8-year-old is YouTube's highest-paid creator of 2019

This is a rush transcript from "The Greg Gutfeld Show," December 21, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


President Donald Trump: Bill Clinton said to Crooked Hillary, his very dishonest wife --

Multiple Speakers: [unintelligible]

President Donald Trump: -- said, "Crooked Hillary" -- do you think he calls her Crooked Hillary, or am I --


President Donald Trump: Maybe he just calls her "Crooked."



Greg Gutfeld, host: You know, I bet she calls Bill, "Crooked," too. [cheering]


Greg Gutfeld: All right, all right, all right, all right. Stop it. So, the biggest story in history is one we already saw coming, and it was one we knew the ending to. And we knew, also that it would implode. But if you watch the news, you'd think differently. I mean, could this be the day that Donald Trump officially became a marked man forever?


Male Speaker: This is the day that Donald Trump officially became a marked man.


Male Speaker: And now there's a mark, a permanent mark, on his record.




Male Speaker: The stain on his name is permanent.



Male Speaker: This is an indelible stain on the record, the legacy, of Donald Trump.


Greg Gutfeld: Oh, they love those stains.


I haven't seen so many sour pusses since I fed my cats a box of Lemon Heads.


It was funny when I wrote it.


And then, there were those who were practically pooping in their pants. You are not asleep. This is not a dream.


Male Speaker: You are not asleep.


Male Speaker: This is not a dream. This is really happening. This is your life. This is our country.



Female Speaker: It's freaking amazing --


Female Speaker: -- that Bill Crystal and you --

Male Speaker: Yeah [laughs].

Female Speaker: -- and every Republican I've known my whole career is, like, "Wow, Nancy Pelosi."

Male Speaker: And --



Nancy Pelosi: It seems like people have a spring in their step because the president was held accountable for his reckless behavior.


Greg Gutfeld: [affirmative] "Spring in your step?" Nancy, that could be your hip popping a gasket.


Now, imagine being one of their faithful supporters, all right. And you wake up today and you realize that Donald Trump, he's still here. Wait. You mean he's not gone and, in fact, he's going nowhere?

Male Speaker:: [inaudible]

Greg Gutfeld: And. get this, he's not even concerned --


Greg Gutfeld: -- because he always bounces back. Here's tape of him waking up after that impeachment vote.





Greg Gutfeld: Every single time they try to pull something on this guy, he gets away. Everything the Dems try fails. Take their reasons for impeachment. My favorite one: that the president has learned he is not above the law. Well, considering that no laws were broken, what the hell does that mean? It's like saying, "The president has learned he is not above a fried pickle." [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah, I guess so. But it's not really relevant, you moron. So, what's impeachment, really, to the Dems? It reminds me of high school. You'd flunk a test, so, you know, you'd burn down the school. [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: It didn't -- it didn't change anything, but it felt good. Everybody's done that, right? [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: Same thing with impeachment: Trump's enemies are happy in failure. But if you know this entire exercise will go down to defeat, why the glee? Because it really wasn't about justice. It was an emotional act designed by bitter people to make you feel bad. Right, Adam?

Female Speaker: And now -- [LAUGHTER]

Female Speaker: -- Adam Schiff receives a Christmas present. [LAUGHTER]


Male Speaker: Well, superb work, everyone. We're so close to our goal of impeachment. Now, everyone back to work.

Male Speaker: Well, you know, boss, before you go, you're doing such a great job with this impeachment stuff. We all pooled our money together and got you something.

Male Speaker: [affirmative] [LAUGHTER]

Male Speaker: It's beautiful. [LAUGHTER]

Male Speaker: No, wait. That's not -- okay.

Male Speaker: I love it. [LAUGHTER]

Male Speaker: Just as Alexander Graham Bell envisioned it. [LAUGHTER]

Male Speaker: Well, time to impeach.


Greg Gutfeld: Still, the word of the week was "historic." Yet whether it was the gibbering clowns at CNN or the nation's capital, they all want you to believe this impeachment was momentous, bigger and louder than Eric Swalwell's flatulence. [LAUGHTER] They're right, but for the wrong reasons. This is historical in that it's the first impeachment designed for future crimes. It's not what Trump has done, but what he might do later. Really, if we could punish people for stuff they didn't do, then we'd have to impeach the entire Congress. That's why they're putting off the vote, so they could find actual dirt, but if their case was so strong, why stall? Why demand more witnesses? To use a hockey phrase, isn't this a slam dunk? [LAUGHTER]The reality: The impeachment has been cheapened. It's now on par with an angry review on Yelp. Right, Adam?


Female Speaker: And now Adam Schiff tries to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Adam Schiff: You can do this, Adam. Shouldn't be too hard.

[LAUGHTER] Almost, Adam. It's more difficult than I thought. Nailed it. [LAUGHTER] Go, Adam, go.


Greg Gutfeld: Oh, it gets more and more disturbing every day.

[LAUGHTER] But this is historical for another reason, too. We've seen the media for what it is, an ambulance chaser that only chases imaginary ambulances. Every story they chase collapses in a mild breeze. Happily, Trump is now treating the media the way the media treated you. For decades, the press could fashion a narrative to denigrate you as greedy, bigoted, narrow-minded, sexist. It was always a vertical relationship. There was you, and the media on top treating you like their own personal outhouse. Now the media is on the receiving end, getting their ass kicked by Orange Godzilla. [LAUGHTER] Trump pulled back the curtain, and we see the bias, the arrogance, the lies they portray as fact, and with that, Trump has now turned impeachment into an advantage. It's now like a cool scar you got a knife fight in a dive bar after defending an orphan from a gang of mad bikers. I mean, think about it. You usher in the best economy maybe in history, with success after success, and the reward is impeachment. I think you've got to wear that with pride. Sell shirts, badges, bumper stickers. "Trump 2020, the greatest impeachment ever." [LAUGHTER] [APPLAUSE]

Greg Gutfeld: No, no, no, no, no. It's not over. What do you make of that, Adam?


