
This is a rush transcript from “The Ingraham Angle” November 6, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham This is The Ingraham Angle from Washington tonight. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had a big speech planned where they expected to declare victory tonight, but that has suddenly change. So, what has their confidence so shaken. Well, just a few hours ago a huge ruling was handed down by Justice Alito at the Supreme Court temporarily ordering all ballots received after 8 PM on Election Day in Pennsylvania to be segregated and secured.

Now, if those ballots are counted, they must be counted separately. This was already supposed to be happening, but apparently Secretary of State could not confirm that county boards were complying. So, now they're forced to. Now, we have much more on that and reaction of what could be a monumental ruling in a bit. But first, winning the future. That's the focus of tonight's angle.


Four years ago, the American people stuck it to the political elites and their media boot lickers by putting Donald Trump in the White House. Now Trump rode in on this populist agenda of putting American workers first and his mandate was to take power from the corrupt political class in Washington and put it back in the hands of the people.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Ours was not a campaign, but rather an incredible and great movement. It's a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds, and beliefs who want and expect our government to serve the people and serve the people, it will.

They're forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.



INGRAHAM: And on issue after issue he delivered, he delivered real results.

American prosperity records low unemployment, thanks to his tax cuts and deregulation. Record increase in median household income, $6500 far outpacing Obama, of course renegotiated NAFTA. Obama said he'd fix that.

And of course, in eight years, he never did.


It took two years of work for Trump's team. But the new USMCA levels the playing field with Mexico and Canada, it's about time. Tariffs on China.

And under huge pressure to back off on terrorists by big business, the president held firm which brought China to the negotiating table, it was great. He forced our NATO allies to finally commit to paying their required share of GDP to pay for their own defense. He ended catch and release. He forced the issue of phony asylum seekers to the fore and he got a good start on that new border fence.

He put 218 federal judges on the bench and three solid justices to the Supreme Court. I could go on and on, I could take the whole hour up on the stuff that he's done in four years. But the important thing to remember is that he accomplished all of that while under constant assault by forces inside and outside the government.

Of course, the deep state, the Mueller team, the corrupt media, the grifters at The Lincoln Project, social media CEOs, the ANTIFA, BLM rioters and even the virus that originated in China. I almost left out all the personal lies and smears and the attacks on his family that he had to endure as well. For four years that did not let up, but in the end about 70 million Americans ignored these vipers and voted for Trump's policies.



TRUMP: Don't say that I'll start to cry. That wouldn't be good for my image. Thank you. Thank you. And I love you. I do, I love you.


INGRAHAM: I know how much so many of you might be hurting about how this election played out. The COVID fearmongering, the mail-in-ballot fiasco.

The fact that days after an American election, we are still counting ballots and the absolute disgrace that is the American press corps in their incurious approach to it all. And I know many of you cannot believe that bags of votes almost all for Biden seem to turn up just when Biden needs the most.

And the fact is serious legal arguments are being made against and a big win at the Supreme Court tonight as I mentioned, we'll get to that more in a bit. I can't tell you how the courts will ultimately rule or if the remedies would even change the outcome, but I will repeat what I said last night. These legal efforts are critical because the truth does need to come out in order to preserve the integrity and transparency of elections going forward. And if there is no path for Donald Trump's second term, it doesn't mean the end of the America first movement or his role in leading it. On the contrary, this is only the beginning.

For now, it's time to take our gains, learn from our defeats, and confidently expand one of the greatest political movements of the past 100 years. So, how do we do this? First, we must ensure that state-by-state we work to overhaul any process that leads to what we've seen play out this week. I don't care how much money it costs. I don't care what we have to study to get there. But we must work to eliminate mass mail-in-voting and ballot harvesting.

Litigation is going to be necessary and it cost big money, so it needs to be funded. Hey, big donors, stop giving money to think-tanks in Washington that have accomplished next to nothing and start giving money to grassroots political illegal efforts to stop this nonsense.

Now, back in August, Republican Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona assured us that everything would go smoothly on Election Day.



GOV. DOUG DUCEY (R-AZ): In Arizona, we're going to do it right, it will be free and fair. It will be difficult, if not impossible, to cheat, and it will be easy to vote. 78 percent of the citizens already vote by mail in Arizona. Over the course of decades, we've established a system that works and can be trusted.



INGRAHAM: It didn't really work out that way, but he's not alone.

Republicans also control Georgia, yet sheer incompetence and perhaps foul play have compromised the integrity of the election results there as well.

Democrat strongholds in Detroit and Philadelphia, they'll be more difficult to change, but try. We must. For many months, the Angle warned that mail- in-ballots were going to present serious challenges that the GOP needed to be prepared for.


INGRAHAM: So, you're going to have lawyers all across this country ready to challenge this because they have a lot of lawyers.


