Biden warns China could 'eat our lunch' after phone call with Xi

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," February 11, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


INGRAHAM: Thank you. Back at you my friend. We'll see you tomorrow night. All right I'm Laura Ingraham. This is the Ingraham Angle from a very busy Washington tonight. Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was with the president the entire day on January 6. He's here with exclusive reaction to the charges you heard from the impeachment managers today.


Also, we're going to bring you disturbing new details about the downfall of the anti-Trump group, the Lincoln Project. Ooh boy, this is a good one. Our guest tonight says it's worse than what's being reported and who has a 2- hour phone call with President Xi? Joe Biden for one. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will tell us what that means. But first, the House impeachment managers presented their final arguments against former President Trump today and they closed their case by inventing a totally new and arbitrary standard of guilt.




REP. TED LIEU (D-CA): President Trump's lack of remorse and refusal to take accountability during the attack shows his state of mind. It shows that he intended the events of January 6 to happen.


REP. JAMIE RASKIN (D-MD): To sit back and watch in delight as insurrectionists attack us.


REP. JOE NEGUSE (D-CO): He reacted exactly the way someone would react if they were delighted.




INGRAHAM: And that was just one example of their dramatic Olympic leaps in logic. They also spliced together footage of Trump talking about a GOP House candidate body slamming a reporter in 2018 and then a scene from Charlottesville a year earlier.




DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Any guy that can do a body slam, he's my kind.


CROWD: Jews will not replace us. Jews will not replace us.




INGRAHAM: OK, I don't understand that connection at all. They would have gotten laughed out of course any real court room for offering this garbage as evidence. Now by just continuously broadening the standard of incitement, what that means, has to have some objective meaning, Democrats have once again undermined their own efforts.


Did any of the Democrats show remorse for the violent inauguration protests they fomented with their language and what about the Democrats who openly supported and encouraged Black Lives Matter. Are they sorry for all the destruction and the fallout from all that?


Now even with all these novel legal arguments, it's pretty clear that senators have just made up their minds and are just waiting - waiting - waiting for the end of class.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Clearly there is a sense of fatigue sitting in among the jurors. Some are not paying attention. Florida senator Rick Scott appeared to have a map of Asia in front of him and appeared to be writing in the names of the countries in Asia. Senator Bernie Sanders appeared to be dozing off for a bit.




INGRAHAM: Well, I can't blame Bernie at all. Joining me now is Mark Master - Mark Meadows, former Chief of Staff under President Trump. Mark, your thoughts on today's close from the Democrats?


MARK MEADOWS, FMR CHIEF OF STAFF UNDER Trump: Well, obviously it was more creative license on the part of the Democrat House managers. We saw yesterday with Mike Lee, where they took some of his statements out of context and tried to spin them as the truth.


They did more of the same today. For them to really come to the conclusions that were not based on facts but based on their belief on what they think he might have met at a particular time. It is just wrong. You hit it exactly right Laura when you started to talk about this president throughout the summer continued to push and stand on the side of law enforcement as he does tonight, where he was trying to send in the National Guard to make sure that all the rioting that was going on, that it actually was quelled.


He did the same thing on January 6. He didn't delay at all and so for them to put forth this narrative that's not based on facts, really, it's just a sad day.


INGRAHAM: I'm going to ask a simple question. At any time did the President of the United States want to or seek to interfere with the vote counting of legitimate votes in this election, Mark.


MEADOWS: Absolutely not and I mean all we wanted was the legitimate votes to be counted and candidly, that's - that's - he's articulated that a number of times but even more importantly than that when we start to look at the standard that Democrats are trying to put forth to impeach the President of the United States Donald Trump who is now a private citizen, they're putting forth a standard that actually doesn't hold up.


Should we impeach Kamala Harris for bailing out people that were put in jail and rioted over the summer? You know should we impeach Bernie Sanders because someone shot up a baseball field out with Republicans on it? Absolutely not and here's what we've got to understand is, at this particular time the Democrats embarked on the fastest impeachment in the history of our country for one purpose.


