2020 Democrats make last-minute scramble for support in Iowa

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 3, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: Hello, everybody. I'm Jesse Watters, along with Katie Pavlich, Juan Williams, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld. It is 5:00 in New York, 4:00 in Iowa, and this is "The Five." The battle for 2020 officially kicks off with the Iowa caucuses just a few hours from now. The Hawkeye state could prove to be a pivotal moment in the Democratic race.

The party's establishment is bracing for a Bernie Sanders surge, while Sleepy Joe Biden's allies are preparing for the worst. Here is the top candidates making their final pitches.


PETE BUTTIGIEG, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Happy caucus day. You are part of an absolute force that is sweeping to the state of Iowa right now.

JOE BIDEN, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Feeling good. There's a lot of energy out there. There's a lot of enthusiasm. I've been to a lot of counties all over the county, all over the state, and it feels good.

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN, D-MASS., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Commit today to caucus for me. Agree to do phone calls. Knock on doors.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, I-VT., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Tomorrow night is the beginning. It is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump.


WATTERS: While Democrats battle it out in Iowa, President Trump continues to steal the spotlight. And there is growing concern among the party that 2020 candidates don't stand a chance against Trump, especially when facing attacks like these.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I'm watching. I have, you know, I have little nicknames for all of them, but --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm sure they love your nicknames.

TRUMP: But they are accurate.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let's start with Joe Biden.

TRUMP: I just think of sleepy. I just watch him. He's Sleepy, Sleepy Joe.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hunter, Hunter Biden.

TRUMP: Where is Hunter?


TRUMP: Well, I think he's a communist. You mentioned now Elizabeth Warren. I call her fairytale, because everything's a fairytale.


WATTERS: All right. Juan Williams, so you're not -- what have you heard -- what are you seeing out there -- where do you see the energy leading to if you can give us a sense of that?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, the polls -- and a lot of people are just saying they assume that Bernie Sanders comes out on top here, Jesse. But it's by three to five points at best. And so you're going to still see Joe Biden right there. And then behind that you get Pete Buttigieg coming in, maybe a little farther down.

And the questions of the night have to do with Amy Klobuchar, the Senator from neighboring Minnesota. How will she do? And there's a lot of pessimism. And I was surprised to hear this about Elizabeth Warren, Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts. But as you know, she for a while had really surged. And now, it looks like this is Bernie Sanders' surge at just the right moment. And it could be crushing for Elizabeth Warren.

WATTERS: Yes. I mean, she had the Medicare for All problem, Dana. She was kind of out of commission in Washington, D.C. for the last two weeks. And then played the victim card against Bernie, and she's looking like she's tailing off a little bit. Do you agree with Juan that it's kind of a two- person race now in Iowa between Biden and Bernie?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Not -- I don't there I'm quite there yet, but think anybody, including all of us here who think that we know what's going to happen tonight. We don't. The rules changed since the last time around in 2016. There's a new threshold you have to hit at 15 percent. And then it goes to a second bout in alignment, and it's a little bit confusing.

I think that the end result tonight could be fairly muddled, or you could see Bernie Sanders do really quite well. I think that Mayor Pete or even Andrew Yang could do well here. They have a lot of enthusiasm from young people. Don't forget Amy Klobuchar who really campaigned really hard in the rural areas. She could possibly do well.

But I think for Liz Warren, if she doesn't do well here and Bernie Sanders does, and he goes to New Hampshire the king again. I think it'll be really interesting to see what she decides to do. Does she continue or does she just behind him?

WATTERS: Yeah. I mean, if I were running against Bernie Sanders, I'd say you already admitted that you're going to raise taxes, Katie, on the middle tax. I don't know whey they're not doing that. Can I play a sound bite of one of your favorite people? Chris Matthews on MSNBC, this is his interpretation of the field.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What are my thoughts on that happening? I'm not happy with this field. I think they got to find a candidate for president who can beat Trump.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you don't think anybody in this field could beat --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm still looking.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What's the problem?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Obvious problems. They're all problems. Bernie's Sanders is not going to be president of the United States.



KATIE PAVLICH, CO-HOST: Yeah. I was thinking today about all the people who haven't made it to the Iowa caucuses. Beto was supposed to be the next Obama, who totally had this big moment and was on the front of Vanity Fair and then fizzled out. Kamala Harris, she kept saying I'm going to move to Iowa. That did not happen. So it's really hard to gauge what's going on in the ground.