TRUMP: They do. They have more lawyers, and any human being has ever hired.

I don't know who's hiring their lawyer, but the Democrats have lawyers that we do, too. We're in Pennsylvania right now. We're in Nevada right now.

We're in all different states fighting this.



INGRAHAM: Well, apparently, there weren't nearly enough lawyers to counter what would happen in Philly and Detroit, with monitors being denied access to vote counting centers repeatedly.

Number two, it's time to retire all the failed political consultants and campaign officials who blew through hundreds of millions of dollars yet didn't have this legal apparatus set up to challenge what we all knew was coming. Why didn't they have it in place? Why aren't the best lawyers in America on television night-after-night explaining the president's legal claims? We saw Jay Sekulow tonight, thank goodness.

Third, if and when it's time to accept an unfavorable outcome in this election. And we hope it never comes. But if and when that does happen, President Trump needs to do it with the same grace and composure he demonstrated at that town hall with Savannah Guthrie. So, many people remarked about his tone and presence, exactly what he needs.

Now, losing, especially when you believe the process wasn't fair. It's a gut punch. And I'm not conceding anything tonight, by the way, but losing, if that's what happens, it's awful. But President Trump's legacy will only become more significant if he focuses on moving the country forward and then the love and respect his supporters feel for him. It's only going to grow stronger and his legacy more historically significant.

The media knows he'll be a GOP kingmaker for 2022 and 2024, no doubt. They know he's a political hero to tens of millions of Americans and they want to take that from him too.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The president sowing the seeds of doubt about our democracy, saying he's not going to accept results of the election unless he's the winner.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: President Trump threatened to tear the country apart. I think that should disqualify him in the minds of fair-minded people.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Donald Trump, who in his speech not only seemed like a tin pot dictator, not only seemed like he was blatantly a racist dictator, but a panicked one.


INGRAHAM: They're still on the racist thing, even though he expanded support among minority voters. These people are absolute buffoons. Trump should make them all eat their own words. But more importantly, he should do it for the voters and those who expect their leaders to accept the will of the people.

And to all you patriots who supported President Trump, stand tall and be proud of your efforts and his, it was all worth it. We all helped reshape the national conversation in China, on immigration, on trade and political correctness, et cetera, et cetera. We don't have time to bury our heads and crying towels. There are two Senate races to win in order to hold the Senate. There's money to be raised, speeches to be written and delivered, ads to be made and ballot canvassing events to be organized.

The 2020 presidential election will be studied for decades and even centuries to come, historians will note that in this election, Biden and the Left were propped up by a fortune from big businesses who are angry with a president who stood up for the average American. But history will also show that at a time when so many intellectuals had given up on this country, Donald Trump and his supporters showed that the American dream still inspires tens of millions and that billions of dollars' worth of propaganda could not persuade us to abandon the faith. And for myself, I'm confident that our vision of this country will eventually prevail. And that's the angle.

Joining me now is John McLaughlin, Trump 2020 Campaign Pollster, and Chris Bedford, Senior Editor at The Federalist. Chris, however, this all shakes out and I love these legal challenges because we have to get to the bottom of all of this and expose fraud where it occurred. I'd much rather be the GOP right now, given the Democrat attempt at a coalition.


CHRIS BEDFORD, SENIOR EDITOR, THE FEDERALIST: The GOP is in a pretty strong place, it's exactly the kind of party that people like you and other populists have really set out and what they wanted at the end of a Donald Trump administration, whether it's now, whether it's in four years or whether he comes back and runs another time. This is a party that's a working-class party. It's a populist party. It's American Patriotic Party.

And those concerns don't know any skin color. They know wealth and they want access to power.

These woke values that are at the center of the Democratic Party are absolutely the luxury of the ultra-rich and the ultra-elite that can't be afforded by people who are just - who care about their country and are trying to take care of their family.

But to your point on the voter fraud, he has the means right now to take care of this. And you have to treat Philadelphia and other cities like the mob. Unlike the mob, there is no omerta. And if you go in there with federal agents and you start talking to people even over the next few months, promising them five years in jail if they lied to a federal agent, they will roll over very quickly and you will move up and up and up and deconstruct it, just like they're already doing in Philadelphia to get Johnny Duck and the mob and uncovering voter fraud accidentally along the way.


INGRAHAM: John McLaughlin, you've been polling for Trump for years. And to those who say the Trump brand is not going to be as influential going forward, the Trump political brand, what is your polling told you?


JOHN MCLAUGHLIN, TRUMP 2020 CAMPAIGN POLLSTER: Well, that's ridiculous, because 95 percent of these Republicans approve of the job the president's doing. In fact, that a post-election poll that we posted today on our website, mclaughlinonline.com, the voters who voted actually gave him a 53 percent national job approval, with the Republicans. It was 91. And we asked the question, looking forward to the future who would - the 2024 primary, who would they be voting for?

