Clinton: All information in emails was handled appropriately

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 22, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: This is a Fox News alert. Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling. Two hundred and ninety-six of Hillary Clinton's e-mails while at the State Department have been released and there are some very troubling revelations. The AP reporting now that the e-mails contained classified information saying quote, "Clinton received now-classified Benghazi info on private e-mail server, documents show." But recall just a couple of months ago when Hillary Clinton denied any classified information came through that e-mail address.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE: I did not e-mail any classified materials to anyone on my e-mail. There is no classified material. So I'm certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material.


BOLLING: And then consider this in another e-mail, we encountered a fully redacted e-mail indicating more classified information, but take note of the e-mail address, hrod17. Now that's different than from the hrod22 -- hdr22, we have been told it was the only non official account she used ever. There's Mrs. Clinton trying to tell us she only used one.


CLINTON: I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal e-mails instead of two. Looking back, it would have been better if I simply used a second e-mail account.


BOLLING: Wow. In just two e-mails we uncovered two lies. Now consider this. These are just two e-mails of the 55,000 and more importantly, these are the twice-scrubbed 55,000 e-mails. I can't imagine what we would find if we had access to the e-mails she didn't want us to see. Let's bring in Chief White House Correspondent Ed Henry, who's in New Hampshire travelling with Clinton campaign that brings us up to date. It seems like every couple of minutes we're finding, yet another e-mail with yet another -- I don't know, a lie or fabrication or misrepresentation. What's the very latest?

ED HENRY, CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, Eric, Republicans certainly jumping on this today. One presidential aspirant Rand Paul saying what he thinks the real story here is not what the State Department has started dribbling out, but what Hillary Clinton doesn't want the public to see. The fact that as you just referred to, she has already deleted over 30,000 e-mails that she says her lawyers determined to be of a personal nature. Rand Paul, other Republicans saying, they still want to see her personal server. I think the other issue, obviously, is the security of that server.

Today, this revelation that the FBI after the fact is saying, at least that's what we're being told, that they want to classify at least one part of a 2012 e-mail about the arrest of suspects in the Benghazi terror attack, interesting because as you say, she was so firm in March at the U.N. press conference saying, that there was no classified information at all. Her defense, and I was at her press availability just a short time ago, the second time she spoke to reporters, this week along, clearly she's gotten the message that she was staying away and not answering these questions for nearly a month, she addressed it by saying, look, the FBI is saying after the fact that the information is sensitive because of events that have happened since 2012, so now it should be classified but Clinton - - Hillary Clinton is insisting, it was not classified -- deemed to be classified at the time that she e-mailed it. Obviously, there's going to be questions about this. We have to find out if that's the truth, number one. And number two, more broadly, at the very least we now know that sensitive, if not classified, but sensitive information was on that personal server. Let's not forget, a former top CIA official Mike Morell, said just last week. He thinks that multiple foreign governments hacked into that personal sever. So that -- this is a big question, the security of that server and what has been sent around.

BOLLING: Absolutely, we have a couple of questions from the table, Dana, just kick it off.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I'm not exactly sure where to begin, Ed. I'm flabbergasted. If I was a press office, I would say, I couldn't ever possibly defend this because number one, we now know that -- well, let's start at the beginning. She used a private e-mail server as an official government employee, a member of the cabinet. Has anyone asked her if she would govern this way and that would she hold government employees to the same standard that they were supposed to be under before she broke the law?

HENRY: Well, we have not asked her that directly. She know we've had limited number of opportunities to ask her questions. So it's been sort of rapid fire a couple of times in the last few days. That is a good question moving forward because I think the ultimate question, we can look in the rearview mirror, we can find out what went wrong but you're pointing to something that is going to be very important now with suspect in the next presidential campaign. Not just what went wrong in Benghazi or with the e- mails specifically, how she handle it, but how she would govern because of some of the decisions she made because you know, you always hear an election and you've always been there before that, it's about the future, not about the past. The past is relevant, obviously here, specifically about these e-mails. But what does it tell us about Hillary Clinton's leadership? That's going to be a big question.


GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Ed, it seems like, like her husband, the news is keeps dribbling out. These e-mails keep going back to one question. In my mind, it is a question that we've been asking forever, which is who pushed the video. But doesn't it also point to an error of the Republicans and that they never really asked the questions? They had opportunities to ask that question in hearings and even in debates, but they never actually asked the question. So it's not just her fault. It's also the fault of the Republicans for not seeing the real, real crime here and not pursing it.

HENRY: Look, go back to that important debate. Republican Mitt Romney had an opportunity. Obviously, he and others blamed it on the moderator of the debate, stepping in. But he had an opportunity to hit this issue a little harder and get to some of those facts and miss the opportunity. So in that's something that Republicans have to deal with. In terms of Hillary Clinton, who I'm covering now, bottom line to me is that when you look at some of the e-mails between she, and Sidney Blumenthal, one of her outside adviser, who is not working at the State Department. One thing that we've learned the last 24-48 hours is that there was an e-mail the day after the Benghazi terror attacks, where he said, it looks like it was inspired by this internet video.

