This is a rush transcript from "The Five," October 28, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Dana Perino, Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."
Well, it's just a week until the midterm elections and the Senate is up for grabs, so let's set the stage as it stands today. There are 55 Democrat votes, and 45 Republican votes. That means it will take exactly 6 net seats for the GOP to take back the Senate leadership for the first time since 2006, which brings us to this math. We are assuming with our good friend Democrat Bob Beckel's blessing that Montana, South Dakota, and West Virginia will go Republican. That leaves 10 contested states, highlighted here, which the GOP only needs a net of 3 of these 10 pivotal races, Real Clear Politics as the GOP up six -- six for the Republicans tied in one and in three, Democrats are likely at this point to win. The big picture overview on it, let's start with Bob. Any disagreements on this map so far? Do you agree on the first three?
BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: The only thing I disagree with is you don't say net. That's assuming the Republicans don't lose their own that they know hold, and there's two seats that are problematic for the Republicans, one is Georgia. Now, I would say this, if she doesn't win, their Democrat doesn't win that seat by a majority of 51 percent, it has to go to a runoff and more than likely the Republicans will win that. Kansas is up in the air to this day, it back and forth, but if they lose that, that means their net is 7.
BOLLING: No, no, no. Here's the way the map works out, we have three that have flipped to the Republican. That means a new of these 10, you just need a net of 3, so you can go 7-4 Republicans and still win and it won't matter which 7 and which 4. Trust me, I'm good at math in this one.
GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Are we doing a common core math problem?
BOLLING: No, no.
GUTFELD: Because I think lost my mind. All of this is about -- all of this is about the direction of the country. There's what, 68 percent of the country, says that we're off track? And the conclusion nears that they're remaining 32 percent are highest in Colorado. The problem with this country, and the leadership is that it seems that it's inspired by the titanic, just that we built both the ship and the ice berg. We learned our lessons. I think the America is ready to go back to being great again. That's the positive message.
BECKEL: Big picture.
GUILFOYLE: Big picture is if you take a look at the recent polling, which I think is indicative. It's a problem for Democrats, it's a problem for 2016 as well. The Washington Post, they said 68 percent said the country is seriously off on the wrong track, 7 in 10 Americans rate the nation's economy negatively and even CNN said 7 in 10 Americans are angry at where the country is headed. I think that is significant. Those are very bad numbers that tell you there is strong dissatisfaction in the country, which I think should help the Republicans if they can manage to go out and vote.
BOLLING: And Dana, we talked a little bit yesterday about I believe is the Wall Street Journal poll -- yes, it is a Wall Street Journal poll that had a widening margin, among likely voters, there's an 11 percent bias toward Republicans this time around. That's as wide as it's been.
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: So this is like if you -- I have never done this, which is run a marathon, but as I understand it, the next six days are like you know the first 20 miles of a marathon. I mean the candidates are tired. Thankfully, they're through with their debates, but they have been on the trail for a long time. They're running out of money, they're hoping that the president doesn't say anything to make anything worse, but then if you're a Democrat, then you are hoping that the president does say something to you're your voters want to be out there voting and even more mad at the president than they already are. So the closing arguments they have to make in the last few days are very important. The Republicans about six years ago put into place a 72-hour program. It's the last 72 hours before the election to try to match what has been this amazing ability by the Democrats to get people to the polls. So hopefully their program is going to be strong for the Republicans, because I support them. I do think -- I think we could be in for some surprises on election night and it could actually mean that the Republicans do even better than people are anticipating, but it also could be some surprises especially if you look in Wisconsin, with the governor's race up in the air.
BECKEL: Let's take a look, the closest historical analogy we have here Bush in 2006. Now, Bush's negatives were 58, the positives were 37, much higher than Obama and the direction of the country was about equal, but Bush lost 30 seats in the house and 6 in the Senate, which is about average for -- when you got those kinds of negatives.
BECKEL: So it's not quite as high as Bush's, but let's remember, it was a complicated time.
GUTFELD: I think the real contested race on Tuesday is going to be on "The Voice."
PERINO: Yeah, yeah, yeah. "The Voice." No, "America's Got Talent."
BECKEL: The Voice?
GUTFELD: "Dancing With The Stars," that's also Tuesday. "Dancing With The Stars" is also Tuesday, Bob.
