CNN analyst accuses Fox News contributor David Webb of 'white privilege.' The only problem? He's black

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," January 15, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM: All right, all right. I'm Laura Ingraham, this is “The Ingraham Angle,” from New York City tonight. The Left's pathetic attempt to bar Barr, that's the focus of tonight's “Angle.” We've all heard the criticisms of President Trump which goes something like this.


CHUCK SCHUMER, D-N.Y., SENATE MINORITY LEADER: No President has come close to defaming and trying to destroy the democratic values of this country. No President has come close.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does he know he's tearing down these institutions?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does he know? He shatters norms for a living.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How much longer can we survive the autocratic tendencies of one man.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is revealing his autocratic tendencies. Donald Trump has no - no real commitment to democracy.


INGRAHAM: No, the only other team that has a commitment to democracy, that's why they're always trying to undermine it and undo the election. Look, if any of that were true, why on earth would President Trump nominate a man like Bill Barr as his Attorney General. Barr, no matter what you think, he's a mainstream safe pick.

He's consummate pro who served in the Reagan administration and later as George H.W. Bush's council at the Department of Justice before being promoted to Attorney General. Now, full disclosure. He's a friend, don't hold that against him but the bottom line is, he knows a legal terrain really well and he even oversaw the Robert Mueller guy that we're focused on, once before when Mueller was head of DOJ's criminal division.

And if there's any question about Barr's independence, well, that was put to rest at today's hearing.


SEN. DICK DURBIN, D-ILL., MINORITY WHIP: What would be your breaking point? When would you pick up and leave? When is your Jim Mattis moment when the President has asked you to do something which you think is inconsistent with your oath.

BILL BARR, ATTORNEY GENERAL NOMINEE: I am not going to do anything that I think is wrong and I will not be bullied into doing anything, I think is wrong by anybody, whether it be editorial boards or Congress or the President. I'm going to do what I think is right.


INGRAHAM: Oh and as for the democratic drumbeat that Trump only selects people he can control and who essentially agreed to I don't know, some sort of loyalty pledge.


BARR: President Trump has sought no assurances, promises or commitments from me of any kind either expressed or implied and I have not given him any other than that I would run the department with professionalism and integrity.


INGRAHAM: Now Barr testified that he wants Mueller to complete his probe and has confidence in Mueller's professionalism. But that wasn't enough for some like Senator Pat Leahy who tried to get Barr to vow to recuse himself from oversight of the Mueller probe if the staff at the DOJ suggests he do so.


SEN. PAT LEAHY, D-VT: So will you commit if confirmed to both seeking and following the advice of the Department of Career Ethics officials on whether you must recuse from the special counsel's investigation.

BARR: I will seek the advice of the Career Ethics personnel but under the regulations. I make the decision as the head of the agency as to my own recusal. So I certainly would consult with them and at the end of the day, I would make a decision in good faith based on the laws as in the facts that are evident at that time.


INGRAHAM: And so we're also here in the studio, he reminds me so much of Justice Scalia, just his inflection and the way he reacts to questions. It just brought it back, it was odd. Anyway, it's clear that Barr's his own man and contrary to some of the nasty tweets out there, tweets from the Right like this.

Well Scott Dennis says, "I don't trust Barr. He seems awfully cozy with many of the people surrounding the whole spygate scandal."

All right, I get the concern but all I can say is this, I've known bar for 20 plus years. He's a man of deep integrity and he has a really strong intellect. We need that today at the Department of Justice. And he comes at a very important time in the life of all of these law enforcement agencies. He sees his job in what I think is the correct light.


DURBIN: Why do you want this job?

BARR: Well, because I love the department and all of its components including the FBI. I think they're critical institutions that are essential to preserving the rule of law which is the the heartbeat of this country.


INGRAHAM: Doing it because he loves the country. He doesn't need to do this, he's 68 years old, he could be on a beach somewhere, wants to serve the nation. Well Bill Barr couldn't assume this job of Attorney General fast enough especially given the revelations of the FBI's war against this President.

Remember, it was just last Friday that we learned about another sickening effort by certain bad actors inside the bureau to target the President. Remember after Peter Strzok's insurance policy failed to prevent Trump from winning the White House, Comey's FBI cronies pulled another surprise out of its bag of tricks.

They launched an unconstitutional and unprecedented counter-Intel investigation of the sitting President. They should all be fired at least those who are still working within the department. Well, by the way, this was supposedly done, get this, because Trump fired Comey which of course if they read the little pocket constitution, the President was fully entitled to do under Article 2 of the constitution.