And the top two people with 30 percent for Mike Pence, 20 percent for Donald Trump Jr. Everyone else was in single digits. This is the party of Donald Trump. They support his policies. They think they're better off with his policies among the Republicans, 85 to 15. So, this is Donald Trump's party. They don't believe he's lost. In fact, most of these voters think he's won the election and they think it's been stolen from him.


INGRAHAM: Chris, that's why we talk about America first and Trump so often.

But it matters, right? If you want definitive proof, it's how desperate China was for Biden to win. Look no further than this headline. China's yuan swings most since 2015 devaluation on Biden's prospects. On top of that, a Chinese state media official tweeted, I believe I won't tweet nearly as much in the past two years, starting on January 20th, because I don't have to reply to Trump and Pompeo's daily slander on China. I don't expect Biden and his future secretary of state to be that type of lowlife.

Chris, what does that tell us about the CCP and Biden?


BEDFORD: I mean, it shows you that they're not worried about Joe Biden. And I don't know why they would be. His Republican opponents, a lot of them may have underestimated him, but he's not an actual strong adversary on international stage. And he hasn't been for decades against China. His policy that he's offered on China as well as his policies on COVID and a lot of other aspects of his policies, including what he's talking about on trade deals and union protections, are simply a faint echo of a lot of the policies that Donald Trump has really pushed forward.

And he's the kind of the president over the last four years who not unlike Andrew Jackson or Teddy Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan, not to compare any person, any person, but those are men who really shaped their party in the way it went forward, had a major impact on the politics of the future of their party. I think that's going to continue with Donald Trump, although there are a lot of people, the Nikki Haley's, et cetera, were going to try and come in right now, claim the mantle or bring it exactly back to the Bush GOP.


INGRAHAM: Good luck with that, John McLaughlin. Another point is that Nancy Pelosi came out today and babbling incoherence to talk about the mandate that she has after losing seats. Watch.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): I think what happened with the Democrats for Congress across the country helped contribute to the Biden success, so we're very proud to be part of that mandate.



INGRAHAM: She's even worse with the mask on, I can't understand her. John, real quick.

MCLAUGHLIN: She lost House seats and I tell you what, they're counting.

There's less than 100,000 votes covering five states with 63 electoral votes. Let's get those votes counted. Let's get the recounts done, because we may see surprises again that you may see a second term of Donald Trump where Speaker Pelosi will be our best friend with her negatives and the public opposition she has to her agenda.

INGRAHAM: Let all the legal challenges go forward, my friends, gentlemen, great to see you both. And Joe Biden hasn't even officially won the election. And the Left is already calling for Trump officials to be punished for CNN made it clear the job prospects for Trumpers are grim.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There are people in the president's inner circle, the Hope Hicks, the Dan Govinos (ph) those types, they're focused on dealing with the president, managing his anger, I'm told. But there are a lot of other people who are not particularly close to the president who are trying to figure out what is their next job going to be, what is their next job going to be, and what is it like going into the job market, not from a normal White House where typically you've got a lot of offers, but coming from the Trump White House.



INGRAHAM: Even more alarming, squad leader AOC made this deranged call to action is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants? But when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future, a former Obama official actually indulged her, noting that he and some former Buttigieg staffers were starting a Trump accountability list, a political hit list, a blacklist of sorts courtesy of the party of tolerance.

Joining me now is Dinesh D'Souza, conservative commentator, filmmaker.

Dinesh, The Blacklist, I mean, you've been writing about this for decades.

The Left has always had one.


DINESH D'SOUZA, CONSERVATIVE COMMENTATOR: They have and this is a tyrannical impulse, it's so ironic because they keep accusing Trump of being a tyrant, but ultimately these are people who, if they had their wish, they would ostracize their opponents, they would have them fired from their jobs, they would have them digitally censored. And they cheer that when that happens and who knows, they might next be willing to imprison them.

The historian David Blight from Yale recently spoke about Trump and the GOP as the new Confederacy. Now, this was a very poisonous accusation. Think of it. First of all, a member of the Party of the Confederacy is accusing the leader of the party, of Lincoln, of being a Confederate. But I think that what he was trying to do is sow the kind of hatred that makes Trump supporters into enemies, enemies of the country. And then this licenses in the name of tolerance, believe me, a kind of wave of anger and retribution against these people because they see not as critics, not as dissenters, not as people who are wrong, who need to be persuaded, but as enemies who have to be taken out.


INGRAHAM: And, Dinesh, I think it also opens the door to physical attacks, too, because the Left is always claiming that Right-wing rhetoric inspires this or that group. But what about their rhetoric? I mean, if you're truly like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot or whatever their comparison is of the day, then, gosh, they're like mass murderers, conservatives who support Trump. I mean, that's where this goes logically.


