Alyssa Milano leads Georgia anti-abortion bill boycott

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 4, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JUAN WILLIAMS, HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Juan Williams along with Kennedy, Jesse Watters, Dana Perino, and Tom Shillue. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is “The Five.”

Lots of breaking 2020 news to get to today, let's start with Joe Biden, he's facing even more backlash as three new women have accused him of inappropriate touching. This comes after he released a video addressing all of these allegations, but some people are criticizing him for not specifically apologizing.


JOE BIDEN, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT: Social norms have begun to change. They're shifting. I will be more mindful and respectful of people's personal space. And that's a good thing.


WILLIAMS: President Trump was asked if he thinks Biden should apologize. Here's what the president is saying.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: I wish him luck. I do wish him luck.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Should he apologize for his conduct?

TRUMP: No, he's going to make his own decisions. He's very capable of making a decision, I assume.


WILLIAMS: But before we all weigh in on Biden, I want to bring in Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum. They're joining us live from Kansas City. In just over an hour from now, they'll be moderating a town hall with former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz.

Bret and Martha, I want to first get your reaction to this. Schultz is considering making an independent bid for president which has drawn major criticism from some Democrats. Let's take a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why are you quoting Howard Schultz? Because he's a billionaire. There are a lot of people I know personally who work hard for a living, make 40, $50,000 a year who know a lot more about politics than, with all due respect, does Mr. Schultz.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think if Howard Schultz runs as an independent, it could hurt Democrats.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There will be a bitter cup in a dark legacy if he gives us another four years of Donald Trump, and that is the only possible result.


WILLIAMS: Bret and Martha, is he a Democrat who's not running as a Democrat?

BRET BAIER, ANCHOR: I think -- you know, he's lived his life as a centrist Democrat, but clearly he's considering, Juan, an independent run. And that has a lot of Democrats concerned. And that's really one of the lines of questioning tonight, I think, for this town hall is what does an independent run for Howard Schultz really mean for this race?

MARTHA MACCALLUM, ANCHOR: Yeah, I mean, it's pretty tough to get started when you've got one side that's already really angry with you because they think that you are sole race -- your sole role in the race is going to be helped reelect President Trump.

On the other hand he believes that the country is so divided that there is a lane for someone in the middle who's dissatisfied with the president and also dissatisfied with what he sees as the two socialists bent to the Democrat Party right now.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think it's great. By the way, you guys look marvelous today. I've got to tell you, you're also great. Dana?

DANA PERINO, HOST: Hi, guys. I wanted to ask about the first sound bite we heard there in that montage with Bernie Sanders. And he says, you know, with all due respect he doesn't know anything about politics. But isn't part of the appeal or the pitch I guess from Howard Schultz is that he's not a typical politician, as we've heard before. He's a businessman and he's the biggest job creator of his generation.

And how do you think he'll draw that contrast tonight between an amazing economy under President Trump and what would he possibly do to make it better?

MACCALLUM: Yeah, I think that he sees himself as somebody who came up from nothing. He says he was raised in the projects in New York City and built his business. So he sees himself as a self-starter. I think he bristles at any comparison to President Trump because he sees them as two very different people.

But I think that the model of a businessman who believes that he can make a success as president and also with the economy, it's a model that has been established in this country now. Whether or not somebody can repeat it coming from a different angle remains to be seen.

BAIER: You know the other thing to point out, in this town hall tonight here in Kansas City, we have Democrats, independents, and Republicans and they have a wide variety of concerns. But many of them want to ask about the economy. So it will be interesting to see how he fields some of these questions from residence here.

PERINO: I can't wait to watch it.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. And now you get to step into Watters' World.

JESSE WATTERS, HOST: Welcome to Watters' World, ladies and gentlemen. I wanted to know if -- you've been practicing, Bret. I like the hand motion. You -- I'm wondering if the Democrats in your opinion risk demonizing a guy like Howard Schultz because he wasn't given millions of dollars. He came up in the projects. He worked his way up to become CEO and earn this money the right way in America.

And to go after him like he just has a silver spoon in his mouth, don't you think goes against everything that the Democrats say they believe? You know, hard work, pulling yourself up from your bootstraps?

BAIER: Jesse, I think when he started talking about this independent run, and we should point out he's not officially in yet, but he's bouncing around the country like he is. And the biggest, loudest response was from the Democratic Party because I think a lot of them look at the numbers and they say, potentially, this is Ralph Nader for Al Gore. This is Ross Perot the other way, you know.

So it would hurt Democrats. A lot of Democrats believe. But Howard Schultz argues that he would take votes from both parties. And the question is what's his path to victory for the White House?

