
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 4, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hello, I'm Greg Gutfeld with Kimberly
Guilfoyle -- welcome back, Juan Williams -- nice tie, Eric Bolling and
Melissa Francis -- "The Five."

For so long most of the media has let Donald Trump hit from the ladies'
tee, until last night when this lady teed one up on him:


MEGYN KELLY, FOX NEWS DEBATE MODERATOR: Your campaign website, to this day,
argues that more visas for highly skilled workers would quote, "decimate
American workers." However, at the CNBC debate you spoke enthusiastically
in favor of these visas. So which is it?

hanging. We need highly skilled people in this country. And if we can't do
it, we'll get them in.

KELLY: So you -- you are abandoning the position on your website?

TRUMP: I'm changing it and I'm softening the position because we have to
have talented people in this country.


GUTFELD: So he's changed. I like that. Good for him. I applaud him for
admitting this, and Megyn, as well, for asking that important question.

But it is weird. Days ago, he championed American workers replaced at Disney.
Then last night defended the use of foreign tech workers, that's got to be
a record flip-flop.

Now the definition of "establishment" is one who seeks
power and does anything to hold on to it, meaning, say anything to get
elected and then abandon the promises. We just saw that from the man who
condemns it in others. Quote, "they're taking our jobs" is now, "we have to
have talented people in this country." I absolutely agree, but I wonder how
others feel. Has anyone checked in on David Duke?

But we can change our minds, and at least he did it before the election, not after. The question
is would he have told us if we didn't ask? Last night we learned a little
more about a potential president, and that is: We know very little at all. It is all in his head and it is subject to change based on what? Does anyone know? Does he really know?

Meanwhile, Hillary tweeted this joke, mocking the debate. That's a picture of her rubbing her temples at a Benghazi hearing. Yes, a presumptive nominee used a hearing about the deaths of four Americans as a punch line about a debate. Sorry, nothing from the Republican debate comes even close to that classless act. She can't be president and there is no debating that.

All right, more on the debate in a moment, lots of stuff. But we want to
bring in some lady named Dana Perino, who is out at CPAC today in
Washington. There is some news that broke there today. Dana, can you fill
us in.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I can. Sean Hannity is actually behind us,
interviewing Ted Cruz, who just spoke -- excited crowd. Ben Carson is
coming up. Tomorrow, Marco Rubio is set to speak. And Donald Trump was
scheduled to speak, but he decided earlier today that he is not going to
come to CPAC to this big crowd of grassroots individuals. He is going to
continue to campaigning. I guess he's -- that's a good decision for him. I
talked to some folks at CPAC today and they said they would have liked to
have him here. Even John Kasich spoke earlier today and he got a standing
ovation. So this is a polite crowd and I think that he really, probably
would have done well here with this group of people, but he decided not to

GUTFELD: Do you think he didn't come because he knew you would be there and
possibly with that cut-out of jasper?

PERINO: Jasper is everywhere. Flat jasper is like -- John Kasich got a
picture with flat jasper. I mean, who wouldn't want one except for you.

GUTFELD: I know. Kimberly, why the decision to back out?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: We'll know. I would always take an
opportunity if I was running, you know, for the office of the presidency to
reach voters. But I don't know what his, you know, reasons are. Perhaps it
was a format issue. But I do know that he has spoken and was well received
at CPAC in the past. So it is a place that he's gone on another occasions
and done, you know, quite well. So I don't know. But Dana, are you having a
good time there?

PERINO: I am. I saw some great fans of "The Five" and we'll talk about the
panel I did later. I would have to say like the video of "The Five" was
well-received. Everybody loves all of us on the show and even Juan.


PERINO: I'm just kidding, Juan. Of course they love you.


PERINO: Of course they love you. Yes, it's been really great. And it is
interesting to be here amongst people. I did some interviews along radio
row. And one of the question I'm always ask is, are you just despairing of
what's happening to the Republican Party? And I would say, yeah, of course,
as a lifelong republican, I'm concerned. But I also believe that the values
of conservatism are rooted in principles that are everlasting. They are not
going to go away in the next two weeks before Super Tuesday or the next big
voting on March 15. So this crowd is excited. And I also know that there
are really big issues in front of them including the economy. That's been
one of the number one things talked about here at CPAC throughout the day.

GUTFELD: Eric, what would you -- go ahead.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Can I say, Dana, interesting -- is there
you see change going at CPAC? That is historically been far right
conservative people that show there -- show up there. And I know Matt
Schlapp took over, I think last year, if I'm not mistaken. He seems to be
grabbing a wider group of conservatives. In other words, far right, yes,
but also, maybe a little bit towards the middle as well. Is that accurate?

