Clinton, Holder under fire for political incivility comments

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 11, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: Hello, everybody. I'm Jesse Watters along with Jedediah Bila, Juan Williams, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."

It's the event everybody is talking about, Kanye West's America first sit down with President Trump at the White House.


KANYE WEST, ARTIST: You know they try to scare me to not wear this hat, my old friends. But this hat it gives me power, in a way.


WATTERS: We're going to have more of Kanye in the West Wing ahead. But first, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, and Eric Holder are under fire for their recent comments attacking Republicans.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.

ERIC HOLDER, FORMER U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: Michelle would say, you know, when they go low, we go high. No, no. When they go low, we kick them.


WATTERS: President Trump's responding to Holder.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Better be careful what he's wishing for, that I can tell you. He better be careful what he's wishing for.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: What do you mean?

TRUMP: That's a disgusting statement for him to make. For him to make a statement like that is a very dangerous statement. You know, they talk about us. We are exactly opposite.


WATTERS: And Congressman Steve Scalise, who was shot by a deranged left-wing gunman, is calling out the left's mob mentality. Writing, quote, if they want change, they need to convince people with their ideas and actually win elections rather than call for violent resistance, harassment, and mob rule. Meanwhile, Holder is predictably backtracking. Tweeting, quote, OK, stop the fake outrage. I'm obviously not advocating violence. In fact, when I was A.G., violent crime in the U.S. was historically low. I'm saying Republicans are undermining our democracy and Democrats need to be tough, proud, and stand up for the values we believe in. The end. All right. Dana, one of the things that really works in politics is when you make your political opponents fight amongst each other.


WATTERS: And that's what's happening right now. You have Michelle Obama, Hillary, Eric Holder, all fighting amongst each other and that helps the right.

PERINO: You know who would not have apologized? Michael Avenatti.

WATTERS: Oh, that's true.

PERINO: And I do think that there's something about the wings, especially on the left-wing right now, wanting a fighter. Someone who's going to stand, like, why would you apologize for that? Obviously, one, you could say he got a laugh out of the crowd. President Trump says lots of things to get laughs from the crowd. And what does the left says? We can't believe he said that. It was terrible, right? And now the right is saying that about Eric Holder.


PERINO: It's all about proportionality.

WATTERS: I'm going to use that fake outrage next time I say something controversial.

PERINO: Fake outrage. But Avenatti would not have apologized.

WATTERS: No, he wouldn't. He would have doubled down.

PERINO: Exactly.

WATTERS: Greg, it's funny the Democrats debating on whether to take the high road. I don't think they've ever taken the high road.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Yeah. Accusing an innocent man of gang rape for about two weeks is not exactly the high road. And where does Scalise get off lecturing people about violence. Anyway, I will say this, before I get into my serious -- I actually believe what Holder is saying because I believe in the principle that you don't take the worst meaning or the worst intention of what somebody is saying. I don't believe he was inciting violence. He was basically saying you have to fight harder. Having said that, accusations of incivility, in my opinion, don't bug me at all. I think incivility is actually pretty good because it reduces the chance for violence. If you're uncivil with each other, it might mean you might not punch.

The thing that bothers me is the incitement and enabling of a mob. So when you have Netflix employees, for example, stalking Kilmeade in order for a show on Netflix, and then inciting the passengers on the subway to join in in this orgy of persecution. What you have to look for is you have to look at people like that because persecution is like this contagion. It's like when you're in a mob, it spread through repetition. It can happen very easily. And I think we need to contrast words, again, and deeds. What Holder is saying is words. But you've got to look at the deeds. People are comparing Donald Trump, you know, his words, to left-wing deeds. I get it. Trump can be rude, his jokes can be mean, but there's no right-wing Antifa or occupy Wall Street. There's no right-wing Scalise shooting. There's no right-wing mob chasing people out of restaurants or Broadway plays. And there's no right-wing Netflix employees because nobody who's right-wing works at Netflix.

WATTERS: Yeah, right. So when Holder says something like this, I didn't think he was actually talking about literally kicking Republicans with his foot.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: I'm glad to hear that.

WATTERS: I think most people think that. But what's Greg's point is that in the context of all the other deeds that have gone on in the last week, month, year, where there's been violence and threats and things like that, it doesn't add anything to the conversation in a positive way.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I think it does. I think both Dana and Greg said to you, Jesse, that want Democrats want are people who are going to stand up and fight for the Democratic brand. Right now Republicans control the White House, the congress, and the Supreme Court. And oftentimes they feel like -- remember that USA Today piece the president wrote this week? They think he gets away with saying things that are untrue, and nobody is standing up and says, hey, this guy is misleading you, Republicans. Hey, where did you go, Republican Party? Come on back. Don't need to become Trumpian. But here's the thing, I listen all you guys, I think, wait a second. What kind of one-sided presentation is this? This is the guy who was at rallies this week and he's got the crowd yelling lock her up. Not about Hillary, it was Dianne Feinstein.