It was a political purpose and designed to make us relive a day that we can all can condemn, we all view it as a horrific day but it's not anything that should be tried out in the impeachment and the president's not guilty.


INGRAHAM: One of the big things that they pushed today and yesterday was that the president didn't immediately come out on camera and immediately tweet go home, stop this, this is horrible what's happening, this is not what we're about. Why didn't he?


MEADOWS: Well, I can tell you we took immediate action. One of the things that has not has not been told yet is the fact that not only the president wanted to make sure everybody was safe but he literally at the very first said we need to make sure that they have the resources.


You know that that's not being told, the fact that he wanted our National Guard to be on the ready for any civil unrest that might be there and so he tweeted out a number of things as we were looking at some of this unfold. What we now know happened actually was not as graphic is was laid out over the last couple of days because we were seeing little bits and snippets but he condemned it and wanted to make sure that we respected law and order and was very forceful in that.


INGRAHAM: What's his state of mind having heard or watched any of this unfold, to the extent that he is watching any of it?


MEADOWS: Well, I think he is just a natural response that the Democrats wanted to impeach the president before he was president. They wanted to impeach him the first year he was president, the second, the third, the fourth and now they want to impeach after he's left office. I think most of America and indeed the 45th President of the United States sees it for what it is.


This is a political action taken by overzealous Democrats, trying to draw all the blood and really trying to put their will in place of 75 million people that showed up to vote for President Donald Trump on November 3.


INGRAHAM: And listen to this claim from the House impeachment manager, gotten a lot of time, Joe Neguse.




NEGUSE: It wasn't rhetorical. He had already made it perfectly clear when he said fight, he meant it. And that when followers in fact fought, when they engaged in violence, he praised and honored them as patriots.




INGRAHAM: Mark, Trump also told the supporters to be peaceful that day. Very clearly peacefully and patriotically.


MEADOWS: Patriotic, peaceful and patriotic. Listen, it wasn't words that actually were uttered on January 6 that had somebody placing pipe bombs on January 5. I mean you just can't have that and so you know the disconnect in the logic that is put forth, it just doesn't pass the smell test and I can tell you that if we look at this president and the actions that he took not just on January 6 but throughout the summer, he stands on the side of law enforcement, wanting to make sure the rule of law is upheld and that continues to be where he is today.


INGRAHAM: Mark, great to see you. Thanks so much for joining us tonight. And now the Democrats about face. That's the focus of tonight's Angle. Now during the last impeachment, the media found its anti-Trump white knight in Congressman Adam Schiff.


He and his brave band of impeachment managers would finally slay the great orange menace. Of course, they failed and now with Schiff sitting out the second impeachment round, the media has anointed a new hero.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The impeachment manager Jamie Raskin delivered a powerful argument.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Congressman Raskin who was the lead today and of course spoke so movingly and also so compellingly.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think everyone was sort of if not sobbing, close to sobbing, listening to that presentation.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You ever seen an opening argument quite like the way the Democrats began today?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, it was powerful.




INGRAHAM: It's certainly true that Raskin, very well respected con law professor, constitutional law professor, he knows how to put on the most convincing case possible with the available evidence and he did so only six weeks ever after having suffered a heartbreaking personal tragedy but let's not lose sight of what's actually happening here.


The Democratic Party and its media allies are using the traumatic events of January 6 in an effort to discredit everyone who supported President Trump. Now this is politics, but they want you to believe that they're motivated solely by a noble desire to save our constitution from mob rule.




RASKIN: A public official. He swears an oath as president that nobody else swears. He tapped the constitution, he betrayed his oath of office, claiming the election was stolen and inciting insurrectionary action.




INGRAHAM: Well, that sounds so reassuring but in fact Congressman Raskin like many other Democrats in Congress, he didn't defend the election results in 2016. In fact, he strongly argued that the 2016 election was not legitimate.