PERINO: I think it would be -- I think so, Eric. But I think, I would
describe it as more of expanding rather than limiting, right? So adding,
not subtracting. There are a lot of young people here. And in fact, Ted
Cruz knows his audience very well. He was just telling Sean Hannity, of
course, that there were 17 people in the race and now there are only four.
And there are a lot of people here, probably, initially supported a
different candidate. And he said, "Anybody here ever supports Rand Paul?"
And there was a huge applause line for Ted Cruz to supporting Rand Paul
because usually, you know, Rand Paul did well here. Rand Paul, if I would
have done well here in the straw poll at least. So yeah, I would say that
there's an expansion. And very interesting to see how many different young
people are here. I asked Benny Johnson, what's like the number one thing
people worry about in their lives as a millennial? Like what's their first
big political moment? And he had an interesting answer. It wasn't 9/11 and
it wasn't the financial crisis. He said is, when you get your first
paycheck and you realize that half of what you have worked so hard for is
being taken away, plus student loans. So I think that there's an expansion
here at CPAC under Matt Schlapp leadership, I think that's a good thing.

MELISSA FRANCIS, GUEST CO-HOST: Dana, Melissa Francis. I'm
keeping your seat warm here. Let me ask you. You can always tell a lot by
what people are talking about on the ground. What are they saying to you
when they come up to you?

PERINO: That they love "The Five," that they love jasper. And I --


FRANCIS: Also about the election, anything about the election?

PERINO: I have to say, I think that they are just so excited, that just to
be here. Again, the economy, millennials, one of the biggest thing turn
like to young -- I've mostly talked to mostly young people here. And one of
the things that concern me is like you hear them say that they don't
believe that the American dream is still available to them. And they want
to believe that America is exceptional, that they're very concerned about
their economic future, because they don't see a way to get ahead. And
Melissa, you know that well.


PERINO: . you cover the Fox Business channel so well. And so they're
worried about that and looking to see how conservative policies could
actually help meet their goals in a prosperous and growing economy.

FRANCIS: Very true.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Hey, Dana, it's Juan. I think that Trump
made a good move because this is about winning, and I don't think he's
going to get any specific state in his pocket as a result of speaking at
CPAC. I think he's got to be in Michigan. He's got to move toward Florida
and try to lock it up. I think that's what that is about.

PERINO: So I saw John Kasich earlier today before he spoke. And apparently,
he thinks that Michigan is looking very good for him. He felt -- he looked
like he was very happy after his debate. And if you're a candidate at this
point, Donald Trump or anyone else, you would like to have, you know,
multiple personalities so you could be in lots of places at once. Yes, I
think it is important to be in Michigan or other states where there is
going to be a primary for next Tuesday or next week. But I also think that
this crowd, when you are looking at a need to consolidate the Republican
Party, to unify, that I don't think I would have missed this opportunity.
And I do think that Donald Trump would have been welcomed here. And I think
he would have done very well. If you read -- I understand if he were to
change his mind, they would be glad to have him here on Saturday, tomorrow.

GUTFELD: Let's talk about what happened last night.


GUTFELD: The debate. You know, I thought Fox did an amazing -- Eric, Fox
did an amazing job. That was -- it was a chaotic, raucous event. It was
wild, but it was, it was --

BOLLING: It was amazing.


BOLLING: They got two hours, four candidates and they -- look, they asked
tough questions and they were -- asked toughed questions of everyone. They
held everyone's feet to the fire. In fact, Donald Trump wasn't on the last
debate that Fox hosted and they used those full screens.


BOLLING: And so people saw full screen for Trump, it didn't see it for
others, but that was because they were catching up from what they didn't
have the opportunity to ask about.

GUILFOYLE: And Megyn (inaudible) as well.

BOLLING: And Megyn did.


BOLLING: And I think they all did a just fantastic job. Bret's question at
the end was just stunning and jaw that dropping. If Donald Trump is the
nominee, would you support him? And every one was waiting because all of
these GOP pushing back, I can't support Trump. I can't -- no, never Trump
hash tags, what not. And every single one of them said, you know, I'll
support the GOP nominee. And that was --

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, honor the pledge.

BOLLING: Awesome.


BOLLING: That was awesome.

WILLIAMS: Well, that's what --

BOLLING: Whoever it is.

GUILFOYLE: That was amazing.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, but that's what Trump said that -- what, I'm going to be
the nominee. So -- but the thing that struck me about this, two things, one
is, I thought everybody was aiming at Trump, including the people who were
moderating. I don't know if that was out of necessity, whatever. But he's
the front-runner. The second thing is the audience. Man, it was like WWE in
there. I mean to say, they had to throw people out but it was loud and


WILLIAMS: I thought, wow, they're taking control of this debate. It was
like, you know, play the best line for the applause and the hooting and the

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, it's started. I mean, I was there right?


GUILFOYLE: So before it started and people were just piled in there, super
excited. They were so loud before we even got started. For whatever what
you saw on television, they were loud during the breaks. During every break
they had to them, "hey guys, let's be respectful to the candidates," which
was necessary.


GUILFOYLE: And they did a nice job. You know the moderators, obviously, you
know, Bret, and Megyn, and Chris were outstanding and well-prepared. I
thought it was a very good night. And yeah, I mean, you know Trump was
taking like heavy C-130 fire all night. No doubt.

GUTFELD: You knew that. It was going to happen.

GUILFOYLE: Of course.


GUILFOYLE: And guess what? I thought he handled it well.


GUILFOYLE: The crowd I thought was, me was pretty good in terms of being
not just, you know, one sided like we've seen in some instances and prior
debates. They were definitely, he had supporters. Everybody, you know, had
their supporters there and I talked to him, actually for a while, after the
debate, and to Melania, and to Eric Trump. They were very happy with the
debate, and they were happy with Fox, and you know, how it went. So I
thought it was a very good night.


