This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 22, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Now for the happy segment. Do you live in up with of most miserable cities in America? Forbes magazine just released its annual list for 2013 and the most miserable is -- Detroit. The Motor City earning the number one spot this year with its high crime rate, high unemployment and deep financial woes.
Forbes looked at unemployment, violent crime, unemployment, foreclosure, taxes. And they also looked at commute times and the weather. Most of the top 10 included three cities from Michigan, three from California and three from Illinois. And then, number 10, our great city here, New York.
Let's take a look at these pictures before and after in Cadillac, Michigan. This is the -- can you see them? This is the Cadillac building, right?
PERINO: That was before and it's after. And that's grand central nation.
PERINO: Greg, you noticed a -- you pitched the story, which is a great one, because you noticed a common denominator.
GUTFELD: Yes. Almost all the mayors are Democrats, and the ones that claim they aren't Democrats are very liberal, like Michael Bloomberg. He claims to be an independent, but he ran as a Republican because he couldn't run as a Democrat.
It's funny, when you look at like Detroit, it looks like it was hit by hurricane. And it was. Hurricane Liberal. Democrats have run that city forever. They ruined that city. And everybody is moving.
GUTFELD: Everybody is leaving. I call that the Obama dividend, because he is creating jobs in the moving industry. As people flee and it's also part of Michelle's obesity -- fight obesity plan because they are running from creditors.
GUILFOYLE: Oh my goodness. That was creative.
BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: You know, before everybody ever heard of Obama, Detroit was going under. I mean, Detroit lost half of its population before Obama was born.
GUTFELD: But I thought he saved the auto industry, Bob.
BECKEL: No, but the auto industry left Detroit and went South --
PERINO: Hey, look, it's all going to be fine.
BECKEL: It is going to be fine.
GUILFOYLE: Hey, no problem.
BECKEL: And they include New York City and Washington, D.C. in that list. I can't imagine --
PERINO: No, D.C. is not in the top 10. You got Flint, Michigan. Chicago, though, is number four.
BECKEL: Chicago is a great town.
GUTFELD: Yes, for getting shot.
PERINO: Chicago ahs a lot of defenders, a lot of people who live there just absolutely love it. But for others, it's a place of lie crime.
And, also, Kimberly --
PERINO: -- one of the things they talk about in this survey is commuting time.
PERINO: And that was repeated over and over again. How long it takes to get to and from work.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, I think Forbes is on something, because that is part of your enjoyment, your overall well-being. How long does it take to get to work, what's the weather like? And the rest of stuff on the Misery Index. They don't call it that for nothing.
Unemployment. Violent crime. Foreclosures, taxes, gross, property home prices, plummeting. I mean, now you look at Detroit and it looks like the set of "I am Legend", where the whole place is deserted and there's nothing but -- radioactive --
BECKEL: Have you seen it lately? By the way, they actually have plowed under a big part of Detroit and made community gardens, which I'm all for.
PERINO: I think -- well, and then, I think --
GUTFELD: Depending on what they grow.
PERINO: The mayor there, you know, he pointed, he defended Detroit, Andrea, and look, and he said, look, I've got a plan here and what we're trying to do is deal with the most important things, which is the crime. They need a lot more public lighting.
But for a lot of these cities, are they too far gone to come back?
ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: I think a lot of them are. I look at Detroit for example. The budget deficit is something like $32 billion. It's -- I don't see how you come back.
GUILFOYLE: Bankruptcy.
TANTAROS: I don't see how you do it, because you take all of these things like the crime rate. Well, if you have a spending problem and you don't have enough money to pay for police how do you fix crime problem? I mean, does everyone move out like Greg says and get a job with Mayflower moving?
One of the things we didn't get to in the first block was the breakdown of the family and you touched upon it, Greg, and I think that's a huge issue in all of these cities. And President Obama is a perfect messenger. He's missed that opportunity as well.
PERINO: The one thing that they took out of this survey this year that they had last year was sports teams because they said it was more regional than just city-specific. But, Detroit, for example, they have good sports teams, right?
GUTFELD: Yes, I guess so.
PERINO: There's the Lions and Tigers and Bears. Not the Bears, they're in Chicago.
BECKEL: I wouldn't think, shall we say, that people who follow the Detroit Lions think that such a good thing.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, not doing well.
BECKEL: Look, the fact is they do have major league sports team. Baseball and football. People seem to keep going to their games and filling up the stadium, mostly from the suburbs. Let's remember, you got to think about these things, not just the inner city but the suburban area around it. Washington, D.C. --
PERINO: But that's why it's so hard?
BECKEL: Well, that's right. But I mean, a lot of community time means people are working and get to work, right?
PERINO: OK, quick question, going around the table. Favorite city outside of the one you grew up in?
GUILFOYLE: Well, I grew up in San Francisco. My favorite city New York. Is that a good answer?
PERINO: OK. That's a good answer.
BECKEL: Austin, Texas.
TANTAROS: I had to say Miami.
PERINO: That's a good one. I knew you were going to say that.
GUTFELD: In the United States?
PERINO: In the United States?
GUTFELD: Allentown, Pennsylvania.
TANTAROS: Yeah hoo!
GUTFELD: I lived there for the last 10 years.
BECKEL: You lived in Allentown for 10 years?
GUTFELD: If you move to Allentown, the first thing somebody tells you it's close to a lot of places.
GUTFELD: It's true. You're 45 minutes from Philly, you're an hour- and-a-half from New York. And you are close to Quakertown, home of Bubbas. And there's swortsies (ph) and there is Yoccos.
GUILFOYLE: Was that we drew a mint --
PERINO: What is that, like tacos?
GUTFELD: Yoccos is this really messy hotdogs. Andrea knows.
GUILFOYLE: What's on it?
GUTFELD: Everything.
BECKEL: Greg, I went to a rehab in Allentown.
GUTFELD: I know where it is.
BECKEL: That's right. And we used to try to escape from that rehab and go to Allentown and we want right back to the rehab.
GUILFOYLE: But was that a good place?
TANTAROS: But you know what the saying is? The saying is 60 miles from New York, 20 years behind. But it's a fun place, Yoccos, delis.
GUTFELD: Delis, I haven't been to delis.
TANTAROS: The chicken lounge. How can you forget the chicken lounge?
BECKEL: The demographics of that, you know, is heavily Hispanic. Have you been there for a while?
TANTAROS: I have. I go back --
PERINO: Next year, what Forbes should do is ask about the best eateries for under 20 bucks. And then you could add it to the happy.
BECKEL: How do they put weather in this thing? I mean, the weather is going to change? I mean, forget climate --
PERINO: But that's why people are leaving.
BECKEL: Well, because they don't like the cold weather?
PERINO: Winter is hard. We haven't had enough global warming yet.
GUILFOYLE: The last (INAUDIBLE) from Forbes, eight of the 10 mayors of the miserable cities supported Obama.
BECKEL: Support what?
GUTFELD: Supported Obama.
GUILFOYLE: Just miserable.
PERINO: Though I have to defend a lot of those urban places like San Antonio, Mayor Villaraigosa there supported Obama and that city is doing great. It's also in the South and also in Texas.
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