Polling is notoriously difficult in Iowa. But Bernie Sanders has been here before. And he doesn't want to lose again. So he's been able to learn from maybe some of the mistakes or the things that they didn't do last time and really get out there and knock on doors. And I think Elizabeth Warren is, today in this point, if she does not do well, which I don't think she will double in New Hampshire or Iowa. She'll probably drop out.

And Joe Biden, look, they've been saying forever that it doesn't matter if he wins Iowa. It doesn't matter if he wins New Hampshire. They are banking South Carolina to get him through. That's an interesting strategy. And their excuses for losing if that happens tonight will be interesting to pay attention to if they change their strategy --


WATTERS: Yeah, setting expectations pretty low. All right, Greg, I know you are going to be watching the caucuses tonight.

GREG GUTFELD, CO- HOST: Oh, like a hawk.

WATTERS: Like a hawk.

GUTFELD: I'll be Hawkcus on the caucus.

PAVLICH: Iowa Hawkeye's.

WATTERS: What do think about Iowa? Are you excited?

GUTFELD: Well, first of all, you are welcome, America. This is the day after the Super Bowl when 60 percent of The Five are hung over, unlike the 18 million people who decided not to show up for work. We're here because we love you, even though I'm holding on to this table praying that I make it through without vomiting on Jesse's nice suit.

All right, here's the interesting thing about this thing that -- what Chris Wallace is talking about. A lot of interesting people are not running. They are not participating. So this cruise seems very weak and bland. It reminds me of -- when you were a kid and your parents bought that variety set of breakfast cereals.

WATTERS: I loved those.

GUTFELD: Those were great for vacation. But by the end of the first week, all that was left was Special K and Bran Flakes, always Special K, right, weird box. And everything from Frosted Flakes to Apple Jacks, they were gone. Well, the problem with this field, it is all Bran Flakes and Special K. Especially Mayor Pete. Here's another anal -- you know, Mayor Pete is great when he's around others because he seems interesting.

He's like a great secondary character in a TV show. But when they decide to spin him off, he is a flop? So you remember how much you love Joey on Friends. He was great. But you didn't watch Joey, did you? Would Joey die on the vine because it wasn't the same without Rachel or Ross? And the thing is without other people to compare him to it's not going to happen.

As for Bernie, we've been talking about Bernie for a long time. And I call this the pendulum. The populace inferno that took over 2016 is now swinging back to the left. All these things are cyclical, right? So we have the populist inferno that brought in Trump. The populist inferno, same mentality, could bring Bernie into the White House.

So when I hear this sentiment by Chris Matthews that it'll never happen, they -- I said that about Trump. I was wrong, I shouldn't have listened -- never mind.

WATTERS: You are very good the day after the Super Bowl.

GUTFELD: You know why, because I'm crying inside, Jesse.



WATTERS: I only disagree with you on one thing, though. I would say the never-Bernie movement is 10 times stronger than the never-Trump movement. And you can see the never-Bernie movement already pulling out all the stops with, you know, reinvigorating the power of the super delegates, letting the rules change so Bloomberg can come in, Hillary coming out of nowhere to drop bombs on Bernie. I just think Bernie has a lot coming if he wins Iowa and New Hampshire.

PERINO: I don't know if you can hear me, Jesse. But I absolutely -- I think that that's very true. Because it's not just about a difference in style, right or difference in, like, rhetoric or demeanor or civility. It's a complete departure from a lot of things that we hold dear in America. And I think that from a policy standpoint, the enthusiasm for a Bernie candidacy.

He'll have his people. And he'll have this 40 percent, but I don't think the rest of the Democratic Party will enthusiastically get behind him.


WILLIAMS: -- in 2016, the Republican establishment was so anti-Trump and did not think Trump could beat the Democrats.

PERINO: But that was a lot more about style than it was about policy. What President Trump was -- as a candidate wasn't talking about a whole sale departure of the American way of life.

WATTERS: Right. And I still think Bernie has only has 20 percent of the Democratic field. I don't think he's a majority type of candidate. But you know, we're going to talk about this later in the show, aren't we? I think we are. We're going to talking about it later. All right, coming up, the impeachment trial is just about a done deal, but Democrats aren't finished going after the president. What they are planning to do next.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back to Iowa. We're getting some brand-new numbers from the Fox News voter analysis. Iowa Democrats saying the most important issue facing the country is healthcare. That tops the economy and jobs. We're going to keep an eye on that. Meanwhile, it's a jam-packed week in Washington, the impeachment trial continuing today while President Trump gets ready to deliver his state of the union address tomorrow.