RASKIN: I have an objection because 10 of the 29 electoral votes cast by Florida were cast by electors not lawfully certified. We have the intelligence agencies in the United States saying that there was a conscious campaign directed by Vladimir Putin to undermine Hillary Clinton to benefit Donald Trump.


Donald Trump is the hoax perpetrated on Americans by the Russians which at least has some facts behind it.




INGRAHAM: Wow, if you really believed that what the top Democrats such as Raskin were alleging without proof by the way, then you thought Trump was not legitimately elected and that's - he wasn't really a president at all. This vicious campaign against President Trump incited rage among the voters.


For five years the haters and they had carte blanche to accuse the president of just about any hateful thing imaginable again without any evidence whatsoever. Now Democrats including Congressman Raskin claim that incendiary and accusatory words can be harmful. That Trump's speech and a bunch of tweets set off a toxic brush fire of violence.


Raskin specifically pointed to Trump's use of the phrase, you got a fight like hell at that January 6 rally. But in fact, Raskin used the same exact supposedly offensive incendiary phrase in speeches using, excuse me, urging opposition to a duly elected President, President Trump.


Including by the way the time he used it to whip up a massive crowd in the DC suburbs shortly after Trump took office where he said, "We've to wake up every day and fight like hell for liberal democracy, not just in Maryland, not just in the United States but all over the world."


Fight like hell. How long until we read news of Raskin's impeachment trial? Now in the aftermath of the January 6 riot, Raskin wants America to believe that he stands with and he is here to protect law enforcement, OK? And it might seem credible except for the fact that two years ago Raskin himself took to the House floor to oppose the removal of the painting and the halls of Congress portraying cops as pigs.




RASKIN: I think the majority should really rethink whether it wants to be in the business of censorship. This people have a right to paint the painting that they want. If you don't like the painting, you go to the next painting.




INGRAHAM: This while Raskin defended the BLM and the Antifa arsonists torching cities like Portland on a nightly basis, even calling Portland police trying to tamp down on the rampant violence, "a banana-republic style secret police unit."


Once again in Portland the federal law enforcement presence was dangerous but on January 6, it was necessary because Congress was being a protected so protecting Congress good, people of Portland, businesses there, not so much. Meanwhile as he does his social justice grandstanding, his own congressional district Maryland's 8 is a complete mess.


His constituents and small businesses are suffering under the boot of COVID tyrants. 87 percent of the public-school kids in his district which includes much of Frederick and Montgomery counties are still stuck with remote learning with devastating consequences.


For some groups of students in Montgomery County the failure rate is five and six times higher than it was last year. I maybe have missed it but at least I haven't seen Congressman Raskin speak about this insanity at all.


Has he lambasted the brutalization of our children's learning by the frankly the craving teachers unions? Has he called them out? Of course not. The real Jamie Raskin is well like a lot of his fellow Democrats, just rabid partisan. He's abusing a patient process to bar Trump from future public office. He's Adam Schiff but he has better hair and that's the angle.


Joining me now is Congressman Steve Scalise, House Minority Whip. Congressman Scalise, now you more than anyone you know the consequences of leftists smears. They've been leveling insane accusations against the president for years and now they turn around and bash Trump's rhetoric as incendiary and even dangerous.


REP. STEVE SCALISE (R-LA): Yes Laura, you know when you look at all of the different things that were said by Democrats through the summer of love as they called it. You know mostly peaceful protests where cities were getting burned down, where cops were being murdered left and right. Look, violence of any kind needs to be decried.


I don't know of anybody on our side that was OK with January 6. I called it out myself. So many others have too. The difference is during the summer when we were calling out that violence that was happening in all these cities with Antifa, with all the Democrat officials encouraging them to do it and saying they would bail people out if they were arrested being part of those mobs.


I didn't hear that outrage by the Democrats and so you know you can't have this double standard and they're wasting so much time right now on this impeachment that we all know how it's going to end. It's not going to end up with a conviction but what they don't want you to know was what else was happening in the capital today Laura.