BOLLING: You know what? Another contested race is tonight with the baseball game, but let's go down to a couple of very contested -- hotly contested races making news in Louisiana. Mary Landrieu supports Obama's energy policy in the past, now she is literally running away from Harry Reid. Listen.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Would you vote for Harry Reid?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I said a couple of months ago that I would, but I'm going to make my decision based what is before me and who is.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So you're not committing?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm not saying yes, I'm not saying no.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I need to see what the leadership, what the line-up is, and then make my decision.
BOLLING: All right. So Dana, Landrieu is actually down by a substantial 4.5 percentage votes.
PERINO: I think one of the reasons is while some people Louisiana thinks she has been a fine senator, and people in the United States Senate tend to like her very much, people in the Louisiana that are motivated to vote this time around say that's what she always says. She says she's going to push back against Obama or Reid, but then she ends up voting with them 99 percent of the time. I think that her stick has gotten a little old. And Bill Cassidy has been a very decent candidate. However, correct me if I'm wrong, he is a third party candidate there and we have a possibility for a runoff in Louisiana as well.
BECKEL: It probably would be right up in Louisiana. Can I just add one thing in the Louisiana thing? The thing about these people, the Democrats running away from Obama is silly, because one, they vote for him 95 percent of the time, and that's not a secret. And the people who are going to vote against you because of Obama are already in the column, that's counted in the polls. What they ought to do have Obama go particularly to the south, go to black communities, and increase voters.
BECKEL: I mean, you're not going to get anymore negatives votes on Obama than you got already.
BOLLING: Do you think there's any surprise in what you're saying right here? Don't you think they are trying to do that?
BECKEL: By having Obama in those areas to campaign. They could send him to Minnesota.
GUTFELD: There are no blacks in Minnesota.
BOLLING: All right.
GUTFELD: Not many.
GUTFELD: Bob is right though, Obama really was the party. The problem is these candidates are the hangover, so they actually belong together, the same way that President Carter was synonymous with malaise. Democrat is synonymous with Obama right now. It's bad.
BOLLING: Obama is trying to get the black votes out. Meanwhile, today, there was a big video released by three black activists, I believe in Detroit, maybe somewhere else who were pushing back very hard against the Democrats and specifically President Obama.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, well, they're not going to be invited to any of the good parties anymore. There's going to be pay back for that. I appreciate their voice and their strength. Bottom line is in several of these races, they are going to have to make sure that they are able to get out the African- American vote for sure, but it's all about who's able to motivate and get their base out. Every time hands down I will give it to the Democrats on that because they're outstanding at doing the last minute like get out to vote.
PERINO: We have been really focused on the Senate, which I think is appropriate, because the balance of power actually weighs pretty heavily in the Senate side. But in the house, it is interesting today that Speaker Pelosi -- former Speaker Pelosi decided to have a last minute conference call with her Democrats because they're now worried about additional house seats where Republicans are -- they're playing it cool saying we don't think we have these sewed up yet, but Democrats are sufficiently worried about losing even more seats in the house, which even though they're not going to be able to take back the majority in the house, it makes it their jobs that much harder in 2016 to try and win it back.
BOLLING: All right. Let's move on to North Carolina where Kay Hagan is in a heap of immigration trouble. Check out this video of immigration activist storming her campaign event.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That is just plain wrong, so what we are going to do - - y'all, we definitely support immigration reform. But you need to go talk to Thom Tillis. Thom Tillis says no, no, no, no, no.
BOLLING: Oh, Bobby, not good, not good. She's up by 1 percent only.
BECKEL: She's sufficiently ahead, I think that's something to look at, but there's four states where the African-American vote matters, that's Arkansas, Louisiana, North Carolina, and Georgia. Now, also in North Carolina are Hispanic votes. There are a lot of Hispanic votes in North Carolina who work in the agricultural area. So that's a mixed bag for her. I really do think this is going to be a surprise, that nobody thought she was going to win this time, I think she's got a real shot.
GUTFELD: Well, she's leading.
BECKEL: I know. With the beginning of the season, who was one of the most endangered people? They would have said.
PERINO: By all accounts, she had not been a very good senator.
GUILFOYLE: She was an easy target to pick off, but let's see now. She has a sizable lead.
GUTFELD: I just find activists to be so rude. I mean, I don't understand that wins over anybody just stepping up there and shouting. But here's what the Republicans have going for them. The only people America hates more are Democrats, the only thing less appealing to a Democrat are two Democrats.
BOLLING: Very good.
PERINO: And the only thing less appealing than that is three Democrats.
