This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 25, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JUAN WILLIAMS, HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Juan Williams along with Emily Compagno, Jesse Watters, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, this is “The Five.”

Joe Biden is finally in and he's wasting little time going directly after President Trump. He did it during his 2020 announcements.


JOE BIDEN, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT: We are in the battle for the soul of this nation. I believe history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time. But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation.

The core values of this nation, our standing in the world, our very democracy, everything that has made America. America is at stake. That's why today I'm announcing my candidacy for President of the United States.


WILLIAMS: President Trump hitting back on twitter saying, quote, welcome to the race Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. It will be nasty. You'll be dealing with people who have truly -- truly have some very sick and demented ideas. But if you make it, I will see you at the starting gate, end quote.

And President Obama, he's praising his former VP for jumping into the race, but the former president stopped short of formally endorsing Biden. Biden had to explain why.


BIDEN: I asked President Obama not to endorse. I mean, we should -- whoever wins this nomination should win it on their own merits.


WILLIAMS: Biden is the Democratic front runner, but critics are saying his past policy positions and his gaffes could hold him back. Take a look at some of them.


BIDEN: His mom lived in Long Island for ten years or so. God rest her soul, and -- although, she's -- wait, your mom is still -- your mom is still alive. It's your dad passed. God bless her soul.

Chuck Graham, state senator is here. Chuck, stand up. Chuck, let them see you. Oh, God love you. What am I talking about?

The man who will be the next President of the United States, Barack America. They're going to put you back in chains.


WILLIAMS: So, Emily, the news doesn't stop. What we saw just as we were coming on the step is an article, I think it was in the Daily Beast, Anita Hill saying that she had a direct conversation with Joe Biden, but his apology is not enough.

He's got to apologize to all the women in America who were affected by the Clarence Thomas, Anita Hill hearings.

EMILY COMPAGNO, HOST: Sure, that reaction doesn't surprise me at all. I found that video absurd. It was dramatic. It was ridiculous. And the entire thing was man-plaining us. And you guys make fun of me for using big words, and he's -- and cliches within two seconds. This reminded me of a few weeks ago with me and two girls were at the park with our dogs and this guy came strolling out of his big house like literally with his coffee mug because he gets to work from home.

He was like lecturing us about how the park department cares for the grass and we shouldn't have our dogs on it. And I have to force myself to keep watching Biden's video patiently for work because I didn't want to be told by some old crypt keeper. It's not going to bode well. In addition to the out of touch-ness of that video and his stance when people start bringing up things like his authoring of punitive criminal justice bills and laws and whatnot.

When they combine the two and actually point to what he's done, he will go nowhere in these primaries.

WILLIAMS: Dana, it's very interesting, the video that Emily is talking about because unlike every other Democrat, he goes directly at President Trump. He says this is really an election for the soul of the nation, there I'm quoting. And says that it's Trump that's the problem, and I guess he's trying to say he's the guy that can beat Trump.

DANA PERINO, HOST: Even in the logo, it says Biden, and under it says president, not the Joe part. That's a different logo. But it says Biden and president. So on the one hand, it projects strength where's he's like, I'm not going to worry about this primary. I'm going straight to the general.

I'm going to take him on because that is part of his rationale for running. He's saying I'm the one who can bring this back to the Democrats. I'm the only one that can beat Trump. I'm the one that can win in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio --

WILLIAMS: let me interrupt you. Take a look at this Monmouth poll. Right there you see that he is in fact right now beating Trump, 42, 34 --

PERINO: It's pretty early to be saying that. So on the video -- here's what we have to understand, like they have message tested this stuff for a long time. That might not appeal to Republicans or conservatives, but I would imagine that they did a ton of message testing, and it wasn't just instinct for him. Like, they were like figuring out like what exactly -- precisely would works.

The video, I wish that we could have seen is the one that was done by Mark Putnam, but it was -- apparently they threw it out and they didn't want to use it. He does very biographical things if you remember, the fighter pilot from the 2018 midterms. He did those pieces and they're very biographical and little bit younger, I think. That's why I wonder what that video looked like. I don't think it will ever leak out, though.

WILLIAMS: No, we talked about this yesterday that they were shifting and that caused a little dissension among Democrats. You know, hey, things are chaotic over there. What's going on? So, Greg, Sleepy Joe?

GREG GUTFELD, HOST: Sleepy Joe, it's not bad. So it's about energy. Jesse was talking about this earlier. He's always -- is able to portray his opposition as having low stamina. But what Biden did was he said that Trump is a threat unlike anything else in his lifetime. I guess it's worse than war, 9/11, disease. I think Kathy Griffin is running his campaign.

