Alleged gunman killed after shooting in Ottawa

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 22, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: This is a Fox News alert. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle. It's 5 o'clock in Ottawa, Canada, a city gripped by fear after a shooting prompted a lockdown of the country's parliament and put the entire capitol on alert. At this time this morning after a Canadian soldier was shot dead while standing guard at the National War Memorial.

Then shots ran out in Parliament Hill sending those at the scene scrambling for cover.




GUILFOYLE: We go now to the Fox News desk where Shepard Smith is going to take us through what happened. Shep.

SHEPARD SMITH, ANCHOR OF 'SHEPARD SMITH REPORTING': A government official confirms to Fox News that that gunman in today's attack in Canada was a 32-year-old man named Michael Zahaf Bibeau. Officials tell us that they are now running his name through a terror watch list to see what comes up. We're told officials he was indeed born in Canada and we'll be getting more on his back ground in the coming hours and days, but for now, we're getting a much better idea of what happened there.

On the wall here, is the sort of scene of it all. Cops say the shootings happened at these two locations, the National War Memorial is where it started, not four locations as witnesses first reported. They say the gunman fire opened fire on the soldiers in the war memorial. It was just before 10:00 a.m. local time. One soldier did there. They told us the shooter did go to the open parliament buildings and opened fire inside there. Our understanding of things is this is about 2 yards and then he walked from here to here. Lots of different reports of how he got there, but that's what police are telling us. In fact, one lawmaker says he counted at least 30 shots booming through that parliament building. Listen.





SMITH: So that's inside the parliament. Lawmakers and their staffers got down for cover. And here you can see chairs piled up against the door to make a barricade. A lot of lawmakers who where there were twitting, live twitting if you will as it happened, and we're able to bring some of those together for you.

This is from (Peggy Nash NDP), very frightening here in center block. The parliament has a center block with tower about it, the clock tower and east side and a west side. This was from central block. Very frightening here in center block, so many shots. I'm safe, but not sure what's happening. Then here, mom, I'm OK, I'm in hiding. Again, this is six hours ago, and then (Jerry Burns) said that on the fifth floor of center block, RCMP Royal Canadian Mounty Police guns drawn, machine guns deployed entering the main doors, and one other just been asked to lay down and be quiet, people talking in the hallway security.

So it was chaotic. There were tweets from lawmakers. Apparently, a hero in this whole thing, police say this man, the parliament sergeant at arms shot and killed the gun man just outside the lawmakers' meeting room. Canada's prime minister was on Parliament Hill at the time of the shooting. Cameras caught security agents taking him off to safety. We're told he plans to address the nation at some point this evening.

Here you can see the prime minister on the phone with President Obama after those shootings. Our president said in the last hour that we're all shaken by what happened, but he said it is too soon to jump to conclusions.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We don't yet have all the information about what motivated the shooting, we don't yet have all the information about whether this was part of a broader network or plan or whether this was an individual or series of individuals who decided to take these actions.


SMITH: The shootings happened one day after the Canadian government raised its terror level from low to medium, and it comes after another attack on Canadian soldiers that happened on Monday. Police say a radicalized Muslim as they described him, ran over two soldiers with his car in Quebec. One of those soldiers died. Cops later shot and killed the driver.

Investigators say he left Facebook posts that showed he wanted to join up with militants overseas. But the takeaway right now, we dodo not know who today's shooter was, we know his name, but we don't know if he had targeted that soldier or why he targeted parliament. In fact, we don't know of any terrorist connection. There are a lot of dots out there, but they cannot yet be connected. Back to you guys on The Five.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Shep, thanks and we're going to take it around the table now. Eric, you have a question.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: So, Shep, can you talk to us a little bit about the spike we heard of the Intel that they're reporting to a spike in ISIS related chatter in Canada over the last five or so days, and then as you pointed out on Monday, that (Mark Rulo) whose passport was revoked because of this chatter, because he wanted to go to Syria, he weaponized his car. So there was a spike in chatter, an attack on Monday, do we make this leap or do we not make this leap?

SMITH: We don't make this leap. We can look at this -- I mean, from the news perspective here, we can look at these facts as individual things, but when we start connecting the dots without any information, I think we're doing our viewers a disservice as journalists. That's not the say that you can't sit around and talk about all the possibilities. That's probably what I will do tonight after work is over, talk about the possibilities with people.

But it's important for people to understand that there was chatter that said ISIS wants this done and then something happened, but did ISIS do it? Was it a copy cat? Was it a random? I can't know yet because the cops say they don't know.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Shep, is there any -- right now, there's no connection between the Monday driving over soldiers and this today.




GUILFOYLE: All right, Greg, do you have a question?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: This might be a dumb question, Shep, but I'm just curious.