BOLLING: Let's go to the Iowa, Bruce Braley is down but not out. This ad by Americans for Prosperity may prove to be the push that Joni Ernst needs to lock down that seat.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dude, they left the gate open. Let's go for a walk.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No way, last time we did that, we almost got sued.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What are you talking about?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Remember when we were chilling down by Bruce Braley's vacation home?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, down by the lake, the guy running for senator.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yeah, he threatened to sue over that.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because we walked on his property?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He wants to be an Iowa senator, and he threatens to sue over us, over chickens.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's not very neighborly.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's not very Iowa.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bruce Braley, he's not very Iowa.
GUILFOYLE: That was weird.
BOLLING: Bruce Braley, not very Iowa. By the way, Joni Ernst has had some fantastic ads.
PERINO: I called her a week or so ago, a joyous candidate, she's traveled all across the country, I saw today on Twitter that she had a map and her goal is to visit every place and I think she's completed that today. So she has been out there, having a good time, which I think is a different thing. You see some optimism from some of the Republican candidates, they're not angry, they're joyous, they're optimistic.
GUILFOYLE: She's fun.
GUTFELD: I don't know. I think that was a war on chickens.
PERINO: Are you against chickens?
GUTFELD: I eat them. I am eating them now.
BECKEL: I'm taking notes on your analysis, Greg. I like it.
PERINO: I like it, too, because it is right.
BECKEL: Can I just say two things about Iowa. Iowa won -- Tom Harkin is sitting on a boat load of money he won't release to a Democratic candidate and second, Iowa does have traditionally a much higher turnout in midterm elections than other states do. So that's probably fair.
PERINO: Is he saving that for Hillary Clinton?
BECKEL: He is saving it for retirement I think.
PERINO: Can he do that?
GUTFELD: Sure, he can.
GUILFOYLE: I like Joni Ernst. I think she's fantastic and we need more like that in the party.
BOLLING: Anybody else here?
GUTFELD: She's just great in using animals. She had the pigs, the pigs were hilarious.
BOLLING: She's not afraid. She's not politically correct. She doesn't worry about anybody saying don't do this. Look, Dana's right.
PERINO: Remember when Bruce Braley -- whatever his name is, Braley.
PERINO: Michelle Obama and I have something in common. Remember at the beginning of the campaign, he said Senator Grassley was -- dished him as a farmer, which is not something you should probably do in Iowa if you're running for Senate.
BOLLING: We make one quick point. If this things comes have been close as Bob points out, it could go one seat either way in, and Louisiana becomes a runoff because one contender drops out, no one would get 50 percent. That's when they decided December 6, I believe. And then Georgia looks like it could be close as well. And that decision, guys, will happen January 6, the same day the new congress is sworn in?
BECKEL: Can I just make one more point here? The sleeper race here where be Begich is behind in the polls. He has been behind the polls, but he has done something that nobody in Alaska has done and that is to organize and get people out to vote.
BOLLING: Final thoughts.
GUILFOYLE: If I were him I would be worried about any kind of runoff situation, because it's always lower voter turn out.
PERINO: I would say that in Alaska, one of the things interesting about that race is that Begich made a mistake early on by not trying to define Dan Sullivan well. It was hard to pin something on Dan Sullivan. They tried to say that he had not been in Alaska for so long, that he had been serving his country, so that didn't stick. They had the negative ads that turned out to be false and that doesn't sit well in Alaska.
BECKEL: It sounds like the last two elections where the Republicans should have taken the Senate, and this time, they've got decently good candidates and no nuts.
GUILFOYLE: Thank you, Bob, for saying that.
GUILFOYLE: Again, I would like to see them take it, I'm optimistic, but I can't say more than four seats for sure.
BOLLING: OK. Wavering, wavering.
GUILFOYLE: I'm wavering.
BECKEL: I don't think I'll know on election night and I think the Republicans will take 52 seats.
BOLLING: Fifty two, Dana?
PERINO: Can I agree with Bob?
PERINO: OK. I agree with Bob.
GUTFELD: Can Sullivan win? I don't know. Alaska.
BOLLING: Gotcha. We'll leave it right there when we come back.
BECKEL: What the hell was that?
BOLLING: Bill Clinton on what is the biggest threat to America's future. It's not Republicans, it not terror, and it's not something you'd expect ever.
BOLLING: Coming up next.