But here's why it's bad for my perspective. That wasn't an argument for Biden. That was an argument for anyone but Trump. The argument was orange man evil. It wasn't Joe Biden good. And I don't believe for a second that he talked to Obama, and told Obama don't endorse me. I assume he also told Oprah not to endorse him, Jesus Christ, and the Pope. And he got, actually, Avenatti's endorsement, so that means, maybe, Jussie Smollett will be next?

But what's Biden's primary message, everything was great before Trump. I guess that's true with Anita Hill. That was true when he said that Barack Obama was the first mainstream African-American who is articulate, bright, and clean, remember that? So everything was great before Trump, so we need to get rid of Trump and get back to the way things were.

OK, so that's a lie because a lot of stuff sucked back then. The economy, the jobs, military excursion, the spying, Benghazi, remember ISIS? Almost every day we talked about ISIS. North Korea was a threat. We have problems with Russia that were ignored. There was the Ukraine.

So contrary to Joe Biden, America has actually gotten better, stronger. It's more peaceful, more prosperity, safer. The psychological stuff that he's talking about, that's on them. That's a derangement disorder that they haven't gotten over since 2016. So Trump's -- so they don't have anything. They don't have anything except Trump's response to Charlottesville. That's all they have.

And his response could have been better, except Biden got it wrong. When he was talking out both sides, he was talking about the monument debate. I have the transcript right here. I can read it for you. When Trump talks about both sides, he was talking about the monument debate. Having said that, Trump could have done a better job at the start.

But whenever a big or ugly thing happens like what happened in Charlottesville, there is a fog of war. The first response is always terrible because nobody knows what going on. I can say I never even knew what was going on in Charlottesville that day. I have no idea. If somebody asked me about it, I wouldn't know. I think the first press conference is always the worst.

But he said, he called out the racists, he called out the bigots, and he said that the both sides -- he was talking about the monument debate. It's in the actual transcript. So his whole opening, dark and dishonest.

WILLIAMS: You know what? I disagree, but I'm going to stop and go to Jesse. So, Jesse, what we know is that he's going to have a fund-raiser tonight, home of David Cohen, Comcast NBC in Philadelphia. Then on Monday he goes to Pittsburgh to a union hall. By the way, I don't know if you've been booked, but you may get bumpy because Friday he's on The View.


JESSE WATTERS, HOST: One of the better shows on morning television.


WILLIAMS: So what do you think of the lineup? Is this a good roll out from the leading Democrat?

WATTERS: Well, he needs money, so that's obviously his main concern. And The View is very friendly territory. And obviously, he needs Pennsylvania. And Allegheny County is a county that Obama performed very well in, so I think he's going back home there.

But to the video, I completely agree with Greg. That was not a launch. That was an attack. It was an attack against President Trump's character. He's not running on the economy. He's running on policy. He's seeded policy. He's seeding the great economy to the president. He's going directly after the character of the President of the United States.

And he looks like he's going to make this race about race, about identity, and about hate. And I thought it was small to launch your campaign over something like Charlottesville. I think there are other issues that are much more important to the American people, although I'm not downplaying that.

But this was an ad directed at black America and towards the resistance. That's who he was targeting there. But it was slick and highly produced, but I personally wasn't moved by it. He is an establishment candidate, has never polled over 1 percent. That's why before sleepy, it was 1 percent Joe. And as he gets in the race and starts getting bruised and battered, his numbers will go down.

But he has no social media army to back him up. AOC is not enthusiastic about him. And he has no vision that's forward-looking. And to Greg's point, it's about a restoration. Restoring the Obama America to what it was.

PERINO: Right.

WATTERS: Democrats don't do well when they run as restoration candidates. They always do better as change candidates. And again, Trump is the change candidate and that's tough to beat.

WILLIAMS: At the moment, he'll be changing from Trump. And I think it is a bifurcation. I think what you're seeing here is he's saying this is about Trump. It's going to be a referendum on Trump. And I'm someone you can trust, and especially on issues about America's soul.

And I think, unlike my colleagues here, I think that speaking to Charlottesville speak to grave concerns on the part of the American people about President Trump.

GUTFELD: It's a sensitive patch of recent history and he exploited it.



WILLIAMS: All right. One of President Trump's biggest critics now agreeing that we need to build the wall. Yeah, build the wall, that's coming from a Democrat, next on THE FIVE.


PERINO: One of President Trump's biggest critics at the New York Times now saying, president has a point about building a border wall. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm as radically pro-immigration as they come, but it's pretty clear to me that unless we can assure a significant number of Americans that we can control our border, were never going to have the proper immigration flow I think we need. I'm for a high wall with a big gate, a compassionate, a smart gate so we can keep immigration going.


PERINO: Thomas Friedman also saying Trump should use a border crisis to cut a deal on immigration. Now this comes as customs and border protection releases new number showing more migrants were arrested during the first half of this fiscal year that all of fiscal year 2018.

Greg, in 2006 I think this was the point that we've made, like we want border security first so that you can have the rest of the things that you need for the economy on immigration.