Female Speaker: And now, Adam Schiff gives a Christmas present.

Male Speaker: Looking good. Just need some ornaments, and then I think we're good to go here. Whoa, hey, Adam. What's up, buddy?

Adam Schiff: I got you this.

Male Speaker: This is amazing. How did you know I wanted new skis?

Adam Schiff: What are skis? Look, it's a big red bow. Take it.

Male Speaker: Well, okay.

Adam Schiff: Use it for wrapping, decorating.

Male Speaker: Thanks, I guess.

Adam Schiff: Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go slide down a snowy mountain on my bare feet.

Male Speaker: Isn't that skiing?

Adam Schiff: Call it what you will.

Male Speaker: All right.



Greg Gutfeld: Let's welcome tonight's guests. Every photo of him is doctored; host of the Dr. Drew podcast, Dr. Drew Pinsky. [APPLAUSE] She's so bright, she wears a lampshade as a hat. The Federalist contributor, Kate Hyde. [APPLAUSE] She's sweet, petite, and rarely brushes her teeth. Host of "Sincerely Kat" on Fox Nation, Kat Timpf. [APPLAUSE] He gets claustrophobic in airplane hangars. My massive sidekick and host of "‘Nuff Said" on Fox Nation, Tyrus. [APPLAUSE] Dr. Drew, you claim to be a doctor.

Drew Pinsky: Come on now.

Greg Gutfeld: I know. Oh, no, you are. You're a great doctor. There's this -- this is a psychological phenomenon, because you're having -- you're seeing people pretend that a failure is a success.

Drew Pinsky: Yeah, and why the rush to impeachment? Remember, there was a rush, and then a hold. Why was there a rush in the first place if we're just going to hold on to it? Very weird. And, yeah, it's something we've seen since the 2016 election, which is projection. I'm feeling aggressive and angry, so I'm seeing it in you.

Greg Gutfeld: Right. I do that a lot.

Drew Pinsky: You are aggressive -- well, you are aggressive and angry. That's a different thing. But --

Greg Gutfeld: I project a lot of things, Dr. Drew.

Kat Timpf: Yeah, like maybe you don't brush your teeth. [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: I knew that was going to upset you.

Kat Timpf: Don't attack my hygiene. [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: Dr. Drew, where do you see this going?

Drew Pinsky: You know, I was at the White House yesterday -- day before yesterday, and I was this close to President Trump. I said, "Are you okay?" He looked tired to me. And he said [sound effect]. He was going on and was literally signing policy right there. Like, [sound effect]. He goes, "I'm going to help the American people, and that's that." We were doing -- we had a great meeting about mental health in America, a really -- just a tremendous group, and he came in and spoke a little bit and was very, very inspiring. That's what always kills me. Whatever is going on in that White House never gets out. It never gets out. The press just never lets that out, which is always extraordinary to see. Every time I go in there, I think, "If people only knew what was going on, the quality of the staff" --

Greg Gutfeld: How was his health?

Drew Pinsky: He looked okay.

Greg Gutfeld: All right.

Drew Pinsky: He looked good. I mean, I didn't --

Greg Gutfeld: You are a doctor.

Drew Pinsky: -- do an assessment. He looked a little tired, but --

Greg Gutfeld: [unintelligible]

Drew Pinsky: -- I wouldn't blame him.

Greg Gutfeld: All right. What about you, Kate? What did you make of the week so far?

Kate Hyde: Yeah, you know, the only thing historic about this is how much indifference there is surrounding it. There's a reason why Trump is unphased about being impeached. It's just because no one cares, and this impeachment really -- for the last three years, it's reminded me of the Austin Powers scene with the steamroller that, you know, they're screaming for, what, a full minute, and everyone sees what's coming. And then it comes, and it's not a shock, and you just go, "Oh, we were expecting that." So, that's all it is, and all it's done -- that steamroller has picked up soundbites and video clips that are all going toward Trump's 2020 campaign, and that's going to secure that reelection. He doesn't have a reason to be worried.

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah. What about you, Kat? What's your assessment?

Kat Timpf: My assessment is I was alarmed by how many human adults thought that the fact that Trump was impeached meant that he was no longer the president. [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: That's amazing.

Drew Pinsky: Wasn't it something?

Kat Timpf: Listen, #ByeTrump was trending on Twitter. This was my favorite one. I just want to share it.

Drew Pinsky: It's like 30 percent of people following, right?

Kat Timpf: Yeah, yeah.

Drew Pinsky: [unintelligible] number.

Kat Timpf: This was my favorite tweet, though. "When Trump was elected, I stood in a classroom in South Korea." So, you know she's a teacher. That's great.

Drew Pinsky: Uh-oh.

Kat Timpf: "My first-grade students watched with me in horror and voiced their deep concern. Today is a new day and a new hope." [American flag emoji], #ByeTrump, #TrumpImpeachment. And below that was a video of the munchkins in the Wizard of Oz singing to Ding-Dong, The Witch is Dead. Now, in the past, I have criticized people for passionately talking about things that they have not adequately researched. I'm going to lower that bar for everyone. Don't speak passionately about something if you don't know what the word means. Can we start there? I think that that's a good start.