GUTFELD: Can I run just some piece of tape from the debate?


GUTFELD: And then I'll go to you. This is the most interesting thing,
because it is now reflects another change in Donald Trump, what he said.
This is, when he was talking about the military and getting the military to
do what he wants.


BRET BAIER, "SPECIAL REPORT" HOST: Experts have said that when you ask the
U.S. military to carry out some of your campaign promises, specifically
targeting terrorist families and also the use of interrogation methods,
more extreme than waterboarding. The military will refute, because they've
been trained to turn down and refuse illegal orders. So what would you do
as commander-in-chief if the U.S. military refused to carry out those

TRUMP: They won't refuse. They're not going to refuse me, believe me.

BAIER: But targeting terrorists' families?

TRUMP: I've always been a leader. I've never had any problem leading
people. If I say do it, they're going to do it. That's what leadership is
all about.


GUTFELD: So Melissa, since then, they issued a statement saying he
understands that United States is bound by laws. So basically saying, he
can force the military to do war crimes.


GUTFELD: He has walked back.

FRANCIS: Yeah, he said he doesn't want to go to The Hague after all.


FRANCIS: He doesn't want to be convicted of war crimes, which I totally
understand, I would neither. But I take issue of what you said at the
beginning. Because you said that, you know, it's a flip-flop. It's the
definition of.


FRANCIS: . somebody in power, you know, comes in and says one thing and
gets elected and then changes later. I don't think it is quite that with
him. I think that he is willing to talk freely off the cuff when someone
asks him a question.


FRANCIS: So he makes the answer. And then later he goes and he gets more
information, he thinks about it and he decides that's not what he really
thought. I don't think it is promising one thing to make people happy? I
think it's just talking freely off the cuff. I don't if that's better.


FRANCIS: I mean it's scary because in a way, it's like he hasn't thought
through his positions --

GUTFELD: Well he likes them --

FRANCIS: . first?

GUTFELD: I think you're saying is, he loves to talk and talk and talk.

FRANCIS: Yes, yes.

GUTFELD: And if you approach him, he might change his mind.


BOLLING: But he admits it freely and.

GUTFELD: Likely, yeah.

BOLLING: . he did it on the stage. Look, I check on.

FRANCIS: Yeah, that's flexible.

BOLLING: . two different occasions, he said I've changed.


BOLLING: We have thought about and I'm changed.


BOLLING: Right, right. But, isn't that -- look --


BOLLING: You may not like the guy, but at least it is refreshing. And maybe
he'll teach the other politicians on the stage to not --

WILLIAMS: Wait a second. Wait a second.


WILLIAMS: A minute ago, republicans are saying, "oh, it is so refreshing."
He tells it like it is. He's a bully. He's great. He just slugs them and
knocks them out and he says it like we want to hear it. Now --

FRANCIS: Nobody says he's a bully, he's great.

GUILFOYLE: Nobody said that.

WILLIAMS: Now you're saying, oh, no, no, no, now he's flexible. Now he's --
you know what? He has changed. He's running in a general election. He
thinks he has it wrapped up. That's what's going on.


GUTFELD: I mean, but no, the fact is this goes against everything he has
criticized politicians about.

WILLIAMS: Exactly.

GUTFELD: Saying what needs to be said and then changing it when you want to

BOLLING: No, no, no, no.



BOLLING: And you put -- that was a very distinct -- good distinction you
made. Politicians will say what they want to get elected.


BOLLING: Once they get elected, they can't -- the only thing they can think
about. And we know this, we interviewed enough politicians. They don't care
about what promises they made, repealing Obamacare, cutting and spending.
They care from minute one about their next re-election.

GUILFOYLE: The election.

BOLLING: How they are going to raise money.


BOLLING: And who they're gonna do favors for.


BOLLING: . to get money for the next re-election.

FRANCIS: Minutes ago at CPAC, Cruz said that's he's going to abolish the
IRS, repeal Obamacare and create a flat tax. There are so many promising in
sky. I think that he simply cannot deliver. And that's what people out
there are sick of promises that are impossible.


FRANCIS: . as nice as they would be.

GUTFELD: I want to get a last word to Dana if she's still there, on her
thoughts on the debate and we got to move on. Dana, are you there?

PERINO: Yes, I am. I thought that having four candidates instead of even
six was good for every candidate but Donald Trump. I think that one of the
things that happened last night on that war crimes point in particular is
that that had been building through the week. There's a lot to cover in a
campaign. And they don't, I don't know if they have enough staff to be able
to look around and say, OK, now the military is saying they would not
follow that order. It is not because they would disobey the commander-in-
chief. It would be because it was against the law. Therefore, the
commander-in-chief would never want to ask its military to do that. I think
he was right to change it. But I think if you are concerned about national
security on the substance of a lot of issues and not just national security
that was not a shining moment. I also think that a lot of people that want
to run for office, they do it with all sincerity. And then yeah, there is
overpromising on all sides. And that includes from Donald Trump, which has
been one of my concerns from the very beginning, from day one when he said
I'm going to bring back all the jobs from China. That's not going to
happen. You can bring back some jobs from China by encouraging American
companies to stay here through better taxes and regulations, but you're not
going to bring all the jobs back. Overpromising is a sure way to disappoint
your voters.