Then another day, September 13th, he says, well, here in a fuller memo, we have more information and it looks like Al-Qaeda was involved, this was a terror attack, it was planned for a month and that the demonstrations were just a cover for a terror attack. What did she do on September 14th? Well, in fairness to her, there are two different narratives spelled out in those different e-mails. She decided to go with the one that was more politically advantageous, if you will for the Obama administration that was inspired by an internet video. That was she said on September 14th at Andrews Air Force Base, even though on September 13th, Sidney Blumenthal said, it was a terror attack. So, look, these are questions that have come up before, it's going to come up again.

BOLLING: You want to say, Julie?

JULIE ROGINSKY, GUEST CO-HOST: So Ed, I just want to clarify because it seems to be some any inconsistency in what we've been hearing. She said all those weeks ago there was no classified information that she gave out. At the time that the she made that statement, it wasn't classified, right? So the classification only came yesterday or today. So it seems that she really wasn't lying --

HENRY: Right.

ROGINSKY: By the classification part. Am I right on saying that?

HENRY: Well, yes. But what I would say though, and what I qualify is though, that is what we are being told by Former Secretary Clinton and by Josh Earnest at the White House, that it's only been classified now. I'm not saying I have any evidence to say they are wrong. I'm just saying that's what they're representing now and that backs up Hillary Clinton's account. But do we know for sure, do we know what was happening in real time when she sent that e-mail? No. This is something that we have to do more digging on. I think the other important point to make is we're just seeing a small slimmer (ph) of her official e-mails. This is nearly 300 e- mails. As Eric said at the top, there's 55,000 pages of e-mails, official e-mails from her time as secretary of state. We're seeing Benghazi because of that House investigation. What did she say in these e-mails about Russia, about North Korea, about ISIS, about Assad in Syria, was there other, if not classified, sensitive information. We just simply don't know yet.

BOLLING: Julie -- Kimberly --

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: So Ed, I mean, does anyone seem to be alarmed whatsoever, in the mainstream media, the press corps there about the impropriety about this? I mean, why does Sidney Blumenthal seeming to be running in some kind of secret operation that the Department of State. I don't understand that. Like why she taking direction what narrative they should put forward, and these offering two stories and then she's deciding which one to go with and she chooses the one that despite the information that she had to the contrary, she goes with the old story?

HENRY: OK. So on that question, an important question, you're right. I've had extensive conversations with the Clinton campaign, and in private they say, look, these were unsolicited e-mails from Sidney Blumenthal and that it wasn't Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state asking him to help as an outside adviser. However, that is true, that they were sent in to her. It wasn't her necessarily soliciting it. On the other hand, she forwarded some of these e-mails to top officials in the administration. Now, was she demanding that they follow up or was she was just saying, hey, FYI, take a look at this, this is one piece of information. It certainly raises questions about why an outside adviser was A, getting this information in Libya, that looks like intelligence information or something like that while he had business dealings, we're told in Libya.


HENRY: And then, what else did he send to her? Did he have other information from around the world? This is one reason why Republican Trey Gowdy has subpoenaed Sidney Blumenthal.

BOLLING: Right, right. Dana, your --

PERINO: I just want to make one point about that. In one of the e-mails, she actually get something form Sidney Blumenthal. It says it's sensitive or I don't -- it is as classified, but it's sensitive and it's redacted.

HENRY: Right.

PERINO: So that means that the State Department guys went through and used a black sharpie and made sure that none of us can read what it says, but we know what she said in response. And she said, interesting Intel, the subject line was Libya. If true, we should pass on to the Israelis. To me, that is running an extra.

HENRY: Right.

PERINO: Intelligent service through the State Department, who someone who does not have a clearance and who was banned from working for the administration by President Obama himself. That's the question that the White House should be asking.

HENRY: Right. And you're right that important question because at the beginning of the Obama administration, the White House had hiring and firing, if you will, a power over what -- the team Hillary Clinton was putting together. Sidney Blumenthal because of past sparring matches with the Obama folks, and why no they blocked him, you're right from going to the State Department. So, was he, was this an Enron and what was he doing with this sensitive information, as you say --


HENRY: What was Hillary Clinton more importantly than doing? If because look, the bottom line is this is not about Sidney Blumenthal, it's about Hillary Clinton --


HENRY: And her judgment as secretary of state and what it will mean if she's elected president.


HENRY: That's going to be the big issue.

BOLLING: Right. Hang in there for one second, Ed, because remember that ad Hillary Clinton released during the 2008, primary season titled 3:00 a.m., you know, the phone is ringing and the sleeping child. It was meant to blame (ph) then Senator Obama for his lack of foreign policy experience. Now, more than four years later, while serving his, his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton still seem to hold the same doubts about his ability -- the future president's ability to handle a crisis. Check out the subject line of this e-mail, weeks after the Benghazi attack. Quote, "Benghazi was Obama's 3:00 a.m. call." And check out Hillary's instructions, "Please pray." Now Ed, if there's any question about Hillary Clinton and President Obama and the animosity and that whole thing that we've been talking about for the better part of five or six years, that certainly cleared that up, didn't it?

HENRY: Well --

PERINO: No, I don't think so.

HENRY: What I would caution, though --

PERINO: All right.

HENRY: I would caution that she saying, print it out, let's read it. Is that because in that same column, they were not just now attacking President Obama in the column, but they were raising questions about her stewardship as secretary of state. I mean, we're seeing, I would say, just a small slice of it and anybody could take an e-mail out of context. I don't, I'm not saying you are, I'm saying we're seeing a slice, we're making judgments about it but I think, you know, she may have been because we just simply don't know, saying let's see what else is in this column because let's not forget the Benghazi terror attacks were not just about happening on President Obama's watch, they were happening on the secretary of state's watch and that's what she was dealing with this now.