WILLIAMS: Kennedy?

KENNEDY, HOST: Yes, I'm really curious about third parties and their influence on the presidential debate. Obviously, someone who has billions of dollars has very different resources for getting on the presidential debate stage. And it also seems like voters have a larger appetite for different and independent voices. How does Howard Schultz get on that stage?

MACCALLUM: Yeah. I mean, that's one of the biggest questions for him, Kennedy. And I think that -- he sees time as on his side and he is not planning I don't think to declare until he feels good and ready to do so based on what he sees going on in the landscape in the Democratic Party for sure.

But I did ask him that question in an earlier conversation about, you know, are you going to just bypass all the debate process? And he says, you know, that remains to be seen. So, you know, I don't know how you can get yourself on the map if you don't participate in some of these stages along the way.

I also think it's interesting to remember that essentially President Trump was sort of an independent candidate in the early going. He had been a Democrat. He decided to run as a Republican, decided to run within the system. And you asked him in that first debate, you know, will you backed the Republican candidate if it isn't you? And he said, you know, I really can't promise that.

So I just think it's fascinating to have a gathering tonight of Republicans and Democrats and independents who are looking at someone who believes that there's a way to cut a path which has traditionally been incredibly difficult to cut. But one thing we've learned in recent politics is that there are a lot of surprises out there.


WILLIAMS: Tom Shillue.

TOM SHILLUE, HOST: I'm wondering if anyone asked him about a pledge to take it all the way to the end. You know, if he starts running, my question is, would he run as a second Democrat, get a following and then throw his support to the eventual Democrat? I wonder if he'll be willing to say I'm taking it all the way to the election.

BAIER: Yeah, I think we'll get down a little bit of that road. I don't want to say too much about our questioning. But I think they'll definitely be those questions about where he's going to be. Remember, a lot depends on who gets in this race. Joe Biden, does he really get in in? Does Mike Bloomberg if Joe Biden doesn't get in, does he get in?

You know, this hall here is very beautiful and we have great people from Kansas City. But we wanted to maybe throw him off his game. We were thinking about maybe Dunkin Donuts coffee for everybody, but we decided against that.

MACCALLUM: I did hear that he stopped at a Starbucks on his way into town this afternoon, so he didn't make it to Dunkin Donuts. I don't think we could bet on that.

WILLIAMS: All right. Dana had a follow-up.

PERINO: I just had one other question which is we know from the 2018 midterm elections, and even you could go back further than that, in recent Fox News polling that the number one issue for people of concern is health care. We know that the president brought that up this past weekend that the Republicans need to be the party of health care, though that might be after 2020 when they finally do a bill.

But Howard Schultz has a different approach and one of the things he did in his business was to say, have to convince his investors and the board that we're going to get health care to all these employees. Is that something you expect to tackle tonight to try to figure out a way for Americans to come together to solve these problems, because the anxiety people feel and the concern they have about possibly having to go bankrupt because of an unexpected illness or health emergency is really quite stark.

MACCALLUM: Yeah, I mean, I know you interviewed Howard, Dana, and we look back at that, you know, in preparation for this as well. He has given a lot of very broad benefits to employees at Starbucks. And, you know, we're going to look at how that translates, the possibility of how that translates to governing in the United States.

But, you know, he firmly believes that there's so much disenchantment on both sides of the political aisle that there is a way to broker a consensus, you know, which -- you know, looking at politics right now it's just really difficult to imagine how you do that. But that's the vision that he has right now. And if he thinks that he can make it happen, he's likely to run for president.

BAIER: The other thing is, is that, you know, this is a potential candidate, one of the only in the fields so far, the president is not, and Democrats so far are not, spending a lot of time talking about the national debt and deficits.

You know, you balance that concern with providing health care for everyone and somehow the dollars don't add up. So that is a line of questioning that I think is important.

WILLIAMS: Well, we're looking forward to watching tonight, 6:30 here on the Fox News Channel. Bret Baier, Martha MacCallum interviewing Howard Schultz of Starbucks. Up next, President Trump issuing a new threat about the southern border, what he wants Mexico to do. That's next right here on The Five.


WATTERS: President Trump refusing to back down in the battle over the border. He's now telling Mexico to fix the crisis or face serious consequences.


TRUMP: If we don't see people apprehended and brought back to their countries, if we see these massive caravans coming up to our country right through Mexico.

You know I will do it. I don't play games. I'll do it. So we're doing it to stop people. We're going to give them a one year warning, and if the drugs don't stop or largely stopped, were going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, in particular cars. The whole ball game is cars. And if that doesn't stop the drugs, we close the border.


