Anna Nicole's Nurse Says She has Suspicions About Her Death

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," July 05, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: This is a "FOX News Alert." Zina Linnik is

missing tonight. The last thing anyone heard from her was a blood-curdling

scream. Twelve-year-old Zina Linnik was heard screaming outside her

Tacoma, Washington, home around 9:45 PM last night. A witnesses then saw

an Asian man drive away in an old gray van. The witness got a partial

reading of the van's license plate number of 1677. The young blond girl is

about 4-foot-10. She was last seen wearing a pink T-shirt, capri pants and

red flip-flops. An Amber Alert is in effect. If you have any tips or any

— please contact Tacoma police at 253-830-6508.

And tonight, explosive new secrets about Anna Nicole Smith's sudden

death. Do you remember Tas, the woman who unsuccessfully gave CPR to Anna

Nicole Smith? Tasma Brighthaupt, who goes by the name Tas, was inside the

Hard Rock hotel room with Anna Nicole Smith in the late morning hours of

February 8. Tas is the wife of Big Mo, Anna Nicole's former bodyguard.

She was there. She saw everything. Now Tas is going "On the Record" about

what happened in that hotel room.


VAN SUSTEREN: Tas, when did you first meet Mo?


12 years ago.

VAN SUSTEREN: How long have you guys been married?

BRIGHTHAUPT: About two years now.

VAN SUSTEREN: When was the first time, you know, before Mo or after

Mo, that you ever heard the name Anna Nicole Smith?

BRIGHTHAUPT: Years ago, from her "Playboy" days.

VAN SUSTEREN: So you'd heard of her before.

BRIGHTHAUPT: I'd heard of her long before.

VAN SUSTEREN: When you married Mo, did you know that Mo knew Anna



VAN SUSTEREN: How did you understand that they knew each other?

BRIGHTHAUPT: In a working sense. He worked with her as a bodyguard.

VAN SUSTEREN: When did you then first actually meet her?

BRIGHTHAUPT: I met Anna about two years ago, a year-and-a-half ago.


BRIGHTHAUPT: At the Hard Rock.

VAN SUSTEREN: And that's where she ultimately died.


VAN SUSTEREN: What was your impression of her?

BRIGHTHAUPT: I thought she was beautiful. She had a wonderful sense

of humor, very smart, intelligent, very friendly. And she was very, very

happy to meet me.

VAN SUSTEREN: How about Howard? Was he there at the time, Howard K. Stern?

BRIGHTHAUPT: Howard was there at the time.

VAN SUSTEREN: What was your first impression of Howard K. Stern?

BRIGHTHAUPT: He was quiet.


BRIGHTHAUPT: Yes, very friendly, but quiet.

VAN SUSTEREN: About how much time did you spend with them that first


BRIGHTHAUPT: I'd say about a half an hour.

VAN SUSTEREN: And then afterwards, between the time that you first

met them about two years ago until the time she died, about how many times

did you see her?


VAN SUSTEREN: And where was that?

BRIGHTHAUPT: At the Hard Rock.


BRIGHTHAUPT: Yes, because every time she would come, that's where she

would stay.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, let's jump ahead to February of this year.

She died on February 8. Was that the first time you'd seen her, or had you

come up here on the days leading up to it?

BRIGHTHAUPT: No, that was the first time I'd seen her on that trip.

VAN SUSTEREN: And the last time you'd seen her was before she moved

to the Bahamas?


VAN SUSTEREN: So you and your husband — you joined him. You drove

up yourself?


VAN SUSTEREN: Take me through what happened. You park the car, and

who's the first person that you recognize and where?

BRIGHTHAUPT: I parked the car on — my husband told me to meet him at

a restaurant called the Blue Plate. And I met him there, and that's where

we had breakfast.

VAN SUSTEREN: Had he seen Anna Nicole at that point, that day?

BRIGHTHAUPT: I don't know.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did he mention anything about Howard K. Stern at that


BRIGHTHAUPT: Well, while we were eating breakfast, Howard called us.

Actually, Howard called him and asked him to pick up some friends that were

coming in from the airport. And he said that he would go pick them, up and

then — but at that point, our breakfast hadn't come yet. A few minutes

later, he called us again, or he called Mo again and asked him — I guess

asked him if, you know, if we were gone, or you know, what was going on.