GUTFELD: All right. Thank you, Dana. We'll going to see you a little later
this hour for more of your fun time at CPAC.

BOLLING: Don't overpromise that.

GUTFELD: Don't overpromise --


GUTFELD: That will be OK.

BOLLING: It will be OK.

GUTFELD: It will be OK, maybe great. I don't know, really -- turning into
Gilbert Godfrey; more on last night's debate, ahead. Plus, Ted Cruz on
whether he team up on a unity ticket with Marco Rubio, next.


BOLLING: All right, that's -- we're looking at Ben Carson on the stage at
CPAC. And we are learning that he may suspend his campaign. Let's take a


BEN CARSON, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Extract information from the past and
the present and process it and project it into the future. And think
rationally and logically, instead of just reacting. You don't need to have
much of a developed brain to simply react, to react in fear. Animals can do
that. Lizards can do that. You know, we are human beings, so we must really
start to think about, right now in America, what we need is leadership. And


CARSON: So many people, many people have said, who are you going to
endorse? Well, let me tell you exactly. Let me tell you exactly the
criteria that one should use when utilizing that brain. If we're talking
about somebody who is going to lead America, and the world, you need
somebody who has demonstrated significant accomplishment in their life.
Number one, you also need somebody whose ideas and policies are clear and
easy to find so that with your intellect, you can evaluate them. You need
to look at how they treat others and how they treat their family, because
that's how they'll going to treat the American people. We need to see what
have they done for America? Someone who wants to lead this nation should,
in fact, have demonstrated in their life that they are trying to improve
life for people in America. And we should look at the people that they work
with. Who are those people? How do they -- what do those people have to
say? And how have they been able to collaborate with other people --


BOLLING: All right, we've been listening to Dr. Ben Carson who's in Fox
News has been told that he will probably suspend his campaign either at
CPAC right now or maybe later at a press avail after he speaks. So we'll
continue to monitor that. But let's talk about this a little bit. KG, I
like what he is saying. I had not really heard that Ben Carson for a couple

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, it is nice. It's kind of like he is going through and
listing his criteria the night. It sort of makes one think that man, who is
that person now that remaining in the race? Because there is some talk and
rumors that perhaps, he would make an endorsement and a lot of people would
expect it to be somebody like Donald Trump.


GUILFOYLE: I mean, that's at least, what I was hearing all last night.

BOLLING: Interesting. Juan, what do you think about.

GUILFOYLE: In Detroit.

BOLLING: . of this -- of the doctor there, spending some time at CPAC?

WILLIAMS: Well, I don't know who he would endorse. I'll be surprised if it
was Trump. But it's anything possible in this campaign. It's been quite a
season, as I mentioned go on. What strikes me is one, you know, the end of
Ben Carson's efforts. And Ben Carson really was a surprise candidate to me,
in terms of how successful he was and he still is a tremendous money
raiser. But the money got spent burnt quickly. And I think there was lots
of dysfunction. So you hear him talk about how people handle their
business. How they handle things like that. I -- you know, you can't take
your hat off to Ben on that count, because I think his campaign did damage
to itself.

BOLLING: Yeah. Melissa, we've also --

GUILFOYLE: They've actually endorse Ted Cruz.

BOLLING: We have learned -- we've also learned, I believe that the staff
has been told March 31st, your last paycheck.


FRANCIS: My last paycheck?




FRANCIS: I just thought Eric just fired me on television. It was like,


GUTFELD: The Fox News apprentice.

FRANCIS: Yeah. I'm going to try -- I'm sweating now. I'm going to try to

GUILFOYLE: Bolling favorite show.

FRANCIS: And you know --


GUILFOYLE: Remember that?

BOLLING: Oh yeah.


FRANCIS: So watching (inaudible) right now, you see how much he just does
not, he is so unlike the other guys, like you can't imagine him rolling
with that crazy crew from last night. So my 5-year-old said about the
debate, like why don't they just get swords and battle on the debate stage
to the death? And I'm kind of like, well, it feels like that's what they're
doing. And you listen to what he has -- they're saying.

GUTFELD: What is your 5-year-old watching?

FRANCIS: Yeah, I don't know. But obviously, I have to unplug the
televisions, but a lot of Star Wars. But, you know, you watches there like
Ben Carson is such a different guy from all the other guys. He's so
different. He's so thoughtful. He's slow paced. I mean, that's one of the
things that I think was hard for him along the way. Because you have to be



BOLLING: Where do you know from here Greg?

GUTFELD: Surgeon general. That's where the -- that's where the endorsement
comes from. The first person to say you'll going to be the surgeon general,
that's Ben Carson. Or if the Ben Carson hour, some time on a weekends on a
cable networks when his fairytales tells home spun tales from his book.

GUTFELD: An hour, but it will take two hours.


GUTFELD: He might play base. I actually have a few other people who play --

GUILFOYLE: Oh, that's so cute. Can you imagine?