WATTERS: He later said he doesn't think we will reach the point of closing the border. The president is heading down to the border tomorrow, actually, to see the crisis firsthand. Meanwhile, you're looking at Yuma, Arizona, where Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is. Nielsen made the emergency trip to deal with what she's calling a category 5 immigration crisis.

She's also already authorized emergency surge operations to deal with the influx of migrants. Now despite these dire warnings, Democrats are refusing to acknowledge this crisis and instead want to decriminalize illegal crossings.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm not buying into the B.S. that basically says that little children and mothers who are desperate and fleeing desperate circumstances are a national security threat to our nation. I said that we should decriminalize people who are coming here crossing the border.


WATTERS: Decriminalize, Dana. What do you think that sends a message to Central American countries? Hey, it's not illegal. Come on up.

PERINO: If you were President of the United States, which he wants to be, then that would not be his position.


PERINO: And I was thinking earlier -- I mean, you know I don't like what- about-ism, but let me -- let me play along for a second?

WATTERS: Yes, the floor is yours.

PERINO: If President Obama were president right now and this surge of migrants was happening and it was a crisis, and the Republicans were refusing to work with the Democrats on trying to figure out some sort of resolution, they would -- it would be said that they were -- it was a dereliction of duty.

And I think that is true now that -- it just happens to be the Democrats are in charge of the House and the president is saying -- you don't get higher than a category 5 situation. That is how bad it is. Kirstjen Nielsen has basically done everything but get on her knees and begged Congress to do something. And I don't even think that this whole idea of waiting a year from now and maybe put tariffs on car parts coming from Mexico, I don't see how that's actually going to help.

What I would like to ask Castro is how do you solve --what would he say about solving the problem at its source. If these people feel like they are under persecution from gangs and crime and their government cannot protect them, what is the United States' responsibility to do something?

Is there a responsibility? Should we be -- not to just send money, I understand the president wants to cut off the money. But then, do we have to do something more drastic? I feel like nobody's thinking outside the box.

WATTERS: All right, Juan, if it's a cat 5 situation and homeland security officials -- the protocols are actually treating this like it's a natural disaster and they're peeling people away from customs to go support border patrol and it's slowing down lines of trucks coming in. I mean, this is as bad as it gets. What are the Democrats going to do?

WILLIAMS: Well, what are we going to do? I mean, President Trump today just totally shifted gears. Remember just recently saying he's going to shutdown the border. He's going to do something to Mexico. He's taking away money. Now he's saying, ah, this is about drugs. I mean, I don't get it.

WATTERS: Juan, what are the Democrats going to do?


WATTERS: This is a serious situation --

WILLIAMS: Trump had a Republican House and Senate for his first two years. They did nothing about immigration.

WATTERS: OK. But, Juan --


WATTERS: What are we going to do now?

WILLIAMS: Let me just say, and Obama had it and he didn't do it, and go back. But what we have to do, and I think everybody is saying this, is give serious thought to how we help at the moment our border security agents deal with this flow in a humanitarian way. A humanitarian crisis demands a humanitarian solution.

And we know that we can provide more judges, more agents, more detention facilities so that we don't embarrass ourselves and do things like separating families. But to treat this as an invasion --

WATTERS: But, Juan --

WILLIAMS: -- which is what Trump initially did is what took us down this crazy road where nobody can agree because he's so politicize.

WATTERS: That's a band aid. Let's get to the core issue, Kennedy.

KENNEDY: Yeah, we have to get to the cause. And that's the problem is we are -- we're treating the symptoms of the flu long after the point where someone should have had a vaccine. You know, we've waited too long to administer Tamiflu and now you've got a situation that is pretty critical.

And, you know, you want some out-of-the-box thinking. One of the big issues is economics and it has to do with drugs. And the desire and demand for drugs, especially in the United States, creates and exacerbates the situation because there are people who sell drugs who have bought their way into very powerful and prominent positions in government in these countries, and their only concern -- it's not about people. It's about getting their drugs to the United States.

And we know because we've spent billions and billions of dollars, and hundreds of thousands of lives on the failed war on drugs and it hasn't worked. And we haven't addressed the demand in this country. But simply building a wall does nothing about that demand. So we have to really rethink how we are feeding that war instead of taking care of the situation where it starts. And to me, that is --

WATTERS: Well, if Tom Shillue would tell his buddies to knock off all the drug use, that would really tamp down demand.

SHILLUE: My buddies? Well, look, the -- I'm trying to always find ways I can agree with Juan. And the one area --

WATTERS: Don't do that.