And on Wednesday, the final vote on impeachment is set, where President Trump is expected to be acquitted. Regardless of the outcome, Democrats say they will keep investigating this president, impeachment manager, Adam Schiff is saying he has no regrets with how things have played out.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm not letting the senators off the hook. We're still going to go into the Senate this week and make the case why this president needs to be removed. It will be up to the senators to make that final judgment, and the senators will be held accountable for it. There is nothing that I can see that we could've done differently, because as the senators have already admitted, we proved our case. We proved our case.


WILLIAMS: Meanwhile, 2020 candidate Joe Biden getting into a heated exchange with NBC's Savannah Guthrie over a question about his son.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think it was wrong for him to take that position, knowing that it was really because that company wanted access to you?

BIDEN: Well, that's not true. You are saying things. You do not know what you're talking about. No one said that. Who said that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Don't you think that it's just one of those things where people think, well, that seems kind of sleazy. Why would he have that job if not for who his father was?

BIDEN: He's a very bright guy.


WILLIAMS: Jesse, I wanted to start with the statement from Adam Schiff that he has no regrets about how things have played out, even though acquittal, I would say, is a certainty tomorrow.

WATTERS: He has to say that, but I'm sure he regrets it. I mean, if they had done it properly and not started it out in a secret basement with no lawyers present, maybe it would've gone differently. Maybe they would've built a stronger case. Maybe they would've gone to a judge to compel witness testimony, and maybe delivered the Senate -- might've taken a few months longer.

But maybe they would've handed it off to the Senate a better case that they could have argued in a more convincing fashion. But they wanted to do a rush job to fit a political calendar. They didn't really care about making a really strong Constitutional case. So they can continue to investigate the president all they want.

And the Republicans can investigate the whistle-blower. Lindsey Graham says he's going to call the whistle-blower after this whole thing is done to testify about what went down in the Senate Intelligence Committee. So two can play at that game, and I think everyone has just turned the page at this point.

WILLIAMS: But Dana, what Schiff is saying is he feels he did make the case. You've heard that even some Republicans say they feel he's made the case. And he feels that this is now in the forefront, the Trump corruption of the American political mind.

PERINO: But they still lost, so acquittal is a loss. And whoever wins in a fight like this gets to write the history. President Trump is like -- remember in Pac-Man you go along ding, ding, ding, and then you eat the fruit, and you get bigger and stronger and you get another man? Like, that's President Trump, like, what's happening because of impeachment.

And earlier today, Senator Manchin, just like within the last hour on the floor of the Senate. He's the Democrat from West Virginia who thought about maybe voting with the Republicans on acquittal. And he said maybe we should just do a censure vote, because censure basically is like, please, Mr. President, don't ever do that again. That was very bad.

But I don't see any Republicans -- why would they go along with that now? That was a tool that the Democrats had at their disposal for months. And they decided not to use it because they bent to the will of the progressives. They went all out. They went for broke on impeachment. And they lost. I don't think that the Republicans should cave and then censure after all of this.

WILLIAMS: Right. Katie, the other way of looking at this is you still have about half of the country. In fact, there are some polls, more than half the country that not only supports impeachment but removal. And Schiff is saying I'm not going to let the Republicans off the hook. Let them defend this. What do you think?

PAVLICH: Well, first, I think it goes back to the poll that you said at the top of the segment. And that Americans care about other issues, more importantly like healthcare and the economy. So I don't think that when you ask a question about whether it's a priority, people would say that impeachment should continue to be something that senators and Congress focus on.

But I think if you take it and look at the history of the impeachment process, all of the momentum in this has gone towards President Trump. There is a bipartisan vote against in the House. You have Joe Manchin who may vote for acquittal. We don't know. But, you know, coming out and saying that the House didn't necessarily give them everything that they needed to hear everything.

And then also, you know, you look at the strategy of Adam Schiff. You can argue that he was never really interested in impeaching and removing the president, because he knew right away that the Senate would never vote to convict and remove him, but this is all about 2020 turning the Senate over to Chuck Schumer, which he then reiterated by saying, well, the senators we held accountable for that. He's talking about elections, which this was all about from the beginning.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. I think that's smart. But, you know, Greg, what did you think of that little set between Savannah Guthrie and Joe Biden? You think -- who came out on top on that one?