Now the Inspector General's final report should expose all of this, can't wait. And as if things couldn't get more poisonous, we learn today that the former General Counsel of the FBI, James Baker himself is under investigation for media leaks against President Trump.

Turns out, he was in regular contact with Mother Jones Leftist writer David Corn, are they still publishing? Well, it's just a coincidence I'm sure. It was a - remember, it was the first to report on that phony Steele Dossier you know, the thing that was a predicate used to start the entire Trump- Russia probe.

Barr understands the danger inherent in the Department of Justice that becomes its own political strike force and the danger of criminalizing politics and of over-zealous prosecutors.


BARR: The prosecutor comes along and says, well, we're going to look into your mind and see what your subjective intent was for performing these two sets of lawful acts and we're going to say you know, that you're corrupt. So I just think that gives too much power to the prosecutor.


INGRAHAM: Totally agree even separate from what has happened to President Trump. If Democrats really cared as they claim about the rule of law and restoring the public faith in the justice department, they would welcome with open arms the nomination of Bill Barr.

But because many of them, not all, but many are infected with this anti- Trump virus, everyone Trump nominates, every idea that Trump has must be resisted or the individuals involved at least bruised in the process.

But today they didn't lay a glove on Bill Barr and that's THE ANGLE. Here now, is former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova, Senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Victor Davis Hanson and former Clinton aide and Attorney, Richard Goodstein.

All right Richard, after today and what I just laid down on THE ANGLE, how can Democrats or you, in any real and credible way, object to Bill Barr's nomination?

RICHARD GOODSTEIN, FORMER HILLARY CLINTON ADVISOR & ATTORNEY: I think the paramount influence right now where we are as a country is to follow the mold of Elliot Richardson.

When he was confirmed as Attorney General in the midst of Watergate, when we had a President that was under a legitimate investigation who said, if I'm asked to basically fire or if the special counsel is fired, I quit and Bill Ruckelshaus, his deputy did the same thing.

And when the Archibald Cox was fired, they said it was the easiest decision they ever had to make in life, they were lionized for it but they quit because that's what they had promised to do. I was waiting for Barr frankly in the interest of the country.

Look, if we cared about the rule of law, Donald Trump should testify about everything he knows--


GOODSTEIN: Openly and publicly, that's what's the rule of law.

INGRAHAM: Okay, I appreciate the walk down memory lane to the 1970s as fascinating as that is and it's very - it's very compelling away but he said today and Joe diGenova, you watched this, he said I would not fire Mueller without good cause.

Now some conservatives as I pointed out in THE ANGLE and on Twitter, you can see their comments, they're nervous because they think wait a second, is this kind of a stealth nominee. I heard the word, Trojan horse, used several times today but you can respond to Richard's point that he wasn't definitive enough in saying I will not fire Bob Mueller.

JOE DIGENOVA, FORMER U.S. ATTORNEY: Yeah, well, what you saw - to my conservative friends who were worried about Bill Barr where you're going to go? Ghostbusters for heaven sakes. This guy - this guy is an established serious lawyer, he's a scholar, he's an intellectual and by the way, 68 is very young.

INGRAHAM: Thank you Joe, thank you.

DIGENOVA: Let's get over that nonsense. Today, you saw the Kavanaugh effect, the Democrats didn't even get close to being as obnoxious and unprofessional as they were in the Kavanaugh hearings.

They asked him pointed questions, most of them were well within the range except for some occasional stupid questions from Cory Booker and of course, Crazy Mazie Hirono but well, I must say this, Bill Barr gave perfect answers. He indicated that he was his own person.

He would make independent judgments, it's all you can ask from a serious person and I think the Democrats have actually caved, this is over, he's going to be voted out of committee, he's going to be confirmed and Elliot Richardson, you know, God rest his soul, that's all fine and wonderful.

Bill Barr has to deal with today and right now, he's going to be the next Attorney General and let me tell you, the people in the FBI and the DOJ who conspired to deny Donald Trump, his civil rights both during the election, during the transition and after he became President, when they committed those crimes, they are shaking in their boots at the thought of Bill Barr being the next Attorney General of the United States.

INGRAHAM: Victor, why is it so important now that Bill Barr assume the position of Attorney General, given all that we've learned back during the campaign to the dossier, to the media leaks, what we learnt today and what we learned last Friday.

Why is Barr really kind of an ingenious choice at this point in the history of the agency?

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, SENIOR FELLOW, HOOVER INSTITUTION: Well, because he's taking over and Justice Departments have a large number of departures and in FBI, at least 10 people have been reassigned, retired or fired so the agency has lost his reputation and so has the Department of Justice.

But more importantly, his task is to re-establish the concept of equality under law because we know that people like James Comey were leaking, Andrew McCabe was leaking, Baker was leaking.