GUTFELD: You know what it is --what Friedman is doing is -- his reasoning is the wall offers proof of control so you can be confident about the immigration we allow. You know what this reminds me of? It reminds me of criminal background checks. People say, oh, criminal background checks will reduce hiring. No, actually, it just gives you the confidence to hire more. Know that if you give everybody these criminal background checks, you feel pretty safe.

So the wall actually increases confidence and healthy immigration. If you want cause and effect, let's not forget that most -- showing up at the border are economic migrants. If you stop that, you create a tight labor market, very boring stuff. But the tight labor market, what does it do? It naturally raises wages. It's what you're seeing among a lot of blue- collar workers.

You're also giving the workers more dollars per hour, but they're also getting more bargaining power because of the tight labor market. They can argue about workplace conditions.

PERINO: Yep. One thing I do admire about him, Jesse, I mean, among other things, his writing is also very good. He went down to the border.

GUTFELD: Is it really good, Dana?

PERINO: He visited. He didn't just stay in New York or Washington. He actually went there and he says, whoa, OK, I get it. That's what changed his mind.

WATTERS: Yes. I mean, when Democrats go down to the border, two things happen. One, it's an Acosta situation when they think they're making a point and they make the exact opposite point. Or someone like Friedman who has his eyes open and he can see the reality. The fact that we're doing a segment on someone in the media saying we do need a wall is a pretty big deal and indicates how crazy the left has become.

This was a flare gun that the media shot up so the Democratic Party could say, wait a second, there actually may be a crisis at the border and we may need a message because Trump is going to hurt us in 2020 if we just say we're an open borders party.

He's an influencer, Thomas Friedman. Everybody reads him. Everybody respects him. He's an ideas guy. And if the ideas guy agrees with Trump's idea, this must be earth shattering.

PERINO: Yeah. And, Juan -- now it's another flare gun, right? So Thomas Friedman saying to the Democrats you should really come to the table on this. President Trump should cut a deal and we can actually do this because border security has to come first. Do you think any of the Democrats will say he's got a good point there?

WILLIAMS: Sure. I think most Democrats --

PERINO: Want a wall first?

WILLIAMS: Again, you guys have said that, you know, Democrats are pro border security contrary to what Jesse just said about Democrats' open border party.

WATTERS: They are.



WILLIAMS: -- talked about, oh, didn't Clinton, didn't Obama, Pelosi, all voted money for a barrier. Is it just about language --

WATTERS: Yeah, once Trump became president then they became open borders.

WILLIAMS: No, because -- and here's my point, so what Tom Friedman is saying is Trump has incited this crisis and it's a shame to waste a crisis when you have an opportunity --

WATTERS: He incited the crisis?

WILLIAMS: He sure did.

WATTERS: So Trump is behind the caravan?

WILLIAMS: Who's been talking about an invasion, Jesse? Who's been talking about -- who's been saying we need to send the military?


WATTERS: Trump's reacting to the crisis, created a crisis?

WILLIAMS: He wasn't reacting to the current -- the current crisis is a humanitarian crisis of people --

WATTERS: Do you want to know what the real crisis is?

WILLIAMS: Hang on.

WATTERS: The real crisis is Congress for not doing anything.

WILLIAMS: All you do is filibuster and shout. I mean, Greg said we have here a humanitarian crisis. These people are economic refugees seeking asylum legally under our law. We need to deal with it. We need to deal with it in the way Thomas Friedman is suggesting, assure people who think, oh, the borders insecure, so that we can say, hey, we want smart people. We want high-energy people.

PERINO: The frustrating thing about this is it's the same conversation for now, I think, 15 years. And so, what he's also saying is that this haphazard immigration system that we have -- he says it has overwhelmed the border patrol as well as our immigration courts. And so, is there a way to deal with this, Emily? You're a very reasonable person.

COMPAGNO: There is if more people see the light that he did. Your boy Tom Friedman said everything right except for I'm sorry.

GUTFELD: He's not my boy.

COMPAGNO: Yes, he is. You're speaking so lovingly of him before the show. Because this entire time everyone on the left has dug their trenches for their warfare and refused to take off their goggles of what's actually happening on the border, and have refused to be persuaded or educated by facts or photographs or videos that have been coming from there forever, and the impact on all the different sectors in this country.

Instead, refusing to believe or see anything until a physical -- a physical trip actually works. And to speak to your humanitarian crisis aspect, look, you guys read there was a 3-year-old toddler left alone in the desert because everyone's scattered because of the cartel-enforced human smuggling going on. Oh, you think that was a biological family? No, that is a manufactured family when you leave a toddler in the desert because the authorities are coming.