GUTFELD: Well, I think Joe in his head thinks he's Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino. But everybody else, he's one of the old guys from the Muppets. So here's the deal with the impeachment, OK? You have you ever played checkers against somebody and you beat them really, really badly, and then they go, well, let's play two out of three?

And then you beat them with two out of three. And then they go let's do three out of five.

WATTERS: That's my line.

GUTFELD: That's Adam Schiff. Adam Schiff will not -- so the -- so Dana understands my theory, I call it the Law and Order affect. The impeachment is his like reruns of Law and Order. Before one is over, start up another one, and hope that nobody notices it so you never change the channel. And you end up on the sofa from morning till evening.

So what Democrats are going to with impeachment, they're going to keep it running, so they are like Law and Order reruns. And they'll become as mundane as like living next to an airport. We know we used to think planes are interesting. Now you just say it's another plane.

WATTERS: You guys are amazing for the day after the Super Bowl.


WATTERS: I'm just going to sit here and shut up.


WILLIAMS: -- extra energy. All right, the battle of the billionaires is ramping up, as President Trump and Mike Bloomberg lob new insults, fresh material at each other. We're going to show it to you here on The Five.


PERINO: More data coming in from Fox News voter analysis, 70 percent of Iowa Democrats said they favor single payer government run healthcare. We'll keep you posted as the information comes in. In the meantime, the battle of the billionaires is turning nasty. President Trump and Michael Bloomberg have taken shots at each other over the past couple of days. Here is the president poking fun at who he likes to call Mini-Mike.


TRUMP: Very little. I just think of little. You know now he wants a box for the debates to stand on. OK, it's OK. There's nothing wrong. You can be short. Why should he get a box to stand on, OK? He wants a box for the debates. Why should he be entitled for that, really? Does that mean everyone else gets a box?


PERINO: Mike Bloomberg reportedly fuming over the repeated attacks on his height and plotting his revenge. His campaign is responding by mocking Trump's hair and tan, Greg, as if that is not something that people have come up with before.

GUTFELD: OK. Number one, we were talking about this in the break. There's something brilliant about the fact that the question isn't is there a box. The question is, is it fair that he has a box and other people don't? So he's done this thing called moving past the sale. So the question -- we're not going like is there really a box or really not a box. We are talking about the fairness of a box, which shows you the kind of persuasive trickery he's involved.

And then he utilizes the media like a t-shirt cannon. He puts this visual message on the shirt, Bloomberg on a box. And then he fires it into the media, and then you have half the media, CNN who falls for it and writes, you know, there is no box, and they get all freaked out. We are just sitting here laughing at it, because we know that this is the show.

And this is how the show works. And getting the media riled up, mission accomplished. That's all he is trying to.

PERINO: So Juan, big question is whether the DNC is trying to kind of move things around so that Joe Biden fails as the establishment candidate, the moderate that they can bring in someone like Mike Bloomberg.

WILLIAMS: Wow. Well, first, can I respond to Gregory?


WILLIAMS: I just want to say -- I want to say, Greg at least I know where the Kansas City Chiefs play football. I know what state it is. I think there's somebody on the Republican side in the White House that thinks it is Kansas?

GUTFELD: It's not in Kansas? Is it not in Kansas?


GUTFELD: It's a split city.



WILLIAMS: Did you hear what Ms. Perino said?

GUTFELD: You know when you have to change the argument, you've lost the argument.

WILLIAMS: Oh, no. Let me go back to Katie. So Katie, restate the question.

PAVLICH: The question is Bloomberg going to be a substitute for Joe Biden that Biden can't pull it off?

WILLIAMS: Oh, well, I think that's not something that we -- right now, Joe Biden hasn't imploded -- for all the attacks that have come from President Trump. That has not happened. But I do see that the president is punching down at Mike Bloomberg, and I think unintentionally elevated Mike Bloomberg.

PERINO: Juan, are you calling Mike Bloomberg short?

WILLIAMS: That's a clever (ph) retort, but I must say that's not what I meant. What I meant was that he's the president of the United States, and Mike Bloomberg is not really a -- he's not even in Iowa today. He's not running ads in Iowa. And the president's attention is giving more oxygen to Mike Bloomberg's candidacy.

PAVLICH: OK. So Dana, I want to play Michael Moore. Having a reaction to the DNC changing the rules and then we'll get you --


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The DNC will not allow Cory Booker on that stage, will not allow Julian Castro on that stage, but they are going to allow Mike Bloomberg on the stage because he's got a billion (bleep) dollars!