SMITH: I'm counting on it.

GUTFELD: Thank you so much, glad to have you here. The Canadian forces that are at the National War Memorial, are they armed or is that largely ceremonial?


SMITH: It's fully ceremonial. We looked into this a little bit, you have to put in to do it, the official photos are taken of you, as you go there, it's a time honored tradition, there's never been an incident of any kind in that location, that we could find through Google searches, through every kind of database that we have. There have never been anything to happen there, and it's a really high honor to be there, and I think all of Canada, in fact probably everybody within hearing distance is calling to praise this sergeant at arms who may very well have saved the day.


GUILFOYLE: All right, Shep, what can you tell us about any ongoing man hunt right now for any suspects at large?

SMITH: Well, you know, initially, it sounded like -- let me take you through the wall again. Initially, the reporting was, and there was a good reason for it because they were getting 911 calls from the hotel and the mall that are very nearby here. In that hotel and mall, 911 calls came in, multiple ones, so the police in Canada saying we've got shootings in our building.

It turns out they didn't have shootings in their building. So at first, they thought there was a second suspect. In fact, I have viewers e-mailing and twittering right now. They are looking to make sure but everything they have told us is they believe they have one suspect that that suspect is dead, but they're making sure. They're going everywhere, there's still largely a lockdown. They're telling members of parliament to stay in the building. They're telling people not to go to their windows, they're making sure. They're airing on the side of caution as anyone would. But I think they believe they have this is under control.

GUILFOYLE: It's pretty interesting though because it seems he was able to make it an appreciable difference from the first site.


GUILFOYLE: And there was no foot pursuit or anything that ensued from authorities?

SMITH: That is unusual. Here's what we got from eyewitnesses and now from police. This car, he drove this car up and we have shown the picture of the car, and maybe our control room has that for you. I'll show it to you, drove up in this car, and a member of parliament was heading to work for the day. I drove by and there was this car with no plates on it. I thought it was the weirdest thing.

We drove around and it went up into the parliament building, up on Parliament Hill. Well, that was right about here, and this gunman apparently according to police reports, got out of the vehicle, walks methodically and with a purpose. And that's a quote from police, toward this soldier who was there standing guard and shot him in the chest.

Then walked briskly as have been described to us and in no other way but that, some 200 yards, you have to zigzag through here to get over to parliament. So they have a center block, an east block and a west block. And a member of parliament says he went around the east block side and went around the building and began shooting. But according to the police, he didn't shoot a single person. Three other people were hurt, but it was kind of mayhem injuries and they were all minor.

GUILFOYLE: That's interesting.

BOLLING: So, Shep, the Canadians have raised their terror alert as I understand.

SMITH: They have.


SMITH: It's already up there since 911 at least.

BOLLING: OK, but we haven't raised it in the after math of this. However, we have beefed up security at our tomb of the unknown soldiers which would be the equivalent of where the incident in Canada happened. And also around the Capitol Hill and Pentagon as well, is that right?

SMITH: My understanding is they have beefed up security in all of those places.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Shep, I have a question. You might not have heard anything yet, but in terms of additional cooperation between the United States and Canada, no terms of intelligence sharing or law enforcement sharing, not necessarily terrorist related, there is a possibility that we would be able to help them in that regard.

SMITH: And my understanding from the reporting of our own Catherine Herridge is that we are helping them. The FBI is in there, they are sharing information as is a matter of course, and you would know better than I, but the United States and Canada have as good relations as anybody is going to have, but the sharing happens at the highest levels.

It is my understanding, in fact, we had a report, many hours ago, that a name had already been shared with United States, with people in the highest offices of the United States and in fact we now know that that name is the one of the deceased man today. They're trying to figure out who he knew, what his motivation was, find his online presence, figure out if he was acting at the behest of al-Qaeda -- I mean of ISIS, whether he heard what ISIS said and believe what they said and decided to go do it or if he's a random nut job who went out and did this crazily. They don't know yet or if they know, they haven't told us.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Greg, you have another question.

GUTFELD: Well, not really, but I'll try. It's hard to ask questions because we don't know anything. And Shep is right not to speculate. My question really is that did they choose this specific location because they were aware that maybe security was more lax than in other places?

SMITH: Well, maybe so. I'm sure that that's one of the things in which they're looking at. I heard a member of parliament today, Greg, interestingly say that we are so proud of the freedom that we have. I remember -- I told this story earlier, but I remember going to Israel about I don't know 15 years, before the attacks of 911 and seeing the people in public places, authorities armed with big guns, I don't know what they were, I'm not a gun -- I don't know what it was, really big, really big.