So for this not be part of the larger conversation by the left and to have to go there physically just speaks volumes as to what the left has. These goggles over their faces --

WILLIAMS: I think the big goggles here on the right because they don't say, oh, you know what? Trump actually wants to cut legal immigration. Oh, guess what? You know what Tom Friedman said, leave Stephen Miller behind and you can have an honest conversation with people who want to solve this. But if you just keep talking about build a wall --

GUTFELD: Nobody wants to solve it.


PERINO: If they come to the table on the wall, the president might actually cut another deal on --

GUTFELD: Yeah. In fact, I think he mentioned that.

PERINO: I think he already said that, right? All right. We've got to move on. Bernie Sanders not backing down from his controversial push to let felons vote from, underscore, from prison. What he's saying next.

GUTFELD: Underscore.


COMPAGNO: Bernie Sanders going all in on his controversial plan to let felons including terrorists like the Boston bomber vote from prison. Bernie now taking it even further with these comparisons.


SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, I-VT: I said that because the right to vote is essential. If you are a citizen, you have the right to vote. And that is a right we must protect because we know the history of this country. We know that women didn't have the right to vote. We know that African- Americans didn't have the right to vote.


COMPAGNO: Sanders is also slamming a Florida bill requiring felons to pay court fees before becoming eligible to vote as, quote, racist and unconstitutional.

PERINO: OK. We just did what -- the frustrating thing was yesterday. Those are two different things. What Bernie Sanders is talking about is people in prison being allowed to vote. The thing in Florida is not good. It is a bill that is passed by the House version, state Senate version is different. It is for people who have gotten out of prison, who have paid their debt to society. They're out of prison. And they're trying to put additional constraints on them. That is a separate topic from what Bernie Sanders is talking about. Sorry.

WILLIAMS: So here's my point to you, which is Bernie Sanders is moving this conversation incrementally. You don't want to hear it --

PERINO: That's not true. I'm not going to take a backseat on restoration of felon voting rights. I'm not. I'm talking about from the beginning. Restoring felon voting rights once they get out of prison, yes, I do. But that is not what Bernie Sanders is talking about.

WILLIAMS: But I'm trying to say to you --

PERINO: -- the initial thing the other day. And him moving the conversation incrementally is to try to save face from happening the other day because the entire Democratic Party now is like, whoa, wait, what did he say? I'm going to have to answer that. And I wonder what Joe Biden will say. I bet he'll have a better answer.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think he might have a different answer but I think it's a conversation starter. Boy, everybody is talking about it, Dana.

GUTFELD: When Dana gets that mad --


WILLIAMS: Everybody is talking about it. And you've got to say, you know what, Bernie, you have done something here because lots of people --

WATTERS: Let's give Bernie a round of applause. Let the Boston bomber vote. Good job, Bernie. What a way to start a conversation.

PERINO: The mayor of Boston is even like what is he talking about? Ab

WATTERS: Bernie should start more conversations.

WILLIAMS: I mean, you guys act as if America isn't having this conversation. America --

GUTFELD: America isn't.

PERINO: America is not having that conversation.

WILLIAMS: They are having this conversation.


GUTFELD: I guarantee you there's no family in their table -- you know what? The Boston bomber really should vote in the next election. You know what? I think he could run for president. I think Sornoff would make a great presidential candidate. He could be an aggressive candidate.

WILLIAMS: You can make a caricature, but the real point --

GUTFELD: I don't have to. You're doing it.

WILLIAMS: No. I think that, in fact, there's an important part to be made about citizenship. And Bernie, like Earl Warren, the former chief justice, all say you don't based citizenship on --

GUTFELD: But, Juan --

WILLIAMS: -- or this crime or that crime --

GUTFELD: But, Juan, now you're arguing the point. You're arguing the point before. You're trying to switch.

WILLIAMS: The same point --


WATTERS: Let's argue the point though, Juan. Do you think the Boston bomber should be able to vote in 2020?

WILLIAMS: Do I think? I haven't considered --


WATTERS: We've been doing this segment for two days.

WILLIAMS: Because --

WATTERS: Answer the question, yes or no?

WILLIAMS: I think that your citizenship rights are not to be revoked because you don't like me. And if you say --

PERINO: What if he kill me?

WATTERS: So that's a yes?

WILLIAMS: Here's the thing --

GUTFELD: Could they have a gun in prison too? Because that's a second amendment right.

WILLIAMS: No, it's not.

GUTFELD: It's a second amendment rights. Maybe he could have a gun. All inmates have guns. Gutfeld 2020.

WILLIAMS: I just want to say. Look, 22 states right now will restore a felons voting rights after -- for a period after release --


WILLIAMS: And then you have, in fact, 14 states that say you lose your rights --

WATTERS: All right, Juan --

GUTFELD: Before that.

COMPAGNO: All right. We've been talking about this for three days now. As you guys know, I spend a lot of time with inmates and I correspond with them regularly, so I've gotten a lot of emails from them in the last two days. First of all, they watch this show. They're not all flaming liberals --

GUTFELD: Do they like animals are great?