Today we had votes in the House committees all across the capital today for things like for example to make sure that we could put more money in place for increasing vaccines. They've - every Democrat voted that amendment down. We had an amendment to ensure that illegals wouldn't get priority over Americans.


Every Democrat opposed that. Taxpayer funding for abortion. Today there were votes in Congress. Every Democrat voted against it. You can wonder why they want the side show of impeachment going on in the Senate so that you're not paying attention to those things.


Right now, you're hearing out of the White House they're floating the idea Laura in the White House of shutting down the state of Florida while Joe Biden is encouraging and opening up the southern border.


INGRAHAM: Well, I have to ask you - Yes, we hit that. So open borders to the south allowing in Lord knows how much coronavirus and a time where our Americans need jobs, apparently we have more jobs than we ever knew them because we're going to bring in a bunch of illegals and they're going to take them.


SCALISE: No, they're killing all the energy jobs. They're you know, they're shutting down schools and destroying the future for these young kids. The science clearly says do it. They keep saying follow the science until their own scientists from the CDC director sitting in front of the CDC logo during a press conference said you can safely reopen schools and you saw the White House's reaction.


They said oh no, they don't speak for us. Wait a minute, what about the science? Of course, you can safely reopen schools.




SCALISE: This is - this is what's going on Laura, that they don't want you to know about.


INGRAHAM: Congressman Scalise, I have to ask you about this - this teeth gnashing, mostly by the Democrats about the future of the Republican Party, OK? And they point to you know few Republicans here and there who are promising to open and start separate groups and raise money and these are congressmen that you know.


Kinzinger and company. What of that? And is this just something that keeps you up at night or are you pretty confident in the America first agenda moving forward?


SCALISE: Yes look what keeps me up at night, the people whose futures are being crushed by mostly liberal governors and mayors that are shutting down cities, destroying small businesses in the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans who used to have really good job but don't any anymore because of their bad decisions.


The bomb shell that was dropped tonight in New York where the one of the top aides to Governor Cuomo admitted that they hid data on so many thousands of people who lost their loved ones in nursing homes and they won't even show you the data--


INGRAHAM: Congressman, are you going to demand that the Biden DOJ open up an investigation on what was admitted to tonight in New York City? That they were hiding data from the federal government. Will you demand along with your fellow Republicans that DOJ open up an investigation on Cuomo.


SCALISE: Yes, I've been calling on them to do that for a long time, for months. We've been calling on Gov. Cuomo, to show the data.




SCALISE: You know, you don't need an act of Congress but he won't do it but now it's a - his own top aide admitted that they were hiding the data because they didn't want the public to know what happened. Thousands of people in New York can demand answers. Janice Dean, you've seen her.


Just horrible stories of - devastated.


INGRAHAM: But they want to stop people from traveling to Florida.


SCALISE: We're going to keep fighting for those answers.


INGRAHAM: Yes, but they want to stop people from travelling to Florida.


SCALISE: And that's what they want to shut down.


INGRAHAM: Congressman we got to go.


SCALISE: And oh, by the way, they got a superspreader caravan coming up the border.




SCALISE: This is insane stuff.


INGRAHAM: We're going to get into that with Pompeo because it's the news today on the remain in Mexico policy being revoked. Unbelievable.


SCALISE: Let's just restore sanity and things wills be fine.


INGRAHAM: We got to roll. Congressman, thank you. The Lincoln Project fraud that we were talking about earlier, it's coming into fuller view tonight but the man who blew the whistle says the worst has not been revealed yet.


My goodness. How much worse can it get? Plus, the next grift on the horizon is targeting Matt Gaetz by name. He's here next to respond.




INGRAHAM: This show has done more than most to expose the grifters at the Lincoln Project and the disgusting depravity of its co-founder John Weaver. Now one month ago, we first brought the allegations that Weaver made sexual overtures to dozens of young men and at least one minor.