GUTFELD: Right now, America is a barroom brawl, populated by exhausted spiders tearing each other to pieces. Why they're fighting? It's no longer seen. It's worthwhile. All we know is the bar is trashed and it's time to stop, shake hands, and clean the damn place up. That's the endpoint of identity politics, an emotionally charged bitterly driven ideology that operates solely on anger and retribution. For if one identity must be sued, another must be accused. But what has this pernicious behavior rot? A device of torn distracted angry country. We are that ruined bar as our enemies outside laugh at our internal turmoil. Strange that it's Bill Clinton -- Bill echoing this sentiment, at the human rights campaign dinner on Saturday, behold his majesty.
BILL CLINTON: I believe in ways large and small, peaceful and sometimes violent, that the biggest threat to our future children and grand children is the poison of identity politics that preaches that our differences are far more important than our common humanity.
GUTFELD: That is amazing and from a member of the party that mastered identity war ware. I mean this is their sport.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They don't want it to work. Because they don't like the president, maybe he's the wrong color or something of that sort.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Republicans vote for this bill today. They will be voting to say that women can die on the floor.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: An overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man.
BARACK OBAMA: Time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a Madmen episode and give every woman the opportunity she deserves.
GUTFELD: I suppose the good news is that in a world besieged by division, even some liberals are tapped out. Perhaps they realize that obsession with race and gender has made this country more obsessed with race and gender. Identity once reflected by achievement has now assumed cultish, malice. The result, parental misconduct, masked as empowerment.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My (BEEP) aspirations in life should not be worrying about the shape of my (BEEP). So (BEEP) focusing on how I look.
GUTFELD: Sorry about that. Now, perhaps Bill is saying all this stuff for the benefit of Hillary. It's clever that he's condemning a practice still extolled by Sharpton, Holder, and Jarrett, all White House darlings, but I don't care, I'm so desperate for a new patriotism, a happier union based on the American idea, that I don't care who's with me, even Bill, although I'm not touching the cigars.
So KG.
GUILFOYLE: I knew it. I was trying to look over this way so he wouldn't call on me.
GUTFELD: Why is he saying this now? Why is he saying this now? This is really a departure.
GUILFOYLE: I think it's refreshing, like what he's saying. I hope he believes it. I don't know that his wife believes it. I think he is trying to help her out, but she could use some help right about now. In the past 24 hours, it hasn't been good for her, especially when Elizabeth Warren is looking for presidential than Ms. Hillary, not good, although I think she is very beatable in the general election, maybe this is what he believes.
BECKEL: Could I just make this point this in fairness to Bill Clinton? This started in 1992 when he was running (inaudible) moment. He's been against the politics for a long time. He's got a history. He said by the way, among Democrats and liberals, it's a very small percentage. You keep bringing up Sharpton and most Democrats think that identity politics is a bad idea and in the long run, the tea party has been as angry as the identity people are. So watch.
GUTFELD: I see what you're saying that when you look at it, you see the tea party as divisive, but if you look at the areas where identity politics rears it's ugly ahead on campuses where it actually majors, and the media where CNN ties every issue to race, no matter what, they're going to do it with a racial component and so it's there. And then you have politicians that use race as a tranchete against their opponents. If you disagree with any issue, you're a racist. Eric.
BOLLING: Listen, can I agree with you? And not only are politicians doing it, especially in this administration, Eric Holder, President Obama has done it as well. MSNBC does it, too. Every time you turn around -- if you disagree with Obama or if you disagree with the administration, you must be a racist.
BOLLING: But the problem is that's fine. Because here's the thing, they can do that, that's fine, that's what they think will get.
BOLLING: Well, Bob, they do, if you watch -- you'll hear throughout the day, it's sprinkled throughout the day in the program. But the problem s then you have the White House and the MSNBC people, specifically Al Sharpton who says he's going to be involved in picking the next attorney general, they're working hand in hand with MSNBC, so it's basically saying, we agree with what you're doing. It's race-baiting, but we're OK with it, just by defacto if not directly.
GUTFELD: What do you think about the idea of a candidate -- isn't it basically Bill Clinton pointing in a direction of a candidate who speaks to all Americans, it may be a Republican, it may be a Democrat, but somebody who speaks to everybody in a single group. That would be the winner.
PERINO: OK. But remember, that is what President Obama did in 2008, it's not red America, it's not blue America, it's the United States of America, that was his line and it was so refreshing and people voted for him saying, oh, thank goodness, someone to unite us. That's what exactly what we needed. And now, six years later, do we even know what we're fighting about? We have basically have gone back to the sites as you mentioned mostly about identity politics. But there are a lot of things that I think America is going to agree on right now. In fact, if Harry Reid hadn't stopped it, you could have had corporate tax reform, keystone pipeline, and medical device tax, three things that could actually help the economy done, and the president would have things that he could say I actually worked with the congress and I got these things done for the benefit of the economy.
