'Broken Bridge 15' Debate

This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," February 21, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: Welcome back to our special edition of "Hannity & Colmes." We're live from Miami tonight.

Joining us now is the daughter of Fidel Castro, who is now an advocate for democracy in Cuba and also a radio talk show host here in Miami. Alina Fernandez is with us.

Good to see you. It's been a long time.


HANNITY: Welcome back to the program.


HANNITY: You know, we talk about this particular instance, but we talk about your father. And I knew a man that was there at the time of the revolution. He's recently passed away. And his whole family was slaughtered during the revolution.


HANNITY: All their property was stolen. This is why you have said very passionately, this is why you have spoken out against him.

FERNANDEZ: I've been speaking out against him for a long time.

HANNITY: I know.

FERNANDEZ: Since I was down in Cuba, nobody wanted to listen at that time. Now after almost half a century of a dictatorship, 99 miles away from your country, we finally get people to listen, thanks to people like you.

HANNITY: But do most people really understand the brutality of life under this regime?

FERNANDEZ: I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so. I think at least the bureaucrats on the Coast Guard, which is a government agency, don't understand that.

HANNITY: Otherwise they couldn't make a decision like they did in this particular case.

FERNANDEZ: In this particular case, because when you're prosecuted politically, you're always in danger to be sent back.


FERNANDEZ: And these people are not receiving even the right to due process.

HANNITY: You are looking forward to the day where your father is out of the way, one way or the other. Out of power.

FERNANDEZ: I hope — yes. You know.

HANNITY: You were telling me before we came on, you're looking forward to the day. You're going to be on the first plane back.

FERNANDEZ: I might be. I might be. Even if I'm rooting here, I might say.

HANNITY: Right. But is it that you want to establish for the first time the freedoms you experience here, there? Is that...

FERNANDEZ: With some changes, you know. Because I've seen in cases like this, if a government agency begins to take or make arbitrary decisions, then the legal system is in danger, then the democracy is in danger, too.

HANNITY: When Ronald Reagan took office, he took a lot of heat for talking about the former Soviet Union...

FERNANDEZ: Communists.

HANNITY: Communism. Evil empire. Is it an evil regime your father is running in Cuba?

FERNANDEZ: Oh, yes. You could say that perfectly.



HANNITY: In that sense he's evil. Is that hard to reconcile when you talk about him? Because this is your flesh and blood.

FERNANDEZ: I know. But you know, first of all, I'm myself , a woman, I'm a mother, I'm a Cuban, and that's what I am more than a daughter.

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Alina, it's Alan in New York. Thanks for coming back on our show. It's been a few years. Is your dad evil?

FERNANDEZ: I don't know if he's evil. His regime is. It results to be the same.

COLMES: They're one and the same. If these families of these 15 people we're talking about have the opportunity to come to this country, because they change the wet foot, dry foot law or ruling on this, would he let them out, do you think?

FERNANDEZ: I can't understand what he says.

HANNITY: Alan's asking you if the court decision comes down in favor of the families of the 15.


HANNITY: Do you think it's likely your father will let them come here?

FERNANDEZ: Well, I don't know. You cannot be sure about it. He rules his own country.

COLMES: Do you desire — I know you want to go back to Cuba. Have you given up any hope of having a personal relationship with your father?

FERNANDEZ: Of course. I mean, I will be a grandmother very soon, you know. That's way in the past.

COLMES: So, you don't think...

HANNITY: Grandmother, really?

COLMES: It's hard to believe you're going to be a grandmother, that's right. But he's not going to change — that's not going to change — Cuba's not going to change until he's gone. But aren't there people ready to take his place, his brother, for example? What do you foresee would take place after your father passes from the scene?

HANNITY: Let me interpret here. Alan is asking if he is off the political scene, his brother stands in the wings ready to take over. Do you think it will be...

FERNANDEZ: I'm worried about it because I'm sure that the Americans have thought about it already, and that's my fear. I would like the things to be fixed among Cubans.

HANNITY: But do you think the majority of people in Cuba desire the freedom?

FERNANDEZ: Is there risk that 90 miles away you cannot have a disorganized country that can, you know, harbor terrorists and — it's a special time now.

HANNITY: But when you speak to the people in Cuba, are they telling you they want the change to occur? They want better relations with the United States? They want freedom?

FERNANDEZ: Of course. Of course.

HANNITY: They do. They tell you all the time. And they live in fear; they're afraid to say it?

FERNANDEZ: You know, living in a country where you're starving and you don't have nothing and you cannot do anything to change it, that's a dictatorship.

HANNITY: All right. Alina, let's hope that day comes sooner than later. Good to see you.

FERNANDEZ: Good to see you, too.

HANNITY: And thank you for coming on. And all the friends coming, we hope that they get to come back to the country. Thank you for being with us.

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