PERINO: Well, the thing is -- I mean, I hate to break it to him. But there were the rules that were spelled out by the DNC in the beginning. Tom Perez, who head of the DNC, had said that there was two thresholds leading up to the votes until votes started. So you had to hit a certain polling number and you have to have a certain number of donors across the country until the voting started.

What's happening tonight? The voting is starting. And so what the DNC has done is they've been true to their word, as I read it. That threshold number for the polling is going to remain, but the donor one that goes away. So I think -- I can understand, like, using it to be -- to complain about it. But I actually don't think that Michael Moore is accurate here.

PAVLICH: Jesse, your response?


WATTERS: Yeah, I want to talk about the box.


WATTERS: I don't think there is a box, but I can't stop thinking about the box.

GUTFELD: There you go.

WATTERS: Is it wood? Is it steel? What is he look like when he steps on it? What does he look like if he doesn't? Does his -- does his head go above the podium without a box? The thing is Trump just started a rumor. It's a rumor that he started and then the media just runs with it. And they're doing the dirty work for them.

All we know is this is what he does. He accuses an opponent of having a shortcoming, then the media reports about the opponent having the shortcoming, and then the opponent denies that he has a shortcoming, but the whole time we're talking about the shortcoming.

PAVLICH: Do you want to talk about short if you say that word one more time?

WATTERS: No. And I did mean that, Juan.

PAVLICH: So my follow up question to you real quickly is OK, if Michael Bloomberg gets the boxes, is the press -- is Trump going to say well, then I get a box at my debate?

WATTERS: It is unfair if he has a box.

PAVLICH: It is unfair.

WATTERS: Unfair.


GUTFELD: Box inequality.

PAVLICH: Rules apply to everybody, I guess. All right, moving on. It's a Super Bowl halftime performance the whole country is talking about. Up next, Greg's monologue on Jennifer Lopez and Shakira stealing show.


GUTFELD: Welcome back. J. Lo and Shakira Super Bowl halftime performance is getting a lot of attention, so let's play a clip, shall we?

Many agreed. Shakira-Lo was amazing. You got two famous beautiful women both the superbly athletic dancing their hearts out, and yet a ton of backup dancers and little clothing. In fact, the dancer to clothing ratio was 50 to one. For every 50 dancers, there was only one pair of pants. So what's not to love? Well, maybe some of the stripper inspired moves were inappropriate for family viewing, meaning kids, things I don't have, thank God.

But the media gets two bites on this apple. First to say it's empowering, because that's the word of the day. Second, to mock parents of kids who might have found a woman's legs spread, pressing her fingers against her, you know what. It's not exactly family fare. But hey, that's modern entertainment today. It's not one morality fits all. And if you don't like it that's on you.

The media prefers the prison of two ideas. Either you love it, or you're a sexist who hates empowerment. But factually, you can find it entertaining, but just not for kids. Maybe people should keep that in mind. Or we could just assume that culture has changed so much, it's Doesn't matter what the breath see, right?

As for empowerment, some men embrace it for it gets women to believe that empowerment matters more than scruples. You can conquer sexism by eliminating restraint. Harvey Weinstein loved empowerment. You know how many times did he say, you go girl, then adding to my room?

All right, I'm going to show it but let's just show a picture of bad bunny. You know, bad bunny was there, right? He's the rapper. Yes, there he is. That's me. I'm not that bunny. There he is. All right, I have a question for you. Isn't it sexist, Dana, that he gets to be fully clothed, but the performers don't? Isn't that sexist?

PERINO: No, I'm going to say no. I think that everyone had a choice on what they got to wear, right? So if he had a choice, and he decided to dress like that, then that was his choice. That's not sexist.

GUTFELD: All right.

WATTERS: Did you want to see Bad Bunny with a shirt off Greg?

GUTFELD: I want equal opportunity nudity.

PAVLICH: If I'd be Bad Bunny, I would not want to compete with J. Lo and Shakira.


PAVLICH: Like I'm putting my clothes on and I'm not even going to try.

GUTFELD: They are -- they are -- Katie, they are in phenomenal shape, especially J-Lo, incredible, incredible shape. I think the stripper pole added a lot to this performance. I'm sure children were going, I want one.

PAVLICH: Well, it takes a lot of practice to actually be able to do what J. Lo did, so do it supervised, I would say. I'm not in the prison of two ideas. I am -- I thought that was -- they both had amazing talent. I've been a longtime fan of both of their music. I could have used with a little less touching of the "you know what" parts. But I love that J. Lo had her daughter come on stage and sing with her.