We know that FISA courts were deceived, we know that the Director of the FBI went before Congress under oath 245 times that he didn't know or didn't remember something that they'd bring Trump up to Miller and he did that, they would indict him.

So there's a perception out there in America whether it's warranted or not, that there's two sets of laws. There's Mueller's investigation of Trump that goes over you know, every type of business, tax, relationship, the whole 20-months-worth of investigation and then there's these key players in the FBI and DOJ that are involved in behaviors.

I'm not even getting in to the unmasking and leaking of the Mike Flynn or the national security council's leaking of on-mask names or the Hillary Clinton's work probe but there's this perception that there's no quality under the law and that's fatal for democracy.

So that's what he has to do. He has to look at all of this behavior, not just the Mueller investigation but all the tangential behavior and ask himself, was American federal law applied equally across the board regardless of a person's stature, income, money or position and so for that hasn't been true.

INGRAHAM: Richard, are you concerned at all about the revelations about the General Counsel of the Department of Justice under criminal investigation for his contacts with the media including, I mean, David Corn, I've known him since my days on another network, working on another network?

But he's a left wing guy, he's a reporter but is that really what we should be using the Department of Justice for? Weaponizing information to hurt political opponents, isn't that what police states do?

GOODSTEIN: With the way that Donald Trump has tweeted against so many different individuals in the FBI, I'm shocked that this is the only one and--

INGRAHAM: So is that a yes or no, Richard? Are you concerned? So you're not concerned for the record, you are not concerned about the General Counsel of the DOJ weaponizing information and using it against the President for political purposes? That's what was happening here.

GOODSTEIN: I'm saying that a guy who's senior in the FBI should not be leaking as I'm saying as well, somehow there's this equation with what's happening to him, with the fact that we have a President who said to the Russians, steal from my opponent, who was welcoming their help.

Who basically sided with Putin against his own intelligence community.

INGRAHAM: Right, yes.

GOODSTEIN: Who would see the notes of the interpreter. Somehow there's this equation which is why the rest of the country, Laura, doesn't buy into what Victor just said. It's why in the run up to the 2018 elections, there was this kind of addled view of what was the public thought.

The people aren't with you, I'm sorry.

INGRAHAM: All right, I'm glad, well, I'm glad Richard made - brought that point out Joe and then Victor you can respond. Mazie Hirono, Joe affectionately referred to her as Crazy Mazie, I completely reject that characteristic, Joe.

DOGENOVA: That's okay.

INGRAHAM: That gave her too much credit, okay, so she stepped forward and again, it was a desperate attempt to try to take down Barr today in referencing this deal, let's watch.


SEN. MAZIE HIRONO, D-HI: It is so not normal to have to ask, whose side is the President on? On Russia's side or not or our side? It is the accumulation of these what seems like, unusual, head-scratching, disparate kinds of utterances from him but when you start to see a pattern, where he basically spouts Putin's lines, then we have to ask the most unusual and frightening question about our own President.


INGRAHAM: It's a normal question, Joe.

DIGENOVA: Yeah, well, look Mazie Hirono represents the looniest part of the Democratic Party, those delusional comments from you know, a hula-hoop senator really, really show how pathetic their arguments have become.

If they really were concerned about the Russians, they would have been concerned about President Obama telling Mr. Medvedev that he would have more flexibility after the election to kowtow to Putin, they would have been concerned about the removal of defensive missiles from Eastern Europe.

They would have been concerned about all the things that Hillary Clinton tried to do, to so- called reset the relationship with Russia, this is a phony argument that the Democrats are making because they have nothing else and as part of the conspiracy to frame Donald Trump, which we now see playing out on the front page of The New York Times.

This is where they end up. They end up in the loony bend and I must say, I'm delighted that Mazie Hirono continues to go on television, make a fool of herself and the Democratic Party. And I hope she never stops.

INGRAHAM: All right, VDH, you get to close it out, about 30 seconds.

HANSON: Yeah, what would happen in 2012, a more conservative Bob Mueller had heard that open mic conversation that Obama did with the Russian President was basically, was a quid pro quo and then he said, my God.

There was the Russian reset, there was the Romney, making fun of Romney about playing down the Russian threat, there was inviting Putin into the Middle East, he hadn't been there in 40 years. The inaction towards the Crimea and Ukraine aggressions, downplaying the production.

INGRAHAM: So at every turn, you could see--

HANSON: You just said--

GOODSTEIN: There's one superseding fact which is that the Russians aided Donald Trump and the views of every single U.S. intelligence agency, that's undisputed.