BECKEL: If you take away Al Sharpton, if you take away Jesse Jackson, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, name me five more Democratic politicians.
GUTFELD: Let's see, Chris Matthews.
GUTFELD: I'm talking about everybody on your side.
BECKEL: Everybody on my side?
GUTFELD: Nancy Pelosi has done it. Chris Matthews has done it.
GUTFELD: During the height of Obama criticism, if you say anything about Obama, you.
BECKEL: Can you name me five of them?
BOLLING: You're kidding, right?
GUTFELD: Harry Reid, Maxine Watters. You go with the other three.
BECKEL: Behind the five we talked about.
BECKEL: But they're not, they're flat-ass wrong.
GUTFELD: How about name the ones that aren't?
BECKEL: There are plenty of them. It's flat wrong.
BOLLING: You said that tea parties are all racists.
BECKEL: I did.
PERINO: The campaigns are -- if they were in a band, the campaigns are marching two beats behind where America is.
PERINO: So in the upcoming presidential election, yes, you are going to need someone who says, yes, this is what I can do, I see a better future, follow me. You have to stick to the primary to be able to say that.
GUTFELD: All right. Sounds good.
GUTFELD: We need to get out of this segment, Bob. Because we have a lot of stuff coming up including your favorite topic, liberal campuses like UC Berkley blocking conservative speakers all the time, but you might be surprised by the latest target by students at the school, a hero of the left, next.
GUILFOYLE: Liberals have cheered comedian Bill Maher when he smeared Christianity in the past.
BILL MAHER, HOST, HBO'S "REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER": But the thing that's really disturbing about Noah isn't as silly. It's that it's immoral. It's about a psychotic mass murderer who gets away with it, and his name is God. What kind of tyrant punishes everyone just to get back at the few he's mad at? You know, conservatives are always going on about how Americans are losing their values and their morality. Well, maybe it's because you worship a guy who drowns babies.
GUILFOYLE: Well, but Maher is not getting the same support after making recent critiques about Islam, like this.
MAHER: It's the only religion that acts like the mafia that will (EXPLETIVE DELETED) kill you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book.
GUILFOYLE: The "Real Time" host was invited to deliver a commencement address at U.C. Berkeley in September. But more than 2,000 on campus are now petitioning to block him. They're calling Maher a, quote, "blatant bigot and racist who has no respect for the values the students and administration stand for." What a turnaround on that.
Bob, you have a point you'd like to make?
BECKEL: Yes, I have something that's been near and dear to my heart for a long time. Why these 2,000? Have they said anything about the Christians that have been killed in the Middle East? Have they said anything about the atrocities? My guess is no.
So until you start to stand up for what is decent basic human rights, you ought to keep your mouth shut and let Maher speak all he wants. There.
GUILFOYLE: Thank you, Bob, for being participatory and somewhat eloquent, both.
BOLLING: So here's what happened. This is -- this is in response to selective outrage that Bill Maher could say these things.
BOLLING: Yes. The left is outraged at Bill Maher. Am I saying something that's a surprise?
BECKEL: Yes, because these are Mideastern students. This is their group.
BOLLING: No, that's -- what happens, Bill Maher was invited to speak at Berkeley, and the students at Berkeley said, no, there's not -- he shouldn't been allowed to speak. There's a big long petition going on. And so...
BECKEL: Sponsored by the Arab students (ph).
BOLLING: Well, fair enough, but nonetheless, there are some hundreds of signatures that say...
BECKEL: OK, fine. I don't want to make Bob's head explode here, but the left is outraged that he could say something like that, because it's not as inclusive as they would like him to be.
BOLLING: But what they have created is the echo chamber of what you wanted them to hear, let's say at Berkeley, or some of these other very liberal- leaning institutions.
So rather than hearing the other side, like Condi Rice, or even, in this case, Bill Maher, they say, "No, we don't want to hear that because it doesn't fit our dynamic. It doesn't fit our debate. It doesn't fit what we're trying to teach our students." And that is anti-free speech, if it is anything. Anti-free speech, First Amendment.
GUILFOYLE: Dana, are you surprised by this?
PERINO: No, because these groups that decide to kick off speakers like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Bill Maher, they're fickle. They go to a great university. They get some freedom of thought. You see (ph) their brains. Greg went there. Look how he turned out. He's all right.