And I have never seen that in the United States, and now it's a matter of course. You go to Penn station, you go to one of the big subway stations or you go to any place here in New York City, and that's how it is. I think what the Canadians saying are we don't want our world to be like this. We got to act cautiously. We got to remember that every time we take a little bit of our freedom away, we lose a little bit of who we are, where that line is all the times is tough thing for people to measure. I think that's part of the collective discussion now and it seems to be it's a worthwhile discussion.

BECKEL: Shep, is there any -- the people who ran over the soldiers on Monday, they would flip through a lot of databases, they were targeted, Canadian police, our intelligence services, is there any connection -- out- ruled any connection to the Quebec Separatist Movement?

SMITH: My understanding of this and the Quebec Separatist Union, I am aware of, but I don't think they have ruled out anything on this particular man. They were acting with a certain -- they were being very deliberate in their actions in the investigation of this incident the other way. They didn't want to raise fears everywhere, you know, in case this wasn't -- it wasn't ISIS related.

And then, yesterday, they raised the terror alert level from what was low, which was interesting to me, to medium. And today, you have this incident. There are individual dots on the board so far we can't connect them. But you know, hopefully, we'll be able to come to some understanding, so that the authorities can act in a way that makes sense, based upon the information you have. If they come to the conclusion that there is a group that's targeting and one person after another has gone out to take action, then you act in one way, but if these are lone wolves, then you act in another obviously. So they're in a tough position up north and as a result, we are, too.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Shepard Smith reporting live from the Fox News desk. . Shep, thanks.

SMITH: Sure.

GUILFOYLE: More to come on the shootings ahead. We're going to check in with Fox's Catherine Herridge with details about a spike in terrorist chatter about Canada in recent days. Stay with us.


GUTFELD: Trust me, you're going to hate this. In a new ad by a pro-feminist group, young girls are mockingly dressed up as princesses then fed obscenities to recite -- in order to sell t-shirts. It worked because it's on The Five, but I warn you, it's vile.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm pretty. What the (BEEP).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm not some pretty (BEEP) helpless princess in distress.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm pretty (BEEP) powerful.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And ready for success.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So what is more offensive, a little girl saying (BEEP) or saying (BEEP) in a sexist way? It's how society treats girls and women.


GUTFELD: It's amazing. It's gross and it's sad, but is it shocking? The only shocking thing is its banality. But if you think it can't get lower, you're wrong.





UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Women are paid 23 percent les than men.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: With the exact same (BEEP) work.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hello? And hell no. (BEEP). I shouldn't need to (BEEP) to get paid.


GUTFELD: So where are the parents? You could call this abuse and who would argue with that. After all, it's clear these kids have little idea about what they're doing or why, the irony is that they're talking about abuse while being used as props for profit. The video maker says the anti-sexism message makes this behavior permissible. But the ad for a for-profit t- shirt company, they're selling swag on the backs of kids, so what kinds of parents are OK with that? Pretty awful ones. I mean, you've got to be pretty, pretty desperate to let someone do this with your kids.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My aspirations in life should not be worrying about the shape of my (BEEP), focusing on how I look. (BEEP) that's sexist.



GUTFELD: All right. We're never going to play that again. The sign of a cult is when its mission always justifies whatever messages are needed. Their actions are beyond scrutiny when they foster an us-versus-them mentality that ultimately leaves them to degradation which often involves getting kids, the easiest of pawns to do really, really bad things. This video is that in spades. I feel sorry for the kids. After all, what the hell is going on off camera, if this is what's going on on?

All right, let's go to the mother first, Kimberly. We contacted the creator of this video. I wanted to try to find out who the parents were.


GUTFELD: They were terrified. They didn't want to talk to us.

GUILFOYLE: This is in epic bad taste. I mean, I think it's poor parenting. They should be ashamed. They should literally change their identity and move to a place where no one knows. Honestly, because this video is going to live forever in the lives of these little girls, and it's not cute. It's not entertaining, it's totally inappropriate. I don't understand how they think this was sending a good message to their daughters to engage in this kind of behavior and the adults that made it should be ashamed of themselves, too.

GUTFELD: It was edgy. The point is we're supposed to be square for not liking it because it's got obscenities, it's supposed to be like in your face, but it's actually just awful.

BOLLING: In the three words that they always use, call attention to, so they'll do anything possible.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

BOLLING: Then they qualify with we did that because we want to call attention to this problem.


BOLLING: But they didn't call attention to -- what was it for?


BOLLING: All you're seeing is the three beautiful little girls who are being corrupted.


BOLLING: Four? Four beautiful little girls who are being corrupted. How are these little girls' lives going to be down the road after they have done this? I guess it's supposed to be pro-LGBT.

GUTFELD: Yeah, but it's a profit company that sells t-shirts. If you go on the website, it's about getting people to their website to sell clothing. They're using social justice as a Trojan horse to make money.

