Better Choice Behind Bars?

The latest from the Political Grapevine:

Better Choice Behind Bars?

Just after the Democratic Party held its convention in Boston last week to listen to John Kerry, the Peace and Freedom Party held its own convention in Los Angeles this weekend to hear from Independent candidate Ralph Nader.

Thing is, after having Nader speak, the party officially decided to nominate someone else. What's more, the party nominated Leonard Peltier — who's serving a life sentence in federal prison for killing two FBI agents in 1975. The Peace and Freedom Party says it — "reluctantly admits that Peltier's unlikely to be elected president, but we do believe it's a very important candidacy."

Food for Thought

Let's go back to these pictures taken last Friday during the Kerry-Edwards post convention bus tour. Here they are at a Wendy's in Newburgh, New York, with a bunch of cheese burgers. Nothing more American than that — right?

Well there is growing evidence that a decidedly more upscale meal was waiting for them back on the bus. According to the Mid-Hudson News Network, a Kerry campaign aide called the restaurant at the Newburgh Yacht Club the night before and ordered 19 lunches to go, to be picked up at about the same time that the Wendy's photo op was taking place.

A manager at the restaurant has confirmed to Fox News that the yacht-club meals included Shrimp Vindallo, Grilled Diver Sea Scallops, Prosciutto, Wrapped Stuffed Chicken, and Steak Salad. Total bill: just under $200. Fine food at a budget cost.

Plane Turned Around

A United Airlines flight, flying from Chicago to Dayton, Ohio, was turned around after a passenger noticed a Japanese man writing the phrase "suicide bomb" on a piece of paper. Upon arriving back in Chicago, the Japanese man was immediately arrested, the rest of the plane's 120 passengers were deplaned and rescreened, while investigators conducted a full search of the plane. Nothing was found.

It turns out the 60-year-old Japanese man is learning English, and when he sees words he doesn't know, he writes them down, to look up later in a dictionary. This time, he saw the words "suicide bomb" in a newspaper. The man has since been released, without being charged, and a police spokeswoman calls it — "just a miscommunication."

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report