GUTFELD: Clever.

WILLIAMS: Clever. OK, just to give him credit. But at the same time, when Holder says Democrats need to stand up -- I just think that's crazy.

GUTFELD: But we didn't say that.

WILLIAMS: No. And then you say there's no shooting? Oh, my gosh. Steve Scalise was -- that was an act of horror. But you've got to admit, they went into a pizza parlor in Washington.

PERINO: Pizza parlor thing, though.


PERINO: You've brought this up every time.

WILLIAMS: I bring it up, OK. What about Charlottesville? Did they run over somebody at Charlottesville? Was that a right-wing mob?

GUTFELD: One person and they're nuts.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see.

PERINO: I think Charlottesville.


GUTFELD: Let me finish. When it comes to Republicans, we've got to be honest, it's a bug in the system. When it comes to the left, it's the system. You've guys had the weather underground, the SLA, the Black Panthers, the Manson family, Antifa. The Republicans have nothing like that.

WILLIAMS: You have white nationalists. You have --


WATTERS: Jedediah, what do you think?

JEDEDIAH BILA, GUEST CO-HOST: You know, it's interesting, you both gave Holder the benefit of the doubt and that's great. I probably would too. But he wouldn't give you -- if one of you said that, you can forget it.

GUTFELD: That's true.

BILA: He wouldn't have your back at all. I think this all started with the refusal to accept that Trump had won. And it started with that and people on the left said, you know what, this was not a proper election. And they've incited everybody to say that this election was not tangible and they should rally against it and it started with Maxine Waters. And I think the difference is these are leaders -- these are many leaders now in the Democratic Party. You know, people talk to me all the time. Oh, tea party rallies, you know, the signs they saw at tea party rallies. I don't want to hear about signs and have that signs of people at a rally, which, by the way, I've never saw an offensive sign. I went to a million rallies, never saw one.

I don't want to hear that compared to leaders in the Democratic Party, Holder, Hillary Clinton who could have been president, coming out and saying outrageous things. And good on Michelle Obama, by the way, who came out and said this is not acceptable what's going on. I'm sure Hillary Clinton was not happy with her, but I commend that because I think when something like this happens, it's important for people within the party itself to stand up to it. So any Democrat that comes out and stand up to this, I salute them as well.

WILLIAMS: I wish the Republicans would stand for some of the outrageous things.

BILA: Many Republicans criticized Donald Trump when he says something that is not appropriate. We are very willing to say he shouldn't tweeted that. He shouldn't have said it.


WATTERS: I want to differentiate between what we're talking about, though. And I don't want to litigate political violence here. But Greg was bringing up a lot of examples, and I was, yesterday, of left-wing attacks on Republican officials, cabinet members, Trump family members, elected officials. There's been violence perpetrated by the right on the left in the streets, and that's awful and that's random. But when you're going after political leadership in a democracy that takes it to a higher level and I think that's the difference.

WILLIAMS: What -- going after political leadership?

WATTERS: Ricin, threats against family members, chasing them around in the streets.



WATTERS: What I'm saying is that an attack on a political leadership and not something -- you know, driving into a car or shooting up a random pizza place, it's like -- and I'm not excusing them. I'm saying it's different categorically.

WILLIAMS: What? So it's different if someone stands up and says, hey, I disagree with you. I think Mitch McConnell, what you did denying Merkel, and I'm in this airport and I'm going to let you hear it. That's not American?

BILA: Harassing somebody out of a restaurant?

WATTERS: . Maxine Waters approach.

WILLIAMS: What's Maxine saying?

WATTERS: Chasing people through restaurants.


WILLIAMS: You are so dramatic. I thought she said was its OK to stand up.


WATTERS: All right. Anyway, coming up, will Democrats smears against Kavanaugh sink them in the midterms? Trump's latest attacks, next.


PERINO: All right. The Kavanaugh confirmation battle has become a midterm flash point that's firing up conservatives, giving Republicans a new issue to attack Democrats on. President Trump telling Fox & Friends about the impact of what's being called the Brett bounce.


TRUMP: We've got so many people saying I wish you were running. I'd be out there voting. And, you know, I'm not going to do it now because you're not running. I said, do me a favor, do it. Just go out and vote. That's what I'm telling in my rallies. Go out and vote. Because, historically, whoever wins the presidency, as you know better than anybody, they don't do well in midterms. I think this is different. The economy is the best it's ever been, ever. Plus, I really think that Justice Kavanaugh, the way he was treated so horribly. This is a fine man. What they did to him and his family, the Democrats, I don't think people are going to forget that so quickly. But I really think the Republicans are very energized, much more so now than two or three weeks ago.