PAVLICH: That was amazing, and I love the American flag, so that was great. So there you go.

GUTFELD: There you go. I think -- oh, there's also the Puerto Rican flag, so it's a dual flag Katie.

PAVLICH: It's part of America.

GUTFELD: I didn't -- I forgot the part where she was with her kid. Did she put on more clothes where --

PAVLICH: She did put on a more -- had more coverage when her daughter came on to sing with her. So that was interesting.

GUTFELD: I didn't say -- OK.

PAVLICH: That was my observation.

GUTFELD: Juan, what did you think? You were actually at the game with Jesse? How did you feel?

WILLIAMS: That was great. It was -- it was fabulous. Let me just say, we don't appreciate the fact that they had a light show, they had fireworks, they had American military jets going overhead, and then the costumes were just amazing coordinating. Sometimes you can't see it, but the stage itself was lighting and doing things. I just -- I was -- I was just taken with it.

I will say I thought it was a little racy if the kids were up to see the second half. I don't know but I got to agree with you. I think, you know, every generation says oh, look at this latest music, look at this Elvis, look at this folk protest music, look at this rock, look at this rap, it's going to ruin the country. No, this is America. That was a great show with a strong Latin influence.

GUTFELD: And -- but a lot of crotch-grabbing. And I don't know if that's like the next step.

WATTERS: Yes, I mean when that happened, Juan spilled his beer all over himself.

PERINO: Oh, Lord, here we go.

WILLIAMS: Wet, wet pants.

GUTFELD: The first -- the first Super Bowl halftime show, I looked it up, had two marching bands. It's like I guess 1967. Two marching bands, and trumpeter Al Hirt, two men in jetpacks, and 300 pigeons.

WATTERS: Wow. Did Al Hirt have his shirt up, Greg?

GUTFELD: Yes, he did.

WATTERS: I don't know. I mean, well, we've come a long way. I just think that if you know Fox booked Shakira and J. Lo for the halftime show, you know, it's going to be like this. So if you have kids at home, send them to the basement during halftime.

GUTFELD: What if you're in the West Coast and you don't have a basement?

WATTERS: OK, send them outside. It's probably 60 degrees out. I don't know. I mean, I thought it was fine. And you know, I remember -- I just -- there's a lot of hypocrites out there who say, I don't like -- you know, I know who these people are.

GUTFELD: Are you talking about me?

WATTERS: And I know what they do in their personal life.


WATTERS: They're not offended by girls dancing at a football game.

GUTFELD: Are you talking about me?

WATTERS: No, but some other people. Just some other people out there.

GUTFELD: You know, I just like to be the moral conscience of America.

WATTERS: Yes, Greg.

GUTFELD: Somebody has to do it, right?

WATTERS: Yes, that's you.

GUTFELD: It's not you, Jesse.

WATTERS: Definitely not me.

GUTFELD: All right. Next up, countdown to the Iowa caucuses continues on THE FIVE.


PERINO: It feels like a long time coming. It's a big day for the 2020 Democrats as Iowans prepared a caucus tonight. And here to help us break down the latest numbers from the Fox News voter analysis and preview tonight's special coverage are Martha McCallum and Bret Baier, of course, two of our favorites there. They are looking great out there. Martha, what do we know so far?

MARTHA MACCALLUM, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Well, we're starting to get you know, some early feel for how some of this might shape up tonight. But everybody's on their way to these caucus centers at this point. And it looks like it's going to be very interesting. I think that's something that we can safely say at this point. I think a lot of people are fluid and willing to change their minds as they head into these caucuses.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: You know, Dana, at the beginning of the show, you said something that I think is perfect because nobody knows how this is going to go. And that's the nature of these caucuses is that --

PERINO: That's another one of my bold predictions.

BAIER: Yes, I mean, really, really nail it because --

MACCALLUM: One of the teams will win.

BAIER: Especially caucuses because, you know, you don't know who's going to show up. You don't know how persuasive the different teams are going to be once they're in the room and saying, come on over to our side. And it's all about reaching that viability, which is 15 percent in each precinct, and it's all about ground game and organization.

PAVLICH: And we're going to take it around the table --

MACCALLUM: So once they get that 15 percent -- you know, I just wanted to say, you know, I was watching actually one of the early satellite ones coming in from Paris, and another one from Florida, and it's just fascinating to watch. You know, then they're counting how many people are in each corner, which we all know is the way that this works.

