer, said, you know, I love you, dad.

Today, we remember them. Their sons -- three of the sons are actually in military government service. One is a member of the NYPD. So amazing legacy for that family. And remember, all those who lost their lives that day, maybe learn the right lessons from 9/11. God bless all of them.

And God bless my friend, Barbara Olson, who I think of all the time, but I especially thank her on this day. She was one of the most courageous people I knew, and always lit up the room. She was brilliant and funny and we would have heard a lot more from Barbara Olson. The world got a little dimmer when we lost her.

Mike Emanuel is in for Shannon Bream. And he and the "Fox News @ Night" team take it all from here. Mike?

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