PERINO: We'll take it around the table now. Greg, some people suggest that the Brett bounce is really just a sugar high.


PERINO: But you know a lot about nutrition. So I'm wondering, do you think it's more like a protein meal?

GUTFELD: I think it's an analogy. I have another one, I felt like the Kavanaugh bounce is more like the charge on your smartphone. So every day, if you don't plug it in, you lose energy. And the goal of the Republicans is to keep that phone charged. And the only way you're going to keep that phone charged is with anger, which is what -- the Democrats are doing the same thing. They're relying on anger. But the problem with the Democrats, it's been the same anger for two years. The phone is already charged. So I don't know if you can add more charged to that phone. However, the Republicans, you know, they're charged but now -- every day it's going to get a little bit less. So the Trump rallies are a way to plug that phone back in, get that charge backup. I am now exhausted that analogy.

PERINO: Pretty good though. Jedediah, is it anger or their eyes have been opened?

BILA: I think it's a little bit of both. And I think it's the moderate Republicans that are actually enraged right now because some of those people that might have been inclined to stay home or weren't. So now we're seeing Democrats and saying, well, this is beyond the pale. These are people who really don't play fair. And, you know, the vast majority of the country does believe in presumption of innocence. There's so many people in this country that regardless of their party lines are saying that the way Kavanaugh was treated, not just by Democrats but by the media, it was horrific. And many people who maybe don't buy into that philosophy of, oh, the media hate conservatives -- they're not part of that conservative really hard-core base. They're sitting back and saying maybe they do have a point because they watch what this guy was put through and how he was painted and they were completely appalled by it. So I think a lot of those people that may not have been pushed to vote are now saying, wait a minute, these Democrats are really -- went off the rails, and now I have to get out there because I'm fighting for basic tenets of our republic.

PERINO: Juan, Senate Democrats that are running in red states or reelection, they've already had tough races. And now it looks like Republicans even pulling ahead in Nevada, and certainly in Tennessee.

WILLIAMS: Right. So the race in Tennessee, obviously, now down bigger than he ever was to Marsha Blackburn. And in some states you see -- especially states that were purplish to red because it's energized the Republican votes there. But if you contrast that with what's going on, on the house level, it may have had a flip reaction, especially in terms of women, and suburban white women in particular. But overall, I think this emphasis from Republicans and the president on Kavanaugh is because that -- guess what, they haven't found something that's worked with voters for the midterms. So clearly, they'd hoped the tax cuts would work but it didn't work. They've hope the economy, the president even reference that on Fox & Friends today.

And, again, most Americans don't think that the economy is a topic to vote on. The president had an op-ed that we've talked about a moment ago in USA Today this week, it was on -- guess what topic, health care. But again, that's the number one topic in these midterms, health care, and he's trying to position himself as not undercutting Obamacare or Medicare. But again, he's scaring people. And I'm not sure he's telling the truth.

PERINO: Jesse, is it just about Brett Kavanaugh and the Supreme Court or is the Republicans deciding we've got to get behind -- or we've got to unite and get behind President Trump or else the left is going to do to us what they did to Brett Kavanaugh.

WATTERS: I'm glad that you mentioned that, Dana. There's a great piece in The Federalist today, which I was reading earlier, how Kavanaugh's confirmation finally united the right under Trump by Brad Todd, two first names. How do you feel about that?

GUTFELD: I'm against that.

WATTERS: OK. So, you know, read this at your risk. And it goes to what Jedediah was saying that some of these maybe moderate Republicans that weren't super jazz about Trumpism have now really coalesced behind them. And to Juan's point, I don't think that the economy or the tax cuts wasn't working and they were flailing around looking for other things, I think you build on success, and the Kavanaugh confirmation was just another successful point. But the Democrats can't get out of their own way. They stepped into a hornets nest and instead of running away, they're lingering around and they keep getting stung. They keep talking about the definition of a mob. They keep talking about impeachment. And they can let the Kavanaugh thing go when they should pivot and talk about health care, or college costs, or Mueller, whatever they need to do.

BILA: Don't help them out.

WATTERS: They're probably not taking advise from me. But I think the point is that it wasn't just the Kavanaugh confirmation that fired up the right. I think it was watching the hysterical, desperate behavior of some of these left-wing activists. Their antics turn people off. And it showed average voters -- it kinds of give them a window into the soul of the Democratic Party. This is how crazy these people are. And if you think about it this crazy now.


WATTERS: . imagine if they don't retake the house. I'm buying a bunker.

WILLIAMS: I think I have to go to a Trump rally, see how crazy.

PERINO: They can't blame the Electoral College for that. They'll blame gerrymandering.