But then, you know, somebody was shouting from the back. No, no, that wasn't 37. It was actually 38 of us over here in this corner. So I think it's going to be -- there's going to be a lot of moving parts tonight.

PERINO: We're seeing some of these returns on the Fox News voter analysis come in. Health care is way up there and single-payer getting a 70 percent rating they're. Like -- but of course, as you know, I always wonder what would they say if there was a follow-up question. Let's go to Jesse Watters. Do you have a question for either of these two fine anchors who are here?

WATTERS: I do. I have on my hands these voter analysis statistics here. Very interesting about voter contact. It looks like the Sanders campaign has contacted about 80 percent of Iowa Democrats with the Warren and Mayor Pete campaigns a close second and third. But the Biden campaign only contacted about half of Iowa Democrats. That speaks to, I guess, his lack of organization and the great organization from the Bernie Sanders people.

BAIER: Yes. I think what we don't know, Jesse, is how effective those contacts are and how well you know, just by reaching out somebody on the phone, how that motivates somebody to go to the caucus or not. But Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, actually Pete Buttigieg also had a really great ground game here in Iowa. And over the next two hours, we'll see good.

MACCALLUM: But just because somebody calls you on behalf of a candidate doesn't necessarily mean that you agree with them.

WATTERS: Yes. I mean, if Bernie called me, I could just hang up. That's a voter contact.

MACCALLUM: That's your prerogative.

PERINO: That's your contact. All right, Juan Williams, a question here?

WILLIAMS: Well, it's clear that healthcare is on everybody's mind in Iowa and I think nationally, although the poll, just to repeat, is of Iowa Democrats. So I just thought I'd throw out there to Bret, you know, if you see public option at 80 percent, single-payer at 70, what does that say to Republicans, I wonder?

BAIER: Well, it says that the Democratic Party has evolved. Remember where we were, Juan, just in the Obama administration. How, you know, it was -- it was talked about as the camel's nose under the tent. Now it's the whole camel that's under the tent in the Democratic Party. And I think that it'll paint a picture for the general election that is going to be pretty stark if one of these candidates at the top here becomes the nominee.

PERINO: How about down there in -- well, where am I? I'm in Iowa, I'm sorry. I'm so confused where I'm in geographically. Greg Gutfeld, do you have a question for these anchors?

GUTFELD: Yes, I was just thinking about a camel and the tent. You know, I always wonder like, why it's in Iowa, why it's so serious. I have a theory that it should be moved to New Jersey, should allow everybody to drink, and it could be a raucous caucus in Secaucus.

BAIER: That's good. That's good.

GUTFELD: I have nothing else.

BAIER: You could host.

MACCALLUM: Well, that would be very convenient for me. I'd be -- that would be good news for us.

PAVLICH: I have a question, actually.

PERINO: Go ahead, Katie.

PERINO: Brett, so in these results, it says that beating President Trump is the top priority for Iowa Democrats. But when you look at the issues that they talk about, 70 percent want single-payer health care, they want a government option. 89 percent support that. Those are positions that Bernie Sanders has taken that Joe Biden has kind of tried to thread the needle on.

BAIER: I think it's fascinating what you're seeing battle -- the battle here in Iowa is the battle in the Democratic Party and how it's going to shape up for the rest of this primary season setting the table. I think the Trump people looking at these numbers in the early polls can feel pretty emboldened that their guy is going to try to hit a little bit more of those moderate tones on some of these issues, especially if the Democratic Party is going left.

But again, it's way early. We'll see what comes out. If Joe Biden wins here, that'll be a big, big story in and of itself, after all the we've seen going into it.

MACCALLUM: Or if he comes in, you know, third or fourth, that's equally as big a story. He's struggled here in Iowa before. They've worked on, you know, elevating him this time around. But whether or not Iowa is a tricky place for him again this time is also another potential storyline.

PERINO: And they are setting expectations pretty low so maybe try to beat those, but maybe they're setting them low for another reason. All right, Bret and Martha, thank you. We'll see you later tonight. "ONE MORE THING is up next.


WATTERS: It's time now for one more thing. Rush Limbaugh made a very surprise announcement on his radio program today and he told his listeners that he's just been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. Listen.


RUSH LIMBAUGH, RADIO HOST: My intention is to come here every day I can. I've had so much support from family and friends during this that it's been tremendous.