BOLLING: What am I missing here? She said Benghazi --

HENRY: It's printed. BOLLING: She says, Obama's 3:00 a.m. -- its Obama's 3:00 am call.

PERINO: No, But she doesn't say that. That's not necessarily her --

HENRY: No, the headline said that I think.

PERINO: The headline of the article.

HENRY: The column, yeah.

PERINO: So it's not necessarily her saying that.

BOLLING: I think we read it the other way. I think we read it as her e-mail being sent saying, subject line, 3:00 am call --

PERINO: And then it said, it's a forward, FWD, calling -- that was it said, it's like somebody has said that --

HENRY: My understanding is that was the headline of the subject of Bret Stephens's column --

BOLLING: All right.

HENRY: In the Wall Street Journal, right.

BOLLING: And if --

GUTFELD: Actually, that was 3:00 a.m. call I made to her. We were supposed to meet for coffee.

PERINO: Is that what they call those?


GUILFOYLE: She was too busy with the self-appointed czar of the Department of State as said as Monica calls.

BOLLING: Do you want to jump in here, Julie, with Ed?

ROGINSKY: Yeah, Ed, you have -- can I switch tax for a second. Image show that kind of her interesting column in The New York Times today, basically -- really it wasn't attack on you but saying, you know, Hillary Clinton, all of these people are trying to get her to answer the questions - she does only need the press. She doesn't feel she needs the press. I mean, I, I disagree with that because she might not use them now, believe me, having to the press secretary, one day you'll meet the press and you don't want them turning on you. But what's the reaction been from people who were following her around about that? I mean, has it become a joke now or is it sort of people are -- so try to get her to answer questions --

HENRY: Well --

ROGINSKY: Did she -- do you think she's opening up some more? It seems like she might be, but --


HENRY: She's starting to open up a little bit.


HENRY: Yeah there -- she started to open up the other day in Iowa when I started shouting at her and she said maybe I'll come back and maybe I'll answer questions then she did. And then today, I shouted again. She said, hang on, I'll be there in a minute and she came back Andrea Mitchell OF MSNBC and others started firing questions and so, I think there other reporters were jumping in and saying, that there were important questions to raise just like there are in any presidential campaign. And maybe she's now realizing because whatsoever, it's not just reporters complaining about it, David Axelrod, I thought Democrats that will meet the press, she should be answering these questions.

PERINO: Ed, I wish that I could see the e-mails between the Clinton team when they found out that you were moving from the White House to their campaign.


PERINO: Here, I want to ask you one last question.

HENRY: I love to see him too.

PERINO: How -- OK. So we know -- in the press business, one of the things you try to do is very bad news on a weekend. I could understand if it was a --

HENRY: Yeah.

PERINO: Hillary Campaign trying to do this and bury this on Memorial Day weekend. So I would question it, given at this were federal employees including two Navy SEAL's that died in Benghazi. I don't think it was the wisest thing to do on Memorial Day. However, can America -- the American people trust at the State Department, which is supposed to work for all of us, is not just trying to help Hillary Clinton here by burying this on a weekend. I think that's an outrage --

HENRY: Look --

PERINO: From a professional standpoint --


PERINO: That is not acceptable.

GUILFOYLE: Document comes Friday.

HENRY: Sure, as a reporter, it's hard to prove that's exactly what to do. But the timing is in mistakable -- you know unmistakable that it's happening right before the weekend. It's clearly something -- news stuff happens, as you know, Friday before a big holiday weekend. The other point I would make is, what happened Thursday night, last night. The Clinton Foundation revealed -- oh, by the way, there's another $26 million essentially --


HENRY: Up to $26 million, I should say, in contributions to the foundation that came in the form of fees for almost 100 speeches that Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton made. And they just had it disclose it before, again right before --

PERINO: Including from foreign governments. Foreign -- from foreign --

HENRY: Exactly.

PERINO: Foreign people. But maybe on government but state sponsor companies is part of that $26 million.

GUTFELD: Do you know what --


GUTFELD: Hillary is hoping for another big story, to knock this right off the map which has happened in over the last two or three months. There's always something at has crest.


GUTFELD: There's another thing that happens, whether it's Baltimore or whatever, it happens and then she coasts and the media kind of just backs off. It's going to happen again.

BOLLING: By the way, we have 55,000 e-mails, or at least 55,000 -- 54,000.


GUTFELD: Their hands cherry picked.

BOLLING: And two e-mails, we can still work it through.

GUTFELD: I guarantee you --

BOLLING: And that really is the --

GUTFELD: They're cherry picked.

BOLLING: The most important part of this is that, all of blustering, all of, all of the -- the digging what we're doing, these are e-mails that already been picked --

GUTFELD: Picked. Yes, she curates this.

BOLLING: Through massively already.


GUTFELD: From Museum of communication.

BOLLING: We want to say goodbye, Ed. Thank you very much, Ed.

Coming up, a man accused.


BOLLING: Of killing a wealthy D.C. family and her housekeeper appeared in court a short awhile ago. New details on how police finally nabbed Daron Wint and who else they arrested along with him.