SHILLUE: I look for ways in to the conversation. And when Juan criticized the president saying, oh, last week he was talking about closing the border for this reason and now it's drugs, I think it is right. That is a right - - that criticism of the president. I wish he would be clearer.

Today we're talking about drugs -- because they're all valid issues. When people say our immigration system is broken, it drives me crazy because it's not just the immigration system is broken. Today we're going to talk about asylum. The asylum laws are terrible and we have to deal with those.

PERINO: Yeah, it could take a whole week.

SHILLUE: Yes. And then, so we've got -- and, you know -- people calling talk radio all the time and they want to talk about just the wall, and I say, well, that's not going to do it. It's -- the president should split it up into six categories and address each one.

KENNEDY: Comprehensive immigration reform isn't going to do it, you're absolutely right. You have to rank the issues and tackle them from the most important down.

WATTERS: All right. This is a Fox News alert, President Trump reacting just minutes ago to Democrats trying to obtain six years of his tax returns. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The commissioner of the IRS not to disclose to the House Ways and Means Committee --

TRUMP: They'll speak to my lawyers. I'll speak to the attorney general.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Would you direct (INAUDIBLE) the IRS to do that?

TRUMP: They'll speak to my layers and they'll speak to the attorney general. Thank you.


WATTERS: And up next, Alyssa Milano getting called out by a local lawmaker over protesting Georgia's new abortion bill.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Excuse me, don't interrupt me.


WATTERS: Wild confrontation up next on The Five.


KENNEDY: Where's Tony Danza when you need him? Alyssa Milano protesting at the Georgia Capital against the state's new abortion bill, the legislation facing liberal backlash for banning abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, which usually happens at about six weeks.

Milano, leading a group of over 100 celebrities threatens to boycott filming in the state which could cost Georgia billions of dollars. On Tuesday, Milano delivered a letter signed by her fellow celebs to the governor's office and she was confronted by a Republican state representative. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What district of Georgia are you from?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you vote in Georgia?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't vote in Georgia, but --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just wonder what district you are from.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There're 30 people outside that do vote in Georgia.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Excuse me, don't interrupt me.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, but the people that work on my crew, the many -- thousands people in the entertainment industry actually employees do. These women and men that are voting on what was on the inside the (INAUDIBLE). This guy right here (INAUDIBLE).


KENNEDY: She has created a whole cottage industry for herself. She's the annoying police, Jesse.

WATTERS: I just want to make some disclosure here. I have a conflict of interest with the story. Alyssa Milano was my crush when I was growing up and I loved her on Full House. I thought Samantha was fantastic role for her. I also had a crush on Lori Loughlin. So this week has been really tough for me. With that said --

PERINO: Aunt Becky, Lori Loughlin?

WATTERS: Yes, I had a crush on her, too. So it's hard for me to actually commentate on people that I had a crush on when I was a 6 or 7 or 8-year- old boy. But I'm going to do it anyway because this is The Five. I'm not biased --


WATTERS: I'm not biased when I say this. I think it's fine what she's doing. I think it's OK to go in and confront politicians where they work. I think that's part of the democracy. And I wish more people did that. I wish more people did it on the other side, of course.

But she has every right to go in there and raise hell. I thought she was kind of rude when she said don't interrupt me. I didn't think she needed to do that, but I'm going to give her a pass because I like her. I don't think this is going to go anywhere at all, though. And if anything, this is just going to give her more press for her special, whatever she's filming down there.

KENNEDY: Well, let's talk about the dollars and cents because celebrities aren't the ones who decide where productions dig in and where shows are filmed. States like Georgia give companies like Netflix a lot of money and a lot of tax breaks in order to come and shoot there because they help the local economies so much.

PERINO: Well, yes, however there are some states who say that it really doesn't pay off that well. And I think that these legislatures would be better off serve keeping their taxes low, making sure that the government runs very efficiently, and spending all that extra money that they give to Hollywood on advertising in New England, especially New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut and saying wouldn't you rather be able to keep X amount of more money in your pockets and live your life the way you want to live it. Like, I think that's a better way to spend taxpayer money.

KENNEDY: I agree with you.

PERINO: Encourage people to come there. Then you have a tax base. And it's not people so fickle that want to leave because you are -- as a representative you are voting the way that your constituents want.

KENNEDY: So how are they going to vote here? And does celebrity input have any influence on the metric as far as this conversation?