D'SOUZA: Well, I think in the old communist states, it was simply the state that carried out ultimately the recriminations, the violence. But in this case, the Left seems to be counting on the kind of alliance of media, digital moguls, corporate sponsors to work together with the Left so that ultimately they can expose people, target them, get them kicked off and made into public nonpersons. And at the end of the day, who knows unleash the deep state against them, perhaps.


INGRAHAM: Well, Dinesh, they're already doing this, though, right? They've already waged their war and academia. I mean, you're not going to get a promotion in most schools if you're a well-known Trump supporter, you're going to get tenure in most schools. You're not going to get an elevation in the military probably in some cases if you're if you're known to believe in certain traditional values. So, a lot of this is happening, but she's just being really vocal about it.


D'SOUZA: Absolutely, I saw in my own case years ago sitting across from these Obama prosecutors that if they could, they would have locked me up for 10 years on a minor technicality because they didn't see me as a critic. They saw me ultimately as an enemy. And that's the kind of poisonous mentality that the Left is putting into the public discourse, even justifying it, just justifying it in academia, justifying it in media, and ultimately it carries over to the government.


INGRAHAM: Dinesh, thank you so much. Perfect person to talk about this tonight. And coming up, our legal eagles weigh in on the Supreme Court's intervention in the Pennsylvania vote tonight. Stay there.



INGRAHAM: As I mentioned at the top of the show, the Supreme Court has intervened in the Pennsylvania vote count. Justice Alito earlier tonight ordered late ballots in Pennsylvania to be segregated, secured, and counted separately.

Election officials were supposed to be doing this already, but PA Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar couldn't verify this guidance was actually being followed across the board. Now, yesterday, Secretary Boockvar assured us there weren't enough late ballots to make or break the election.

But given the Supreme Court's order tonight, should we be skeptical of her claim? Joining me now are two lawyers involved in the Trump campaign's election legal battles, Phil Kline, former Kansas Attorney General and Director of the Amistad Project. Along with me is Harmeet Dhillon, Civil Rights Attorney and Lawyers for Trump National Co-Chair. Phillip, why is this important and what are the next steps?


PHILLIP KLINE, FORMER KANSAS ATTORNEY GENERAL: Well, it is significant what has been happening, it's like if we were in a game of poker, Laura, and I called you and you laid down your cards and I said, you know what, I have won, took the money without showing you my cards, you'd have a problem with that. And the United States Supreme Court said the Democrats cannot do this in secret any longer.

But that only applies to part of the balance. We won a court order and one of our lawsuits this morning that applied statewide where they treated a different type of ballot improperly, allowing Democrats in Democrat strongholds to cure their ballots while in Republican counties the voters weren't allowed to cure. So, there's another order to segregate ballots as well.

And we're only beginning to see this. I'd never investigated a guilty person who wanted me to see the evidence they controlled. And I've never investigated an innocent person who didn't want me to see the evidence of innocence that they had in their hands. Why are the Democrats blocking the door to these counts now?


INGRAHAM: Now, Harmeet, we don't know exactly what the Supreme Court will do, but there is precedent for courts overturning the results of elections back in 1994, a U.S. district court judge voided the results of a Philadelphia state Senate election and awarded it to the Republican challenger because of rampant Democrat fraud. And it was a consequential race too, it was enough to flip control of the state Senate all together.

So, Harmeet, everyone's talking remedies here. Even if you find that some of these ballots were invalid or improperly processed, is that enough to change the result? So, what's the remedy here? What could the court even consider doing?


HARMEET DHILLON, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: Well, the court would probably look, given the timing here and the fact that this order comes down on the last day on which the three days where the secretary of state had extended the voting, we don't even know how many ballots are affected by that. We should know that answer. But it seems very shady the way the Pennsylvania authorities are keeping track. So, a court would look at let's assume that this mistake occurred, and does it make a difference? Would it affect the outcome of the race?

So, if there are 300,000 ballots that came in after Election Day and the margin is 100,000, yes, that makes a difference. But if it is 100,000 and the margin is 300,000, then it may not make a difference. So, courts are going to look at that practicality to see if it would have made a difference. But piling on with some of the other errors that we've seen, it may be sufficient enough and the court may be unhappy with the fact that the Pennsylvania authorities appear to have simply ignored their order.

That's why this order came down tonight, is because they weren't doing what they were already supposed to be doing.


INGRAHAM: Yes, well, I love how people just say, well, I've seen no evidence. There's no evidence of fraud, Phillip. I don't see anything. Show it to me. And I'm thinking, aren't you guys reporters? Aren't you at all interested in investigating and knowing the results of what was - I just want to place this quickly, this was an announcement from the Michigan GOP Chairwoman that she made today? Watch.