GUTFELD: The quadruple murder suspect has been caught quickly, but by whom? Al Sharpton, Michael Moore, Bill de Blasio? Nope -- the cops. Yes, another innocent victim of an unjust society bagged by evil law enforcement. I'm sorry, I'm just helping craft the story for the left, the BBC and those well paid Ferguson protesters. After all we know he's as innocent as the driven snow. Oh, sorry, snow is white and that's a racist micro-aggression. Anyway, he's awesome. Just listen to his former lawyer:


ROBIN FICKER, FORMER ATTORNEY OF DARON DYLON WINT: I know him to be a kind, gentle, non-aggressive person. Someone you wouldn't mind your grandmother going to lunch with.


GUTFELD: Yeah, until he orders the pizza.

So how did the cops find this creep? Phone records. Now, did we violate his rights there? And did we violate everyone's rights by violating his? After all that's how we apply the logic of surveilling terrorists. Had we treated this thug like a terrorist, he'd still be out ordering Dominos. Look, I get it, this was a specific search, not a mass data grab. But why shame a program that provides fruitful benefits like catching killers before they can kill again?

Besides, quickly gathered phone records are the least of our worries. Consider the Ferguson protesters that were hired -- yes, hired -- by the ACORN successor group, to protest. They stage a sit-in after they stop getting paid, allegedly. The group, known aptly as MORE, forked out five grand a month to protesters to demonstrate there. So what does it tell you when agitators pay protesters to stir up trouble? That while black lives matter, so does cold hard cash.

So Kimberly, thank God this guy was caught. It was a horrible, horrible crime that -- it was one of the worst crimes I've ever heard. It was disgusting and ruthless, but if the -- the capture of this guy is the testament of the intelligence and police work.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, you're absolutely right. We were just discussing before we started here that he was a stop in, (ph) identified pursuant to a traffic stop.


GUILFOYLE: This highlights the importance of the work that the police department does working together, policing communities, that they were able to do this. Traffic stops, stop and frisk, all of these things are very important for getting dangerous criminals and in this case, what allegedly looks like to be someone who committed you know, multiple, heinous homicides. Right now he's only charged with one of the counts, but he will likely be -- the rest will be added. So they've got him now and he's being held and it's just a tragic case, but excellent police work.

GUTFELD: Can we talk about this lawyer? Who wants it?

GUILFOYLE: What's wrong?


GUTFELD: This guy Robin Ficker -- I mean, it's hard not to laugh because I mean, it's a horrible situation and it is hard -- and you shouldn't joke about it but when you're faced with that kind of idiocy, Julie, I mean, you would have -- somebody, your grandmother would have lunch with?

ROGINSKY: I guess he's trying to try the case before the public, right? I mean --


ROGINSKY: That's the only reason he's probably doing this, but it's -- look, everybody is entitled to defense, even this guy --


ROGINSKY: Even though with this guy allegedly did and were his allegedly --


ROGINSKY: He hasn't -- except anything.


ROGINSKY: It's atrocious and so the lawyer do what the lawyer is supposed to do, which is defend his client. So I don't have a problem with the lawyer set up --

GUILFOYLE: And the evidence is pretty damning. He puts himself fair --



ROGINSKY: I'm not disagreeing --

GUILFOYLE: Finger print --


GUILFOYLE: To call Dominos -- I mean, the whole, it's, it's probably the best --


GUILFOYLE: Tightest homicide case I've seen in probably the past --

ROGINSKY: But then again, O.J. was pretty tight too and he got off. So you know -- GUTFELD: Yeah, he was asked if he was innocent.

ROGINSKY: He was. That's true. They are still looking for the real killer.

GUTFELD: Yeah, exactly.

ROGINSKY: That's true, that's true.

GUTFELD: Maybe this is the really killer.

ROGINSKY: This might be the real killer.

GUTFELD: Yeah, who knows?

BOLLING: So you know in debate is sparked up in the last -- I don't guess, 10 hours or so? Whether or not we should be taking DNA swabs of anytime someone's arrested.


BOLLING: It takes their finger, we print them, but we have a much better -- much bigger (inaudible) when you get the DNA --

GUILFOYLE: Maryland does it and they did it here for any violent crime --

BOLLING: Right. Violent --

GUILFOYLE: That are, committed.

BOLLING: Right. So, so what --

GUILFOYLE: So he had folded conduct --

BOLLING: Why authenticated (ph) DNA of anyone who hasn't committed necessary a violent crime, you're convicted that you're, you're arrested -- arrested, get and DNA and then you can put it into a database.

GUILFOYLE: And also let's less (ph) of the phone calls.

BOLLING: No because --


GUILFOYLE: We're bad guys.

BOLLING: No, no, no, it's not the same.

GUILFOYLE: I'm (inaudible) I'm poor. I'm for both of them. I'm all for the police having the tools that they need.


BOLLING: The phone calls of innocent Americans who haven't committed any crimes.

I'm for -- DNA swabbing every criminal.

ROGINSKY: So if you get arrested for drunk driving, you wanna --


ROGINSKY: (inaudible) DNA, everybody. OK.


ROGINSKY: All right.


GUILFOYLE: They can have money.

GUTFELD: This lawyer got him off six times.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: I guess he's a good lawyer.


PERINO: He must be a good lawyer, but when I read that I thought -- (inaudible) what a despicable human being.