GUTFELD: I hate that guy.

PERINO: It's actually was a guy.

GUTFELD: Was he?


PERINO: Kanye West (INAUDIBLE) America first policy during their free-flowing Oval Office meeting. But first, Melania Trump response to social media attacks. That's ahead on "The Five."


WILLIAMS: First lady Melania Trump with some stunning revelations about the president's inner circle at the White House.


TOM LLAMAS, ABC NEWS: He's been in office now almost two years. Has he had people that you didn't trust working for him?


LLAMAS: Did you let him know?

MELANIA TRUMP: I let him know.

LLAMAS: And what did you do?

MELANIA TRUMP: Well, some people, they don't work there anymore.

LLAMAS: Do you think there's still people there that he can't trust?


LLAMAS: Still working now?



WILLIAMS: Mrs. Trump also pushing back against social media attacks that she said inspired her to launch her Be Best campaign.


MELANIA TRUMP: I could say I'm the most bullied person on the world.

LLAMAS: You think you're the most bullied person on the world?

MELANIA TRUMP: One of them, if you really see what people saying about me. That's why, you know, my Be Best initiative is focusing on social media and online behavior.


WILLIAMS: Jedediah, boy, she's the most bullied person in the world or one of them?

BILA: She does get bullied a lot. I've seen her bullied for her accent. Everybody -- you know the first thing they look at is whether she's wearing an appropriate outfit all the time. She just got bullied for that hat that she had on. Before that it was the jacket, you know. So I think that's fair. I mean, I think every first lady, to be fair, gets bullied, you know, to a certain degree. Michelle Obama certainly took a lot of heat as well. But why is it controversial for her to say that? Let's say if Michelle Obama have come out and said, listen, I get bullied a lot from, you know, by folks on the right, everybody would have said, yeah, that's probably true. But because she said it, I saw all over twitter from people on the left, they were critiquing her and saying, well, how dare she say that. I think she takes a lot of heat. She's right.

WILLIAMS: I think she takes criticism. I think that's different than being bullied, but I hear your point.


PERINO: About her campaign to focus on social media bullying is that if you are attacked on social media, you think you are the most bullied person in the world. It doesn't matter if it's like ten people or something. It's all perception.

BILA: Right.

PERINO: And that's why she trying to encourage everybody to just be nice. The one thing about this that maybe tomorrow night on 20/20 we'll see something different is that -- she went to Africa. She was representing the United States. She was saying that we care about you and the human conditions. She met with children. She took books. She went and saw the elephants which are endangered. I mean, she did a lot of things rather than just having to worry about who's in the west wing. Maybe they asked her about it. We'll see tomorrow night.

WILLIAMS: And, Jesse, she also said that she supports women being heard. She would prefer if they had evidence, but she wants the idea -- so this fits with the fact that I think it's the plurality of Americans believe Professor Ford, but, you know, what do you think of her saying.

WATTERS: I wouldn't take what you said to be what she said. She certainly has a flair for the dramatic, like her husband. I mean, she goes over there with some really dashing outfits and then does this network interview and stokes palace intrigue and says she's the one that's being bullied and flips the whole script on the media. And I agree with Jedediah. I mean, from the shoes.

BILA: Yeah, you can't win.

WATTERS: . and the jacket. And remember when she was recovering from surgery and then they were stoking all these rumors about something scandalous going on. And, you know, probably the most beautiful and glamorous and exotic first lady America has ever had. She does not get treated the way other first ladies have. She does not get these glossy magazine spreads. She does not get these kinds of beautiful puff piece interviews the way Hillary did, or Michelle Obama. And she showed she still got juice in the White House. There was that moment when she, you know -- when you tell your husband about these people that are backstabbing. What happens? Well, they're not there anymore. So she does have influence and I think she wilted really responsibly.

WILLIAMS: So, Greg, you pick up from our friends here, there's a lot of talk about how she was dressed in Africa, specifically that pith helmet that some people say reminded them of colonial days in Africa. And a contrast to, I don't care, the stuff she wore on the back of the jacket. Some people say, oh, you know what? Fashion does send a message. Is that fair?

GUTFELD: I think, you know, we're fairly superficial people. If you ask any journalist who is involved in the entertainment world, they'd much rather write about her hat than any kind of issues. So it's an easy hook. I think that she -- you know, I don't think anybody has taken this kind of heat. I would disagree. I don't think Michelle Obama got even a smidgen of the kind of abuse she gets. And I do think her predicament has made her isolated. She's one-of-a-kind. She wasn't born here. She came here. I've said this before. If my spouse became president of Ukraine, and I moved to the Ukraine as the first man, I don't think I could handle the situation with one iota of how she.


WATTERS: Analyzing your shoes and jacket and outfit.