PERINO: Do they like corny jokes?

COMPAGNO: Yes, they love you guys.


GUTFELD: They shouldn't be watching “The Five.” That's another right. That should be deprived.


PERINO: We want them to watch “The Five.”



GUTFELD: We don't need the rating. We're like number one in the country, we don't need inmates.

COMPAGNO: They are people too.

WATTERS: Prisons.

COMPAGNO: They are people too. But here's the point that there is three sections of this conversation. There is the violent terrorists whatever voting from prison. There is the incarcerated non-violent offenders that really this conversation is about. And there is the post-incarceration subject to the fines and everything, which is ridiculous. Yes, secondary imprisonment. And my point in bringing that up is that there is a lot of sentiments that in the non-violent realm, you guys - not everyone in there is like the Grim Reaper.

GUTFELD: Yes, we know. Can I respond to you, can I respond to that? I think you're making - you're actually addressing the point that Bernie has screwed up so badly. The problem is there is a perception of the left that they are soft on crime. They're anti-law enforcement. Let's face it. They're anti-cops everything. So, no one takes it seriously when somebody like Bernie Sanders comes out and says that, it fulfills the stereotype. It's a terrible thing to run on, whereas if a Republican came up and said, you know it's time for prison reform and I'm interested in those non- violent offenders having the right to vote. Everybody goes well, it's a Republican. Normally, they're strong on crime. So, maybe I'll listen to him. You see, it's a perception issue.

PERINO: Can I just add one other thing.

COMPAGNO: Yes, of course.

PERINO: So, Senators Heitkamp and Donnelly who lost in the midterms. They are Democrats. They are starting a new entity to try to help Democrats talk to people in rural America. Well, guess what, here is your first lesson. What did Mayor Pete say when he was asked on that same night in the CNN town hall? Do you think that felons, is it good to right to vote, while they're incarcerated?

COMPAGNO: He said no.

PERINO: No. That's how you talk to people in America.

WATTERS: In Indiana.

GUTFELD: Well, everywhere for that matter. Except to jail.

COMPAGNO: We have to remain--

PERINO: Or main in Vermont.

COMPAGNO: These guys are, they're counted in these legislative populations. That's the other thing. It's just--

PERINO: I know. But you have your freedom taken away from you because you're allowed movement. Your freedom has been taken away; you cannot leave. Therefore, I don't see the difference between saying that you've been - also can't vote.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

PERINO: When you get out.

GUTFELD: Because then I should be able to have my gun too, right. If I want to have my voting rights, I want to have my gun rights.

WILLIAMS: You see, you just twist the whole argument.

COMPAGNO: That's the three fifth argument.

GUTFELD: I didn't twist it.

WILLIAMS: You twist the whole--

GUTFELD: Consistency.

WILLIAMS: You can't even recognize.

GUTFELD: Consistency.

WILLIAMS: You can't have an honest conversation if you're going to twist it.

GUTFELD: Yes, we're all liars.


GUTFELD: At least we're not changing the subject. We're not changing the subject.

WILLIAMS: If you are saying that this is about giving prisoners guns, you understand you are just twisting--

GUTFELD: Read Jonathan Swift. Read some Jonathan Swift.

WATTERS: It's a logical extension of the argument.

WILLIAMS: You should read the Constitution, because the constitution--

COMPAGNO: Cook County Judge blasting Kim Foxx. Details ahead.


WATTERS: Even more proof that prosecutors put the fix in after Jussie Smollett staged a hate crime hoax. Remember how he was charged with 16 felony counts for lying to cops. But then Kim Foxx somehow let him off the hook. A judge is now blasting Foxx's office for prosecuting a woman named Candace Clark for just one count of making a false police report. The judge calling out the double standard in court. "I'd like to know why Ms. Clark is being treated differently than Jussie Smollett. It's a disorderly conduct case. A lot less egregious than Mr. Smollett's case. Ms. Clark is not a movie star. She doesn't have a high-priced lawyer, and this smells big time. Your office created this mess" And the woman Candace Clark agrees.


CANDACE CLARK: I'm just a regular girl just trying to make it out here doing a job, working 10 hour shifts overnight. I'm just trying my best.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're not Jussie Smollett though.

CLARK: I'm not Jussie Smollett. I wish I was, but it's OK. I'll get my justice.


WATTERS: All right Greg. Big double standard there.

GUTFELD: I think Jussie Smollett is now going to be like a euphemism for something.


GUTFELD: It's like getting off, because you're famous. I just pulled a Jussie Smollett or Jesse given that Chris Rock says he lost the U.

WATTERS: OK. Please do not talk about that.