PERINO: I think, I mean, I understand everybody has a right to a lawyer. I don't understand how someone -- like, how is this guy, Daron Wint, going to pay him?


PERINO: I don't understand how that works. Why would a guy, what would this defense lawyer basically shame himself on national television by defending him and saying he wouldn't hurt a kitten -- but now that he has been arrested six times and with the evidence, why not have a little bit of caution.


PERINO: Like have a second to talk to your client before you stay --

GUILFOYLE: I don't know why he thinks he's -- you know, so non-violent. He's arrested with a machete. He assaulted a girlfriend. He threatened to kill another girlfriend d and her infant child. This guy is a real winner.

PERINO: And also, he -- there was a restraining order from his --


PERINO: Step -- from his father and stepmother because he threatened to kill them.

GUTFELD: We -- I don't know have much we time. I heard stories that these protesters are being paid. I had no idea that they were paying thousands of dollars. Its money through something called more. Which I believe as donations comes from (inaudible). I don't --

BOLLING: The SCIU does the same thing. Anytime there's a food protest, the minimum wage protest -- they do the same exact thing. What Julie, right? I mean --


BOLLING: Six killed with this paid protesters.

ROGINSKY: I haven't been paid anything. I know he's a thug, by protest have before you came in there --

BOLLING: But you -- but you know a lot of the street protests in D.C. in front of the various agencies.


ROGINSKY: I don't know. Actually, I don't know. I believe but I don't know.

GUTFELD: The Washington Times - they hired black lives matters protesters and they've started at #cutthecheck after they've been stiffed by ACORN.

BOLLING: But Greg, there's 50,000 in our protest that literally --


BOLLING: Thousands of people are walking through cities a good (inaudible) people are paid. They are not fast food workers.

GUTFELD: Yeah. It's amazing.

ROGINSKY: Another making more than the minimum wage, you're right.

GUTFELD: We got to move on anyway. It's -- this arrest, it's good to see to remind what law enforcement can do.

First GOP debate of 2016 is set, but all of the candidates won't make it on the stage and Dana will tell you which ones, next.


PERINO: The first presidential debate of 2015 is just -- get this -- 11 weeks away. FOX News and Facebook are hosting it on August 6 in Cleveland, Ohio. There could be 16 or more declared Republican candidates by then, but only 10 will go onstage. So who's going to make the cut?

Well, according to the rules, participants must place in the top ten in the average of The Five most recent recognized national polls leading up to August 4. They also have to meet constitutional requirements, file papers with the FEC and pay filing fees.

And so we don't know who this top ten is going to be, because FOX will look at their criteria for the polls, and they will decide as we go forward. If you looked at the RealClearPolitics average of polls today, this is your top ten. You want to take a look here. This is who would actually make that cut if that debate were happening tomorrow and if we were actually going to use RCP data (ph) polls.

However, that means that there's about at least, maybe even ten possible candidates that aren't going to make that list.

Some are probably a little bit concerned about those rules, Kimberly, but I liked Carly Fiorina, who is a possible candidate. She -- let's see her tweet. She is a candidate. She declared. She said that "FOX news released metrics for first debate. I'll look forward to making the cut and making my case to GOP voters on August 6."

So not complaining about the criteria. She just wants to compete. You like that?

GUILFOYLE: And she wants to make the list. But according to some of these polls, like the RealClearPolitics one, hypothetically if it would be held today -- and there's always the opportunity to make up ground. I like her energy and enthusiasm. This has it laid out here with Jeb Bush in the lead, Scott Walker, Rubio, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee. And we can probably pop this up, because we have a screen of it. Right? Ted Cruz, Carson, all these guys. So -- Chris Christie -- I think this is going to be great. So far this looks like a great mix. Some very good debaters in there.

PERINO: Eric, what you said yesterday, and the polls agree with you, the economy is the most important thing. So in the next 11 weeks, what would - - if you were any of those candidates, what can they say that's going to set them apart?

BOLLING: I think there's a really interesting debate in there on going into that -- that last round of polls. What are the people who may be on the fringe of that, on the outskirts of being onstage, that they pump up their profile by saying something interesting, outrageous or an economic policy, perhaps, they throw it out there right before? Or do they go on TV a lot and radio and try and get their poll number into the top ten? It's going to be interesting, when FOX decides and the RNC decides what the cut- off date is going to be for -- for that top ten.

PERINO: August 4.

BOLLING: And what happens right before it.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: The media push for each one of those.

PERINO: Right. Greg, you have been making the case that candidates, when they get up there, they have to make their case and be persuasive -- you call it being persuasively right. If you were to give them any coaching for the next 11 weeks, what do you think they should do?

GUTFELD: Go on a low-carb diet, because the stage is going to collapse with all those people on it.

Seriously, though, they've got to thin this herd. Because actually, the big voices and the big visions will be lost when you have so many people. If you're not serious about running for president, don't run. If you just are angling for the 8 p.m. slot vacated by Huckabee, don't run, because we're not going to hire you.

There's so many candidates, why don't you just have a royal rumble? Everybody put on singlets and get into a cage.


GUTFELD: Yes. I don't know. By the way, Facebook is hosting the debate. So that means the candidates can update their status and flirt with their exes. I think that's going to be good.

I don't have any advice for them other than...