HANSON: They apparently did Barack Obama because they were flexible during the election.

DIGENOVA: Let me tell you who the real Russian agent was. Barack Obama was the real Russian agent.

INGRAHAM: All right, well, I think one thing is clear after this, however you come down on this. Bill Barr's going to be the next Attorney General of the United States and I don't see we - how we can really get someone more qualified or more of a professional and putting up with those stupid questions you had today.

He has a lot more patience than I do, I can say that. All right, guys, thanks so much and coming up, former house speaker Newt Gingrich with a history lesson for a Democratic star who wants to set aside what? Founding document. And why does today's Brexit vote really, really matter?

You do not want to miss Newt's thoughts on both of those, plus an early seen and unseen is ahead and on an important housekeeping note, my brand new podcast launched today. If you haven't listened, make sure to go online Podcast One and get it.

On each episode we're going to cover America, where we are and where we're going. You're going to laugh and learn all at the same time. To subscribe again, just go to or go right to iTunes.





O'ROURKE: No, it's just so many great people.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, you really are.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Congressman, hate to see you go but hey, you're going to run for President, right?

O"ROURKE: No, no decision on that, no decision.


INGRAHAM: Remember Bobby Soxers with Sinatra, these are the Beto soxers, okay, they just want him, period. Now, it's clear that Beto O'Rourke is a rising Democratic star. The Obamas apparently are almost anointing him.

He's a potential 2020 aspirant but the darling of the Left now seems to be questioning whether our foundational document should even still apply, whether they're relevant at all, seriously. He told The Washington Post in an interview published today, "Does this still work? Can an empire like ours, with military presence in over 170 countries around the globe, with trading relationships and security agreements in every continent, can it still be managed by the same principles that were set down 230-plus years ago?

Well, he isn't the only democratic power player calling for radical reorganization of our democratic norms.

SEN. ELIZABETH WARRREN, D-MASS.: In 2016, nearly 3 million more people voted for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump but Trump took the presidency, that is not exactly the sign of a healthy democracy. Democracy hangs on the idea that whoever gets the most votes, wins.

INGRAHAM: California, New York, control the whole country. That's what our framers intended. All right, here now the history lesson for the 2020 power players, the Democrat party, former house speaker Newt Gingrich. Newt.

Okay we are going to get into a lot with you, we got judicial overreach, activists on the bench trying to thwart Trump, we're going to get there, we're going to get to Brexit but I got to hit this with you first, right off the bat. How are these ideas becoming mainstream? Questioning the constitution as O'Rourke clearly was doing?

NEWT GINGRICH, R-GA, FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Well, I mean, look, you have a very left wing media and the core of the left is essentially anti- American because it wants a level of radical change which the American constitutional system doesn't permit. So there's been - always been an underlying critique from the left.

To take the example of the popular vote. The truth is outside of California, Donald Trump won by a 12,00,000 votes. The entire margin for Hillary Clinton came in one state, a state in which Trump didn't even campaign because under the current rules, he knew he could win without it.

Yet, that can't - that's not good enough for some radical Democrats. The degree to which Democrats on the left dislike their own country, whether it is O'Rourke calling for rethinking the constitution or whether it is at least three Democratic Senators being overly anti-Catholic or several of new House members being overly anti-Semitic.

We need to understand, this is a left which is totally outside the American system and which if it had its way, would replace America with a very, very different model.

INGRAHAM: And Newt, it all seems like it's of a piece and it comes in different forms, in different shapes. Last night, people were celebrating the taking down of another Confederate era statue and that's a big cause for celebration in the left.

Interesting that you know some Democrats you know, they don't - they're not very popular but they say like, we like those statues to remain because it allows us to debate where we were, where we are now and it keeps the sweep of history in front of us instead of eradicating the memory of what happened before.

But same thing with the constitution, I mean, the constitution in many areas of the university is taught to be a creation of a bunch of old white - dead, white, racist guys so why should we listen to that. I mean and - but it's a toxic brew, both on the cultural front, educational front and you know concluding in the political front which is where we heard it.

GINGRICH: Look, anybody who takes seriously, the modern American left, want to go, look at Venezuela; look at Zimbabwe; look at all the places where they don't have constitutional protection; look at the million people in concentration camps in China from the Uighurs who are being brainwashed out of being Muslim.

I mean just go around the planet and look what happens when you don't have a constitution, the rule of law, exactly what Bill Bar was standing for today and I think we need to understand, the totalitarian left in this country doesn't want any memory left, that isn't their memory.

That's what they want statues torn down, they want books eliminated, they want speakers banned from campuses, they are determined to impose a very left wing world view and anything else gets automatically attacked.