Greg Gutfeld: I had a relative -- and I'm not going to say who because some of them are in the audience -- who actually texted me and said, "Is Trump president?" Yes.

Kat Timpf: There's Google. You can Google.

Greg Gutfeld: I know, there is Google. You can check on that, Tyrus.

Tyrus: I'm not going to check on that. Impeachment for me is a lot like probation that you don't have to check in. It ain't there, you know what I'm saying? I look at it like -- no, for real. When you're on -- no, I haven't been on probation, okay?


Drew Pinsky: I get it, I get it.

Tyrus: But I wear a chain and a hat. I know some people who have had some issues, and if you're on --

Greg Gutfeld: Your ankle is beeping.

Tyrus: Let's go -- you know what? Forget probation. Let's go another route. I'll go another route, okay? Animal House. Secret double probation.

Greg Gutfeld: Right.

Tyrus: Oh, damn, I went back to probation. But it's literally that serious to Republicans. "You're on probation." "Okay, you're on probation." "You're on -- we're all on" -- you know, "We're all impeached." Like, it literally was the worst best idea they had, was, "We're going to impeach him." And then what? "Well, that's it."

[LAUGHTER] "You're impeached." Okay. So, what can't I do? "You -- well -- I mean, nothing." Okay, then. It's awkward silence. That's what impeachment feels like. Everyone is like, "Now what?" "You're impeached, and we'll impeach you again." It's like an English police officer. "Stop, or I'll yell stop again." Like, okay, you know. [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: It is. It -- they have no power. It's beautiful. All right, we've got more to come. We've got Trump's rally and the debate next. Stick around.


Greg Gutfeld: Impeached like a day at the beach. Instead of hanging around Washington with an impeachment vote down the street, Trump flew to Michigan Wednesday to hang out with an arena full of people who love him. Know who else loves him? Union labor. Union labor loves him. But does he love me, too?


President Donald Trump: Union labor loves me. And I love you, too, sir. [cheering] I love you too, sir. [END VIDEO CLIP]

Greg Gutfeld: But then there are those he doesn't love you. [LAUGHTER] "You got this guy, Schiff." [BEGIN VIDEO CLIP]

President Donald Trump: You got this guy Schiff. [LAUGHTER]

President Donald Trump: With me, too, I never even think about looks anymore, okay?

Male Speaker: [inaudible]

President Donald Trump: I don't talk about looks of a male or female. [LAUGHTER]

President Donald Trump: But, in his case, let's just say -- last time I'll ever refer to this -- he's not exactly the best-looking guy we've ever seen. [LAUGHTER]


Male Speaker: [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: And, "Comey, who's another beauty." [BEGIN VIDEO CLIP]

President Donald Trump: Comey, who's another beauty -- [LAUGHTER]

President Donald Trump: -- did I do a great job when I fired his ass? [cheering]


Greg Gutfeld: This had everything but the kitchen sink. Wait, I take that back: "sinks, showers, all of this stuff." [BEGIN VIDEO CLIP]

President Donald Trump: Sinks, showers, all of this stuff -- I did a lot of it -- the water comes out. You have areas where there's so much water, you don't know what to do with it. You turn on the shower, you're not allowed to have any water anymore.


Greg Gutfeld: Hey, remember the dishwasher? You press it: boom.


President Donald Trump: Remember the dishwasher? [LAUGHTER]

President Donald Trump: You'd press it, boom, there'd be, like, an explosion. Five minutes later, you open it up, the steam pours out, the dishes -- now, you press it 12 times. Women tell me, again, "You know, they give you four drops of water -- [LAUGHTER] -- and they're in places where there's so much water, they don't know what to do with it. [LAUGHTER] So, we just came out with a rag and dishwashers. We're going back to you. By the way, by the time they press it 10 times, you spend more on water and electric.


Greg Gutfeld: He is our nation's cabdriver.

Male Speaker: I know [laughs]. [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: In the "old days," he would say, "mankind." [BEGIN VIDEO CLIP]

President Donald Trump: In the old days, I would say, "mankind." Now, I say, "mankind, womankind." This way, I don't get in trouble -- [LAUGHTER] -- with our friends.


Greg Gutfeld: Good thinking. And what about our military pilots? Did he go up to them? Are they better looking than Tom Cruise? Be honest.


President Donald Trump: I went up to the pilots and, honestly, they're better looking than Tom Cruise, okay? [LAUGHTER] [cheering]

President Donald Trump: Good movie. Good guy, too, by the way.

Male Speaker: Trump.

President Donald Trump: The faces equal, maybe slightly better. [LAUGHTER]


Greg Gutfeld: What is happening --

Male Speaker: [laughs]

Greg Gutfeld: -- to this world?

How about the body?


President Donald Trump: Body's bigger and stronger. [LAUGHTER]

President Donald Trump: They can definitely fight. [END VIDEO CLIP]

Greg Gutfeld: Is he talking about a military pilot or Lou Dobbs? [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: So, while Capitol Hill votes for something that has the potential for chaos and instability, Trump keeps doing what he does best. And, in that way, he reassures us that the economy's fine, the future's fine, we're all going to be fine. In other words --


President Donald Trump: It doesn't really feel like we're being impeached? Do you -- [LAUGHTER]


Greg Gutfeld: [laughs] It doesn't, Kate. Another rare performance.