PERINO: OK. Well, that's been very helpful.

GUTFELD: ... thin the herd. It's so silly.

PERINO: Very helpful. That's what the purpose of the debate is.

GUTFELD: I look at that. There's no women up there. They blew an opportunity. The Republican Party blew it.

PERINO: That graph does not necessarily mean who -- who is actually going to be there. Right?

GUTFELD: What, are there going to be robots?

BOLLING: If they declare, yes.

PERINO: No. OK. Can I to go to Julie before we leave? Because Julie, you're an expert in political consulting.


PERINO: So you don't have -- forget the Democrats for a second. If you were one of those -- if you were working for a candidate that may be was in that second ten, what would you tell them to do in the next 11 weeks?

ROGINSKY: So Eric, you kind of nailed it. So here's the problem. These guys not only have to compete now in Iowa and New Hampshire. They have to compete earlier, three or four months earlier to try to get into these debates. So they have to spend resources, which are very precious.


ROGINSKY: You have to spend money. I would go up on -- whatever you need to do to bring up your poll numbers. Because if you don't get into the first debate, you're going to -- you're not done. But it's going to be that much harder to make up ground. I mean, you now have a primary, essentially, to get -- the debate primary. It's not the Iowa straw poll. It's the primary, the FOX News/Facebook primary. And so look, I think it's a great thing that FOX did what they did. Because...


ROGINSKY: Yes. Go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: I was just looking at the list. I mean, you see like Carly is not in there. Kasich isn't in there.

PERINO: Charles (ph) is not in there. But 11 -- polls can move in 11 weeks. They can. That's why...

GUTFELD: What about Donald Trump?

PERINO: He's not polled enough yet to release.

ROGINSKY: He's looking for the 8 p.m. plug.

PERINO: All right. We've been giving tips all week to this year's college grads. And we're going to finish it off with some more when "The Five" returns.



CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: The fashion today is endless naval-gazing to discover the true you. Thousand-mile hike to discover your inner self? Forget it. Instead, learn something, do something, achieve something, create something outside yourself. When you're old and gray, you can look back and contemplate the self that emerged from the you that did something. Whereas Nike would say, "Just do it."


GUILFOYLE: Nice. Well, that was our friend Charles Krauthammer with advice for the class of 2015.

Leaving college can be stressful for any graduate, so we'd like to share some tips now on how to make things a little easier for them as they enter into the real world.

What, in fact, is the real world? Greg, I hope it's not somewhere in your apartment? Or now house with outdoor space.

GUTFELD: Assimilate, can't spell it without "I'm late." Which means being late will kill your career. Always show up on time.

Here's my two big things. Pretend you're a space alien and that you landed as a 21-year-old on Earth, and your goal is to infiltrate, make friends, observe and climb.

And like the Terminator, you know, you have that little area that you can see things, you have a being tracking system of things to avoid, which would be time wasters, heavy drug use, casual but stressful flings and online embarrassments. And then you need a device...


GUTFELD: ... you need a device -- remember that pen from "Men in Black"?


GUILFOYLE: Mind eraser.

GUTFELD: With a blast, erases everything that your left-wing professors taught you in school so you can start over in the real world.

ROGINSKY: You know what I love? Heavy drug use. But minimum drug use, that's all right, Greg.


GUTFELD: No. There's no contradiction.

ROGINSKY: I'm asking the question. Casual but...

GUTFELD: I rest my case.

ROGINSKY: I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: That was interesting.

GUTFELD: Stressful flings are not good. Why worry about stuff?

GUILFOYLE: All right. Perfect. Thanks for that advice. Moving on to something a little more wholesome, Dana.

PERINO: I have two basic ones. I just wrote a whole book about advice, so there's a ton in there. I'm going to say there's two, because I liked one of the things in the research today and that is, the financial security that you need to start creating for yourself. So a lot of people just starting out, they don't make a lot of money initially so you probably think, "I can't possibly put anything into savings."

But it's really important, even just to get into the habit, if it's 10, 20 bucks a month or something, just to try to put some money away, because you are going to need it. Not only for the long term and your retirement, but also because you want to be able to walk away from a job that you really hate some day or that, if you have an ethical problem with it, that kind of -- being able to walk away, there's power and freedom in that.

GUILFOYLE: I like that.

PERINO: The second thing I was going to say is don't watch that much reality TV. Limit yourself, one hour a day. Otherwise, read.

BOLLING: That's good.

GUILFOYLE: Bolling has a wild pen.

BOLLING: So I would -- no, it just keeps leaking all over my hands. I would -- I think Dana hits on something really important. Because one of the things, when people leave school, whether it's high school or college, they go out in the real world, and they can't figure out how to handle money. They overcharge their credit cards. They can't save a dime. Their checkbooks are a disaster. It's really important. It sounds trivial and everyone says it, but you really need to do that.

And the other thing that keeps bubbling up when you talk to people about what -- how to be successful, sell. Sell yourself, sell something, sell a product, just learn how to influence people by selling. Talk them into things. Try it.

GUTFELD: Not just in bars.

BOLLING: For example -- well, that's...

PERINO: You can try that. I mean, that's...

BOLLING: If you're good at that, you know, must try to expand it into other things. Selling other things.

PERINO: I think that's good advice. I didn't -- I didn't do that.