GUTFELD: I would never leave the house. I'd be ordering pizzas. I would have a taster for the pizza. She's definitely the best first lady since Mary Todd Lincoln.

WATTERS: Don't you stay in and order food now?

GUTFELD: Yes. In case somebody from the Ukraine is looking for me.

WILLIAMS: I know, I couldn't find you last night. Kanye praising the president, Greg's monologue and the must-see moment from the west wing love affair, up next.


GUTFELD: So Kanye went to the White House. I wonder if they tried to scare him into not wearing his hat:


KANYE WEST, HIP-HOP STAR: You know, they tried to scare me to not wear this hat, my own friends. But this hat, it gives me -- it gives me power in a way.

I love Hillary. I love everyone. Right? But the campaign "I'm With Her," just didn't make me feel, as a guy that didn't get to see my dad all the time, like a guy that could play catch with his son. It was something about when I put this hat on, it made me feel like Superman. You made a Superman. That's my favorite superhero. And you make a Superman cape for me.


GUTFELD: When the president doesn't look good, America doesn't look good:


WEST: If he don't look good, we don't look good. This is our president. He has to be the freshest, the flyest, the flyest planes, the best factories. And we have to make our core re-empower. We have to bring jobs into America. And we're putting people in position to have to do illegal things to end up in the cheapest factory ever: the prison system.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I'll tell you what, that was pretty impressive.


GUTFELD: It was pretty impressive. Because all we really have is today:


WEST: All we really have is today. We just have today. Over and over and over again. The eternal return, the hero's journey. And Trump is on his hero's journey right now, and he might not have expected to have a crazy (EXPLETIVE DELETED) like Kanye West run up and support. But best believe we are gonna make America great.


GUTFELD: So just another day in Trump world. This really is a new frontier, full of incredible allies and surreal surprises. After being told it was going to be the apocalypse, we have a booming economy, ridiculously low unemployment, a new justice, no big, ugly wars, progress in trade, and peace is breaking out among the Koreas. And now you have the world's biggest male pop star going to the White House to discuss big issues and getting what seems to be a real concession. You'd think he would receive media complain -- acclaim for trying. You'd be wrong.


ALI VELSHI, MSNBC: That was bonkers.

STEPHANIE RUHLE, MSNBC:: If you think you're going to get a thoughtful play-by-play and political analysis, you're not. Because that was an assault on our White House.

VELSHI: That was crazy. That was bonkers.


GUTFELD: Such ridicule by those who would never, ever think of taking such risks. They called the event bonkers and crazy -- dog whistles meant to bring up Kanye's mental state. Sorry, Steph, if you use mental illness as a disqualifying factor to express opinion, you'd have no guests on your network.

So after today, expect a pile-on. "SNL" will do a skit that will be much less entertaining than the real thing. And the mean girls at CNN will call him names, like they did last night:


TARA SETMAYER, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: And he's an attention whore like the president. He's all of a sudden now the model spokesperson. He's the token Negro of the Trump administration.


GUTFELD: Here's some advice: When you're on TV giving a hot take in front of a dwindling audience, I'd hold off on the accusations of attention-seeking.

But West can handle it. None of this bothers him, because he's on a mission, and the risk he's taking, extending an olive branch to someone that the media demands he should condemn, lifts him above and beyond the abysmal groupthink of the entertainment world, especially when he does this.


WEST: I love this guy right here. Let me give this guy a hug. I love this guy right here.

TRUMP: That's really nice.

Jim, Kanye, I appreciate it. So let's go have some lunch.


GUTFELD: "Let's go have some lunch." Why bother? You just ate the Democrats.

Hey, Jesse, we were talking about this. There's something actually very powerful -- it was just a -- I found it to be very powerful. Maybe -- I don't know.

WATTERS: It was a very special moment. Just think about the raw talent in that room. Jim Brown, one of the greatest running backs ever; Kanye West, one of the most talented artists of all time. And Donald Trump, talented politician and businessman. All sitting together. And it was a real special moment.

You played a really important sound bite, and it was the sound bite where Kanye said this. Because China has stolen all of our factory jobs from the inner cities and from the core of America, it's gotten to the point where young black Americans are now taking risks and doing illegal things to feed their family, because they don't have access to good jobs on the streets anymore. And they're getting put in jail.

And if you can solve that problem, and if you can get on, if you can get black America buy into the "America first" agenda, to the made-in-America agenda, to the trade agenda, to the energy agenda, that's going to have a huge impact on this country, where you have people coming together of all stripes -- of all stripes -- and fighting for a nationalistic, patriotic economic agenda for this country. It's really special.