FRANCIS: I mean --

GUILFOYLE: The Carson -- you have the (inaudible) together.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

BOLLING: All right, let's do this. Let's (inaudible)

FRANCIS: Don't fire me yet.

BOLLING: O.J. Simpson murder case is more than 20 years old. But today,
bombshell breaking developments, a possible murder weapon found at the site
of Simpson' former home. Stay tune for the details, coming up.


GUILFOYLE: Well, in a bombshell new twist in O.J. Simpson' two decade old
murder case, today, Los Angeles police confirmed that they were -- I guess
kind of still now are investigating whether a knife reportedly found buried
at Simpson's former estate was the knife that killed his ex-wife Nicole
Brown and her friend, Ron Goldman in 1994.


month, LAPD became aware of an item that was allegedly recovered by a
citizen at the Rockingham property, possibly during the demolition of the
site. We need to vet that. We still don't know if that's an accurate

The actual item is described as a knife. And the person that we received
this knife from is a retired LAPD officer. They are going to study it and
examine it for all forensics, including serology and DNA and hair samples.

Double jeopardy would be in place here. So we could not charge Mr. Simpson
with the homicides that he's already been charged with, because he's been


GUILFOYLE: So this is big news today, because everybody remembers this
case and where they were when they heard the verdict. And it's always been
a bit of a mystery, because the actual murder weapon was never recovered.

So then when this news broke today, people were speculating: could this, in
fact, be the weapon, and why wasn't it turned in? Why wasn't it found?
There are some conflicting reports and things that are coming in now that
perhaps this has now been ruled out as being consistent with the weapon
used at the time that Nicole and Ron were murdered.

OK. So Melissa, you were watching this with interest today.

FRANCIS: I was; I was riveted. In my heart I knew it was going to end up
being nothing, but I didn't care, because I'm fascinated and obsessed with
the case. I grew up in L.A. You know, I mean, I remember exactly where I
was when the Bronco was on its chase.

We love this kind of stuff in America. I don't know if it's a coincidence
that right now that series is playing on FX and everybody is watching it.
But whether it's this or it's Robert Durst or it's Steven Avery, this idea
that a killer may have gotten away or that somebody is in jail who doesn't
deserve to be there. I mean, this is just -- it continues to be a
fascination with American culture. We're obsessed with it.

I mean, Trump was dueling back and forth on Twitter to see who was trending
higher at the time. I mean, O.J. from jail knocked Trump off the Twitter
list today with just this knife thing. We love it.

WILLIAMS: Yes, you know, look, I don't think anybody ever really thought
this was the knife, because this was apparently like a folding knife,
whereas the knife that O.J...

GUILFOYLE: This is Juan's world. Juan's world.

WILLIAMS: The knife that O.J...



WILLIAMS: ... used, apparently the knife that was used, that was purchased
by O.J. several weeks before the murder, was a big large machete type of
knife. This was not that.

And the question was whether it was any -- in any way involved with the
murder. But no one ever thought that it was the weapon. I think what...

GUILFOYLE: Juan also doubles as Dr. Michael Baden.

WILLIAMS: But I think...

BOLLING: I think someone thought it might have been the weapon.

WILLIAMS: Nobody thought that.

BOLLING: It's our "C" block.

WILLIAMS: No, they thought -- they thought that it might have some of
O.J.'s blood, might have been involved in some point.

BOLLING: There was blood on it, right?

WILLIAMS: No, they think it was -- it was - They're going to do some kind
of serology test to see if there's some kind of blood. What really
fascinates me is, you know, it's race; it's the rich getting away with
murder. I think that's why, to this day, to pick up on Melissa's point,
this case fascinates America. And I think the fact that he's still in

BOLLING: You know what would be interesting? If there was blood on it,
and it wasn't O.J.'s blood. Can you imagine for 25 years, people would be
like, wait a minute. We thought O.J. did it, but he really didn't do it?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. And it was like Kato Kaelin, something like that.

BOLLING: I'm just speculating.

GUILFOYLE: OK, Greg. You've been very good, well-behaved, quiet. And I
almost forgot you were there. Go ahead.

GUTFELD: Well, this is actually the second knife found today. There was
one found in Brentwood and another one in Trump's back.

GUILFOYLE: And who put it there?

GUTFELD: By the way, I think -- I think this is a Kimmel prank. I'm
sorry. Because it's just like -- it feels like this is just happening too
fast. And it's just too weird. I don't believe this knife has anything to
do with anything. That's my opinion, and I'm sticking with it.

GUILFOYLE: OK. So you have Cyril Wecht and Michael Baden.

And what the officer said is true. It would have been double jeopardy.
He's already been found not guilty in the criminal case.

GUTFELD: The case is still open, though, correct? Lawyer?

GUILFOYLE: No. He's been found not guilty.

GUTFELD: But the case is still...

GUILFOYLE: ... somebody else would, in fact, then...

WILLIAMS: No, no, no, Greg is saying it's an open case...

GUTFELD: An open case.

WILLIAMS: ... for the police department.

GUILFOYLE: Right. If somebody else were to...

WILLIAMS: ... because no -- we don't know who killed them.

FRANCIS: Technically, we don't know who did it.