For weeks the Lincoln project ignored this damning story. Well, that until the New York Times picked it up. Of course, the Lincoln Project claimed to be shocked - shocked I say about these revelations but now we know it was all a lie. The AP reports that the Lincoln Project was actually alerted to Weaver's perversion back in June but instead of ousting Weaver, well, they stayed silent.


Maybe hoping no one will find out as they raked in tens of millions of dollars to line their own pockets to make these stupid ads. The media was also complicit of course even after Weaver's grotesque behavior was exposed. CNN and MSNBC still invited these creeps to come on and challenge Trump's character.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The pathology of this man, the ego of this man. The sort of depravity of because of a lack of empathy.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is a man with no empathy with a low character.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We see all of Donald Trump's character deficiencies playing out in in a magnified sense in the middle of this.


JOHN WEAVER, CO-FOUNDER, LINCOLN PROJECT: We've gone from caring about character, rule of law. Where are those issues?




INGRAHAM: By the way that was John Weaver at the end. Joining us now is the independent journalist who really broke this story Ryan Girdusky. He's also the author of the book, 'They're not listening.' Ryan, tonight the Lincoln Project released a statement claiming they're bringing in outside investigators.


That's a long wait for those outside investigators.


RYAN GIRDUSKY, AUTHOR, THEY'RE NOT LISTENING: Right. They basically - they were caught in a lie. New York magazine reports that even Steve Scmidt and Rick Wilson said that John Weaver was depraved, and these go back - these go back to June 17, these allegations. This is basically before - this is when I was starting the story and reporting on them and working on the report against them. June 17.


And months went by before he had a heart attack and dismissed himself and then he according to the New York Magazine, he came back, and he was still messaging young men while he knew I was working on a story about him.


That is how - every single the Lincoln Project claimed Donald Trump was, was what they were doing and who they are. It is like looking in the mirror. Everything they claimed that he was is what they are.


INGRAHAM: Yes, I want to get to what you just mentioned. New York Magazine. Four Lincoln Project employees recall Weaver's behavior came up repeatedly as a topic of discussion. One person remembers Schmidt and co-founder the odious Rick Wilson telling people that Weaver was depraved and twisted and that they wouldn't want to know the truth about the him.


The Weaver stuff is being taken care of Schmidt said according to another. Ryan apparently, what took care of it was to quash the story, I imagine. That's what I'm guessing.


GIRDUSKY: They didn't stop him at all. His behavior continued and it continued under the Lincoln Project umbrella and they knew that something was wrong, but they didn't speak up. I mean most of their companies were - their affiliated companies were raking in millions of dollars.


They didn't do anything and now they're pretending they were on top of it from the moment it happened. They only spoke up when they couldn't ignore the story anymore.


INGRAHAM: Ryan. Ryan, I want to jump in here because you actually are intimating, I believe that we haven't learned the worst of it. What can you tell us tonight?


GIRDUSKY: There is one young man who I did speak to who has a very serious allegation against John Weaver. It is criminal allegation against John Weaver. He will not come forward so I cannot tell his story for him. If you want me to know who you are, you know what you believe happened to you and if you do come forward to that young man, I will support you 110 percent because it is horrendous what happened.


I - you know it is horrendous and the fact that the mainstream media continues to have them on and talk about other things besides John Weaver, would they have Ghislaine Maxwell on to talk about fashion or politics in the Joe Biden administration? No. They knew, they were silent, they were complicit.


INGRAHAM: Yes, but the goal was to trash Trump, and they got all these bigwig, rich people all across the country to line their pockets, to buy their vacation homes, to buy there luxury, whatever, clothes, they're cars or whatever the heck they do, and that was it. The goal was to get Trump, victims be damned, allegations be damned, the goal was to get Trump. And all these rich Hollywood types that gave them money, where are they, speaking up for the supposed victims? Where are they?


GIRDUSKY: They should be interviewed and our reporters who want to speak to them. Of $87 million raised, about $50 million, $50 million of $87 million went to Lincoln Project affiliated organizations - sorry, affiliated company owned by the group's founders.