And the media already framing it as negative. They're saying this was an angry rant. When Taylor Swift or Katy Perry, they do those things, they're called, you know, expressions, soulful expressions, passionate. You don't hear that. So you've got to really keep in mind that the media is trying to trick your mind. And I just thought everybody needs to watch the raw of this footage. Because it was even more than you played. It was -- it was really eye-opening.

GUTFELD: Yes. Juan, there was a moment which I think you would have admired, which is he went in there and he complemented Donald Trump and then he slipped in what he -- what he believed was important, that they had to stop stop -- they have to stop "stop and frisk" in Chicago, because it's destructive. And the look on Trump's face was like, OK.

And it was like, so actually -- I mean, you can laugh at him. You can love him. You can hate him, but he actually got a concession, I believe, out of Trump just by doing that.

WILLIAMS: I was going to ask, what concession? Do you think that -- do you think that Trump now is going to back off of the stop and frisk?

GUTFELD: I think that Trump has gotten so much out of this. And I think there is a genuine affection between these two men that he will probably get something out of, in exchange for something else.

WILLIAMS: OK, but I didn't see any major concession on the table, because I didn't see substance. Instead, what I see is a celebrity.

And by the way, I don't understand -- I mean, I think that the Oval Office should be treated with some respect, and the idea he goes in there and is using such awful language, I don't think that's very cool.

WATTERS: Was Bill Clinton respectful in that office?

WILLIAMS: Let me just say -- let me just say, this is what we heard from Republicans. But now, with this, "Oh, it's OK."

But here's the thing about this guy. I just don't understand why it is that, you know, people would think this is about the black community. To the contrary. This is Trump, I think, speaking to his white backers and saying, "I'm not a racist."

BILA: Come on.

WILLIAMS: "Here's this guy, here's Kanye West. He's here with me so all these --"


GUTFELD: -- make a change, Juan.

WILLIAMS: "All these things about me calling people dogs and coming from s-hole countries, and my -- don't worry about it. Here's Kanye."

Kanye is being used.


GUTFELD: If a white person is actually having a conversation with a black leader, your answer is to --

WILLIAMS: If a white person?

GUTFELD: -- always to appease white racists.

WILLIAMS: No, Greg, come on. This behavior by Trump didn't start yesterday. It started -- remember, he had black people coming in, like Jim Brown, like Steve Harvey. Remember this? And Kanye West. Right over there at Trump Tower. And again, what came out of it? Zero. So this is the point. This is the --

GUTFELD: This is called progress.

WILLIAMS: So this is progress in terms of Trump trying to say, "You know what? Forget Charlotte -- forget all the things I've done."

BILA: No, come on.

WILLIAMS: "I have a black friend, Kanye West."

BILA: If Kanye wanted to go to the White House and talk to Trump, and Trump said no, he would be labeled racist. If Kanye wants to go to the White House and talk to Trump, he gets labeled racist. The guy can't win.

WILLIAMS: Believe me, he is a prop.

BILA: You have to give Kanye credit. I don't always agree with him.

GUTFELD: Give him props.

BILA: Sometimes I don't understand what he's saying, to be perfectly frank, but he goes in. He speaks his mind and he knows -- Kanye West knows that he's going to be abused by everybody in Hollywood and everyone in his little bubble out there. They're going to make fun of him. They're going to berate him and he doesn't care.

And frankly that is inspirational. Because in this time, we should be telling everybody if you have something to say, if you want to go and talk to the president of the United States and have the opportunity to do that, even if you don't agree with him on everything, and you can put policy issues on the table, whether it's stop and frisk or whatever it is and you can bring -- look, we're talking about stop and frisk. That's an accomplishment, because now everybody's talking about it.

WILLIAMS: Let me just say quickly that I don't think that, when you have this guy standing up there and saying, "Let's do away with the 13th Amendment," which ended slavery in this country, you say, "Hmm, I think something is wrong with him."

GUTFELD: There were some substance behind that which we can't touch on, Dana. I do think that what you are seeing is somebody who's willing to sacrifice his -- his cool credentials, because he believes in it.

PERINO: You mean Kanye?

GUTFELD: Yes. And the message is not a single negative message in there.

PERINO: Well, it can be. When you're in a position where you have the freedom and the financial security to be able to, like, take a risk and do what you want, then you could be a leader in a different way. Right?

I also think that everyone needs to just sleep on this. Wake up in the morning and listen to other people. I mean, Juan feels passionately about it, and I'm sure a lot of people around the country do.

Can I go back to stop and frisk for just a moment?


PERINO: Yesterday President Trump was at the International Association of Chiefs of Police in Florida -- or two days ago. He loves the police. He supports the police. He says, "It's the only administration that's been behind you," all that kind of hyperbole. But part of that is trusting the police to do something.

Kanye West comes in, like, "I don't like stop and frisk." OK. Maybe then the president, because he has the power of convening, bring the two together. Because what's really important is to be able to have the two sides talk.