INGRAHAM: And Newt, don't you like how Beto refers to the United States as an empire? I mean, what's the last country we've occupied and have taken over for our own you know purposes. I mean that's just kind of ridiculous, that's again straight out of some like Thursday night seminar at Harvard or something.

GINGRICH: One of the greatest lines was, Colin - General Colin Powell then Secretory of State who went to a World War II victory celebration and pointed out that the only land we had asked for was the cemeteries in what your young men and women were buried, who liberated Europe from Nazi Germany.

It is true that we have a worldwide reach, it's also true that Thomas Jefferson talked about being an empire of liberty but he meant, we want to be the beacon that people come to because most people want to live with freedom, most people don't want to live in a tyranny and most people in the long run, we want to have govern themselves on their terms.

INGRAHAM: Now, Newt, I want to move on to a really troubling development, speaking of anti-constitutional norms and trends, this is judicial resistance. It looks a whole lot like political activism.


INGRAHAM: An Obama appointee Judge Jesse Furman said Tuesday morning that the Trump administration's proposal to re-introduce citizenship question of the 2020 census is "unlawful."

Writing that, "the decision to add a citizenship question even if it did not violate the constitution itself was unlawful for a multitude of independent reasons and must be set aside." Now Newt, this is just one more example of judges seems - who seem to be substituting their own prudential legislative view or policy view for that of the executive.

How is it that we can't determine how many citizens and non-citizens are in the country, that's now unlawful?

GINGRICH: Well, look, that's exactly the same thing though. These judges are the judicial branch extension of the same crazy left-wing-ism that we were seeing from politicians, that we see on academic campuses, that we see in "The New York Times" and "The Washington Post." They just happen to have the power of judges.

And of course, one of the reasons that the left hates Trump is that Trump is appointing conservative judges who are going to follow the constitution and are going to permit freedom. And I think this is one of the things that most frightens the left. They have used judges deliberately to try to impose a radical agenda on America. We are gradually beating that back. Mitch McConnell deserves a lot of credit for taking the lead in getting through the Senate the largest number of judges in the first two years I think in American history. That's going to continue. But it's the same fight. These are all the same kind of people with the same crazy values, and they are all determined to impose on you and me and everybody else their particular worldview, whether in fact it's legal or not.

INGRAHAM: Newt, just the way you just summed it up, it's really quite something. They want to destroy the idea of separation of powers, they want to destroy the understanding of what the census would be, would be considered to be a plenary power of the executive determinant. On every level, they want to kind of smash the old norms and replace it with what? They want to replace it with a sort of an international understanding where America is just another cog in an international scheme of governmental control? I hate to say new world order, but this system corrupted has to be replaced by something. What is it replaced by?

GINGRICH: I think, if they were to succeed, it ultimately is replaced by a dictatorship of the left. And I think you have to understand that and you have to watch what they are doing. You have to watch the way in which they literally want to attack and drive out of public life anybody who doesn't agree with them. And whether they are doing it as judges, or they're doing it as reporters, or they're doing it in politics, it's all the same people in terms of their leftwing value system and their willingness to impose on all of us what they believe in.

INGRAHAM: Exactly. We don't have time, by the Little Sisters of the Poor, everything they did with the contraception mandate, another court ruling against the Trump administration today, he's getting hit on all issues all at once, seemingly, on the judicial front.

I want to get, though, -- hold on, Newt, I got to get into Brexit because it is one of the biggest deals globally. This vote sparked rousing debate across the pond. Let's watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do we opt for order or do we choose chaos? And that is the decision the house makes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The country deserves so much better than this totally inadequate agreement.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The ayes to the right, 202. The no's -- order! The ayes to the right, 202. The no's to the left, 432. So the no's have it.

JEREMY CORBYN, LABOR PARTY LEADER: -- no confidence in this government, and I'm pleased that motion will be debated tomorrow.


INGRAHAM: Oh, we could have gone on and on with Jeremy Corbyn. He was just getting into it there, Newt. But why should Americans watching all across the country, what does that vote today, rejecting Theresa May's deal on Brexit, remember it was voted in tw years ago, 2016, the big populist revolt, what does that tell us about the populist movement abroad, and then what lessons does it afford us here in the United States?

GINGRICH: Look, I think it's very parallel to the fight we are having in Washington right now. What you see is a popular rebellion against what is literally a 50-year-old elitist leftwing effort, both in Europe and in America, to create a system in which, if you are a professor or a lawyer or a bureaucrat, you acquired enormous power. And what happened in Europe has happened between the Greeks and the European government, the Italians of the European government, you are seeing it in France where they have been having riots, and you see in Great Britain where they voted to leave. So you are seeing the falling apart of what had been a European contract that the elites had worked desperately to create for the last half-century.

