Ainsley Earhardt's grilled flounder with Mama's grits and grilled corn salad

It's Day 2 of the 'Fox & Friends' summer grilling contest!

· 2 tbs extra-virgin olive oil
·  1 lemon, cut in half   
·  1 large tomato, sliced thickly  
·  4 6-8-ounce flounder fillets
·  Salt and freshly ground black pepper
·  Aluminum foil

Take flounder fillets and brush both sides with olive oil and season with salt and pepper to taste. Squeeze ½ lemon juice over the fillets.
FOR EASY NO-MESS GRILLING: Take a large piece of aluminum foil and lightly brush with olive oil to prevent sticking. Place each fillet on aluminum foil and crimp edges around  to create edges. Place foil on grill and let fish grill on each side for about 3-4 minutes. 
FOR STEAMING: Only heat up half the grill (or place part of grill on low heat). Take a longer piece of aluminum foil (enough to be able to cover the filets with) and place seasoned fish filets on it. Can slice the other lemon half and place one on each filet. Take the foil and fold up the edges around the fish so that it's completely sealed, creating a loose tent. Place on the unlit/low heat part of the grill and close the top so the heat from the other side cooks the fish lightly. Cook for about 10-12 minutes (depending on fish’s thickness).  
No matter which method, when fish is done cooking place sliced fresh tomato on the side and serve.

· 1 cup old fashioned Quaker grits
· 4 cups water
· 1/4 tsp salt
· 1/4 cup butter
· 1/4 cup heavy cream

Bring water to a boil. Slowly stir in grits and salt until grits are well mixed. Reduce heat, cover and cook low and slow, stirring occasionally. Will cook for about 15-30 minutes, until thickened. Stir in the butter and heavy cream (can add more or less to taste).  
· 5 ears of corn, shucked
· 1 small red onion, diced
· 3 tbs cider vinegar
· 1 tbs extra virgin olive oil
· Salt and freshly ground black pepper (to taste)
· 1/2 cup julienned fresh basil leaves

Soak corn in a bowl of salted water for about 1 hour prior to cooking. Brush grill and corn with olive oil. Once grill is hot, place corn cob on it, turning every 2 min or so. Will be done after about 5-10 minutes. Can place in cold water to stop cooking and cool down. Once cool, cut the kernels off the cob, cutting close to the cob. Toss the kernels in a large bowl with the red onions, vinegar, olive oil, and salt & pepper. Just before serving, toss in the fresh basil. Serve cold or at room temperature.

Serve meal with a nice bottle of white wine and peach cobbler for dessert!

And don't forget to vote for your favorite recipe!