So I said to my husband, I said, Howard called you two times, maybe we

should leave. What if he comes down and you're still here, you're not

gone? So he says, Oh, Howard's not going to come down here and leave Anna.

So at that point, I got relaxed and we ate breakfast and we left to go to

the airport.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why did he think that Howard wouldn't leave Anna?

BRIGHTHAUPT: I guess because she wasn't feeling well.

VAN SUSTEREN: So Mo knew that when you sat down to breakfast, that —

at least at some point, that Anna wasn't doing particularly well.

BRIGHTHAUPT: Yes, I think so.

VAN SUSTEREN: He had been up — he had been at the hotel how many

days in advance of you?

BRIGHTHAUPT: I think one day.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did he call you on the phone and tell you how Anna was

or talk about her being sick?

BRIGHTHAUPT: Yes, he did.

VAN SUSTEREN: The day before?

BRIGHTHAUPT: The day before.

VAN SUSTEREN: Tell me what he said in the conversation, how he

described things.

BRIGHTHAUPT: Well, he just called and he asked me if I thought it was

a good idea for him to let them put Anna in ice because Anna's temperature

was 105. And I said, Well, no. I said, In the hospital, we don't do that

anymore. We give a tepid bath and we give a sponge bath in the bed. You

can put her in tepid water, but you don't put ice in the water.

So he says — and I heard him, you know, screaming and saying, My wife

said not to put ice in the water. And I heard her in the background, like,

Please, please, take me out, take me out, and, I'm cold, or something to

that — something to that — you know, she said. And my husband said, My

wife says not to put ice in the water. And then he said, Tas, I have to

go, and let me try to convince them, you know, not to put ice in the water

and to get her out of water, so...

VAN SUSTEREN: When he said "them," who did you understand to be


BRIGHTHAUPT: Howard was there, and I think Khristine Erosevich, who

was her psychiatrist, I think she was also there with them.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know if Khristine was acting as a psychiatrist,

spending time with her, or more as a friend over the preceding months?

BRIGHTHAUPT: You know, Greta, I have no idea.

VAN SUSTEREN: Your impression of her was what?

BRIGHTHAUPT: She was kind of friendly. She didn't have very much to

say. She just said, It's great to finally meet you, I've heard a lot about

you. And that was pretty much it.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you discuss Anna's condition at all?


VAN SUSTEREN: Did you think that she was attending to Anna — I mean,

she's a psychiatrist, but she's a medical doctor, a medical degree. Did

you think that she was attending to her sickness?

BRIGHTHAUPT: I don't know. But from what I understand, Anna asked

her to not leave. And she left anyway.

VAN SUSTEREN: Who told you that Anna asked her not to leave?

BRIGHTHAUPT: My husband, Mo.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why did she leave?

BRIGHTHAUPT: I have no idea. I have no idea. They said something

about some business she had to take care of in California.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did it bother you that she left?

BRIGHTHAUPT: It bothered me that she left because that was pretty

much the only medical professional that was with her all the time.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was there ever any discussion about taking her to the

hospital on the day before she died?

BRIGHTHAUPT: Well, I told my husband to make sure that they take her

to the hospital because if you — even if you give someone a tepid bath,

you give them Tylenol, no matter what you give them, they need antibiotics.

They should be on some type of IV antibiotics.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why wasn't she taken to the hospital?

BRIGHTHAUPT: She refused. She would not let them take her. She did

not want to go.

VAN SUSTEREN: Where was Howard that day before — when you're having

a conversation with your husband about the ice in the bath, do you know

where Howard was?

BRIGHTHAUPT: I understood that he was there.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So that's the day before she dies. You

then come the fixture day to see your husband. And you're having

breakfast. And is this restaurant in the hotel?

BRIGHTHAUPT: Yes, it is.

VAN SUSTEREN: Howard makes the second phone call to you about going

to the airport. Did you go to the airport?

BRIGHTHAUPT: We went to the airport soon after the second phone call.

VAN SUSTEREN: What time did you get back to the hotel after picking

up the friends at the airport?

BRIGHTHAUPT: Just before 12:00.