Stop and frisk is not going to stop because police think that it is effective. Unless there's a situation where it goes to court.

GUTFELD: I mentioned this about three weeks ago, that Colin Kaepernick should go to the White House and meet with Trump, and that was the other thing the Kanye West said. That, like, his goal is to bring Kaepernick and Trump together.

PERINO: Convening.

GUTFELD: Convening.

PERINO: Right. And the other thing I did think, if I could just say from a perspective. This White House is very television savvy.


PERINO: But sometimes they set up shots they do not work for them. Right?

And this one is interesting. President Trump is behind the desk.


PERINO: Usually when he has a meeting with somebody in the Oval Office, he's with a world leader or somebody and they're sitting, like Nikki Haley, she was in the two chairs over there.

The president knew this wasn't the exact -- he didn't elevate Kanye West to that level. Right? He's like, "I'm going to sit behind the desk. We're going to have a meeting." And the shot, the way that it's set up, the only people that are really in the shot, you can see President Trump a little bit, the profile of Kanye West and all the media.


BILA: Right.

PERINO: It was actually very interesting to watch it with the sound off, as I did --


PERINO: -- when I was getting hair and makeup done initially. Because you could see him, going, "Wow, this is the most crazy thing I've ever seen."


PERINO: But not crazy in a bad way. But just like, it's different.

And if I could just add one last thing. We are in a time of extraordinary economic prosperity. This is a time when you can solve problems like the ones that they're talking about. This is where you convene people to be able to talk about this.

We're not at -- we're not at each other's throats for certain things.


PERINO: When you have peace and you have prosperity, you can deal with these things.

GUTFELD: Might I quote Scott Adams?

PERINO: Please.

GUTFELD: He said we don't have a money problem. We have an ideas problem.


GUTFELD: All right. I have to do that once a show.

PERINO: He said it better than I did.

BILA: But drink.

WATTERS: There it is.

GUTFELD: Everybody gets to drink when I say "Scott Adams."

If you're fed up with political correctness, you may not be alone. Details ahead.


BILA: If you are sick and tired of political correctness and think it's gone way too far, there's good news. You are not alone.

A new study finds a whopping 80 percent of Americans think P.C. culture is a problem. Researchers say people of all races and ages, including young people, dislike it.

Now, Dana, this was a little bit surprising to me. Not the 80 percent. But when you look at the polling on young people, 74 percent of people ages 24 to 29; and 79 percent under 24 also don't like it. Did that surprise you?

PERINO: Well, I was relieved, because I thought they might save us. Right? They've grown up watching all of the same -- I can't stand it, and being so nervous about what I can say and what I can't say and tiptoeing around.

BILA: Right.

PERINO: The other number that surprised -- it didn't surprise me, but, it's 8 percent of Americans are progressive activists. Do you know how much time we devote to talking about these progressive activists. And they cause a lot of trouble, and they're only 8 percent.

BILA: Yes, and the other thing that was interesting, also is that, you know, it spanned every race. Eighty-two percent of Asians, 87 percent of Hispanics, 88 percent of American Indians, 75 percent of African-Americans. Is that -- that, to me, was also surprising. Because I thought there would be more of a disparity, potentially.

GUTFELD: The politically correct movement wasn't all that bad at the beginning, because it initially was to convince people not to use slurs. Don't be -- don't say terrible things.

But when they -- when they shifted into fashioning language as a violation of laws, whether it be on campus or hate -- hate crimes or if you use the wrong pronoun, you could be in trouble.

Once the PC movement, which started focusing on language to reshape society, they're now on the wrong side of the First Amendment, because the logical extension of deeming language evil is that you shut down discourse on campus and you target people for jokes and you hound people for wearing a red hat. That's the logical extension of -- I hate to use the phrase weaponizing -- but weaponizing language you don't agree with. It's not -- PC culture is now a bacteria.

BILA: I always thought, Jesse, this was one of the main reasons that Trump won. Was the disgust that the vast majority of people have with politicians that don't actually say what they're thinking. And then you have this guy shows up. He's not politically correct. He sounds like someone's who's actually being direct and honest with them, and it looks like, based on this, a lot of people, maybe that is why he won.

WATTERS: Yes. As someone that's lived and died in the politically incorrect world, this is a fascinating study.

All of the minority groups in this country, vast majorities of them believe political correctness is a problem. And that makes me think it's the vocal minority in the media --


WATTERS: -- that makes people lose their jobs --

GUTFELD: What you're -- what you're --

WATTERS: -- when they say something controversial or politically incorrect. And it's an eye-opening study. And I just --

PERINO: And printed (ph) in "The Atlantic."

WATTERS: "Watters' World." There it was. Bye.

BILA: Juan, what do you think? What do you make of it.