LAURA COX, MICHIGAN GOP CHAIRMAN: In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6000-vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said tabulating software glitch and caused a miscalculation of the votes. Since then, we have now discovered that 47 counties use this same software in the same capacity.



INGRAHAM: Phillip, is there nothing to see here at all, no concern, not at all.


KLINE: We're supposed to accept that that it's a glitch in 47 counties, potentially without taking the time to figure out the truth. This is deeply concerning. And this is important also, Laura, for your viewers to understand. If we get to the recount stage without looking at this, the recount just validates the fraud, because what is happening right now in many areas are Democrats are actually claiming the right to complete ballots for flawed ballots, without anybody watching them. They will fill out the ballot for this flawed ballot, cast it in, that's happening in Michigan, and they will count it. Nobody needs to look. And when you get to the recount, it just validates the fraud.

They need to open the doors now. These courts need to get serious about allowing the law to be followed, which means a Republican, a Democrat, everybody with a vested interest in this game gets to see how the ballots are counted. That's been the rule for over a century in this nation. I don't understand why we can dispense of it now.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: Harmeet, Ben Ginsberg, Mitt Romney's lawyer for his campaign, well-known election lawyer, no fan of the president, he spoke out today in the same vein as I was referencing earlier that, look, Republicans, it's all smoke and mirrors here on the fraud issue. Watch.


BEN GINSBERG, TOP ATTORNEY FOR MITT ROMNEY'S 2012 CAMPAIGN: Evidence simply is not there to claim our elections are rigged, that the results are fraudulent, that there's cheating going on. My real disappointment with the Republican Party has been that it's standard bearer, the president, has said that our basic institution of elections is fraudulent without the proof to back that up. That's harmful to the country.


INGRAHAM: And Harmeet, others, Chris Christie has said the same thing. Your reaction?

DHILLON: That's classic gaslighting, Laura. How are we supposed to come forward with the evidence when you are locked out of the room where the shenanigans are occurring, and where when you complain, they give you some binoculars and treat it like it's a birdwatching expedition. That is un- American. That is not how our elections run in this country.

They are using COVID, just be very clear, they are using COVID as an excuse to lock observers out. That's outrageous. And the software glitch, just to go back to that, that same software is being used in almost all of the battleground states, Laura. So this could be a more widespread problem.

So I would really like all Americans to be able to accept the outcome of this election, whatever it is, but if we have this type of shenanigans going on, and we have Republican lawyers who for many years paid their mortgages with RNC money turn on the president and then try to cover this up, that's unacceptable. So the president should fight, the president should reach a conclusion, and the lawyers are out there doing that. And we're never going to feel comfortable with the results of this election unless there's transparency. So that needs to occur and courts need to enforce if necessary.

INGRAHAM: Phillip and Harmeet, thank you so much tonight.

And Biden's been non-announcement turns into a celebrity tailgate and sparks dance parties in New York City. Plus, Nancy Pelosi tries spinning her party's stunning election defeats into gold. Raymond Arroyo explains, "Seen and Unseen," next.


INGRAHAM: It's time for "Seen and Unseen" segment where we expose the stories behind the headlines. Joining us with all the details is Raymond Arroyo, FOX News contributor, author of "The Spider Who Saved Christmas."

All right, Raymond, Joe Biden and Kamala were planning to speak tonight in Wilmington. What gives?

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: It was delayed and delayed, but we are learning now, Laura, Biden is arriving as we speak. He is expected to address the crowd any moment. In Wilmington, they have already staged a celebratory tailgate, something forbidden, incidentally, on most college campuses and at NFL games, I might note. There's also two dance parties, street dance parties, in New York's Washington Square, and in Pennsylvania.

The idea is clearly to telegraph that people believe Biden has won. Laura, in some ways, this is part of the P.R. hazes that has been wrapped around Biden from the beginning. It's a little like taking Michael Dukakis out of mothballs and wrapping him in nice P.R. and slick ads. And this, by the way, even as recounts and legal actions stall any official count or any new states being called.

Then there were competing stop the steel Trump protests around the country, in Detroit, Phoenix. And check out this massive one in Philadelphia.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: We're in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our -- President Obama's administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.


ARROYO: That wasn't quite the bite we were asking for, but Laura, when he misspeaks, he sometimes speaks the truth. This is clearly the case the Trump administration is attempting to make. But whether there was voter fraud or not, one thing is clear -- Joe Biden will not be a transformative president. You've heard of "Weekend at Bernie's." This will be one term at Biden's, and it's the White House as a retirement home.


ARROYO: And look, we have to admit, any fair-minded watcher, he is not vigorous, he is not mentally agile enough to move a robust agenda. And I also think the more people see him, the more they will see his true state.

We're going to see him in moments address this crowd.