Kat Timpf: Oh, man. He was really unruly in this one.

Greg Gutfeld: [laughs] Yes.

Kat Timpf: This was really good. And this was during his impeachment.

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah.

Kat Timpf: So, he was just trying to drown out all the other noise. And what I loved is that you had people on Hillary's team, including Hillary herself, talking about the impeachment. And people on her team are saying, "Where are the protests? Where are the Trump supporters?"

Male Speaker: [laughs]

Kat Timpf: "Why are they not out on the streets about this?"

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah.

Kat Timpf: And it's, like, "Are you looking at this rally?"

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah [laughs].

Kat Timpf: That's the protest.

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah [laughs].

Kat Timpf: They don't want him gone.

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah.

Kat Timpf: And then, they got into the whole fight about how many people showed up all over again, just like the inauguration. And they never -- never learn.

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah, it's [unintelligible]. And, you know, it's such a juxtaposition, Kat, between the people cheering and the somber media is quite striking.

Kat Timpf: Absolutely. And you know what else is striking? I know a lot of people on the left like to say that, you know, "Hardcore Trump supporters -- Trump supporters are all stupid."

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah.

Kat Timpf: Right? I mean, and yet, I'm looking at this rally. These are these are hardcore Trump supporters. That's why they're at a rally.

Greg Gutfeld: Yes.

Kat Timpf: You know, nobody goes to a rally for something they're just kind of, like, "It's okay." They don't go to the rally. That's why there's no rallies for, like, canned peas, and mulch, and that kind of stuff. [LAUGHTER]

Kat Timpf: But they were all happy and excited -- [LAUGHTER]

Kat Timpf: -- despite the fact that Trump was getting impeached --

Drew Pinsky: Right.

Kat Timpf: -- which leads me to believe they know he's still the president, which means they know what the word means. [LAUGHTER]

Drew Pinsky: Oh, yeah.

Greg Gutfeld: Yes.

Kat Timpf: On the right --

Drew Pinsky: Good deduction.

Kat Timpf: -- everybody ought -- the -- because the people on the left, they didn't know what it means. And then, they're --

Greg Gutfeld: Yes.

Kat Timpf: -- going call them "idiots?" I'm sorry. They got a better vocabulary.

Greg Gutfeld: That's a good point. You know, Tyrus, we talked about this a lot, but he came from the world, your world --

Tyrus: Okay.

Greg Gutfeld: -- of wrestling.

Tyrus: Yes, he did.

Greg Gutfeld: He did. And that is why -- this is why it works.

Tyrus: Well, not just that. I mean, we've got some idiots in wrestling, too. But -- [LAUGHTER]

Tyrus: -- it's the art of the promo.

Greg Gutfeld: Right.

Tyrus: If you can talk trash about your opponent --

Greg Gutfeld: [affirmative]

Tyrus: -- nobody really cares about anything else.

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah, but --

Tyrus: They don't care about the policy or the debate.

Drew Pinsky: But the opponent gets pissed off.

Tyrus: And Momma gets pissed off.

Drew Pinsky: But that's why -- [LAUGHTER]

Drew Pinsky: -- everyone's reacting to him. He goes -- he loves that rhetoric that goes --

Tyrus: They -- but they --

Drew Pinsky: -- "Let's go."

Tyrus: -- can't. And my point is he's -- Donald Trump is so good on the mic --

Drew Pinsky: Yeah.

Tyrus: -- that no Democrat will really go at him for fear of what happened.

Drew Pinsky: Right.

Tyrus: I mean -- [LAUGHTER]

Tyrus: -- keep it real. Even if you die --

Greg Gutfeld: [laughs] Yes.

Tyrus: -- he'll hit your ass up. [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: [laughs] Well, yeah, it's true.

Tyrus: I mean, there's no -- [APPLAUSE]

Greg Gutfeld: That's true.

Tyrus: -- there's no safe zone. [APPLAUSE]

Greg Gutfeld: I don't condone that. I don't --

Tyrus: No, no, I'm --

Greg Gutfeld: -- condone it --

Tyrus: But I'm just --

Greg Gutfeld: But I pretty much --

Tyrus: -- making a point.

Greg Gutfeld: -- know it's going to happen.

Tyrus: Yeah, I'm just making a point. If he's willing to go there --

Greg Gutfeld: Yes.

Tyrus: -- and your only comeback is, "Sir, I keep it high," like, "while you go low," he's going to -- and then, you just gave him more. Like, he is the master of the mic and there is no point debating him.

Greg Gutfeld: There's no -- it's --

Drew Pinsky: But, thus, you can only do things like chant, "Impeachment."

Greg Gutfeld: Yes, yeah.

Drew Pinsky: "You got to do something. I'm going to -- I'm going to impeach him."

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah. Though, it's -- to your point, though, is I maintain that he's an equal -- well, he's an equal opportunity offender. Everybody gets upset. But I stress everybody: white people, black people, people who are alive -- [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: -- people who are dead. [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: He will go after anybody. And it's just, like -- it's almost, like, he might be the most colorblind person [laughs] on the planet. He doesn't even see a pulse, doctor.

Drew Pinsky: I -- listen, I agree. Speaking of not having a pulse --

Greg Gutfeld: [laughs]

Drew Pinsky: -- I just discovered that I am --

Kat Timpf: I am listening. [laugher]

President Donald Trump: -- I have lived for the last 20 years in Adam Schiff's congressional district.