GUILFOYLE: Practice on people in bars after they've had at least one or two drinks, and they might be more receptive. Is that what you're saying?

BOLLING: Sure. Just sell.

GUILFOYLE: Cheerful advice. OK. Julie.

ROGINSKY: So I would say I know that Mom and Dad told you you were super special growing up, but when you get out into the real world, in your first job, you have to understand you're not super special, which means that you have to just show up and work. I don't care if it's the biggest, grungiest job ever, just show up and start working. Nothing is beneath you; nothing is below you. Because that's how you climb the ladder. And just keep doing it. And understand that eventually, you won't be doing that job. You'll be doing a much better job. But in the meantime, just do whatever it takes and show up and show up and show up. That is the most important lesson I can impart.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Get a job. Any job.

PERINO: Also, create a billion-dollar app.

ROGINSKY: That, too.

GUTFELD: That's what everybody thinks. It used to be "I'm going to get on a reality show." Now it's like "I'm going to create a billion-dollar app." It's the same thing.

ROGINSKY: That's what I'm talking about. Because people think that they are going to be, like, the next Bill Gates or whoever else.

GUILFOYLE: Steve Jobs.

ROGINSKY: Steve Jobs, like...

PERINO: Well, they might be.

ROGINSKY: They might be. But in the meantime, you should just do whatever it takes to climb the ladder until you make a billion dollars and are the next Steve Jobs.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Well, there you go. It's all very good advice. And you can make less than a billion dollars and be happy, too.

PERINO: And you have a whole book about advice next week.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, "Making the Case." That's what you should do, graduates. Buy "And the Good News Is," Ms. Perino. And a little company in one, next to it on Amazon.

PERINO: Yes. It's a package deal.

GUILFOYLE: Package deal.

Grab your popcorn and stay tuned, because your Memorial Day weekend movie preview is next.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Every second that ticks by, the future is running out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They followed you here?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How is this a good idea?


ROGINSKY: I don't know what that was all about. "Tomorrowland" opens in movie theaters nationwide, and there are plenty of other options if you're headed to movies this Memorial Day weekend. There's the music comedy "Pitch Perfect 2" or, if you prefer horror movies, there's the remake of "Poltergeist." I'm still not over the first one.

Are any of you guys going to go to the movies this weekend? What are you doing? No?


ROGINSKY: All right. Me either.

BOLLING: Are you sure? Because the weather on the East Coast is supposed to be iffy on Sunday afternoon and Monday. So maybe. And that always helps box office. You know, I just...

ROGINSKY: You like to go to movies.

BOLLING: Yes. I love to be in...

GUILFOYLE: And he loves zombies.

BOLLING: Can I tell you a quick story? When "Jurassic Park" was coming out, the original one, I waited in line for, like, four hours so I could get to be the first one in because I wanted to see "Jurassic Park," the dinosaurs on the big screen in the front row.

ROGINSKY: This explains so much.

BOLLING: I think...

ROGINSKY: This explains so much.

PERINO: Did you make it?

BOLLING: Front row, "Jurassic Park."

ROGINSKY: All right. Front row? You want to sit in the front row?

BOLLING: Opening night. Front row, big dinosaurs.

ROGINSKY: All right. So interesting that you say this, because I am of the opposite extreme, where there's a study out that says 82 percent people would pay $10-20 more to watch a first-run movie at home. I'm one of those people, because I would rather sit in bed and watch a movie than hang out with people in the front row of "Jurassic Park."

GUTFELD: I don't go to -- yes, I -- because of the decline in modern manners, I cannot go to films because I get so angry when I'm in the theater when there's something going on that I cannot concentrate up there if there's something going on over here. And I have to sit there, and I have to fight the urge to say something or do something, because if I say something or do something, I will either get beaten up or I will be in the newspaper the next day for doing something.

There's now these concierge kind of theaters where you can see films in luxury boxes with booze and eat and have reserved seating. I could probably do that. But you know what? I've had it. I'm done.

This is what happens in the decline in culture. You lose things. We can't deserve movies anymore. Plus, they're overpriced.

PERINO: That's why you can't go to Broadway, too.

GUILFOYLE: But you can also rent pay-per-view in your home.

ROGINSKY: That's true. You know, there's a movie theater near where Kimberly and I live, which I've never been to this one.

GUTFELD: What's the street?

ROGINSKY: Eighty-fourth. And...



ROGINSKY: Where the movie theater is. Not where we live. Where the movie theater is. And this movie theater, excuse me. It is not where we live. It's a movie theater. And it basically talks about -- I'm not giving out anybody's address. Calm down. And it talks about...

GUTFELD: Three seven one...

ROGINSKY: Yes, 867-5309. It's a movie theater where they've completely revamped the seats so that now you have people like all but having sexy time in there. And it's really...


ROGINSKY: You've not been to the theater since they've redone it?


ROGINSKY: It's made the movie-going experience quite miserable for everybody who's not those people.

GUILFOYLE: I have not been there yet.

GUTFELD: Nocturnal intermission.

BOLLING: Whatever happened -- oh, my lord.

GUTFELD: Intermission.

BOLLING: That was great. That was very funny.

Whatever happened -- remember when -- "Earthquake," remember that movie?

GUTFELD: Yes, Sensurround.

BOLLING: Sensurround.

GUTFELD: Sensurround.

BOLLING: That would bring people back to the movie theater.