INGRAHAM: He's now, the motorcade is now approaching. And look, this is late. This is late in the evening. We don't usually see Joe Biden out this late. We did on election night. And I think they want to go and plant a flag, Raymond, and call this a victory, despite the fact that you are only supposed to have 0.3 percent of ballot spoilage in Pennsylvania, and there could have been as much as three percent of ballot spoilage, which means we're not talking fraud. We're talking recount. So if that happens, that could change the whole deal, if Arizona comes through for Trump as the Trump people insist could happen.

ARROYO: This is a perception game now, Laura. It's perception. People on the street, this kind of razzle-dazzle event where he claims the presidency


INGRAHAM: That's his motorcade.

ARROYO: How the president reacts is going to be decisive here in what he chooses to do next.

INGRAHAM: The motorcade is pulling up, looks like a presidential motorcade, look at how big it is. That's probably part of the perception, here.

But I think this does not surprise me given where the ballot counting is going, eroding Trump's lead, destroying Trump's lead after new ballots are brought in, tranches of ballots, late ballots, ballots that arrived on Election Day. It doesn't surprise me they're doing this.

ARROYO: Laura, with no states called, I don't know how you can go claim the presidency. But look, the president has to strike a very delicate balance here. He has to defend the integrity of the vote, while at the same common, no matter what happens here, he has a future. He's created a political movement here. Like Andy Jackson, he can appoint candidates, he can move --

INGRAHAM: Hold on, hold on, Arroyo. What Biden, your guy Biden said, we had to be patient. This could go on -- they said before the election, this could go on for weeks. Remember all those soundbites we played? Now they want to rush in before anything is declared. What? What happened to being patient, and this could go on for weeks. Count every vote, every legal vote.

ARROYO: And the president is challenging these counts. There are recounts underway. And I just don't think you can go and claim the presidency like this. But they are clearly trying to set something up here. The president has to act very, I think, soberly in this moment --

INGRAHAM: Carefully.

ARROYO: -- and be the leader that he is now. Look, they want to drive him, the media, out into the public, get him angry, make him lose his temper. He can't to do that.


ARROYO: He has to be the defender of the vote and the integrity of that vote. That's what people expect. And then he can propel his MAGA movement forward no matter what happens to him in this election. We'll see in the days ahead.

INGRAHAM: Yes, the more presidential and sober and calm the president is, of wanting to get to the bottom of all these questions regarding the vote and mail-in ballots, the more calm he is, the more effective he is. You saw the reaction in that second debate he did, in that town hall he did with Savannah Guthrie, where he listened to everybody's questions. You know the president, and I know, that's how he is. So the more he comes across as that, wanting to know the truth for the future of this country, demanding fairness, but also just not popping out, I think you're right, Raymond.

That propels. He's going to go down as one of the greatest presidents of the last 100 years if he plays his cards right just on his results in four years, period.

ARROYO: Laura, he's got Andy Jackson hanging in the Oval Office there. I don't think that's accidental. Andrew Jackson was a real estate baron, and after he was an office -- in fact, I'm going to play something for you.

This is former White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney. He said this the other day. It caught my attention, and then I'll make that point. Watch.


MICK MULVANEY, FORMER WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: I think now folks are starting to realize, wait a second, if Donald Trump loses, he might be the guy. And I'm telling you, absolutely. I would absolutely expect the president to stay involved in politics. It would absolutely put him on the shortlist of people who are likely to run in 2024.


ARROYO: That likely sends chills through the media corps tonight. But like Andy Jackson, though, in retirement, he could be -- or rather the post presidency, he could run again as Teddy Roosevelt did, or as Andy Jackson did, getting his disciple James Polk elected to office, shaping the republic and keeping the message and this populist movement going much further than a second term might have taken him.

INGRAHAM: I just think, look, winning an election when 70 million Americans believe that there are really serious unanswered questions about how the vote was done, winning the election under those terms, it's not good. If that's what ends up happening and Biden can declare victory before any of these court challenges are actually heard, I think if the shoe were on the other foot, they would be pulling down more statues tonight, not doing dance parties in the street.

ARROYO: Laura, part of the calculus here, they're going to try to project Biden as the great unifier, somebody who can bring the country together.

Frankly, his behavior during this campaign would indicate that he is incapable of that. And when half the country disagrees, it's going to be very difficult for him to unify anybody while trashing the guy that brought him to the party.

INGRAHAM: You're going to unify the country when your energy source, AOC, is demanding an accountability project be in order where anyone who ever worked for the administration is essentially -- and I'm basically paraphrasing this, but essentially be shunned from civil society? Trump accountability project, I don't know if that's just a fundraising mechanism for Pete Buttigieg staffers, but it smacks of a Star Chamber, very odd, dictatorial, tyrannical measure, instead of actually convincing people that you were right and they were wrong. It's shutting them down, and taking away their livelihoods. That's what they're talking about.

ARROYO: It's a purge.

INGRAHAM: How is that unifying the country?