SHILLUE: Well, obviously, celebrity input -- they can't get enough of these celebrities. I don't know why Alyssa Milano. There're certain people that everybody can't get enough of. I see her every day. Her and I don't get it. Pete Davidson why are these people. Why is Pete Davidson in the news every single day?

KENNEDY: Because he's dating Kate Beckinsale. They have an age gap and she's super pretty.

SHILLUE: Yes. You want to talk about childhood crush.

WATTERS: Is that yours?

SHILLUE: No. I mean she is - adults. But I guess I was partial to Jan Brady. OK. Let's just ...

KENNEDY: It's getting weird, Tom.

WATTERS: Imagine Jan Brady you know grows up and she's like you know hellbent socialist and she starts ripping in through everyone's legislature and then you have to talk about it. You're going to feel conflicted.

SHILLUE: Well, that's your part of the problem Jesse, because you keep cutting her slack, because you've got a crush on her when you watch her on Who's the Boss.

WATTERS: What do you want me to roast the woman.



WATTERS: You do?


WATTERS: All right. Hold my pen. Here we go Alyssa, it's time.

KENNEDY: All right, Juan, I'll let you be the ultimate referee here.

WILLIAMS: Well, I'm glad Wilma Flintstone.

KENNEDY: Between Jesse's loins and ...

WILLIAMS: I'm just glad Wilma Flintstone didn't go into the Georgia legislature. But I wish we had run the tape in full because what happens is cameraman goes up to the state assembly and says, hey, the Koch brothers who are funding the anti-abortion initiative don't live here either. And he doesn't have an answer.

So, I think you know that that would have been the whole story is that fact he gets embarrassed by the reality that he has a double standard in terms of who comes as Jesse was saying to raise public concerns about a very public and controversial issues, this heartbeat abortion bill.

But you know to me the real issue here is that she's a celebrity and she's using her celebrity to advance her political agenda. And that's a great American tradition. I think people should do it. You want to speak out. This is the one country you can do it.

KENNEDY: Juan, slow down. She's not Jackie Robinson.

SHILLUE: Why not?

WILLIAMS: Why not?

PERINO: But if Jesse went to D.C.

KENNEDY: She is not Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

WATTERS: Watters goes to Washington.

PERINO: Yes. What if Watters went to Washington to the D.C. City Council and complained about things.

WILLIAMS: There you go. Sure.

KENNEDY: Who should care.

WATTERS: They would not let me into the D.C.

WILLIAMS: Sure, they will.

KENNEDY: They will, they absolutely will.

WILLIAMS: Yes, they would.

KENNEDY: I went there and confronted Marianne Beck (ph).

WATTERS: They probably wouldn't let me out.

WILLIAMS: You confronted Marianne Beck (ph)? I'm glad you're here.

KENNEDY: Yes. Me too. It was a wild night.

WILLIAMS: Oh! My Gosh.

KENNEDY: That's not true. An eight-year old mystery deepens. What the FBI is saying about a teen found in Kentucky claiming to be a boy who disappeared over a decade ago. The incredible details are ahead. Stay right here.


KENNEDY: Another twist in a decade old case of a missing child. All day today, we've been reporting on the story of a 14-year-old who turned up in Kentucky saying, he is an Illinois boy who vanished eight years ago. The teen who was found wandering alone claims he had just escaped captors and told police he is Timothy Pittston. Pittston went missing in 2011. Investigator say before he disappeared, his mom picked him up from school in Illinois and took him to a water park and a zoo. She later killed herself in a hotel room and left a note saying her son was safe with people who would take care of him, but that he would never be found.

But in another tragic turn, the FBI just revealed that DNA tests show that this is not Timothy Pittston. A lot of questions now including where is Pittston and who is this 14-year-old boy. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How did you guys react to the news that Aurora police is saying this was a hoax.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't think that anything involving a child is a hoax.


KENNEDY: The family also speaking moments ago.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We hope that everyone will join us in praying for the young man who claimed to be Timothy Pittston.


KENNEDY: Obviously that's the family there. I do have the statement from the Aurora Police Department I want to read it to you. As you likely now know the FBI Cincinnati office has just released a statement indicating that the person in question located yesterday morning was not our missing person Timothy Pittston. Any remaining investigation into who that person is including any of the allegations made by that person at the time of his contact with authorities down there remains the purview of local authorities in Ohio. Although, we are disappointed that this turned out to be a hoax. We remain diligent in our search for Timothy as our missing persons case remains unsolved, as this is no longer an Aurora case, we will defer increase to the appropriate jurisdictions in Ohio and that Sergeant Bill Reilly (ph).

The word obviously that sticks out to me, Jesse is hoax.