GUILFOYLE: Never mind, guys. No problem. I just worked in that office
and covered this.

GUTFELD: But it is an open case.

WILLIAMS: It is an open case.

GUILFOYLE: Right. If somebody else...

GUTFELD: It's always an open case.


FRANCIS: It's going to be violent.

GUILFOYLE: So annoying.

WILLIAMS: Greg and I -- everybody agreed.

GUTFELD: Don't you guys watch "The First 48"?

GUILFOYLE: If there were to be somebody else that could be tried and

GUTFELD: Look, I know you're a lawyer, but I watch "The Good Wife."

GUILFOYLE: As it relates to O.J. Simpson, it's done.

GUTFELD: I watch "Law & Order: SVU." Don't you give me your lawyer

GUILFOYLE: And I have been the good wife. Is there something you want to
share with us? Wifey? All right.

GUTFELD: Let's see, what character would I be.

GUILFOYLE: Next, let's get Dana, because we need help, right? We're going
to go back to Dana Perino at CPAC to find out more about what's happening
there today and what she's been up to. Don't go away.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back to "The Five." Some breaking news while we were
away: Dr. Ben Carson announced to CPAC outside of Washington that he is now
suspending his presidential -- his bid for the presidential Republican

Dana Perino is there. Dana, what are you hearing?

PERINO: Well, I just listened to his speech. And he just started the Q&A
with Mercedes Schlapp, our new co-host -- or contributor at FOX. He got a
standing ovation from the crowd. It was long and sustained. And so he is
wrapping up his campaign here at CPAC, Juan.

WILLIAMS: You know, Kimberly, in a way, it's -- we've seen such a
winnowing of the field. But I think with Ben Carson, there's something
else going. I mean, he really was an outstanding different figure. I'm
not just talking about the fact that he's black. But you were touching on
it earlier. He is different than the other men and woman who was running.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I mean, look, people really like him. You know, you meet
him. You like him. He's somebody that people feel good about, that you
can trust him. He's very personable. And he really had a tremendous
amount of support.

I mean, think about how far he's come from the National Prayer Breakfast
where he first began. It's like a standout. And you really caught
attention. And then it just kind of caught on from there.

He had a lot of people willing to open up their wallets to be able to
contribute to his candidacy, to his message. He remained very positive
throughout the process and comes out of it, I think, in a really good
strong place. And of course he'd be, you know, very attractive to have for
an endorsement, you know.

I was saying earlier during the break that I wonder, though, if he's going
to be so the forgiving heart that he would endorse Ted Cruz, especially
given what transpired, you know, in Iowa, with you know, the kind of
confusion that went on there, in terms of saying that he has suspended his
campaign and went home to Florida.

WILLIAMS: Yes, he had. But the reason that Kimberly mentions that is
because they both share an evangelical base. But if it comes to Trump, I
remember Trump was saying this guy, you know, he says somebody -- he went
to knife somebody and they hit the belt buckle.

BOLLING: No. Trump repeated what Ben Carson had written in a book.

WILLIAMS: He said it was incredible.

BOLLING: So Ben Carson will -- will hand off his evangelical followers to
somebody. Ted Cruz will probably petition to get those, and I guess we're
going to hear about that at some point today.

But Ben's been the outsider. In the outsider world, Carson, Trump and
Cruz. Even though Cruz is a senator, he is still considered an outsider.
So Ben's going to make a decision to send his following to one; and Cruz
pulled what he pulled with him in Iowa. It may end up going to Trump. I
can't see him saying, "I think Marco Rubio is your guy" or "John Kasich is
your guy." I just can't see that.

WILLIAMS: What do you think, Melissa?

FRANCIS: I think it's interesting that we watch what's happening to Ben
Carson here, because he followed the path that everybody thought Trump was,
where somebody comes out and they're a phenomenon. They're the unexpected

He soared so high in the polls. He really -- people connected with him in
a way that they weren't connecting, necessarily, with others. It was
totally unexpected. And then that flame, you know, sort of dimmed. And
that's what everybody expected to happen to Trump, and it's amazing that
the Trump phenomenon has been so different. You look at the contrast and
you wonder how far it can go or what was different about it.

I mean, Eric, what was different about it?

BOLLING: The passion. I mean, Ben Carson has passion. But he didn't have
-- he didn't have the emotion. You know, I mean whatever it is, Donald
Trump is tapping into the anger, and Ben Carson was never tapping into the

WILLIAMS: No, no. I think Ben Carson was tapping into the anger, and he
certainly was tapping into the religious sense. But I mean, remember, Ben
Carson was saying...

GUILFOYLE: A lot of it was anger, but more like dissatisfaction.

WILLIAMS: ... stuff like Obamacare is the equal of slavery. Remember he
said that? And he said that gays -- you know, you get gay going into
prison -- and he said some wild things that attracted lots and lots of

GUTFELD: You looking at me?

WILLIAMS: Yes. I'm certain. Because I thought...

GUTFELD: A couple things. One thing that was interesting about Ben Carson
is that he has an unusual way of speaking. And I find it interesting when
people refuse to use the type of public speaking that other people do.
People, when they do public speaking, do not talk to you the way they talk
to you at a table. He talks to you as though he's talking to you at a
table when he's up on a podium, which is unusual and interesting.