GUILFOYLE: Terrible. It's the exploitation of children, that's what it is.

BECKEL: I can sort of relate to these kids in some ways but the swearing.


GUILFOYLE: These are little girls in a dress, Bob, not you in a dress saying it.

BECKEL: That would be tough. Can we go back to what you all said, they. What are they trying to do? I think they're implicating the feminist movement.


GUILFOYLE: I hope so. I hope the feminists condemn this.

BECKEL: I would certain they would.



GUTFELD: I don't know. I haven't heard any feminist group yet do anything like this.


BOLLING: is a t-shirt company with an activist heart and a passionate social change mission, arming thousands of people with pro-LGBT equality.


GUTFELD: That's a company.

BOLLING: Right, but the LGBT community should push back.


BECKEL: Before we begin to lock them all together, you know, behind this sort of thing.

GUTFELD: I don't think we did.

GUILFOYLE: You know what we need?


GUILFOYLE: We need a hash tag.


GUILFOYLE: Bring back our girls. That would be our social justice.

GUTFELD: By the way, bring that up, the real crimes against women and girls in this world, there are kidnappings, there was a girl stoned to death for adultery. So these fools -- these mortal cowards who are pretending to be for something, but they're actually making money of it while actual kids are getting stoned to death by ISIS. But they aren't concerned with that.

BECKEL: Let me ask you a question. Is this company not on the edge of -- breaking laws, exploitation of children?

GUILFOYLE: In my opinion, I would investigate this. I think this is so inappropriate. And I can't believe people think you're not hip or artistic if you don't think is like creative or interesting. It's not. I mean, I don't understand. This is so irresponsible. People get investigated from department of children and family services you know for less than this.


GUILFOYLE: OK? For a kid being out in the front of the yard -- in front of the neighbor's yard too long unaccompanied.

GUTFELD: Yeah, walking to school alone, you'll get picked up.

PERINO: This is one of the things that on the campaign trail, Hillary Clinton would be asked about.

GUTFELD: Yeah, exactly.

PERINO: Then she's going to be in a real fix.

GUTFELD: I just want to know, where are the parents?


PERINO: I don't think the parents would have let them do it if they didn't agree with it.

BOLLING: Here's where the parents are. They're on the sidelines where they're taping that video, they're saying oh, my gosh, this is going to be great. My little girl is going to be a star. The problem is the little girl may be a star for all the wrong reasons.


BOLLING: By the way, I'm pro-free speech too. This is ridiculous.

GUILFOYLE: They think this is cool and they're edgy.

GUTFELD: Here's my prediction. Whenever the parents of the kids get divorced, this will be part of the divorce proceedings. When one of the partners will go, I never wanted to do that. He forced my kids to do that or she forced him.


BECKEL: Can I ask Dana a quick question. What do you mean by Hillary Clinton?


PERINO: Because the issue is about income and pay equality for women.

GUTFELD: All right.

PERINO: I think this is a good tactic to try and achieve what they're trying to achieve.


BECKEL: OK. I see.

GUTFELD: They're telling we got to move. Next, why the New York Times is angry at some democratic candidates ahead of the midterm elections, coming up.


PERINO: Yes, they are, Bob. Yes, they are.


PERINO: Welcome to our commercial break which is continuing into the segment, but I must start it. President Obama said he has told democratic candidates who have been running from him to do what they need to do. The New York Times editorial board however is taking them to tasks writing nervous members of the president's own party have done a poor job of defending his policies, allowing a republican narrative of failure to take hold. There is much that is going right in this country and there is still time for democrats to say so.

Here's liberal TV host, Chris Matthews on that.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He has got a thick skin to put up with this kind of treatment.


PERINO: Charles Krauthammer thinks this has to be humiliating for the president.


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: This is a guy who six years ago had a worship service at a Denver stadium, being cheered by people while he was behind Greek columns and now he's got to hide under his desk until November. This is total humiliation for him.


PERINO: Greg, this morning, you think -- you said the New York Times had a point.

GUTFELD: Well, first of all, Chris Matthews, he went from a thrill up his leg to a virus in his cells, twitters Howard Fineman, comparing Obama to Ebola. That's racist. I guess because Ebola came from Africa and Obama is African-American. How come nobody has come after Chris Matthews for being flat-out racist?

The Times should be mad, because they've realized that all the members of the Obama cult who once embraced his beliefs at the beginning are now deserting him because they want to save their hides. So it's kind of like when Tom Cruise gets mad when someone leaves Scientology.

PERINO: I didn't know that that actually happened.

GUTFELD: Oh, yes, it happened to me.

PERINO: I'm kidding. I know. I know Katie left.