ARROYO: Yes, it's a politically sanctioned purge of people you disagree with. How is that unifying?

And some of the dehumanizing talk I've been hearing about the president in recent days -- I don't care if you like the president, you don't like him, Biden is the president or not, you don't dehumanize the man who a majority of Americans have elected to represent the country. And it's frankly disturbing that that kind of language continues. I heard it today, I heard it yesterday. And to cut him off -- the president comes out and makes an address to the country. You just cut him off. You ignore him.

We have to get past this. And I pray that the media, which is critical to this republic, working properly and informed and a well-informed populace, if they do their jobs better, we can have a fully functioning, unified country. But if this game continues, we're out of luck. And God bless and help us.

INGRAHAM: Former Vice President Joe Biden is about to make remarks. No one is quite sure what he's going to say, but it would certainly be premature to say the least, as the Supreme Court just intervenes tonight to declare victory. But let's go to FOX's Jacqui Heinrich outside the Chase Center in Wilmington. Jacqui?


There was really no chance the former vice president was going to claim victory before all of the votes came in. The feeling was that as these totals started to trickle in throughout the day, things were getting closer, the campaigns projections for what they believed were going to be wins in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, those things were becoming more clear, they started setting up for what they expected to be a victory speech when a network made that call.

But without that having happened, the plan is for the former vice president to address Americans about the state of where things lie right now, express confidence, as he has the last couple of nights in where they believe they'll be once all of this gets tabulated. But he is not going to get out ahead and claim victory.

Part of the reason why, sources tell me, is, a, he is superstitious. But b, he thinks it's important for the American people to watch the democratic process play out. And he has taken steps to take a different approach than the president in many different parts of this campaign, partly when the president came out that first night on election night, saying that he believed he had won. Joe Biden wanted to take a different approach. They've also been taking a different approach in terms of showing the lawsuits they believe are incoming, giving some transparency from what they see as the fronts that the Republicans are going to be coming at them on, what they believe their defenses are, and trying to give an air of transparency and confidence. That's their take on it, anyway.

INGRAHAM: Here's Joe Biden, Jacqui.

HEINRICH: But this set behind me has been set up. And --

INGRAHAM: Joe Biden is speaking out.

JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: We don't have a final declaration of victory yet, but the numbers tell us it's clear, tell us a clear and convincing story. We're going to win this race. Just look at what has happened since yesterday. Twenty-four hours, we were behind in Georgia, now we are ahead, and we're going to win that state. Twenty-four hours ago, we were behind in Pennsylvania, and we are going to win Pennsylvania.

And now we're ahead, but we're winning in Arizona, winning Nevada. In fact, our lead just doubled in Nevada. We are on track to over 300 electoral votes, Electoral College votes. And look at the national numbers. We are going to win this race with a clear majority of the nation behind us. We've gotten over 74 million votes. Let me repeat that, 74 million votes. That's more than any presidential ticket has ever gotten in the history of the United States of America. And our vote total is still growing. We are beating Donald Trump by over 4 million votes. And that's a margin that is still growing as well.

One of the thing that I'm especially proud of is how well we've done across America. And we're going to be de first Democrat to win Arizona in 24 years. We're going to first Democrat to win Georgia in 28 years. And we've rebuilt the blue wall in the middle of the country that crumbled just four years ago -- Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, the heartland of this nation.

I know watching these vote tallies on TV moves very slow, and as slow as it goes, it can be numbing. But never forget, the tallies aren't just numbers.

They represent votes and voters, men and women who exercised their fundamental right to have their voice heard. And what's becoming clear each hour is that record number of Americans of all races, faiths, religions, chose change over more of the same. They've given us a mandate for action on COVID, the economy, climate change, systemic racism. They made it clear, they want the country to come together, not continue to pull apart.

The people spoke. More than 74 million Americans, they spoke loudly for tickets. But while we are waiting for the final results, I want people to know we are not waiting to get the work done and start the process.

Yesterday, Senator Harris and I held meetings with groups of experts on public health and the economic crisis this country is facing. The pandemic, as you also know, is getting more worrisome all across the country. Daily cases are skyrocketing. It is now believed that we could spike, see as many

200,000 cases in a single day. The death toll is approaching 240,000 lives lost to this virus. That's 240,000 empty chairs at kitchen tables and dining room tables all across America.

We'll never be able to measure all of that pain and the loss, the suffering that so many families have experienced. We know something about what it feels like to lose someone. And I want them to know, they are not alone.

Our hearts break with you. We want everyone, everyone to know on day one we are going to put our plan to control this virus into action. We can't save any of the lives lost that have been lost, but we can save a lot of lives in the months ahead.

Senator Harris and I also heard yesterday about how this recovery is slowing because of the failure to get the pandemic under control. More than

20 million people are on unemployment. Millions are worried about making rent and putting food on the table. Our economic plan will put a focus on a path to a strong recovery.