The other thing I was -- I call it the desertedisland metaphor. If you
look at the other candidates, whether it's outsiders, whether it's Bernie
Sanders, and you had a choice between Bernie Sanders and Ben Carson on an
island, you want somebody who knows how to do something. Ben Carson...

GUILFOYLE: How about to save your life?

GUTFELD: Yes, that's my point. I was getting there. I was getting there.
You have somebody that runs for office his entire life, or you have
somebody that can actually separate conjoined twins. You want that person,
because when you fall off a cliff...

GUILFOYLE: But we have Perino on our CPAC island. Dana, what do you think
about that?

WILLIAMS: I don't want to -- all right. Wait, wait. I don't want to fall
off this cliff, because Dana Perino is on the cliff, and she ran a panel
today on millennials at CPAC. And I wanted Dana to tell us about it.

PERINO: Well, when I was asked to speak at CPAC, I said there's only
really one topic I want to talk about, and that is millennials. It's now
the largest generation there are of voting age now, 83 million people.
Young people went for Barack Obama in the last two elections, and I think
conservatives have a lot of ground to make up but a lot of reason to.

And here's a little bit of the panel that I did earlier with my cohorts.


PERINO: Many Americans no longer believe in the American dream. So I want
to start there. Why do you think that is?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I think as we've seen, Dana, the challenge with
millennials is they don't really have faith in institutions. So -- so
churches, for instance, organized religion, families.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Millennials cannot be predictable. And sometimes the
quirkiest and most unrelated things really play with millennials.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Millennials just seem to be blessed. The Cato
Institute put it as less patriotic. I mean, they -- they -- only 38
percent of millennials see the United States as being the best country in
the world.


WILLIAMS: Dana, that sounded fascinating.

PERINO: Sorry. I wanted to -- I'm sorry. I'm trying to listen to Ben
Carson with one ear, because I'm wondering if he's going to endorse
somebody, but I don't think he is.

Hey, I caught up with Carly Fiorina today. She was the only Republican
woman running in the presidential race. She is the keynote speaker
tonight, and this point about the future of generations, Ben Carson just
talked about it. I know that Carly Fiorina is going to talk about that, as
well as the future of the party. So something to look forward to tonight
in her keynote speech, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Dana, thanks so much. It looks like you're having fun.


WILLIAMS: We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great time at CPAC.

Ahead, someone here at this table is now a big star in the hot Netflix
series "House of Cards." The new season is out today. So guess which one
of us is it? You'll have to stay tuned to find out.


FRANCIS: So I used to be a TV actress and a brunette, for that matter, but
apparently, someone else here has caught the acting bug. The new season of
"House of Cards" dropped today on Netflix. Watch this clip closely. You
will find out who I'm talking about.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As soon as he's willing to support this race, I'll
talk to him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're making a mistake, Mrs. Underwood.

GRETCHEN CARLSON, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: A source within the White House tells
us this. That the first lady traveled to Texas after some sort of a major
argument with her husband. Monica, got to get your take on this.

MONICA CROWLEY, FOX NEWS COMMENTATOR: Well if there is marital discord,
the Underwoods certainly wouldn't want to admit it. Her being down there
for the primary? Come on. That could be a smoke screen.


WILLIAMS: Come on, Gretchen. Let's be real: something is rotten in the
state of Denmark. I mean, the timing on this could not be worse. Don't
forget: the New Hampshire primary is tomorrow. So whatever momentum the
president had coming out of Iowa, pssh, just like air going out of a popped


FRANCIS: That was awesome, Juan. That line read was fantastic. Was that
method? I mean, how did you get into character? Did you have an acting
coach? Do you know what method is?

WILLIAMS: They had a script and camera for me. It's not like when you're
doing it.

FRANCIS: You didn't look like you were reading.

BOLLING: It's like when you do here. You looked exactly like you do here.

WILLIAMS: Greg -- Greg...

GUILFOYLE: Acting and making things up. That's what you do.

WILLIAMS: Yes. That's what -- that's what I have to do.

GUTFELD: You should have started with, "I can't believe what I'm hearing
at this table."

WILLIAMS: No, no, at this table.

GUTFELD: "Let me just say this."

BOLLING: "By the way..."

WILLIAMS: By the way, you know. The thing is...

GUILFOYLE: "Get out of town."

WILLIAMS: ... they let me talk. That was odd. I don't know. They let
the liberal talk for once. I don't know. It was kind of different.

GUILFOYLE: Don't get used to it.

WILLIAMS: Yes, really.

GUTFELD: Did you end up meeting Kevin Spacey?

WILLIAMS: No. No, no. But what was interesting to me was that, in fact,
Gretchen Carlson had met the people who, you know, plan who gets to speak
and who gets -- and they said they wanted to do with it Gretchen Carlson
and FOX. And I was so pleased. Because typically they go to, you know,
the networks or CNN. But no, it was FOX.

FRANCIS: Where did you guys do that? It wasn't...

WILLIAMS: We did it here. We did it right up here on the top floor.

GUILFOYLE: That's FOX studio.