Bob, let me ask you this. If you're -- let me just have you look at this AP poll that showed people were asked how likely do you think the outcome of the midterm election will be for Republican or Democrat control? And people said 55 percent Republican control. I don't know how accurate that is. I think that I'm a worrywart. I still think that the Republicans have some uphill climbs in the next two weeks.

But if you were in the White House, what sort of planning would you be doing to deal with a Republican Congress to make it the best possible scenario for President Obama?

BECKEL: Well, first of all, I'm surprised it's that close, 55-45. I would assume more people would think Republicans; 60 percent Republican.

But there's a couple comments before that. These candidates who are -- and this is where I think the Times has a point. These candidates who are separating themselves from Obama, A, they're not going to get away with it. Everybody knows that they voted for Obama. If they don't, their opponent will tell them. So at this stage of the game, there is no voter out there more important than increasing the base. And so, to walk away from Obama, you're not getting any votes for that. I mean, I don't understand why these guys -- I don't care how deep and conservative the state is. It still is -- I did some research on this. If you had a 5 percent increase in turnout in Louisiana, in black turnout, it would convert into, if a race was very close, which we think that one's going to be, it convert into 100,000 votes. Now I -- 95 percent would vote for the Democratic candidate, I assume. So I don't understand what they're doing. I really don't. I think it's bad politics.

BOLLING: And that, you picked at race that probably wouldn't matter, increased black turnout -- increased turnout and black turnout. Because that race -- can I just go through a couple quick ones?


BOLLING: Louisiana, nine points for Cassidy over Landrieu. Alaska, Begich down by three. Cotton over Prior in Arkansas by three. I mean, Bob, there's eight races here in Arkansas.

BECKEL: Arkansas -- Arkansas makes the...

BOLLING: All of them with the exception of Jean Shaheen and Scott Brown, lead fairly heavily to the Republicans.

BECKEL: Three or four is not heavy.

BOLLING: If this is -- if these are accurate.

PERINO: Let me ask you something about this.

BOLLING: It's pretty darn heavy with less than two weeks to go.

GUILFOYLE: Perhaps, but it's also -- you know, it's within the statistical margin of error, three to four points. Something can bounce and shift. I mean, if history is any indicator of what might happen here, I still -- I'm with Dana. I'm feeling a little bit still worried about it. I don't think it's in the bag.

I think people expect that the Republicans should take it, because they have all the factors pointing in their direction. They have every advantage right now. However, we've seen this happen before.

BECKEL: I was going to say, the last two elections, the last two nonpresidential elections, the Republicans had been going there, too. They didn't win. Right?

GUTFELD: You know it's bad when the blame game...

PALIN: It wasn't a presidential election.

GUTFELD: You know it's bad when the blame game begins, when you see the media get all angry. And you know things are really bad when they're all focusing on the Palins. You're having all this news come out, and they're more interested with what's going on in the Palins' life.

BECKEL: Let me quick comment on what you asked me. For Obama to say anything about this, I mean, he can't take on candidates out there of his own party. That would be -- they're planning on saying there's going to be a Republican Senate.

PERINO: He did say that "They're all liars, but I told them it was OK to lie."

BECKEL: He did?

PERINO: He did, when he talked to Al Sharpton.

BECKEL: Oh, I see. I see what you're saying. But think right now -- I wouldn't plan on anything if I were this White House, because I don't think they can keep anything quiet. But they probably ought to send somebody in there, because thinking about what are you going to do post-election day with a Republican Senate?

PERINO: That would be a good segment tomorrow.

BECKEL: And that's what I was saying about the tax reform. I think that's one thing you could probably reach out to them on.

GUILFOYLE: That's a good idea.

GUTFELD: Yes. Next, the NFL debuts a new PSA to help raise awareness about domestic violence. You'll see it ahead in the "Fastest Seven," next. .


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for...


GRAPHIC: Fastest 7.


BOLLING: The "Fastest Seven" minutes on television: three arresting stories, seven accelerated minutes -- K.G.'s phone -- one amicable host.

First up, tomorrow night the NFL will air a new round of public service ads aimed at domestic violence, a subject they've become very aware of recently.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No more "Boys will be boys."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No more "What's the big deal?"

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No more "It's just the way he is."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No more "He just has a temper."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No more "But he's such a nice guy."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No more "But he has such a bright future."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No more ignorance.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No more excuses.



BOLLING: But newly-appointed NFL domestic violence czar Lisa Friel may be providing some downfield blocking for domestic abusers like Ray Rice to return to the game.


LISA FRIEL, NFL SENIOR ADVISOR: We need to have an opportunity for people to have a second chance, to earn their way back into being on the field and playing.



Greg, mixed messages?