INGRAHAM: Grifters, grifters, grifters, one and all. Ryan, thank you so much.


And as the Lincoln Project staggers forward, another grift is waiting in the wings, the one led by Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger. I mentioned this in the last segment was Steve Scalise. Kinzinger wants his media pals to know that he's the right kind of Republican, one that will reject the America First movement. And he has found his first target.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Who's the first Republican that you plan on potentially challenging in the 2022 midterms or supporting that challenge with the super PAC efforts?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There is a huge list. You look at people like Matt Gaetz, who know better. I think neither of them believe the stuff they ascribe to. They just want fame.




INGRAHAM: Nice little zip -- well, you are both wearing little zip sweaters there. Congressman Matt Gaetz joins me now. Congressman, is he challenging you to a thumb wrestle? What's happening with you and Kinzinger.


REP. MATT GAETZ, (R-FL): If Adam Kinzinger wants to challenge me in a Republican primary, he better pack a lunch if he's coming to northwest Florida. I think I could win a Republican primary in my district or in the state of Wyoming based on the crowds I got there.


Donald Trump was a threat to the establishment in both parties, Laura, and in the Republican Party, the establishment want to their power back, and they found their front man and Adam Kinzinger. I believe we should still be the America first party that stands against starting wars in places that excessively entangle our country in foreign matters. I don't think we should invite every illegal alien across our borders so that corporate America can have lower wages for our fellow Americans, and I don't think we should have trade deals that benefit Wall Street but hollow out the towns and cities throughout our great nation.


INGRAHAM: Kinzinger is a neocon. Everyone has to know this, Kinzinger is a neocon. He agrees with the Biden's policy to keep the troops in Afghanistan, he wants more troops, probably, in Afghanistan. That's just who he is. He hated Trump from the beginning.


GAETZ: He wanted to be Trump's secretary of the Air Force. It's just so funny to me, Laura, that all these people that ended up being anti-Trump wanted jobs with Trump. Romney wanted to be the secretary of state. Kinzinger wanted to be the secretary of the Air Force. He even enlisted my help to get that job. And then when they didn't get that job they wanted with President Trump, they all of a sudden decided to accelerate their own fame by becoming critics.


INGRAHAM: I want to get your reaction to a new report from Reuters. They say that dozens of former Republican officials are talking about forming this anti-Trump third party that includes heavyweights like Evan McMullin, Charlie Dent, and Miles Taylor. I don't know who these people are, Miles Taylor. Was he a jazz musician? No, sorry.


GAETZ: I think he was the anonymous guy.


INGRAHAM: Anonymous, yes. I'm joking. Anonymous. They're making themselves out as some sort of conservative A-Team, but they seem like an F Troop, a little bit more like F Troop to me.


GAETZ: We have to remember that while we don't take them very seriously, they are serious about wanting to re-exercise control over the Republican Party. And while all throughout America, it's the America First movement that dominates the politics of the right, within the eight square miles of Washington, D.C., the establishment still has a stronghold. There is a reason that Liz Cheney got about two-thirds of the vote in the Republican Conference to remain a spokesperson for a conference that she stabbed in the back. And it's because inside Washington, there is just a desire sometimes to turn over your vote card to K Street. It's the reason I'm the only Republican that doesn't take PAC money. It's very telling with Kinzinger that the way he wants to fight is not by going out in the country and interacting with voters, but establishing a Washington-based PAC. We should turn away from PACs and toward the people.


INGRAHAM: Congressman, great to see you tonight. Thanks so much.


And why is Joe Biden spending two hours talking to China's President Xi? Why is he also planning to import refugees from Mexico in the middle of a pandemic? Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo answers both next.




INGRAHAM: We're joined now by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Mr. Secretary, thank you for coming on tonight. I want to hit two issues with you tonight.


MIKE POMPEO, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: It's great to be with you.


INGRAHAM: President Biden's immigration radicalism and China, and I want to start with China first because we have limited time. This is what Biden said about China 18 months ago versus today.




JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man. They're not bad folks, folks.


Last night I was on the phone for two straight hours with Xi Jinping. If we don't get moving, they're going to eat our lunch.




INGRAHAM: Which is it, Mr. Secretary? It's like a 180 on China after a two- hour conversation.


POMPEO: That's pretty muddled. From what I understand, though, there were threats made by General Secretary Xi Jinping. And Laura, you and I know the challenges that the Chinese Communist Party presents to our nation. I am counting on, indeed the American people are counting on this administration being tough and getting it right, making sure we protect jobs at home from intellectual property theft, all the things that this administration did to put the Chinese Communist Party on notice that we weren't going to adopt the policy of the last 50 years, hoping and praying that if we just did a little more trade with them, did a little more commercial activity, that all of a sudden they would stop being predators around the world. We did that, we began this confrontation in a way that was important and protected the American people. And the American people --


INGRAHAM: But Biden said he brought that up, Mr. Secretary. Sorry to interrupt, but the Biden administration said they brought up the predatory conduct, that that's obviously concerning to them, and the readout of the call, which lasted staggeringly two hours, they said their strategy versus yours, I guess, is based in realism, their China strategy. Your response?


POMPEO: It's just the other way around. It is a fantasy to think that you can talk to the Chinese Communist Party and convince them to behave differently. They know, they know they apply pressure, they threaten, they bully, and they often get their way. And the United States for the first time in an awfully long time didn't let that happen over these past four years.


INGRAHAM: The sale of the CCP controlled social media company wildly popular TikTok now has been shelved by the Biden administration, the Trump administration had forced that, and the journalists are reporting that the Biden administration said the review would help it determine whether the national security threat cited by the Trump administration continues to warrant the band. That decision came on the same day as Biden's phone call with President Xi. Coincidence?


POMPEO: That is crazy stuff, Laura. You'll remember, I was on your show that I talked for the first time about our efforts with respect to TikTok. And I think your question was should let our kids use TikTok? And my answer was not if you care about the privacy of your kid and to make sure that your kid's information doesn't have to end up in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party. That didn't change. There's no need for review. It's very clear, and it sounds like they are headed down a path to let the People's Liberation Army have access to kids all across America. That is a horrible decision.


INGRAHAM: And China announced that it's banning the app Clubhouse, which is an audio app. It's supposed to be for encouraging free communication, and I think they hoped even for people who might disagree with some of the things that China was doing. But China is like no, we're not doing that that. So Clubhouse out as well.


POMPEO: Yes. I saw that they banned the BBC today. This is a party that believes in Marxism-Leninism deeply, which means control the information, control the technology, and you can in fact control the people and influence their lives. They're efforts to influence here in America, Laura, we've all seen it. It takes a tough, fair, realistic leader to push back against that. We did it, and I hope that they continue down that path. The early signs aren't good.


INGRAHAM: Really quickly, the Biden administration has announced that it will reach into Mexico and import the migrants that were forced to wait in Mexico who had tried to cross our border and claim asylum. It's about 300 people a day are going to be processed into the United States in the first few weeks, and so they will be fast tracked into the United States if they're called vulnerable people.


Mr. Secretary, given the joblessness, COVID concerns, we have a lot of our kids not in school, in in-person learning. They are going to import people into the United States that are not here currently who have been sent to wait in Mexico. Really quick response.


POMPEO: One of the things that led to the lowest unemployment rate in a long time in America, for everyone, for African Americans, for Hispanics, for women, was in fact our immigration policy. And to allow these people to come in, almost all of whom have claims that will prove ultimately not to be valid for asylum, to allow them to come into the United States, to actually to grab them after we have lawfully told them no, they have got to wait in Mexico until they get their hearing, this is something that is unprecedented and ought not to take place. We don't need to allow folks who want to come here unlawfully to be able to come here and run around in the United States without the capacity for us to actually determine who they are and what they are doing and what they may be bringing in.