Greg Gutfeld: Oh, really? And you didn't even know that?

Drew Pinsky: I didn't even know it. And I don't think he was there for the fires. We are drowning. The roads are falling apart. We are -- he's part of Hollywood, is what he represents.

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah.

Drew Pinsky: Have you been to Hollywood lately and seen the encampments? I think I'm going to run for Congress.

Greg Gutfeld: You should.

Drew Pinsky: I mean, I --

Greg Gutfeld: You would win.

Drew Pinsky: -- somebody's got to do something. [cheering]

Drew Pinsky: Somebody's got to do something.

Kat Timpf: [laughs]

Greg Gutfeld: All right. We got a lot more after this. [cheering]


Aishah Hasnie: Live from America's News Headquarters, I'm Aishah Hasnie. U.S. officials are reportedly bracing for North Korea to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching American shores. That is according to a New York Times report. The North recently promised a, quote, "Christmas gift to the U.S." Meanwhile, there are also multiple reports of new satellite images that show new work and the expansions of buildings associated with the production of long-range missile launchers. Meantime, in Guatemala, at least 21 people are dead after a bus collided with a tractor-trailer, at least nine children among the victims there. Twelve people were hurt. Firefighters say the truck appeared to have collided with the bus from behind. Both drivers are reportedly in police custody. No word on what caused that crash. I'm Aishah Hasnie. Now back to the Greg Gutfeld Show.


Male Speaker: And now, the Greg Gutfeld Show presents the 2020 "can't-didates."

Greg Gutfeld: Thursday's debate was held on PBS, otherwise known as Pretty Boring Stuff. [LAUGHTER] The most interesting part had nothing to do with policy. In fact, this part was the only thing I learned in the whole debate.


Elizabeth Warren: The mayor just recently had a fundraiser that was held in a wine cave full of crystals and served $900-a-bottle wine. Think about who comes to that. Billionaires in wine caves should not pick the next president of the United States.

Pete Buttigieg: I'm literally the only person on this stage who's not a millionaire or a billionaire. This is the problem with issuing purity tests you cannot yourself pass.


Greg Gutfeld: A wine cave? That sounds awesome, like an underground rocky area where you drink wine.

Drew Pinsky: A wine lair.

Greg Gutfeld: A wine lair. I stopped listening after that and started Googling wine caves. [LAUGHTER] It turns out I can make one of my own. What happened then?


Amy Klobuchar: I have never even been to a wine cave. I've been to the Wind Cave in South Dakota.


Greg Gutfeld: A wind cave? Is that something Swalwell invented?

[LAUGHTER] [APPLAUSE] You can always count on a good fart joke to get applause. I'm sure it's not as much fun as a wine cave. Anything else?


Joe Biden: Put your hand out for a second, Bernie, okay? [LAUGHTER]

Bernie Sanders: Just waving to you, Joe.

Joe Biden: I know, I know.

Bernie Sanders: Just saying hello.


Greg Gutfeld: They're so cute, bickering like they've been married 50 years, like the two old guys in the Muppets.

[LAUGHTER] After the debate, Liz goes on CNN, which is another network somewhere, and she's asked about Trump going after Biden, which led to the impeachment, and then she says this.


Elizabeth Warren: I can't get into the head of Donald Trump. That's just -- that's a really horrible place to go. I think that Donald Trump looks out for Donald Trump. If he had to step on a cute little kitten to get something done that would help himself --

Male Speaker: He obviously feared Biden as a --


Greg Gutfeld: [laughs] A kitten. Yeah, you can't get into Donald Trump's head, but she's pretty sure he would step on a kitten. So, another debate where we learned nothing, and maybe none of it matters anyway, because a USA Today poll shows Trump beating them all. [APPLAUSE] It's going to be a long slog between now and November. I think I'm going to pass the time hanging with my dog. He loves it when I dress like Mickey Mouse.


Male Speaker: Oh, you're a cute one.

Do you like squeaky toys?

[squeaking] [screaming]



Greg Gutfeld: That was fantastic. Tyrus. Okay, I'm just going to assume you watched this.

Tyrus: Okay, you know what, Greg? I'm going to keep it real. I have not been watching, but last night I was like, "Damn it, Tyrus, forget about the NBA game, Forensic Files. You're going to watch this." And I put it on, and I spent most of the time fighting my hands to change it. But I sat through it; I watched it. I did it. I did that. I did that [expletive]. [APPLAUSE] And what did I learn?

Greg Gutfeld: What?

Tyrus: That the smartest guy on the stage is Yang. He had the best original ideas, and I was like --

Drew Pinsky: About nuclear energy.

Tyrus: -- "Even if he's" -- and he's not going to get it, because he's not -- CNN didn't choose him.

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Tyrus: See, that's the thing I've learned about -- they are deciding for the people. It's the same mistake they made with Hillary last time. They decided, "Hillary is our choice. Forget what the crowds are saying," and they're doing it again. The smartest guy in the thing, when it was over, didn't want to talk to them. He had the best, most original ideas, and honestly, that cat right there was killing it. But he's not what they want. He's not what the Democratic Party wants, and he's probably their best shot.

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah. You know, he's the only person of color, Dr. Drew.

Drew Pinsky: He is.

Greg Gutfeld: And I'm including Liz Warren, who is obviously a Native American. [LAUGHTER]

Drew Pinsky: Hey, he had some cool ideas about nuclear energy, which we have to get into if we're going to solve all of our problems.