GUTFELD: OK. The story that bugs me, OK, the two brothers are suing him because the guy basically enlisted their help then betrayed them and would be happy with those two guys going to jail. So, I mean the hoax is one thing, but man, Jussie is a really rotten person. He would be entirely OK with those guys going to jail, I mean that's borderline psychopath. I understand the hoax thing because he was just feeding into what the media was asking for. He knew as a washed-up celebrity that if he had become a victim of a MAGA hat wearing throng, he would elevate victim status and become a bigger celebrity. So, I get why he was doing it. But you know betraying those guys that he paid to help. That's no honor among thieves.

PERINO: Not only does, would he be OK if they went to jail, but he's ruined their ability to make a living.


PERINO: And he's rich. And what did the Empire staff said, we really want him back. Nobody is hiring the Osundairo brothers to be their trainer anymore.

GUTFELD: I will.

WILLIAMS: That's what they were sued for.

GUTFELD: They're in great shape.

WILLIAMS: They sued Smollett's lawyers.


WILLIAMS: The defamation. They didn't sue Smollett.

WATTERS: Right. OK, Juan. Foxx, would you agree that she totally mishandled this case?

WILLIAMS: Yes. Because I think by the way the police mishandled it. We're going out there way too early. And then you know from my perspective I think Foxx cut a deal that is - you know you can't defend it. It's hard to defend. And that's why it's caused all this ruckus. But I am struck by the idea that the people who do this show Empire want Jussie Smollett back. I think he's now more famous and honestly, I haven't heard of him before.

GUTFELD: It worked.

PERINO: Congratulations.

WATTERS: He got everything he wanted out of this almost.

COMPAGNO: Who do you think wrote that letter though you guys. Did you read it. It was like and here's all the volunteer work Jussie has done, and he has done it without posturing or attention. And from May 2016 to May 2017, I mean it was so clearly written by him and his team, it is worthless. And you know who else is worthless is Kim Foxx. She is an embarrassment to my profession and so is that entire office. And I cannot wait for that federal investigation to--

PERINO: But the judge is great.


COMPAGNO: Yes. Totally. But he is judiciary.

WILLIAMS: That's a good point. You know what I think the judge like the police chief, I think are overstepping their bounds because guess what--

PERINO: She overstepped her bound.

WATTERS: How do you think the police--

WILLIAMS: No, she made a mistake arguably. I think your position would be, she made a mistake. She should have prosecuted, but he went through the justice system and then the cops are like oh well, we think he's guilty and now the judge is like he thinks that hey you know what you go through the judicial system. You shouldn't be punished afterwards.

PERINO: No, he didn't go through the judicial system. He got one of those cards on the Monopoly board that says go straight to go and pick up $200 and a new season of Empire along the way.

COMPAGNO: That was not prosecutorial discretion. That was a blatant abuse and misuse of prosecutorial power.

WILLIAMS: I don't think she'd agree with him.

PERINO: Well, I don't care.

COMPAGNO: That's why she's worthless.

GUTFELD: I wonder if Empire is doing this so they could increase their viewership.

WATTERS: Bringing him back.

GUTFELD: We should do this for “The Five.” Jesse,

WATTERS: Why me? Let it be Juan.

GUTFELD: Maybe tonight port authority. OK. 2 AM port authority.

WATTERS: OK. You need to stop going to port authority.

GUTFELD: They've got great donuts.

WATTERS: OK. I'm not going to say that. I almost said it but I'm not going to say it. Up next, let's take your child to work day and Greg has been looking forward to talking about it all week.


GUTFELD: Today is Take Your Child to Work Day. Emphasis on your, get that part wrong. It could be taking yourself to jail day. Half of me hates this day. I don't like sharing the elevator with people who are one tenth my age, but 100 percent my height. Plus, this means Dana has to watch her language in the halls and we all know how filthy she is. Also, it's hard to fire someone who has their kid with him. How do you do that? Maybe tell the parent to wait outside and tell the kid hey your dad's fired. So, take your child to work day has now become the day you can't swear or fire anyone day. And that's wrong for people like Dana who enjoy swearing and making people cry.

Also, I don't have kids so today is really no different than yesterday except with more screaming, which scares the kids when I do it. But the other half of me embraces this day. After all, it's good that your kids see what people do for a living. They need to learn that money isn't something that mysteriously regenerates in a wallet. Mom and Dad have to work to pay for your clothes, your toys, your worthless politically correct overpriced education and really work is often the thing you know least about your parents.

I remember my dad taking me to work and it was thrilling. I drove the getaway car, but that's where I learned about the magical money in the wallet. And it's great to see another place where your parents were somebody else and not in a bathrobe. They had a role outside your world. It's where you learn your parents aren't just parents but human beings who are hated by other human beings. So, enjoy this day. But if your kid touches anything on my desk, you're dead.

So, you know by the way, it's Earth Day. They've made Earth Day, Earth Week and today is Take Your Child to Work. So, I've combined it. I take my plant to Work Day. This is--

PERINO: Did you carry that all day?