The same thing is happening here. The reason the left hates Trump -- and I think he is the most attacked president since Abraham Lincoln -- and the reason is, much like Lincoln, he represents a fundamental breakdown in the old order and a willingness to do new things in new ways. And as you saw with the FBI report, I listened to you earlier, they literally hate him.

What Theresa May tried to do is she tried to cleverly straddle the fence, and the guy who made the point, you have a choice between chaos and order, and by two to one they said they preferred chaos because they repudiate the order of the old left and refuse to be governed by it.

INGRAHAM: Newt Gingrich, this is a stunning development today in Britain. You are seeing this all across the European continent. Big election, big votes in Sweden, the immigration issue huge there. But the elites in all these governments reject the well of the people and what they really want, we are seeing play out right here in the United States. Newt Gingrich, always great to talk to you. Thank you so much.

GINGRICH: Good to see you.

INGRAHAM: And coming up, Democrats embarrassing themselves or show their authenticity. Trump's fast food fallout. And another Democrat will announce his intentions to run on late night TV tonight, or hers? A special Tuesday edition of "Seen and Unseen" with Raymond Arroyo up next.


INGRAHAM: It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment, where we expose the big cultural stories of the day.

Democrats are going to extreme lengths to prove their authenticity. They always had to do this. My truth. While the president is grilled over fast food. Joining us now with all the details, Raymond Arroyo, FOX News contributor and "New York Times" bestselling author of the upcoming phenomenal book "Will Wilder, The Amulet of Power." Raymond, we have seen a string of Democrats recent days. They're popping brews, getting dental work done on camera to show how normal they are.

RAYMOND ARROYO, CONTRIBUTOR: Now there's a new contestant of the authenticity contest. It's California Senator Kamala Harris. She took to Stephen Colbert's YouTube channel, and Colbert is now being apparently a rite of passage for these Democratic candidates, and they are trying to show -- and she is -- how down she is with the music scene. Watch.

INGRAHAM: Awesome.


SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D-CALIF.: Hey, it's, Kamala Harris, and this is my mood mix. A song that has always made me dance. Check the rhyme, A Tribe Called Quest. You know what I'm talking about Phife.


HARRIS: A song that has to be played loud because you have to hear the bass. "The Sun is Shining" by Bob Marley and the Wailers. Right?


HARRIS: The Sun is Shining and the rain --



ARROYO: Laura, what do I always say? If you can't sing, don't do it in public. This is always a bad idea. Here you have poor Elizabeth Warren trying to pass herself off as a barmaid in Iowa.

INGRAHAM: Her husband looks --

ARROYO: You've got Kamala Harris trying to be a D.J., none of this --

INGRAHAM: She has a nice laugh. I like her laugh.

ARROYO: Contrast all of this with the president, who hosted the Clemson championship team at the White House last night. He set up the White House dining room with a bounty of fast food, which he personally paid for owing to the shutdown.

INGRAHAM: Big spender.

ARROYO: It looked like he was announcing a new burger franchise at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Watch.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We have pizzas, we have 300 hamburgers, many, many French fries, all of our favorite foods. I want to see what is here when we leave, because I don't think it is going to be much.


ARROYO: Now, the point is to draw from this is, look at how effortlessly he is like with the people. He has not only come with a Big Mac and the Wendy props, but he speaks the language of the people.

INGRAHAM: They are not props. They're real food.

ARROYO: But the food itself, it reinforces -- he doesn't have to strain. He's not doing anything outside of his comfort zone, and therefore he looks more comfortable in his own skin. That is a lesson that the Democrats could really take from him.

INGRAHAM: Remember, the Obama diaries, Michelle and those diaries, Michelle Obama is always talking about, she loves French fries but she didn't want to eat French fries. It was always this push and pull with the food. But Trump is like, this is the food I eat, and it's pretty good.

ARROYO: There was a side comment about salads that really got some in the media --

INGRAHAM: They are always upset.


TRUMP: I had a choice. Do we have no food for you? Because we have a shutdown. Or do we give you some little quick salads that the first lady would make along with the second lady? They'll make some salads? And I said, you guys aren't into salads.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's incredibly sexist. We aren't all here to make salads for men.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is one of those things were sometimes what people say when they are being funny, it exposes exactly who they are and what they think.


ARROYO: They are saying that this was sexist. I don't think this is any more sexist than Mrs. Warren asking her husband to grab her a brew.

INGRAHAM: I didn't like how she hit her husband on the behind.


INGRAHAM: That was abuse. No, I'm joking.