WATTERS: Yes, that sticks out. And I just want to say how sorry I feel for that and all the relatives of this missing boy to think that there was a possibility that he would come back.

KENNEDY: What a terrible thing to do to them.

WATTERS: And then have the rug pulled out from you like that must be completely heartbreaking. Two things. If the kid actually was being trafficked by two guys and he was confused about his identity and ...


WATTERS: He said this then thank God he escaped, and I hope we find these guys. But if it is a hoax and he was put up to this or this little boy hatched this on his own, he needs a spanking, because there has to be punishment for this awful situation. And I cannot believe he put everybody through this.

PERINO: I'm just being told by the producer Kennedy that a local NBC station there is saying that this young man that turned himself in is not 14. He is actually 23.

WATTERS: Whoa. Wow.

PERINO: So, there is a new trend in social media where kids are trying to kind of play gotcha with their parents. We're talking about early adolescents who go missing for the weekend and try and get their parents to report them to the police. And that is somehow seen as a victory, it's one of these challenges online. And you know you have to be very vigilant with your kids you have to check and spy on their social media. I know it sounds awful, but great libertarians come from authoritarian parents.

And I just want to talk about the family for a little bit because that sort of loss and that hole in their family never goes away. That pain never goes away. And to have that resurface and to think that that child has been abducted and been through God knows what. Based on what this person told police that is a second kind of hell to put them through and then to find out that that hope that they would be reunited with that child and see him again that that is completely taken away. That is so irresponsible and cruel.

KENNEDY: OK. So, to that point then Juan do you think that if this turns out to be for a 23-year-old guy. It's a hoax. Is This criminal?


WILLIAMS: I don't know what to think about whether it's criminal or not. Obviously, it's still the case that he could have been put up to this by someone else and someone else could be pulling the strings. I don't know. I don't know if this is ...

KENNEDY: A 23-year-old.

WILLIAMS: I don't know. I don't know if he's under some pressure. Kennedy. I don't know if he's being embezzled or you know there is some kind of extortion. I don't know. But I will say I agree with what I've heard this tape which is this terrible pain for those for the family, for the aunt. I mean obviously the mother is dead, which is a tragedy. But then you have the child and the child still missing.

KENNEDY: There is also a grandma - his grandmother has also been heartbroken.

WILLIAMS: And you know, but the question is then I think you know not to be brutal about it, but this is a case that came to my attention recently where there were two girls who were taken from mall and decades later they were found that their remains were found in the woods. So, is the kid alive, is the kid - it's just so painful and so emotionally disturbing that because to me there is nothing worse that could happen than my child missing.

SHILLUE: And ...

KENNEDY: Give me your final word.

SHILLUE: Well, if I'm right from that clip, the aunt was asking people to pray for this hoaxer if I understand correctly.


SHILLUE: So, obviously she's showing a lot of compassion there, but we just had a case with Jussie Smollett, a huge hoax that happened. He got off scot free. So, do you think anything is going to happen to this guy, I don't.

PERINO: And there are a lot of unprosecuted hoaxes like that unfortunately and it's a way for people to get attention and it's a horrible trend. And I understand what the aunt was doing because she thinks there is a 14-year- old who doesn't know of his identity who has been abducted and abused and you know it just - it goes to show the depth of her kindness and grief, which ...

KENNEDY: Well, there could be a lot more to this story that we don't know. This is all breaking news in the middle of this show. And so, as we get more information, we of course will bring it to you.

All right. An epic parking standoff that lasted over an hour. That's right. An hour. Does everyone talking including us. That's next on The Five.


SHILLUE: Fun story alert. It's the parking brawl to rule them all. A Twitter user in L.A. caught these two drivers in an epic parallel parking standoff that lasted almost two hours. Here's how it all went down at 6:35 PM. The black car and the silver car get locked into position right here. Nobody is budging an inch 6:40 still no movement. 6:46 no one's giving in at all. 6:48, the standoff is now backing up traffic and you can hear, it's a symphony of angry horns venting their frustration at these two cars. Oh! It gets worse. 7:08, no one's moved. Not even an inch. 7:16, nothing. 7:19 what's going on. Oh! Yes, look it's getting dark.

Now, here's the exciting moment. 7:28, it's now darker. Still no resolution to the standoff. Holding their place finally another parked car moves opening up two spaces they can both parks. It's a parking miracle. But now look 7:51, 20 minutes, they're both parked. They're still both in their cars. They won't get out. Finally, the person in the silver car is the first to leave. Yay.


SHILLUE: Look at that. I think I was watching that in real-time.

PERINO: There is no one to root for.