GUTFELD: Yes, this is Tyler. He's my one and only.

WATTERS: That looks dry. Let me water that.

GUTFELD: That was his water and you're in his world. Have you seen a lot of children roaming the halls?

PERINO: I'd like to see Miles, who is the four-month-old son of one of our producers, Brett Zeller (ph). He's very cute. He's very, very cute and I saw a couple of other kids.

GUTFELD: But how can I - wait a minute. Did he took a four month old to Take Your Child to Work Day?

PERINO: because he's never gone to visit. You know people bring their babies.

GUTFELD: The baby is not going to learn anything.

PERINO: They're starting early. They're starting early but can I backup.


WATTERS: By the way, Brett (ph) changed the baby on your desk, Greg.


WATTERS: Was I not supposed to say that?

PERINO: Yes, exactly. I do think bringing kids to work one day a year.


PERINO: Is a good thing.

GUTFELD: See, I disagree. I think one that it should not be an orchestrated thing. Bring your kid whenever you want. It's more exciting.

PERINO: Do you think that would be better than one day with all the kids in one day.

GUTFELD: I was a child before this holiday. This fake thing, next is going to be cards. My dad was an accountant. That was thrilling to me.

PERINO: Did you have like a little--

GUTFELD: Yes, they had a little calculator.

WATTERS: Your dad was an accountant.

GUTFELD: It's like 1970.

WILLIAMS: You know what I remember about this is once I took my daughter and she was at my desk at The Washington Post and she kept that picture forever. I was like wow. It's a big deal to her. I think to just to see where your dad work--


PERINO: And you're gone all the time. Where is he?

GUTFELD: This is where dad goes to pay for that food.

WILLIAMS: I wish they made that connection. I'm not sure dad got through.


WATTERS: I saw my daughter today and she asked me if I had more than a $1000 in my bank account. Because she thinks that's a lot of money. And I said, yes, I do. And she was really impressed. And that made me feel great.

WILLIAMS: How old?

PERINO: What did she want to buy?

WATTERS: She's seven. We'll find that out later. But I didn't see any kids at work today because I got here 4:30.

PERINO: Oh! Great. So, you didn't really work today.

WATTERS: I was with the kids all day. Look at this. See, I was in bounce, I was on the trampolines.

PERINO: Can I get that deal. Take Jasper to park.

GUTFELD: When your contract's up, they're going to play this back in the meeting. He comes in at 4:30.

WATTERS: I listened to Limbaugh on the drive back.

GUTFELD: Emily, what are your thoughts on this. Did you ever, you're young enough that you probably went to take your child for work day.

WATTERS: Yes, did someone bring you to work today.

COMPAGNO: I'm like older than you are. OK. First of all,--


WATTERS: Are you?

COMPAGNO: My dad was pathologist. Yes. And my mom was a librarian. So, I loved going to their work places.

GUTFELD: What was your dad?

COMPAGNO: A pathologist. And my mom was a librarian. So, those are great you know.

GUTFELD: It was like Quincy meets. Go ahead.

COMPAGNO: OK. And like for example my lunch bag was a specimen bag, which I realized at the time was super normal. And then later I realized how actually odd that was. You know like organs and stuff.


COMPAGNO: I know but it kept the food cold. My point is that I think we should actually have a Bring Your Dog To Work Day which is so much better.

PERINO: Yes, they do have that in most places, in fact there are some places--

GUTFELD: No. Do not encourage that.

WATTERS: I think it's this Friday.


WATTERS: No. Bring Your Dog To Work Day. When is that? Someone just told me about that.

WILLIAMS: Come on.

WATTERS: No, I'm serious.

PERINO: I don't think so.

WILLIAMS: Isn't Jennifer Williams takes her dog around everywhere.

PERINO: He's being raised as a service dog.

WILLIAMS: Well, I'm saying there is a dog in the building.

PERINO: So, she's raising the puppy, but that's not like bringing Jasper to work.

WILLIAMS: All the time. Yes.

WATTERS: Well, you get the service dog vests.

COMPAGNO: But if we all did it once. If we all did it once, it would be like great.

WILLIAMS: By the way--

GUTFELD: What happens to the robots. What happens when they robots, what will they bring to work. Will they bring a toaster?

WATTERS: Little robot.

GUTFELD: Little robots.

WILLIAMS: A little circuit.

GUTFELD: Tiny little circuit.


WILLIAMS: By the way with that bag I hope that you didn't get a liver sandwich.

COMPAGNO: It was a toast.

GUTFELD: There is some - you have to ask yourself if your kids can't come to your place to work.

WATTERS: Well, certain places can't except children.

GUTFELD: Yes. That's true.

WATTERS: After the show.

GUTFELD: Yes. All right.

PERINO: Port authority.

GUTFELD: Port Authority. One More Thing is up next.