ARROYO: By the way, Laura, the Clemson players loved the White House spread. Hunter Renfrow, a wide receiver on the team --


ARROYO: We get to tell our kids that we ate Big Macs and a Whopper at the White House, and that is something you could tell everyone forever. I loved it. I think that was a general reaction. By the way, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, this is breaking tonight, is also getting into the authenticity parade. She made an important announcement to Colbert.


STEPHEN COLBERT, HOST, "THE LATE SHOW": Do you have anything you would like to announce?



COLBERT: And what would that be, madam?

GILLIBRAND: I'm filing an exploratory committee for president of the United States tonight.

COLBERT: Tonight?


ARROYO: That coy, coquettish thing with holding his hand -- I don't know how that plays. What you need is a credible -- if you're going to run against Donald Trump, run as a credible statesman who can take back the narrative.

INGRAHAM: I like the fact they are doing it on Colbert because it's all a joke. It's all kind of a joke. But she is running, old de Blasio was toying around the idea, his date of the city --

ARROYO: Joe Biden.

INGRAHAM: Cuomo was doing his big rebrand of I love New York, and it's like New York state is not for hate today. So they are all kind of getting into the authenticity thing. The most authentic person out there was Trump with the Big Macs. I'm sorry, I loved it.

ARROYO: He's got that comic timing. It's hard to beat. He's comfortable in the skip.

INGRAHAM: We lost a legend.

ARROYO: We did. We lost a Broadway legend. Carol Channing died at 97- years-old. Laura, I saw her many times live. This is a woman she of course became Dolly Levi for generations of Americans. 1964, the first production of this, she did two more revivals. I saw those two revivals. Almost 6,000 performances, live performances, of this role, an incredible legend.

And I was thinking today, there was another first. She was the first performer to sing at a halftime Super Bowl show in 1970, there it is, in New Orleans. And today is Drew Brees birthday. That must mean something, Laura Ingraham. Who dat.

INGRAHAM: We can't get through a show without Arroyo mentioning New Orleans or the Saints. My kids are even who dat fans.

ARROYO: The who dat nation is on the move.

INGRAHAM: But is Broadway dim tonight for Carol Channing?

ARROYO: Tomorrow night they will dim the lights.

INGRAHAM: They better be. She was an unbelievable talent and a really fun person. She had a great sense of humor.

ARROYO: She kept it fresh. What a performer.

INGRAHAM: There aren't many like her, or none like her. Angela Lansbury is the last of those.

ARROYO: Yes, that legend.

INGRAHAM: Coming up, what happens when a racially obsessed commentator tells a conservative person of color to check his white privilege? That's tricky. Here to tell us, next.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: White people call the police on black people for falling asleep in dorms, for barbecuing at the park, for playing golf too slow. You all need to fall back and reassess your life, and stop with the white privilege.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When you just played clip of Senator Hatch, my thought was, wow, male white privilege does not go with age, does it?

REV. AL SHARPTON: We are still dealing in a nation where white privilege is a reality.


INGRAHAM: The obsession from the left over ascribing every slight to white privilege has led to some pretty ugly accusations, but perhaps none as embarrassing as this following exchange that took place on the radio earlier today.


DAVID WEBB, CONTRIBUTOR: I never considered my color the issue. I consider my qualifications the issue.

AREVA MARTIN: David, that as a whole another long conversation about five privilege, the thing that you have the privilege of doing that people of color don't have the privilege of.

WEBB: How do I have the privilege of white privilege?

MARTIN: David, by virtue of being a white male, you have white privilege. It's a whole long conversation. I don't have the time --

WEBB: Areva, I hate to break it to you, but you should have been better prepped. I'm black.

MARTIN: OK, then I --

WEBB: See, you went to white privilege. This is the falsehood in this.


INGRAHAM: That tells us a lot about the dangerous and reactionary impulses on the left. They always have got to go to the race issue.

Here now, the man on the other side of that accusation, David Webb, FOX News contributor, host of Fox Nation's "Reality Check," and Democratic strategist Antjuan Seawright. We were talking football during break, we have to move to another --

WEBB: We agree on football.

INGRAHAM: We agree on a lot of football. What a mix up on getting bad information, I kind of felt bad for her. I think everything on the white privilege stuff is way overplayed. But people make mistakes on air. She didn't know. But that was her default thing to go to. Actually, I'm getting soft. I felt too bad for her.

WEBB: You're going a little soft.

INGRAHAM: Antjuan is like, what a show am I on? Antjuan is like, I'm leaving the set now.