SHILLUE: What. So, wait a minute, Dana, black car or silver car, you say you don't know root for either.

PERINO: I said there is no one to root for in this story.


PERINO: Obviously they have too much time on their hands or maybe they're working on their phone from their car. So, they didn't care, but I just think it's a total waste of time. Move on you'll find another parking spot and karma will reward you for having more patience.

SHILLUE: Move on. What about Jesse?


SHILLUE: Are you the type that gets out of the car and tries to charm them. I might go over to the window and say, hey, how are you doing.

PERINO: Charm?

WATTERS: Why did you roll your eyes? My charms work on you Ms. Perino.

PERINO: That's true. Every day, but I don't know in the parking ...

WATTERS: Yes, I don't know what I would do.

KENNEDY: Would you wear a therapy vest and go over.

WATTERS: Yes, I don't know what I would do. I wouldn't do this because if you're in a relationship or you're married or ...

PERINO: You'll look so bad.

WATTERS: Can you imagine saying oh no honey, I'm still here. 10 minutes. Oh no. Your significant other is going to say, what the hell are you doing.

KENNEDY: Get a life.

WATTERS: Find another spot and come home for dinner.


WATTERS: So, obviously nothing is going on at home.

SHILLUE: Maybe their spouses or their significant others were encouraging them to hold their ground.

WATTERS: Stand firm, honey. You've got this.

SHILLUE: Exactly.

WATTERS: An hour and a half later, I don't think so.

SHILLUE: Well, sometimes I'm tempted in these little parking situations. First of all, I don't know why anyone isn't weighing in. Obviously, the good car is the black car in the front.


SHILLUE: Because he was backing up.

WATTERS: Backing in.

SHILLUE: Once you're backing in.

WATTERS: Yes. You're right.

SHILLUE: Leave that space open. That's a great car was a spoiler.

PERINO: OK. I agree.

SHILLUE: Right or wrong, Juan.

WILLIAMS: No, absolutely right. And I've been in that situation and my wife had to say to me forget about it.

PERINO: Right.

WILLIAMS: But I had the instinct which was blink this guy. You know I'm going ...

PERINO: Yes. That's charming.

WILLIAMS: Because I was going to - and then the thing was when I finally, OK, I listen right, and I'm pushed. Then he ran out of the car because I think the idea was this could lead to a physical confrontation.

WATTERS: Well, you know what you've got to do. You've got to go Alec Baldwin on him, and you just knock him down to the ground.

PERINO: You do not do that. That's never - OK.

SHILLUE: Do you ever nudge - do you ever pull up the bumper just touch and then give a little push.

PERINO: Not when someone else is in it. When they're not in it, yes.

WATTERS: If a bumper bully.

PERINO: No, I'm not going to be a bumper bully. You think I clocked in the face. You know how much these glasses cost. But you know what it reminds me of when you're waiting at the airport, patiently waiting in line like a good and decent person with other people waiting in line. And when they call your boarding group and you go to board and other people try and snake the front of the line.


PERINO: I do not let people in. I will touch the person in front of me and be like don't you dare try to separate me from my family. Even though I never know the person.

SHILLUE: I heard times are changing with the personal space though. Joe Biden says you can't touch that person.

PERINO: Don't cut in front of people when someone else clearly has been waiting longer. It's a lame thing for the silver car to do. If you're backing into a space but to the black car, you've got to be a little bit faster.

KENNEDY: You do have to admire the restraint that neither of them got out of the car.

WATTERS: Maybe they're both weak and small.


KENNEDY: Maybe they both have records and they don't want to get arrested.

WILLIAMS: Talk about an argument for gun control. If they had guns ...

WATTERS: Juan, why do you always have to politicize it. I am surprised you didn't blame Trump for this.

PERINO: No, they both assume the other has a gun and that's why they're not starting a conflict, it's their argument ...

WILLIAMS: Because it's a boy. It's a boy thing.

WATTERS: How do you know these weren't women.

WILLIAMS: It could be, but I'm telling you it's a big boy thing with your ego feels somehow diminished by this other guy like it's a challenge.

KENNEDY: Juan, you live close to D.C. you know how precious those parking spaces are, Korea Town downtown L.A.

SHILLUE: So true.

KENNEDY: It's tight.

SHILLUE: Good. But the final message, go to a garage folks. Forget about those street spaces.

WATTERS: Those are expensive.

SHILLUE: I know.

PERINO: And they steal your chain.

SHILLUE: They circle, and circle and they wait for that space to open up. It creates pressure. OK. One More Thing is up next.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. Time for One More Thing. Jesse?