GUTFELD: I don't know. Because it -- I saw the Sensurround movies, and I got -- but then I got out of it and I'm sort of going, like, "I don't like being thrown around." Remember "Roller Coaster"? Remember "Roller Coaster"?

BOLLING: I do remember "Roller Coaster."

GUTFELD: I don't it was Roy Scheider.

BOLLING: The '70s were cool.

ROGINSKY: Dana, do you have anything to add?

PERINO: I think that this is where the market is going, and I don't know which movie company is going to be the first one to offer first-run movies at home for $20 or $30 more -- extra. But I think that is where the market is headed, so it will be interesting. I think it will happen in the next five years.

ROGINSKY: I agree.

BOLLING: Jay-Z said he tried it, and it didn't work out so good.

ROGINSKY: Well, all right. If Jay-Z -- if Jay-Z can't get it done, clearly. All right, "One More Thing" is up next.


BOLLING: All right. Time for "One More Thing." I'm going to kick it off. Big Memorial Day weekend. Check out what Goodyear -- go ahead, roll the V.O. there -- Goodyear is going to do. I believe it's in all of the NASCAR races. At least at Charlotte we know it's going to be there. They're replacing the normal eagle design on the side of the tire with the -- with the "support our troops" right onto the tire. Do you have a picture of the tire, by chance? You guys? Check it out. Take a look.

PERINO: That's pretty cool.

BOLLING: There you go. Support our troops. It will now be -- all weekend long.


BOLLING: All-righty. Greg, you're up.

GUTFELD: Wheelie wonderful. A tired joke.

Hey, you know what? I haven't banned a phrase in a while. OK, "I think I speak for everyone." When anybody ever says "I think I speak for everyone," whatever follows is usually the opposite, perverted or evil. It's like, "You know, I think I speak for everyone that kittens are delicious."

BOLLING: I think I said that yesterday.

GUTFELD: It's where I got it. That's a great banned phrase. "I think I speak for everyone here at the table." That's...

BOLLING: Did I say it like that?

GUTFELD: Yes, no, you did.

BOLLING: Did I lean forward?

GUTFELD: Yes. You did that.

ROGINSKY: You have my proxy to always speak for me (ph).

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Lean in, huh? Interesting.

PERINO: OK. So there's an excerpt from my book about a wounded warrior. President Bush went to visit a wounded warrior at Walter Reed, the hospital, and I got to visit at this time. And I witnessed a miracle, and I wrote about it. And an excerpt of that, and it's free for everybody, It's up on our Facebook page, as well. It is a really good read, I think, for Memorial Day and help us remember all of the wounded warriors.

Also, there are new tour dates added for the book tour. I'm going back to Colorado. There's Florida. And let's see, where else? New Jersey and California. Ronald Reagan Library.

BOLLING: That's going to be good.

PERINO: It's going to be good, right?


OK, K.G., you're up.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So I have a very nice story, especially on this weekend as we go into Memorial Day. World War II veteran receiving his high school diploma some 70 years later. James Dalton McDaniel was a senior in high school when he was drafted in the Navy.


PERINO: Oh, wow.

GUILFOYLE: In the war in 1945. And while the rest of his peers were graduating, he was fighting in the battle of Okinawa.


GUILFOYLE: So his son arranged this for him, rolled onto stage, went back to his old high school, and he was able to receive his diploma with his name embossed in gold. Take a listen.


JAMES DALTON MCDANIEL, WORLD WAR II VETERAN: I'm glad I'm still living to be able to come here today and enjoy what you've done for me and all others who served in the war.

I'm going to keep it in my room as long as I live.


PERINO: That is amazing.

GUILFOYLE: And he said he's going to keep it in his room for as long as he lives. How sweet and charming is that for his son, Donny, who arranged the surprise for his father. And it's very nice. Central High School in Alabama, way to go.

BOLLING: Fantastic. Jules, you're up.

ROGINSKY: Two things: one is I'll be tweeting Greg's home address when the show is over. Secondly, it's Fleet Week here in New York and then later Memorial Day.

GUTFELD: Favorite week.

ROGINSKY: Yes. Navy, Marine and Coast Guard men and women walking around the city.


ROGINSKY: I just want to thank you all for your service. I think all of us -- I speak for all of us when I say -- when I saw thank you all for your service.

BOLLING: Get a deep voice.

ROGINSKY: And thank you for everything that you do. It's wonderful to see you in New York, and we hope that you will be spending as much time enjoying the city as much as we do.

GUTFELD: The only time in the weekend where I don't dress up as a sailor.

PERINO: This weekend? Why? Why stop now?

GUTFELD: Because I think it's disrespectful. I'm not in the military.

BOLLING: And don't forget, if you do see Greg in his sailor outfit or someone...

GUILFOYLE: With his short shorts.

GUTFELD: I'll be dancing down there.

PERINO: Those are called his pants.

BOLLING: ... or service member...

GUTFELD: Buy him a drink.

BOLLING: Buy him something to eat somewhere.

GUILFOYLE: She just dissed you.

PERINO: I just got you good.

GUILFOYLE: I go "short shorts," she goes, "Those are his pants."

PERINO: Pretty good.

GUILFOYLE: Friendly, friendly.

BOLLING: All right. Going to spread this. Set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. Have a great Memorial Day weekend, everybody. "Special Report" is coming up.

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