WILLIAMS: It's time now for One More Thing and we've been bouncing off the wall this Thursday. Jesse, get us going.

WATTERS: OK, well it's not going to get you going that way. This is a very disturbing story out of Houston. There was a 13-year-old girl Kashala Francis and she was attacked by some of her classmates coming home from school. The classmates were videotaping it causing the whole scene and she went home, ended up getting into coma and passing away. Now they're investigating this story into a potential homicide. So, if you want to send money, go online and check out where you can do that because her family needs a lot of help.

WILLIAMS: That's so sad.

COMPAGNO: Very sad, very sad.


PERINO: All right. So today is World Malaria Day to try to prevent it obviously.

WATTERS: Thank you.

GUTFELD: Thanks for the clarification.

PERINO: I want to make sure, it's good. Everybody. Emily explain to me that the judge was different from the lawyer. I got it. David Beckham, you know him.

WATTERS: He plays sports.


PERINO: So, he did a thing with And you can sign this voice petition and they use AI so that whoever calls in from around the world, it will change the language in order to be a part of this petition. It's very cool. Watch this.


DAVID BECKHAM, PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALLER: Malaria isn't just any disease. It's the deadliest disease that's ever been.


PERINO: That's very cool. If you want to call there tonight, you go to Also is posting my latest book club with Jared Cohen. He wrote Accidental Presidents, eight men who changed America. When you're Vice President and became President. That was Dana's book club and I'll be live tweeting the NFL draft tonight.

WATTERS: it's going to be great.

WILLIAMS: Wow. I didn't know that. All right.

PERINO: You learn a lot from me Juan.

WILLIAMS: So, you never know when someone from your past is going to pop back into your life. Well take a look at this video. Yes. That's Indianapolis Colts player Darius Leonard. No, that's not him. That's the teacher. Hey, you guys are out of order. There is Darius Leonard. When Martha Isabel blew a tire, a remote road in small South Carolina town on Easter Sunday. She wasn't sure what she was going to do. But then Leonard came to her rescue and Isabel, it turns out was Leonard's high school biology teacher. The young linebacker is described by his former teacher by the way as being having been kind of a class clown. And she said they had their differences, didn't get along while he was in school. But now he's a star in the NFL.

Jesse knows he leads the league in tackles and he still has a big heart apparently. The video of Darius changing his teacher's tire went viral more than a half million viewers on Twitter alone and the teacher says, she has a new appreciation for her old student writing on Facebook. Tire blew but God had a colt in the bush. Pretty sweet.

GUTFELD: Everybody here can change a tire.


GUTFELD: I didn't think so.

WATTERS: Definitely can.

WILLIAMS: Greg, you're up.

GUTFELD: I know how to call somebody. All right, let's do this. Greg Fashion News. You know I'm into fashion, but I'm not in a fashion as this little fella. Check him out on the streets of Paris, getting ready for this summer rains. He's got a rain poncho. He's looking sexy and smart on the runway.

COMPAGNO: It looks like glass.

GUTFELD: That's all I got really.

WATTERS: That's more of animals are great.

GUTFELD: You know what I decided to give that a rest because whenever animals are great starts, I watch your faces like you all want to die. You're like I don't want to hear it anymore. I see it. I can feel it. And by the way, animals are great. It's like the greatest thing this show ever had.

WILLIAMS: No, you are.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

WILLIAMS: You're welcome. Emily, help us.

COMPAGNO: I will. Firefighters in Florida used a little creative thinking and technology to save eight cute little ducklings from the storm drain. They videoed the mama duck quacking and so they used it to lure the baby ducks to a certain area so that they could then scoop them out.

PERINO: Oh! My Goodness.

COMPAGNO: Pull them out. You can hear them. And they later joked in a post- rescue tweet. Our job is everything, it's quacked up to be.

PERINO: Very cute.

GUTFELD: It's a lot of fuagra (ph).

WILLIAMS: Oh no, well, animals are great.

WATTERS: Animals are tasty.

GUTFELD: Well you know--

PERINO: Anybody else doing anything tonight.

WATTERS: So, you're live tweeting the draft.

PERINO: I'm going to live tweeting the draft. I did this like three years ago. Obviously, I know a lot about sports.

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute, are you serious?

PERINO: Yes. Obviously, I'm serious.

WILLIAMS: Oh my God.

PERINO: Kyler Murray is the number one draft pick.


PERINO: Is he going to the Arizona Cardinals. And by the way, I got a tip from ESPN about your favorite team. The Redskins.

WILLIAMS: The Washington football team. I hope so.

PERINO: You better watch.

WILLIAMS: Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of “The Five.” "Special Report" is up next with my pal, Chris Wallace.

Hey, Chris.

CHRIS WALLACE, HOST: Dana, I'm going to be watching your live tweeting of the draft.

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