Greg Gutfeld: He even mentioned a word I'd never heard of.

Drew Pinsky: Thorium.

Kate Hyde: Thorium.

Greg Gutfeld: Thorium. Who mentions thorium in a debate?

Drew Pinsky: Good for him. He knows what he's talking about.

Greg Gutfeld: I mean, one of Hunter's kids. Anyway, go ahead. [LAUGHTER]

Drew Pinsky: You lost me. No, I'm just saying if we're going to solve the climate issues and the -- you know, the carbon emissions, we're going to have -- listen, do you understand that most of the carbon that we save in California is given back with our fires?

Greg Gutfeld: Yes, that's true.

Drew Pinsky: Most of it. And so, what are we doing? If we're going to do something, we're going to have to get nuclear energy and carbon scrubbing. If you're really interested in solving this problem, we're going to have to do this, and he mentioned that. Did you catch that?

Tyrus: Yeah, I watched -- like I said, I watched the whole -- I fell asleep, like, one or two times. I did switch to the game, because it was good. It was Lakers and Milwaukee, and I was like, "Oh, got to go back, got to go back." And then Yang was up. He was like 127 to 135. I think he was at -- no, I'm putting them together. [LAUGHTER] No, but I thought -- and here's the thing. Here's the difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. I could see President Trump reaching out to him, saying, "I like some of your ideas. What have you got?"

Greg Gutfeld: Right. That's true.

Tyrus: So, I think that is -- because he's done. He got no airtime, and he honestly dominated.

Drew Pinsky: All I can tell you is when I visit that White House, all I find is people who want to help change the lives of Americans. And I do not find that in Sacramento; I do not find that in L.A. city. This -- it's very different. The people working there want to help the people of America, whomever they have to reach their hand out to.

Greg Gutfeld: All right, let me bring these other people into this conversation. It's hard to watch the debate with all this other stuff going on, Kate.

Kate Hyde: You think so? I find it very entertaining, actually.

Greg Gutfeld: Yes.

Kate Hyde: You know what? Tyrus is right that Yang had a lot of really good points to make, and I think that's why he will not be seen ever again. [LAUGHTER] That's why Tulsi is out; that's why Marianne Williamson after -- you know, those candidates -- they just knife the ones that they're trying to prop up. I have to say I'm actually very proud of Biden this time. He's launched this new No Malarkey tour. He had very little malarkey yesterday. The little bit that he had, he was able to get it out there. Everyone said, "Oh, no, he gaffed," and then he said, "I'm kidding, guy," and everyone went, "[cheering]." He completely cleared it. He's learned a new tactic to get these gaffes out of the way.

Greg Gutfeld: He -- that was his best debate ever, but, of course, we know that's a low bar, Kat. Why did you make of this whole mess?

Kat Timpf: I was infuriated, because Elizabeth Warren -- remember when she did that little video where she's like, "Oh, I'm going to have a beer. Hey, you want a beer?" Okay, she wants us to think she's fun, right? I'm sorry, but if you are criticizing someone for going to a wine cave --

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah, you're no fun.

Kat Timpf: -- you don't get to pretend you're fun. I don't care if there's billionaires there; I don't care who's there. It is a wine cave. I very much want to go to a wine cave. [LAUGHTER] I drank wine lots of places. I drank wine, you know, at a bar, on my couch, this one time on the Greyhound bus coming out of Pittsburgh at 3:00 a.m., because I was very stressed out that the man behind me was going to stab me to death, because he was just on the phone talking about how he got out of prison, but, you know, "Call me now." If I'm invited to a wine cave, I'm going, because I'm fun, and you are not, Elizabeth Warren. You are not fun if you're going to criticize a wine cave.


Greg Gutfeld: It's a good point.

Kat Timpf: She's been sitting at home drinking Metamucil, and I know it. [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: If you add "cave" to anything, it's fun.

Kat Timpf: Yes, it is.

Greg Gutfeld: Right? Cave cave.

Kat Timpf: Except Metamucil cave.

Greg Gutfeld: Space cave.

Tyrus: Murder cave?

Greg Gutfeld: No murder cave. [LAUGHTER] Well, maybe. Murder Cave, tonight at 9:00 after MacGyver. Up next, a story that will upset you.



Greg Gutfeld: He's 8 years old and worth his weight in gold. Forbes Magazine, whatever that is, has ranked the highest-paid YouTube stars of 2019. The top of the list? Ryan Kaji, I think that's him. He's got a channel called "Ryan's World." It's like "Watters' World," but with charm. [LAUGHTER] Anyway, hope that gets back to him. Anyway, on Ryan's show, he reviews toys. He does science experiments. He does arts and crafts. And for that, he made $26 million this year. I know, I hate him. [LAUGHTER] I hate everything about him. I could review toys. I could've made a volcano out of baking soda and vinegar, whoop-de-do. But was there YouTube back then so I could make $26 million when I was 8? No, I had to go to college, which sucked. All college did was teach me how to throw up in my shoes. So to make up for lost time and money, here's my arts and crafts channel on YouTube.




Greg Gutfeld: Well, that's $26 million. That's my cooking channel, Kat. What do you think?

Kat Timpf: Well, you know, it's interesting that you just said you hate an 8-year-old [LAUGHTER] because I watched these videos. I watched several of them. I watched a recent one where he --

Drew Pinsky: How do you have enough time to do that and keep up on all the teen [unintelligible]

Kat Timpf: Because it's important research.