WATTERS: And our thoughts and prayers go out to El Rushbaugh. He said that he's going to be taking a few days off during the times when he's going to be undergoing treatment, but not every day. He'll be on and off for the next couple weeks so however long it takes to get better, and we wish Rush the best.

GUTFELD: Yes, I mean, I don't I can't think of anybody who's been a bigger influence in conservative thought and the person -- the type of person who was able to bridge the intellectual right of Buckley to the common man. I remember when it started in the 80s. There was nothing like it late 80s and there's nothing like him phenomenon.

WATTERS: Yes, he really is. Katie?

PERINO: Absolute giant.

PAVLICH: Yes, I was going to say he's a giant as Dana just said. He was -- he's been a pioneer and he's never backed down from a fight. So I wish him well and I hope that his treatment is successful.

WATTERS: Yes, speedy recovery. Juan.

PERINO: And he has such an in-depth knowledge of history. I saw him giving a speech -- give a speech one time when he got an award and it was just amazing all of the things that he knew and how much he truly loves America and that transferred to his viewers -- his listeners and viewers.

WILLIAMS: Yes. And I just want to say, you know, sometimes Rush and I had big differences, but Rush was always so kind. I think sometimes as humanity escapes, and in a moment like this, Rush, I just want you to know that people across the aisle wish you the best. You're a good man.

To quote Will Smith's hit song about Miami, I only came for two days of plan but I always end up wanting to stay, you know, so "The Five" was in Miami this weekend for the Super Bowl and we had so much fun. Take a look. Here we are on South Beach. I'm handing off the football to Hall of Famer Terrell Owens. The Fox NFL crew was right next to us.

Here I am with their Lego heads, and here I am at the NFL fan experience tossing the football. Here I am with Emily, Jessie, and Dana next to the Lombardi Trophy that as you know, went to the Chiefs last night. And here's the whole crew beachside on Astroturf Football Field with football stars Doug Flutie, Burgess Owens, and Jack Brewer. So much fun in the sun. Congratulations to Kansas City and San Francisco for a fabulous football game.

WATTERS: Yes, and I know now for a fact that Juan knows how to party. Dana.

PERINO: All right, so this is a great story I heard about when I was in Florida. It takes place in Minnesota in Florida. There's a woman who was reunited with her dog after three years. So her name is Monica Mathis. She's on Facebook and she sees a new campaign launched by Motorworks Brewing in Florida. They teamed up with Manatee County Animal Services to try to spread the word about adoptable dogs. They wanted them to find forever homes.

So she's online and she sees her dog Hazel that's been missing for three years. She calls down there to the Manatee County Animal Services. And sure enough, it was her. They're reunited. It's unclear how Hazel made her way from Florida to Iowa. But all because a can of beer and a really great idea by this beer company, they are reunited and back together.

PAVLICH: That is awesome.

WATTERS: That is great coincidence. All right --

GUTFELD: Well, we haven't done this in a while so let's do it quickly, America.


GUTFELD: Animals are great. Animals are great. Animals are great.


GUTFELD: All right. I've always said that climate change is for the birds in a good way. Check out this thoughtful crow who does its own recycling. Look at that, understands exactly what to do, doing his part for the environment. I'm not that crazy about recycling. We all know that it costs more than it's actually worth. But at least it's -- you know, it's the thought that counts.

PERINO: They all --

GUTFELD: Crows are the -- crows are the smartest birds on the planet.

WATTERS: Yes. I don't -- I don't even recycle, and the crow recycles.

PAVLICH: Well, sometimes they do the recycling in the trash anyways.

WATTERS: Yes, that's probably why I do it.

PAVLICH: All right. So we all know that CPR is a lifesaving thing for humans, but it actually works on lizards too. A firefighter in New South Wales, Australia gave CPR to this lizard using very small tiny compressions on Saturday.

The lizard went unconscious after it almost drowned in a swimming pool skimmer. But look at that, he's breathing. The lizard started breathing again and within half an hour, the lizard was on his way hopefully not next to the pool.

The Gordon fire station posted the video and it has gone viral. So now you know CPR works if you just barely --

GUTFELD: What was his problem? What was he choking on?

PAVLICH: He almost drowned.

GUTFELD: Oh, really?


GUTFELD: I should have been listening. I was watching the video.

WATTERS: That was a great piece of tape.

WATTERS: Wow! I'm going to --

GUTFELD: I am a reptile.

WATTERS: Never miss an episode of "The Five." "Democracy 2020" special coverage of the Iowa caucuses with Bret and Martha, starts right now.

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