GUTFELD: Yes, I guess so, but it's part of the PR rehab, the penance that one must pay when you're in a scandal. And a lot of people do get paid. You get the consultants, the PR flaks, the publicists, the agencies that all feed off this.

But it wasn't a bad -- it was a clever ad, I guess.

BOLLING: Yes, clever ad. Dana were you surprised at Lisa Friel coming out and saying, "You know, second chance"? I mean, that's part of the problem in the first place, right?

PERINO: I thought the whole point -- I thought the whole point was that it was supposed to be zero tolerance.

I also think an ad like could even be more effective if it was some of the wives of these football players, that are in good, healthy relationships that could -- I think that's -- this PSA, I don't necessarily -- I don't think it's necessarily aimed at men, but at women who are...

GUTFELD: It's aimed at the media. It's not aimed at anybody but the media.

PERINO: It's aimed at getting through the PR rehab.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: Why do you think that? Why do you think that?

GUTFELD: Because that's why they're done.

BECKEL: Well, you know -- the thing about this is I think I take this -- I mean, I don't know who in the world would allow that woman to go out there and say that, but you talk about stepping on your message. It's not a bad ad.

BOLLING: She's the new -- she was newly appointed part of a group to handle domestic violence.

BECKEL: Don't you find that amazing? She's a ...

BOLLING: I'm shocked that she's -- said that. By the way, that was from "The Today Show" today, I believe. Right, producers, from "The Today Show" today?

And this -- this ad, K.G., is going to air tomorrow night on NFL, which I do think it is aimed towards the women, the female viewer.

GUILFOYLE: I agree. I think it is. I think it's made, geared for female viewers and the media. That's the message.

BECKEL: Now talk to me about Lisa Friel.

GUILFOYLE: What do you want to say?

BOLLING: Are you surprised she said, "Hey, second chance"? Or are you cool with it?

GUILFOYLE: I don't like it.

BOLLING: All right, we'll move on.

All right, fellows, you've got to love a romantic movie with a girl, right? Some wine, chocolates. And this...


MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY, ACTOR: It's called the helm.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, wait, wait, wait, what are you doing?

MCCONAUGHEY: Going down below.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What's down below?

MCCONAUGHEY: Beer, wine, chips. Rum. I don't know. It's not my boat.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But I don't know what I'm doing. I'm not kidding. Seriously!

MCCONAUGHEY: You're sailing.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What if I hit something?

MCCONAUGHEY: I think you'll be OK.


BOLLING: Now that's just all wrong. But Academy Award winner Matthew McConaughey explains to "G.Q." magazine how he pulls off the romantic dude and still remains -- or retains his man card. He said quote, "A lot of times, the male is somewhat emasculated, meaning he has to crawl back and say, 'I'm nothing without you. If you don't take me back, I'm nothing.' And I was like, 'What girl wants that guy?'"

K.G., your thoughts on the male, McConaughey's idea of the dude, the tough dude in a romantic position?

GUILFOYLE: I think he plays it perfectly, and whenever he's in that position -- he is quite often in movies. He did it with Kate Hudson, as well, "How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days" or whatever. I mean, I like what he's saying, because if a guy was just groveling and weird like that, I would just step right over him.

BOLLING: Bob. Bob, nothing like a romantic movie?

BECKEL: I've never been to a romantic movie in my life. Don't intend to go with one. I have no idea what we're talking about.


PERINO: I love romantic comedies.


GUILFOYLE: And you look at Greg.

PERINO: Because I know -- because he makes fun of them for me. But I like them.

The thing, though, about Matthew McConaughey is that it was, like three months ago that we did a "Fastest Seven" on him when he was wearing a fanny pack at the Yankee Stadium.

BOLLING: Right. So you -- yes.

GUTFELD: That's because he had a gun in there.

PERINO: It's very secure.

GUTFELD: Yes. Fanny packs are for guns now. That's great. You can shoot. When you're getting mugged, you go to grab your gun, like, "Let me get my wallet out of my fanny pack." And you just blow them away through the fanny pack. A lesson to you muggers out there: don't mug people with fanny packs. They're usually just tourists.

But anyway, I love a good romantic comedy.

BOLLING: You do?

GUTFELD: I love to get into my footsie pajamas. I make some amazing Earl Grey tea. I'll pop some popcorn. I'll put my -- I'll turn my phone off, and I'll just sit there, and I'll cry and cry. And then I'll slit my wrists.

GUILFOYLE: And put on your bunny slippers.


GUILFOYLE: You liked the movie "Love Actually."

GUTFELD: Worst movie ever made.

GUILFOYLE: Right. That's how -- why you liked it.

BOLLING: Can I throw you a quick Matthew McConaughey story? So we're -- my wife and I are at a restaurant, at a bar. Down at the other end of the bar is Matthew McConaughey. She seems him over there. He's minding his own business with his group. She's like, "Oh, he's OK. No big deal. He's all right.'