Drew Pinsky: But all the teen mom shows, too, you watch.

Kat Timpf: Well, because teen mom, I carve that, it's a devotion every morning, I -- he had a LEGO maze and he was shifting a marble around and he was saying things like "wow" and "whoa" [LAUGHTER] and then a cartoon penguin, a purple penguin named Peck appeared on the screen and we learned how the maze was made. And I could give a very honest, well-informed review of this, but I'm not going to do that because you apparently are not aware -- I said this before -- when you're talking about children on the air, you're only allowed to say that they are stars, geniuses, and inspirations. So, Ryan, you're a genius. You're a star. You're an inspiration. I can't believe you only made $26 million. I can't believe you only had 4.1 million views on that video of you playing a Pacman board game. Three words: Watch out, Scorsese.

[LAUGHTER] Cinematography like that, and, you know, just -- he's a star. And, Greg --

Greg Gutfeld: I get it.

Kat Timpf: -- you hate an 8-year-old, so --

Greg Gutfeld: I do. Yeah, I do. Well, I hate everything, Kate, so it makes sense that I would also include an 8-year-old in my hatred.

Kate Hyde: Yeah. You know, I find this fascinating. I don't blame the 8-year-old. I'm saying, "Who's watching this?" How many children are watching this?

Kat Timpf: I am.

Kate Hyde: And Kat. But, I mean, what I find so funny is, like, it's now somehow -- like, okay, we complain that our kids don't go outside; we complain that they don't have friends, all this. Now we're outsourcing the joy of our children opening toys in front of us? Now we plop them in front of a computer and say, "Watch this kid open it. Oh, you want the new Hot Wheels? Maybe Johnny's mom already got it for him. How about you just rip it open and look at it?" I mean, if this is the greatest -- if all these kids are getting enough joy out of watching other kids open presents, this is the greatest hoax ever since my mom used to bring me to the Disney store at the mall and tell me it was Disneyworld. [LAUGHTER] Really.


Kat Timpf: I like her.

Greg Gutfeld: You know, my worry, Dr. Drew, is that this kid, this rich kid, is going to be less likely to obey his parents. His parents now have to obey him, because the moment his parents say, "Clean your room," he says, "I'm going to buy me some new parents." [LAUGHTER]

Drew Pinsky: It depends on the parents.

Greg Gutfeld: Right.

Drew Pinsky: If they're being parented properly, this money will be put away for him to reach when he's an adult, and it'll be used for education.

Greg Gutfeld: No.

Drew Pinsky: And if they're --

Greg Gutfeld: What a waste.

Drew Pinsky: This is a great point, because if you're doing healthy parenting, even this can end up well.

Greg Gutfeld: No, this says -- Tyrus, support me on this -- this says that education is a waste. Like, I spent 16 years in school, and what did I learn? Nothing. And this kid is a millionaire at age 8.

Tyrus: Speaking of waste, I -- after reading this story, I have been never more disappointed in my children that I have been in my life. [LAUGHTER] I've got four.

Greg Gutfeld: [laughs] Four, yes.

Tyrus: And neither one of them has got a YouTube channel bringing anything in. So, you four need to get it together. One kid, probably 20 -- just -- you know what? Get $100 each. Help Daddy out with child support. Do something. [LAUGHTER] Lazy-ass -- why have I got to have the lazy kids?

[APPLAUSE] Get it together.

Greg Gutfeld: I like that, getting your child to help pay child support.


Tyrus: I'm just saying, like, take some stress off Daddy. Then he doesn't have to fly so much. All you've got to do is open the damn toy I bought you, and someone will give us some money.

Greg Gutfeld: [laughs] Yes.

Tyrus: [unintelligible]. Like, I'm just tired. I've got to keep it real. All four of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Drew Pinsky: Remember what I said --

Tyrus: And I know three of you are eight; 2011 was a hell of a year. [LAUGHTER] And one of you is five. Get it together.

Greg Gutfeld: There's still time.

Tyrus: Daddy loves you.

Greg Gutfeld: On that note --

Kat Timpf: Three of them really are eight, though.

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah.

Tyrus: Yeah, I'm not lying. [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: We've got more to come after this.


Greg Gutfeld: Which film is first at being the worst? Go online and take a look at any list of the best holiday films. Chances are number one will always be "It's a Wonderful Life." I never saw it; I hated the message. [LAUGHTER] It came out in 1946. When is that? In other words, no one has been able to make a better Christmas movie in 73 years? It's the gold standard, so that makes a debate about the best Christmas movie kind of boring. But what about the worst Christmas movie? That debate is more interesting. The worst movie is constantly changing and evolving. You've got your "Love Actually" -- horrible film, horrible. You've got every single Hallmark Channel Christmas movie ever made; they're all equally awful.

Tyrus: Except --

Greg Gutfeld: But this year --

Tyrus: -- Dean Cain.

Greg Gutfeld: Dean Cain is good. Thank you, Tyrus. But I think we could have a new contender for the worst.


Male Speaker: Now it is time to make the choice.

Male Speaker: Right. Well, that's not going to work, is it? That's when I say to you, "[hissing] Cross paws."

Female Speaker: We're about to begin.

Male Speaker: I love it.


Greg Gutfeld: Wow. Hollywood Reporter called "Cat-astrophic." [LAUGHTER] "A purr-fectly dreadful hairball of woe," says The Guardian. Boston Globe writes, "Oh, my God. My eyes." [LAUGHTER] And then there's this review from my cat, Steve.