VAN SUSTEREN: And where did they go?

BRIGHTHAUPT: Mo — well, when we got back from the airport and we

walked up to the elevator, Howard was coming off the elevator. And we all

went back upstairs. He said he was coming down to use his phone, but he

just got right back on the elevator with us and never used the phone. We

all went back upstairs. He went through Anna's door of the suite, and the

rest of us went through my husband's door of the suite.


BRIGHTHAUPT: Now, I stayed in the room. Me and the guy that was

going to captain the boat, we stayed in Mo's room. And Mo went in the —

like, the little, I guess, living room area of the suite with King Eric and

his wife. And I don't know, maybe they wanted to say hello to Anna or

whatever. I don't remember. I don't actually know what went on when they

all went on that side because I stayed on the other side.

And about five minutes later, my husband came and got me. He said,

OK, I'm ready to go, because he had to go and help his brother move, and

Howard was going to pick up the boat. So he told me to come on. He got

his computer and told me to come and sit in the room with Anna at the — in

the chair at the foot of her bed, just sit there with her until they come



BRIGHTHAUPT: Because they didn't want to leave her alone.

VAN SUSTEREN: So did you do that?

BRIGHTHAUPT: I did that. And while I was on my way to the room,

Howard stopped me. He said, Are you going to stay with Anna? So I said,

Sure. He says, You don't mind? I said, No. He says, Would you help her

to the bathroom if she needed help? I said, Of course, I would.

And he left, and my husband set me in the room and set the computer up

on the table, and everybody left but me and the wife of King Eric. She

stayed out in the living room area. And that was the set-up.

VAN SUSTEREN: So when you went into the room, did you have a

conversation with Anna when you entered her room?

BRIGHTHAUPT: No conversation at any time. I was told that Anna was


VAN SUSTEREN: Did you take a look at her when you walked in?

BRIGHTHAUPT: I could barely see her. The way she was covered up, her

— I could see a portion of her head. And the way she was laying, it just

looked like someone that was asleep.

VAN SUSTEREN: At some point, though, there — at some point, you went

over to her.

BRIGHTHAUPT: No. Well, at some point, when I was told — when the

other person came in the room because I was on my phone speaking to my

husband — Mo, he called to see how everything was. And I was speaking to

him. And I had an earpiece on, and she thought I was talking to Anna. And

she just came into the room, and she said, Oh, hi, Anna's awake. I said,

No, she's not awake. And she walked up to the bed and just peeked. She

said, Well, let me just take a look at her. And she came in and she

looked, and she didn't like what she saw. And she told me to come up to

the bed and take a look.


BRIGHTHAUPT: I was a little adamant about going because I figured she

was sleeping. I didn't want to wake her, and I didn't want much stirring

around, you know, to wake her up. So she says, No, you've got to come over

here. She says, I don't like the way Anna looks. I got up and I went

halfway, and I peeked over. And I said, Look, Anna's sleeping. She says,

No, come a little closer. And I got a little closer, and I didn't like

what I saw.

VAN SUSTEREN: How did she — I mean, when you say you didn't like —

I mean, you thought she was dead at that point?

BRIGHTHAUPT: No, not at that point. When I got closer and I asked

her to, you know, flick some lights on — we went, like, a little berserk

looking for lights to flick on. And I didn't — if she was sleeping, I

didn't want to, like, startle her with lights. So when we flicked on, I

think it was a closet light that was closest to the bed, then I could see

her, then I knew that something was wrong.

I pulled the covers back a little better, and then I kind of shook her

a little bit and tried to wake her up, and she didn't wake. And I moved

her head a little bit, and it kind of flopped back, and I knew that

something was wrong. When we got more lights on, then I noticed her skin

was looking kind of pale and she had, like, purple blotches on her skin.

And that's when I knew, and that's when I hit my earpiece and I called my

husband and I said, I can't arouse Anna. She's not — you know, she's not

waking up. She's not responding to me. You need to call 911 and get back


And that's when I went to the CPR, you know, thing where I opened up

the airway, and (INAUDIBLE) listened (ph) and feel, and I couldn't hear

anything. I — there was no air exchange at all. So I started the CPR. I

gave her the two breaths. They didn't go in. I repositioned her head,

gave her another two breaths. They went in. And I felt for a pulse, no

pulse. So I did CPR.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you think Howard or anyone else knew that before

they left the room, that she was dead?