Ten minutes later, he comes walking by to leave the restaurant. He touches her on the arm and goes, "Pardon me, darling." That was it. That's all I've heard for the last three years, is Matthew McConaughey.

PERINO: He's got a great southern accent.

GUILFOYLE: I like when he plays bongos naked.

BOLLING: All right. And the fact that has everyone talking. Renee Zellweger stepped out the other day in L.A. She looks stunning, but there's a catch. She looks nothing like the adorable Dorothy Boyd from "Jerry Maguire," "You complete me" days.

Here's how she responds to that in "People" magazine. Quote, "I'm living a different, happy, more fulfilling life, and I'm thrilled that it perhaps shows. Perhaps I look different. Who doesn't as they get older? Ha. But I am different. I'm happy."

GUTFELD: If you look at the pictures, people think that she had surgery, but she didn't. She just got contact lenses. For the last 20 years she'd been squinting because she just has terrible vision. She was like Mr. Magoo, poor thing. Terrible victim of bad optometrists. She got contacts, and look how happy she is. She's now -- she thought trees were blobs. She used to walk around and go, "What are these big green blobs?" Now they're trees, Renee.

BOLLING: K.G. She looks stunning but...

GUILFOYLE: She would have never got the role in "Jerry Maguire" if she looked like she does now. She would have been, like, the fiancee, the like, hot, sexy chick that he leaves and then goes to her.

BECKEL: What doctor do you go to to get your head smaller? I mean, look at those two pictures, they'll tell you. Look at the two pictures. Her skull is smaller in one. Look at the one on the right and look at the one on the left.

GUTFELD: It just might be the size of the picture, Bob.

BECKEL: No, I'm telling you. Looks like she got caught in a vise, her head.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, one is the larger picture, my gosh.

BOLLING: My good Lord. Dana, is it OK to look different from what you would normally look? And good.

PERINO: I'm glad to hear that she says that she's happy, but I thought she was really cute before.

GUILFOYLE: Super cute.

PERINO: I've met her on the -- on the, you know, scene of a romantic comedy.

GUTFELD: Remember what you used to look like? You should show a picture of that.

BECKEL: Is that what you said? (ph)

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Everybody at this table looks a little different before 5 p.m. Let's be honest, all right.

BECKEL: If I was you, I wouldn't be saying that. If I were you, I would not be saying that. I look much different. However...

BOLLING: You got your hand on the buzzer?

All right. When we come back, an update on those multiple shootings in Canada today, Parliament and the city of Ottawa on lockdown as gunfire rang out. Stick around.


BECKEL: A frightening day in Canada's capital of Ottawa where soldiers standing guard at a war memorial were shot to death. Then shots rang out at the country's Parliament, sending politicians and others diving for cover.

One suspected gunman is dead.

We're joined now by FOX chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge -- Catherine.


Earlier today, FOX News obtained portions of this intelligence bulletin. It was sent out earlier with information from Canadian authorities, identifying the shooter in the incident as a 32-year-old, Michael Zehaf- Bibeau. That information is now being run through the U.S. intelligence community terror watch list as well as the databases.

Separately, I want to break down what we've seen as a spike in chatter, really beginning at the end of September. There was an incident first reported by FOX News where an Air Force father and son were targeted online by ISIS followers. And this led the Army Treat Integration Center to issue a bulletin to its commands worldwide, telling U.S. members of the military to limit their social media profile and to also not put online that they work for the government or for the U.S. military.

Then last week, there was a similar bulletin that was put out, a joint intelligence bulletin, again warning the military and members of U.S. law enforcement, that they've seen a spike in the number of ISIS-related threats online calling for attacks.

And then we have also seen something similar, targeting Canada after it joined the coalition. We don't know who was responsible, but there certainly has been a spike in this chatter, Bob.

BECKEL: Thank you, Catherine.

Eric, what do you think? Do you think you could assume from this that this was an ISIS sponsored?

BOLLING: No,. Shep was right. My -- I'm just wondering if there's any discussion about behind the scenes, if there was any sort of link. Like, we learned hours, hours after the shooting, that the Canadian government shared the name of this -- of the shooter with the FBI and they started to do some cross checking.

My -- again, if they had ISIS-related chatter and then they have a -- what they're now calling a terror act on Monday, what are they going to call this one? Is this going to be a terror act? And when are they going to call it terror? It should be very interesting to see how the Canadians handle it, versus how the U.S. would.

BECKEL: Dana, if you're ISIS, if you're trying to control your own communication, but you're going to hype up as much -- get as much communication out to the world where your followers are, and if you have an impassioned follower in Canada, who can't get out because they're on a watch list, for example, this is a way to sort of recruit somebody to do something, but it's not organized or created by ISIS. Right?