WATTERS: And it's time for Jesse's feeding frenzy. Look at that. Wow was that a halo around my head, I like that. All right, so this is some Franken foods. You know like mash ups. What we have here is orange Vanilla Coke. All right. And this is I think hit the stores in February. Let's try it.

KENNEDY: Hand me one of those I Coke Zero.

SHILLUE: Yes. There we go.

KENNEDY: Tom Shillue, so chivalrous.

WATTERS: It's delicious. Also, we have Kranch, for those of you at home. That is ketchup and ranch. All right. And Kraft just announced this yesterday along with Mayo. What is MAYOCUE.

SHILLUE: It's mayo and barbecue.

WATTERS: Barbecue and MAYOCHUP, which is?

SHILLUE: Ketchup and mayonnaise.


SHILLUE: MAYOMUST, I call it yo tart.

WATTERS: We'll try this here.

PERINO: How is Kranch.

WATTERS: I'm handy so check that out tonight.

PERINO: I'm going to check that out on Hannity. But before you watch Hannity, you should watch Tucker.


WATTERS: All right.

WILLIAMS: Dana, it's your turn. You're up.

PERINO: OK, good, I'm your warmup tonight.

SHILLUE: Perfect.

PERINO: Tucker all right. This is kind of amazing. Brad Paisley and his wife, she's an actress, her name and an author, a very good one, Kimberly Williams Paisley. They broke ground yesterday on a Nashville grocery store, which will serve people in need. The deal is the store operates like any other supermarket. You go in. You walk through, but you don't have to pay for it. This is meant for people that are trying to get back on their feet. They can do this for a year. They just broke ground. They expect to be open by the end of the year. Take a listen to her this morning.


KIMBERLY WILLIAMS PAISLEY, ACTRESS: One in seven people deal with food insecurity and one in five children said, we really wanted to do what we could to help out. Brad literally broke ground yesterday on a backhoe.


KENNEDY: You've got to love that.

PERINO: Brad Paisley worked in the backhoe. So, it's the for more information.

WILLIAMS: All right. Kennedy.

KENNEDY: Oh! It is National Burrito Day. It happens the first Thursday in April, it's a made-up holiday, but a great holiday. And people love burritos. According to Grubhub, it is the number one ordered food. The veggie burrito, chicken burrito. Those reigned supreme but the vegetarian burrito is up 711 percent in the last year, vegan burrito is also on the way up. This is a burrito blanket. It's sold out online yesterday. It's a five by five human burrito wrap. So, if you want to order your burrito in or make one yourself in your kitchen then snuggle up on the couch while you watch the Final Four or The Five or of course my show Weeknights, Monday through Thursday on the Fox Business Network at 9 PM Eastern. You can do that in your burrito blanket.

WATTERS: I'm going to get one Juan. He looks heavy covers.


PERINO: Burrito blanket.

WILLIAMS: All right.

PERINO: It's still enjoyable.

WILLIAMS: All right. Good teachers are my heroes. And today I have one more reason to celebrate teachers in Elkhart Indiana. A group of teachers saw a need to help poor kids who were going hungry especially over the weekends. They began packaging unused food into frozen meals that the kids could take home. Here are some of the teachers.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was heartbreaking to hear that children go home on the weekends and they don't have anything to eat.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We saw a need and we wanted to fill that need.


WILLIAMS: Woodland Elementary is in Indiana County where 13 percent of the children between ages 5 and 17 live in poverty. With the help of a group called Cultivate, a nonprofit set up with the help of a local chef, they take food that was being thrown out and make it into healthy meals for the kids.

KENNEDY: That's great.

WILLIAMS: Now that's an effort worthy of an A for heartfelt compassion. Way to go teachers.

KENNEDY: Just terrific innovation. Amazing.


SHILLUE: Beautiful. Head now to D.C. to do some shows with Greg Gutfeld, Warner Theater in D.C. and then we've got Detroit and then in May, we've got some dates obviously in Tulsa. Dallas and

KENNEDY: Midland is going to be huge.

SHILLUE: Yes. Huge.

KENNEDY: Yes, it's a good one.

SHILLUE: OK. Check out this video, hovercraft. I was one of one of these. That is a hover. craft. Homemade. The guy made it himself.


SHILLUE: That's not Photoshop or whatever. However, you do that. He's floating in his - I always wanted to build one of those. Remember, boy's life.


SHILLUE: Remember that thing, he was supposed to be able to make a hover. I always wanted to do that.

WILLIAMS: All right. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of The Five. Special Report is up next. Special edition.

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