WEBB: This was about 12 minutes into an interview where, to be fair, we had a fair exchange, differing ideas and a number of topics, the legal profession, which you know well, and other things. But when we went down that path about qualifications and media, and I explained my background to her, started in rock radio, working through different formats. I talked about qualifications the way I was taught. It's the ease of which she went to white privilege. Forget for a moment that she wasn't prepped. Forget for the moment that she threw her team under the bus in her apology by throwing her team in there. And then she goes so easily to, you're white, the assumption you are talking to someone on the patriot channel, a conservative channel, they must be white is the only thing I can come up with. But the dodge, we can't excuse it, Laura. It is absolutely reprehensible. And I told her, I said I'm insulted.

INGRAHAM: I think it's racist. I think it's racist to refer to someone's color of skin instead of arguing the point. Argue the point.

WEBB: When I was at oxford a couple of years ago --

INGRAHAM: Just throw that in there.

WEBB: We had this debate, you showed Al Sharpton, and I was supposed to debate --

ANTJUAN SEAWRIGHT: Talk about privilege.


WEBB: I was supposed to debate Al Sharpton on the principle that, or the preposition, that America is institutionally racist. You know what I did? I said our skin is an organ, it does not think, it does not formulate ideas. It is the result of our parentage. That's it.

INGRAHAM: Antjuan?

SEAWRIGHT: I'm sorry that happened to you, but we cannot ignore the fact that, yes, white privilege exists in our country, just as racism and prejudice and all the things -- I'm sorry that happened to you. And at the end of the day I think you and I both have a responsibility to call balls and strikes when these things happen. Again, I'm sorry it happened to you. And we have to be careful. Those of us who want to use white privilege --

WEBB: To be fair --

SEAWRIGHT: Let me say --

WEBB: Finish your point, and then I have a quick question.

SEAWRIGHT: On the other side, there are a lot of people who will say Antjuan Seawright is a race baiter, or that is my default because I disagree with them because I see things out of a different lens. And I think we all have to be careful how we do that.

WEBB: I can debate that, but I asked her a question after that. And it was a really simple question, in a majority black country, say in Africa, those with privilege, are they exhibiting black privilege, applying the logic that is used by those who apply white privilege in this country? That is what makes it's false. If you want to talk about economic situations, privilege classes versus non-privileged, that's different. But to ascribe it to the color of skin is the falsehood in this.

INGRAHAM: And also, it's kind of a shorthand for things that may not be there. You can grow up as a middle-class white kid in a suburb of Hartford, Connecticut, what I did, or you can grow up as a really rich white kid in Greenwich, maybe have a totally different worldview, maybe you agree on issues. You can grow up an African-American kid in a poor neighborhood or in a wealthier neighborhood. It doesn't necessarily mean that we are privileged, which is a shorthand, I think -- I don't think it brings people closer together. I really don't.

SEAWRIGHT: When these things happen, it gives people an out when we try to call it what is true racism and what is true privilege. It gives people an out to say, you know what, that's not true. That's your default.

WEBB: How did she describe white privilege to me?

INGRAHAM: Because she did not have a substantive answer to the argument.

SEAWRIGHT: Your situation is unique.

INGRAHAM: Hold on. I've got to play this NBC montage, again, about the issue of white privilege and how deep it is for some people. Let's watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I will always be a recovering racist.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I believe that every white person has racism within them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have so much implicit bias, it makes me laugh and cry at the same time.


INGRAHAM: It makes me laugh and cry for another reason.

WEBB: Real quick, I come from a multiethnic background that goes all over the world. My family never treated privilege with anything more than what you have earned. Privilege is earned in life, not an attack based on skin color.

INGRAHAM: Who are you in here, not here.

SEAWRIGHT: Our lives are the sum total of our experiences, we all have different experiences, and I think that is important to recognize that, but we have to call balls and strikes.

INGRAHAM: I love the fact that you are both here tonight. Great to see you, not in Washington, but in New York.

All right, guys, a moment from the Bill Barr hearing that you might have missed. It's our Last Bite, next.


INGRAHAM: All right, the Last Bite.

While many were focused today on Barr's testimony, Senator Amy Klobuchar noted someone else stealing the show.


SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR, D-MINN.: I take it as a positive that your grandson has gotten out a pen and a pad of paper to take notes during my questions.



INGRAHAM: An “Ingraham Angle” investigation revealed what eight-year-old Liam was writing. And his notes it says in part, "Dear, grandpa, I love you so much. You're doing great so far. I'm having so much fun." Then, some foreign policy advice, "P.S. I think Russia's people are fine. It's the government, that's the problem."

OK. Little Henry Kissinger there. Oh, that's just the best.

Now, Shannon Bream and the "Fox News @ Night" team. Taking over.

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