INGRAHAM: Most of whom don't show up for their hearings. Secretary Pompeo, thank you on both topics tonight. Great to have your perspective.


And under the cloak of impeachment, President Biden is looking to turn the focus of the world's greatest fighting force to, guess what, climate and race. Colonel Allen West reacts to that next.






BARACK OBAMA, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: Cades, the threat of a changing climate cuts to the very core of your service. Climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an immediate risk to our national security, and make no mistake, it will impact how our military defends our country.




INGRAHAM: When President Obama gave that speech, he was only addressing the Coast Guard. As outrageous as it was, Biden now wants to go even further.




JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: There is no aspect of our agenda, the 21st century leadership, where the women and men of the Defense Department do not have a role, whether it's helping curb the pandemic here at home and around the world, or addressing the real threats of climate change, or being part of an ongoing fight for racial justice.




INGRAHAM: Joining me now is Colonel Allen West, chairman of the Republican Party of the great state of Texas. Colonel West, no one is paying attention to this because of impeachment, but apparently, we have the space force, now we have the climate force and the race force, apparently.


COL. ALLEN WEST, CHAIRMAN REPUBLICAN PARTY OF TEXAS: It's absolutely insidious and is quite delusional. It's good to be with you, Laura. When you think about a two hour phone call that the commander in chief of our armed forces just had with China's Xi Jinping, I think that President Xi, Chairman Xi, is very happy to know that our president, Joe Biden, is going to be focused on the weather. He's going to be foxed on racial issues, instead of being focused on the One Belt, One Road strategy of the Chinese and the expansion, the growth of their maritime force.


And so once again, we are returning back to, as you just showed in that clip, the Obama-Biden administration policies that will not focus on the capability and capacity of our United States military. And so the next thing you know, it won't be too long when we will see once again our sailors being held at gunpoint just as the Iranian Revolutionary Guard did on one of our assault craft. So, this is completely --


INGRAHAM: I've been so wanting to talk to you about this seeming desire to purge the military of a particular type of person or thinking person, or people who believe in certain traditions, maybe they are a little bit more conservative politically, because of the threat and the rise of extremism. Talk about that for a moment and how, speaking of insidious, what does that do to morale?


WEST: It's the delusion that you see from a member of the House Armed Services Committee from California, Representative Jackie Speier, who wants to go in and scrub the social media platforms and posts of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, Coast Guardsman, and Space Force members, looking for any rightwing or conservative thought. Not anything of Antifa or Black Lives Matter, but specifically they are looking to politicize our military. They are looking to introduce what the old Soviet Red Army had, political commissars, officers that are going in and checking out your social media posts. This is a very dangerous road that we are taking our military on if we want to try to make it an extension, an ideological extension of progressive socialists.


INGRAHAM: The reaction of men and women in uniform today to these new charges, this new focus for the military, what do you think it is?


WEST: I can tell you what I think it is. Right here in Fort Hood, Texas, we have a chaplain that is under investigation because on his private social media platform he talked about his disagreement with having gender dysphoric people openly serving in the military. He's under investigation. I've talked to parents, not just members in uniform, but parents who are very concerned about having their sons and daughters serve in a military that is not focused on supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States of America, but instead they are focused on climate change and a green agenda.


INGRAHAM: Colonel West, thank you. Wonderful to see you tonight, as always.


And the Last Bite, Governor Ron DeSantis responds to Biden's threats to shut his state down.




INGRAHAM: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis had this phenomenal reaction to the Biden administration's threats to shut down travel to the sunshine state.




GOV. RON DESANTIS (R-FL): Americans to travel freely throughout our country, while allowing illegal aliens to pour across the southern border unmolested would be a ridiculous but very damaging farce. It would not be based in science. It would purely be a political attack against the people of Florida.




INGRAHAM: Can have a successful red state out there going into the 2022 election cycle. Unbelievable.


Shannon Bream and the phenomenal FOX NEWS @ NIGHT team take it all from here. Miss Shannon.


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