Look, we both know tensions are high, they can be high a tough election, one like we've had. But we need to remember, we have to remain calm, patient, let the process work out as we count all the votes. We are proving again what we've proved for 244 years in this country -- democracy works.

Your vote will be counted. I don't care how hard people try to stop it, I will not let it happen. The people will be heard. Our journey is toward a more perfect union, and it keeps moving on.

In America, we hold strong views. We have strong disagreements, and that's OK. Strong disagreements are inevitable in a democracy. And strong disagreements are healthy. They are a sign of a vigorous debate, of deeply held views. We have to remember the purpose of our politics isn't total, unrelenting, unending warfare. No. The purpose of our politics, the work of the nation isn't to fan the flames of conflict, but to solve problems, to guarantee justice, to give everybody a fair shot, and to improve the lives of our people. We may be opponents, but we are not enemies. We're Americans.

No matter who you voted for, I'm certain of one thing -- the vast majority of the 150 million Americans who voted, they want to get the vitriol out of our politics. We are certainly not going to agree on a lot of issues, but at least we can agree to be civil with one another. We have to put the anger and the demonization behind us. It's time for us to come together as a nation to heal. It's not going to be easy, but we have to try.

My responsibility as president will be to represent the whole nation. And I want you to know that I will work as hard for those who voted against me as those who voted for me. That's the job. That's the job. It's called the duty of care for all Americans. We have serious problems to deal with, from COVID to the economy to racial injustice and climate change. We don't have any more time to waste on partisan warfare.

And more than that, we have such an incredible opportunity to build the future we want for our kids and our grandkids. I've said many, many times, I've never been more optimistic about the future of this nation. There is no reason we can't own the 21st century. We just need to remember who we are. This is United States of America. And there's never been anything, anything we've been unable to do, unable to accomplish, when we've done it together.

I hope to be talking to you tomorrow. I want to thank you all, and may God bless you, and may God protect our troops. Good night.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now is Candace Owens, Blexit movement founder and author of "Blackout." Candace, what was the point of that speech tonight other than filling us with lots of cliches about how decent and kind they are, and how we all need to come together after they've demonized, tried to destroy Donald Trump for four years?

CANDACE OWENS, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR, TURNING POINTS USA: I have never heard so many words to accomplish saying absolutely nothing. I'm sitting here like, is there a point in here? And it's just amazing how he is pretending to be a good unifier.

First and foremost, he doesn't have the it factor. You can just tell, somebody is writing those speeches, and he cannot communicate them effectively. He is not a Barack Obama. Give Barack Obama credit where it is due. He was a great orator. Joe Biden is not that. He stumbles over words because he did not write them.

All of this energy talking about unifying the nation, what was he doing when he was debating Trump, telling him to shut up, right, calling him a clown, essentially saying that America voted a clown into office. His party, talking about the economy and how people are fearful because they can't afford to get food on the table, that's because his party pushed for and is continuing to push for shutdowns with no end in sight. They want to welfare-ize the entire country. They want the entire country looking to the government for stimulus checks. People want to get back on their feet.

The problem wasn't the pandemic, Laura. The problem was how politicians dealt with the pandemic. That is what is on the heart and the minds of Americans. They want to get back to work. They want their children to get back to school. And that is the message that President Donald J. Trump delivered, which is opposite from Joe Biden. There is nothing about him to me that is palatable. I just listened to that, and I said this is a politician to his core. He goes out there and he says whatever is written on the teleprompter, and he's poor at delivering those points.

INGRAHAM: He was struggling in parts of those very brief remarks. And you have to wonder if people might have been watching that, some who were kind of on the fence, maybe, were watching that, going, wait a second, we have

6.9 percent unemployment after a horrible pandemic. We had record growth in the third quarter, and he is saying we're going to show you how do a recovery, are you kidding me? What does that mean?

OWENS: None of it makes sense. He is being so dishonest. He is the person that is saying he wants to mandate a longer shutdown. So stop pretending you're not on the side of wanting to keep continuing to crush this economy.

He is not a leader. I'm sorry, nothing about the way he comes across, he has no poise, no elegance. He doesn't make me feel confident, in my opinion. He seems to be mentally deteriorating. I think that's the way most Americans feels.

And by the way, if Donald Trump had said that, they would have cut away from this, right. They would have cut away from him immediately about we are going to win, we are going to win, we are going to win. Will somebody please fact check that, because if Donald Trump tweeted it, it would be fact-checked immediately and pulled off the Internet.

INGRAHAM: That's a great point. He would have been shut off Twitter tonight, Candace, if those things were said on the opposite side by Trump.

Candace, it was great to see you tonight. Thank you so much.

That is all the time we have tonight. This has been a week unlike any other. And make sure, spend time with your family.

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