FRANCIS: Well, I don't know. I saw it on another show earlier today that
it wasn't done here. So I thought I'd ask that question.

WILLIAMS: No, it was done here.

FRANCIS: Did they pay you a lot of money?

WILLIAMS: Huge. You wouldn't believe it. I think now it's just over.

BOLLING: Are you union now?

WILLIAMS: No. No. Well, I've only...


GUTFELD: You're going to get check for, like, 37 cents, right? That's
what happens.

FRANCIS: It's usually better than that for a long time. It takes a while
to get...

GUTFELD: No, but I mean, it will get replayed in, like, China. And then
you get -- you get a ten-cent royalty.

GUILFOYLE: Exact. The only good thing about SAG these days is you get the
free movie.

FRANCIS: There you go. That's what I like.

WILLIAMS: Once I did a series for ESPN about athletes, greatest athletes
of the century. And so normally, of course, I'm on FOX, right? And people
who stop me would say, "I would -- I see you on FOX."

All of a sudden a new group of people were saying hello. They were
typically young men who watch ESPN. I imagine from this I'm not going to
get a new group of people who watch Netflix.

GUTFELD: Ten people. Ten people.

"House of" -- who watches "House of Cards"?

FRANCIS: Everybody on the planet. Everybody on the planet.

GUTFELD: Last season angered me. It angered me.

FRANCIS: "One More Thing" is up next. Maybe.


GUTFELD: All right. Time for "One More Thing." Go first here.


GUTFELD: Greg's Sports Corner.


GUTFELD: In case you missed it, it was the National Tetherball
Championships and the winners were the Thompson siblings, seen here. They
played for four hours straight. It was quite impressive.




GUTFELD: An interesting fact about professional tetherball. Inside that
ball is a curled-up Tom Cruise. It's true.

GUILFOYLE: That is so weird.

GUTFELD: It is weird. But you're thinking about it, aren't you, Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: I'm actually thinking about what made you say Tom Cruise is
inside that ball. Like...

GUTFELD: I don't know. Well, you know what? Let's not think about it and
talk about you.

FRANCIS: So weird.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Let's go to me, in justice corner. No production value.
Just use your imagination.

All right. So take a look at this. This is a woman fighting back against
this ruthless criminal. Crime does not pay. Her name is Amika Patel (ph).
She's the cashier at a convenience store in Keysville, Georgia.

She grappled with this 17-year-old guy, Christian Thornton, after he stole
all the money. Then she grabs her hammer. She goes in for another smash
on him and then goes to chase him. He actually was later apprehended. And
she said that he said, "Give me all the money or I'll shoot you."

"I said, 'You need money, you want to shoot me, go ahead and shoot.'"

Now, I don't advocate you do this.

BOLLING: Can we just point out -- don't try this at home? Open up the
cash register and give the thug the money, whatever...

GUILFOYLE: Or clothe yourself in the Second Amendment and shoot him.


BOLLING: Yes, I don't disagree with that.


GUTFELD: The answer for everything is to shoot them -- Eric.

BOLLING: OK. So last night we need to point this out. FOX News scored
16.9 million viewers last night. In the debate. So Bret, Megyn and Chris
did a fantastic job.


BOLLING: That was the highest-rated debate this year.

Also at 11 p.m., O'Reilly put up 7.4 million viewers just after the debate.


BOLLING: But speaking of O'Reilly, make sure you watch "O'Reilly" tonight.
I'm hosting. This is a special "Factor." The guy who's running a super
PAC against Donald Trump. The sole -- only money they're going to spend is
to take down Donald Trump or beyond there. Trump's spokesperson will be
there, as well. Chris Wallace is going to give us some behind-the-scenes
stuff and all the 411 you need for the weekend. Check it out.


GUTFELD: "Juan More Thing."

WILLIAMS: How often do you see a socialist on FOX News? Well, Greg
Gutfeld is going to have to watch. Monday night, 6 p.m., Bret Baier is
hosting a one-hour town hall meeting featuring Bernie Sanders. This is a
first of its kind for FOX News. Now, Hillary Clinton was invited, but
because of a scheduling conflict...

GUILFOYLE: Yes, right.

WILLIAMS: ... she says she won't be there.

FRANCIS: She had to wash her hair.

WILLIAMS: So be sure to mark your calendars. Greg and I are going to be
eating popcorn and throwing it at the screen.

I must tell you, though, Hillary Clinton, show up. FOX News would run a
great Democratic debate.

GUTFELD: All right.

FRANCIS: Real quick, did you catch this last night?


TRUMP: Larry Kudlow -- great guy,
everybody respects him -- said my plans for taxes and tax cutting is the
best by far for everybody.


FRANCIS: OK. I'm going to tell you why this is important. Larry Kudlow
is an economist that worked for the Reagan administration. He is a free
market, low tax guy. That tells me Trump is listening to Larry Kudlow. We
are not going to see that trade war with China if Trump is elected. He's
going to reverse a lot of his economic positions and be much more of a
free-market low tax, low tariff guy.

GUTFELD: Interesting.

FRANCIS: He's listening to Larry Kudlow. That was a clue a lot of people

GUILFOYLE: You like it.

FRANCIS: I love it!

GUTFELD: "Special Report" up next.

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