Battle of the Sexes

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Times Talk

The New York Times said Friday it is not pursuing attempts to unseal the adoption records of Supreme Court nominee John Roberts' two children. Executive editor Bill Keller — himself an adoptive parent — told the Times' public editor that "he would not stand for any gratuitous reporting about the Roberts's children."

This after a Times spokesman said yesterday "our reporters made initial inquiries about the adoptions, as they did about many other aspects of his background... We have not pursued the issue after the initial inquiries, which detected nothing irregular about the adoptions."

Bush, Blair Bloodier?

Anti-war British lawmaker George Galloway says Tony Blair and George Bush have "more blood on their hands" than the terrorists who carried out last month's London Bombings. Appearing on BBC radio, Galloway also defended his labeling of Iraqi insurgents as "martyrs."

Meanwhile, in case you didn't get enough Galloway when he testified before the Senate on his role in the U.N. Oil-for-Food scandal, he's now signed a book deal to recount the experience in print. He plans to call the book "Mr. Galloway Goes to Washington: The Brit Who Set Congress Straight about Iraq."

Stem Cells and Nazis

The Anti Defamation League is asking Focus on the Family founder James Dobson to apologize for "trivializing the holocaust," after the conservative Dobson compared embryonic stem cell research to Nazi medical experiments. Dobson told a radio audience this week that when researchers remove ethics and morality from science, "you get what happened in Nazi Germany."

The ADL says, "There is no legitimate comparison between stem-cell research... and the perversion of science and morality represented by the actions of Nazi doctors." But in a radio address today, Dobson refused to back down... saying that embryonic stem cell research "has a Nazi-esque aura."

Battle of the Sexes

A male nurse in Bangor, Maine, is suing his former hospital for sexual harassment — saying he was tired of the female staff complaining about men. Daniel Lufkin also says he was subjected to physical humiliation, denied opportunities for advancement, and told to shut up by female co-workers when he tried to offer an opinion — all because he's a man. An attorney for the hospital denies that anyone treated him unfairly, but Lufkin says constant complaints that "men are jerks" and "men are idiots" were more than he could take... Hey, there are a lot of men who could sue over that.

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report