WILLIAMS: Look, I wrote a book about political correctness. I've been fired by people who think I'm not politically correct. Hey, I work at FOX.

So == so -- but the thing about it is -- and this comes back to something said earlier -- there's a small percentage of people at the fringes. The vast majority of people are in the middle; and they don't want intolerant, hateful language, like about immigrants, that comes from guess who? They don't like it. But they think that they should be able to express themselves freely without being condemned. And I'm all for that.

But intolerant language from the provocateurs who make money by saying ugly things, I think those people need to get the -- get out of here.

GUTFELD: Watch your mouth, Juan.

BILA: "One More Thing" is coming up next.


WATTERS: Time now for a "One More Thing." So another item coming from the Kanye West-Donald Trump meeting, Kanye's phone got a little air time. Take a look at his password.


WATTERS: That's my kind of password.

PERINO: Like Podesta.

WATTERS: You just hit the same -- just hit the same number over and over and over again. It's all right. The guys at Barstool Sports picked that up. And you know what? I'm sure he's going to change it after we aired it.

BILA: Hopefully.

WATTERS: Juan Williams.

WILLIAMS: All right. That was pretty wild.

In these days of political polarization, there's a surprising bridge across troubled waters being offered; and it comes from Michelle Obama. Take a look at this.


MICHELLE OBAMA, FORMER FIRST LADY: He is my partner in crime at every major thing where all the formers gather. So we're together all the time, and I love him to death.


WILLIAMS: Mrs. Obama was talking about a viral moment from Senator John McCain's recent funeral. As you can see here, President Bush hands her a cough drop.

Obama explains that she often sits next to Bush 43 at gatherings of former presidents, and they've become good friends. She added, "The cough drops were old, still in the box from the Bush White House," to which Bush 43 responded, "Yes, we've got a lot of these at the house."

She concluded, "Party doesn't separate us. Color, gender, those sort of things don't separate us." Wow, that's a nice picture for us.

PERINO: Yes, the Bushes took the cough drops and the Clintons took the furniture.

WILLIAMS: There you go. We're back to normal.

GUTFELD: Back to normal. That lasted one tenth of a second.

All right. Let's go to this.

GRAPHIC: Greg's Dogs with Human Names News

GUTFELD: "Greg's Dogs with Human Names News." All right. You know, if you give a dog a human name, expect the dog to sound kind of like a human, like this fella.




BILA: Ohhh.

PERINO: Walter.

WATTERS: Greg. Greg, that was the worst.

GUTFELD: You know what his name is? That's his name.

PERINO: Walter. Walter.

GUTFELD: His name is Walter.

BILA: I love that. It's fabulous.

GUTFELD: It is actually -- dogs with human names.

BILA: He looks like a Walter, though.

GUTFELD: He seems like a Walter.

WILLIAMS: Is that really the dog?


BILA: It's Walter.


PERINO: Perhaps the most important thing today that happened at the White House we haven't covered yet, and that is the, Save Our Seas Act.

OK, believe it or not, this is the most important thing. President Trump signed this Bill today. It was an underreported story, a bipartisan success, unanimously passed through the House and the Senate. Save Our Seas is basically going to help deal with that 9 million tons of waste that winds up in the world's oceans and coastlines each year. More than 35 million tons of plastic pollution are produced around the earth annually. It all gathers in the oceans, and this will help removes all of that. It was a bipartisan bill sponsored by Alaska --

GUTFELD: And Al Gore didn't do it.

PERINO: -- and Rhode Island's Sheldon Whitehouse.

WATTERS: All right. Bipartisan and policy wonky. Well done, Dana.

All right. Jedediah.

BILA: I am continuing my opposition to the robot takeover tonight. Check out this Boston Dynamics robot. If you're not scared, you should be.

This robot can do backflips, and now it can wash dishes, lift boxes. Don't be tempted to like the robot just because it can do your chores. And this is getting scary. It's like the terminator.

GUTFELD: Yes, but unfortunately, they still can't marry.

BILA: That's true.

GUTFELD: Still can't marry.

BILA: Don't forget: tonight, Barnes and Nobles, 7 p.m., 86th and Lexington. You guys have got to -- I need my conservatives to show up.

GUTFELD: Show up!

BILA: "#DoNotDisturb." We're going to take down Greg's robot revolution.

WATTERS: I thought that was last night that you went up there?

BILA: I'm taking it down one day at a time. No, it's tonight. I got to tease it twice.

WATTERS: Wow. Back to ack.

GUTFELD: Got to go.

BILA: Got to get these people there.

WATTERS: You're learning from the best over here.

GUTFELD: Show support.

WATTERS: Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." "Special Report" is up next -- Bret?

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS: Can we go back to Walter the dog? Thanks, Jesse.

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