BRIGHTHAUPT: I can't say.

VAN SUSTEREN: You pause as though something's bothering you.

BRIGHTHAUPT: A lot of things are bothering me. I have a lot of


VAN SUSTEREN: Like what? And based on what?

BRIGHTHAUPT: Well, because I was told that Howard would never leave

Anna, you know, if she was feeling sick or whatever, the situation was

going on with her, he would never leave her. And when we went to the

airport and we came back, he was coming off the elevator with his phone.

And my husband says, Where are you going. What's going on? And he

says, Oh, I came to use my phone. And he just turned right around and went

back upstairs with us. He never used the phone. That's one suspicion.

My other suspicion is that why didn't he wake Anna before he left? I

mean, you can sit here and say to me, How do you know that he didn't wake

Anna? I know that he didn't wake Anna because when I went in the room,

there was no movement. There was no — nothing.

VAN SUSTEREN: How about drugs? Did you find any in the room?

BRIGHTHAUPT: I found — I found a box of Tamiflu and I found a bottle

of antibiotics. I don't remember the name.

VAN SUSTEREN: Both consistent with a flu and an infection. That's


BRIGHTHAUPT: Yes, that's normal.

VAN SUSTEREN: Any other drugs?

BRIGHTHAUPT: No. Nothing else.

VAN SUSTEREN: Any — was there a package of drugs that — or a

package mailed to your house at one point for Howard?


VAN SUSTEREN: When was that?

BRIGHTHAUPT: Not too long before Anna's death.

VAN SUSTEREN: Like days or weeks?


VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know what was in that box?


VAN SUSTEREN: Was it peculiar?


VAN SUSTEREN: In what way?

BRIGHTHAUPT: Why was it mailed to my house? Why wasn't it mailed to

the Hard Rock?

VAN SUSTEREN: Why do you think?

BRIGHTHAUPT: Personally? Set up.


BRIGHTHAUPT: I just — you know, I personally feel like we were being

set up. That's the way I feel.


VAN SUSTEREN: Were Tas and Big Mo being set up? And what horrifying

thing did Tas see on Anna Nicole Smith's bed in that Hard Rock hotel room?

It's disturbing, but it may be an important ignored piece of information.

We have much more of our interview with Tas in a moment.

And then it's your turn to investigate. Did Tas say or see something

that has spiked a question in your mind? Here's your chance. Forensic

pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, and former LAPD homicide detective Mark Fuhrman are here to answer your e-mail questions tonight. E-mail us right

now, Dannielynn was not there.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why was the baby bottle there?

BRIGHTHAUPT: I have no idea. You know, sometimes people travel with

memorabilia. She didn't bring her baby with her, so maybe that's one of

the reasons. But it was on top of her.

VAN SUSTEREN: On top of — she had a blanket pulled up on her, pulled

up — top — close up on the top of her head.


VAN SUSTEREN: And then the bottle was on top of it, like, balancing?

BRIGHTHAUPT: Yes. The bottle was, like, on her — closer to her

thigh area.

VAN SUSTEREN: And it didn't fall?

BRIGHTHAUPT: Not that I can remember.

VAN SUSTEREN: Which means she wasn't moving. Anything else, you

know, stand out in your mind?

BRIGHTHAUPT: It's just that when my husband pulled all the covers off

of her and picked her up to put her on the floor, she was completely naked.

She had no clothes on, and there was a bunch of feces in the bed.

VAN SUSTEREN: You're a nurse. Would that be consistent with someone

who had already died? Did it appear that, you know, she'd been in the

feces for a period of time? I mean, what was — what did you — what did

you think?

BRIGHTHAUPT: Well, usually, when a person dies, their what you call

sphincter muscles would relax and they would have their last bowel

movement. It would relieve the — that area of what's in it.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you observe — I don't think it's too graphic, but

did it appear that this was a recent event, within half an hour, or this

had happened, you know, a couple hours before?

BRIGHTHAUPT: I didn't really read into it that much, but it could

have happened a while because it looked like it was dried up.


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