Male Speaker: Sweetheart, this movie was such a piece of crap, I tried to bury it in my litter box.


Greg Gutfeld: I just like that I named him Steve. [LAUGHTER] He doesn't look like a Steve, Tyrus. You know, I hate -- obviously, you know that I hate Christmas films.

Tyrus: Well, I know you hate the one.

Greg Gutfeld: I hate Love Actually, but --

Tyrus: Yeah, and -- but I'm with you on that.

Greg Gutfeld: -- Cats could be worse. Cats could be worse.

Tyrus: Nothing could be worse than Love Actually. You're trying to steal your best friend's girlfriend on Christmas? That is literally the worst. The little sign thing? It's so cute. It's the worst betrayal --

Greg Gutfeld: Oh, the little sign I wrote --

Tyrus: -- you could ever do to your best friend.

Greg Gutfeld: Yes, yes.

Tyrus: You're stealing his girl while he's upstairs wrapping your present.

[LAUGHTER] Watch it. It's Evil Actually.

Greg Gutfeld: It's Evil -- [LAUGHTER] Oh, "love" spelled backwards is evil.

Tyrus: Is it?

Drew Pinsky: "Live."

Greg Gutfeld: Evil.

Kat Timpf: Evil.

Tyrus: Evil.

Greg Gutfeld: Evil.

Tyrus: Evil.

Greg Gutfeld: Evil Actually. Oh, man, those drugs are starting to hit, Doc. Thanks.


Drew Pinsky: Promised you.

Tyrus: But as far as -- I haven't seen Cats, and I'm not going to. I have kids, and, of course, after what I said earlier, I'll probably have to take them to the movies. Of course, I'll have to pay, you know. But it's always -- my favorite all-time and worst of all time is A Christmas Story, because you get hooked on it. It runs in a marathon, and you watch it over and over again. So, A Christmas Story is my favorite and the worst at the same time.

Drew Pinsky: I have a bad one for you.

Greg Gutfeld: What?

Drew Pinsky: I have a bad one.

Tyrus: See?

Greg Gutfeld: My favorite one will always be "The Exorcist."

Tyrus: Ooh.

Drew Pinsky: I like that.

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah, it's a great, great Christmas movie because it involves the whole family and an exorcism.

Drew Pinsky: Yes.

Kat Timpf: Mine's Eyes Wide Shut.

Greg Gutfeld: [laughs] Oh, that's good, too. Has a lot of masks.

Drew Pinsky: I just like a good Pia Zadora film, so Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.

Greg Gutfeld: Oh, yeah.

Drew Pinsky: Yeah. I mean, it's irresistible.

Greg Gutfeld: Yeah. What do you make of "Cats?" Can a --

Drew Pinsky: I think the -- that just a -- even all the great cast and great effects will not save that musical. It's a really good musical.

Greg Gutfeld: It's -- oh, really? So, you're --

Drew Pinsky: [unintelligible]

Greg Gutfeld: -- an expert at musicals, eh, Dr. Drew?

Drew Pinsky: Well, I was on "The Masked Singer," so that makes me somewhat of an expert.

Greg Gutfeld: That's right, you were a masked singer.

Tyrus: And his mom was a famous singer.

Drew Pinsky: That's true, that's true. But I --

Tyrus: Enough said. Go ahead.

Drew Pinsky: And I'm the gayest straight guy in America. [LAUGHTER]

Greg Gutfeld: What is your -- your mom is a singer?

Tyrus: Opera singer.

Drew Pinsky: She was, yeah. She was.

Greg Gutfeld: Oh, I had no idea.

Drew Pinsky: Crazy.

Greg Gutfeld: Wow, crazy things about Dr. Drew.

Drew Pinsky: But I just think "Cats" got ahead over its skis. I don't think it's a great musical. I think even a great cast, great effects, great everything won't save it.

Greg Gutfeld: What do you think, "Cats" -- Kate, about "Cats?" [LAUGHTER]

Kate Hyde: You know --

Greg Gutfeld: "Cats" about Kate, or Kate about "Cats?" Kate, about "Cats?"

Kate Hyde: I'm wondering if anyone on that film production crew has a cat or has ever seen a cat. [LAUGHTER] I get the allure of the play that it was supposed to be. You know, we can't let cats run across the stage, so we have to have actors playing it. I would think that if you have CGI in the film --

Drew Pinsky: Oh, yeah.

Kate Hyde: -- then you can make it a little bit more catlike, and instead they're really just more humanlike, more creepy. And quite frankly, I don't know if they're supposed to be cats or furries, and I think maybe that's why Beto O'Rourke is growing a beard. He's ready for "Cats 2." I don't know. [LAUGHTER] It's creepy.

Greg Gutfeld: Why couldn't they have just used real cats?

Kat Timpf: That's exactly my point. Like, this is -- there's no cats in "Cats." It's just a bunch of theater nerds jumping around in leotards. Nobody wants that. Put real cats. They bat stuff around; they, you know, lay on top -- they nap on each other. Maybe, like, get, like, a DJ playing the greatest hits of the ‘90s in the background. I'd watch that -- five stars -- try to steal all the cats; go to jail. Perfect afternoon.

Greg Gutfeld: I like that. I would sponsor that. I hate all holiday films, but you knew that. Back after this.


Greg Gutfeld: We are out of time. Thanks to Dr. Drew Pinsky, Kate Hyde, Kat Timpf, Tyrus, our studio audience. I'm Greg Gutfeld, and I love you.


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