PERINO: And that apparently is one of the things that they've asked. Is for followers around the world who can't make it there to join them in the fight if they could carry out something in their communities.

Just three weeks ago, we had the beheading in Oklahoma. I can't remember the name of the town, and I apologize for that. But the beheading in Oklahoma, we still -- that investigation, I guess, is still ongoing. But we very well might find out that, as he's reading through on his Facebook page and he's being inspired by ISIS...


PERINO: ... that he thinks, OK this might be a way that I can contribute to the cause.

GUILFOYLE: It could be ISIS inspired. Right. We don't know.

BECKEL: Do you agree, Greg, that this is a good way to get instances like this to happen?

GUTFELD: Yes, because there's losers all over the world that look for inspiration.

You know who did link this to terror is Glenn Greenwald, who tweeted a few hours ago: "Canada, at war for 13 years, shocked that a terrorist attacked it -- attacked its soldiers." He's a real winner.

Look, as horrible as this is, this is his goal, is to try to create chaos and fear. But remember, there were more shootings in Chicago over the weekend and more fatalities. We have to keep it in context.

BECKEL: They -- Kimberly, if they have -- the purpose of terror is to terrorize people, obviously. Get people very frightened. Look at those scenes coming out of that Canadian Parliament.

GUILFOYLE: Well, they -- well, then it achieved the purpose. If in fact that was the goal, then they've achieved it. We just have to find out more about this individual, because this is going to be interesting.

BOLLING: Can I throw this in very quick. ISIS did tweet, taking credit for it. They said soldiers of ISIS declare war on coalition countries. Quote, "We are everywhere." So they're certainly taking credit for it.

BECKEL: All right. "One More Thing" is up next.


GUILFOYLE: All right. It's time now for "One More Thing." We begin with Dana.

BASH: OK. I just want to remind everybody that there's a big protest that continues to go on in Hong Kong. Students there, hundreds of thousands of them, all gathered, and they finally were able to get the government to agree to a talk today. They didn't get any promises made to them, but at least it was a little bit of a softening, maybe an opening, and this was interesting: it was broadcast live.

So it looks like maybe the government officials are getting a little bit more with the times there. And anyway, I just want to say that those students deserve our support and continued -- support. Support. I think I need cough medicine.

BOLLING: Support.

PERINO: I need support!

GUTFELD: You have codeine. That always works.


GUTFELD: Even when you're well.

BOLLING: OK. So two of my favorite things in the world, "Walking Dead" and also Dana Carvey. He was with Conan O'Brien last night. Watch this.


DANA CARVEY, COMEDIAN: Sheriff Rick is always leading them, and he's always out in the force. They haven't walked or ran anywhere, and he's always out of breath, if you notice.

"Let me tell you something. We're not going that way. We're going that way."

And then the old man's like, "Listen to yourself. You're out of breath, Rick. You need more cardio."

It does sound a bit like Bill Clinton, doesn't it?


BOLLING: All right. Could have been Bill Clinton and George Bush.


BOLLING: But it was still funny.

GUILFOYLE: I don't know.

All right. This is a good one. All right. So I ask you, who's afraid of the big bad wolf? Yes. Not Johnny Depp, because he is playing the bad guy. And now you see this "Entertainment Weekly." They have four different covers of Johnny Depp, and this is the first one that has come out revealed ahead of this December movie, "Into the Woods." A lot of people very excited about it. He's a great actor, so I'm looking forward to seeing what he did with it. Meryl Streep in this movie, as well.


GUILFOYLE: The witch.

Why are you booing that? It's not about the royals.

GUTFELD: Depp needs more press?


BECKEL: My favorite -- my favorite food is under attack, Twinkies. First of all, you've got to understand something. Twinkies is not vegan or veg, whatever they call that ridiculous movement. Twinkies are not vegetarian; Twinkies are made with beef fat. OK. Now, what's the problem here? The Huffington Post writers say this is a problem with it, and I going to do this so Greg can get in.

Twinkies never made a promise to be healthy. They simply made a promise to make you feel good. And they make me feel good. So there.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. I thought you gave up sugar.

BECKEL: Not today. No, now, but I get off this diet, I'm going to eat a bunch of them.

GUILFOYLE: OK, wow, that was weird -- Greg.

GUTFELD: Horoscope today for me "You think you may know everything there is to know about someone, but what happens today and tomorrow will help you realize that there's more to them than meets the eye. Also the lady next to you is going to make you really sick." Amazing.


PERINO: I need help.

GUILFOYLE: And also you can check me out, Greta tonight. She's emceeing a charity event with President Bush.

Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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