PERINO: But liberals are supposed to be open-minded. I'm curious about that. I know that care, the Center for American Islamic relations that they have come out against him.
But I wonder about the ACLU. I would love the see a statement from the ACLU supporting Maher and telling these students that he should be at least allowed to speak at their commencement. I mean, that's a great get. If you are the commencement organizer for a university, to get Bill Maher to agree to come to your...
GUILFOYLE: It's a big deal, but they can't help themselves. I mean, and now they're going to get it. They're going to get it on his show, if they block him. Berkeley.
GUTFELD: But now he knows what it's like to be a conservative.
GUILFOYLE: Berkeley alums, where are you?
GUTFELD: This is what happens to Ann Coulter. Every time she goes, she gets hit by a pie, or they try to kick them out.
This is the triumph of the modern tolerance movement, which happily suppresses freedom of speech, while tolerating the most sinister aspects of Sharia law. So they won't go out -- I mean, what do these people -- this is why everybody should ignore petitions, because they're just saps. These people don't care that Boko Haram has just abducted another mass of girls.
GUTFELD: Instead, they're putting all of their efforts into this. The enemy isn't just ISIS. It's people in the United States and in Cal who are apologists for horrible behaviors.
BECKEL: Can I just make one points about who the person who started this petition was? He's not a liberal. His name is Khwaja Ahmed, who is -- Ahmed is a member of the Middle Eastern Muslim South Asian Coalition.
BOLLING: In this one example, you have Bill Maher is facing serious heat from other members of...
GUTFELD: Ben Affleck.
GUILFOYLE: And your friends at CAIR also, in fact, said, "Oh, we have the right to say no."
PERINO: I think that Bob has a point. I think that there are a lot of liberals who are quietly supportive of things that Bill Maher is saying, just like there would be conservatives that might be supportive of him as well. What Bill Maher is saying makes a lot of common sense. The problem is that on the margins, you have groups like this fed by encouragement from Hollywood, I think, which is largely from the left.
GUTFELD; We have to remind ourselves that the climate of the campuses these days are far different than when you were there, Bob, it has changed, they are highly intolerant of thought that's different from theirs, and that is the -- that is the product of progressive thought now.
BOLLING: Can I just throw something in here, too? It seems a boondoggle. These institutions are using the disinvite as a political fool. As a commentary tool for the outrage so that...
PERINO: And what's going to happen is that people will decide that it's not in their -- why waste their time accepting a commencement address? They're not fun to have to do anyway.
BOLLING: Which is anti-free speech in itself.
PERINO: Exactly. But you'll self-center.
GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, I think we've had a really great time.
GUTFELD: I don't know, I'm not so sure.
GUILFOYLE: Ahead, who would you trust more for the facts about global warming? The guy who founded the Weather Channel or politicians like Al Gore. You're going to hear from both of them, coming up next.
PERINO: OK. Politicians on the left have been sounding the alarm on global warming for years.
AL GORE, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT: The planet has a fever.
BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The climate is changing faster than our efforts to address it.
JOHN KERRY, SECRETARY OF STATE: Climate change can now be considered another weapon of war -- of mass destruction, perhaps even the world's most fearsome weapon of mass destruction.
PERINO: But it turns out their forecast and media broadcasts are all wrong. That's according to a man who knows a lot about both. Here's the co-founder of the Weather Channel on "The Kelly File" last night.
JOHN COLEMAN, CO-FOUNDER, WEATHER CHANNEL: The media has told the nation over and over again, day after day for 20 years, that the oceans are rising, the polar bears are dying, the ice is melting, that storms are going to sweep the earth and we're all going to die of a heat wave.
The Antarctic ice cap is at an all-time record high in both coverage and thickness. The arctic ice cap at the north pole is at the highest it's been in several years. Not only is the ice not melting. More polar bears are alive and happy today than we've had in 100 years. Life is good.
PERINO: Well, you know, love to talk about climate change on "The Five." So Bob, let me talk to you about that question. I don't think it's unreasonable for the White House and Democrats to be asking Dem Republicans and people across America to look at the science on Ebola and not overreact. Isn't it also then fair for Republicans and conservatives ask the left to look at the actual science, on class?
BECKEL: I think that's a fairway to go it. Can I make a point about who we're talking about here? You got a lot of good scientists on your side that you ought to be putting up.
This guy was the band leader of "At the Hop" in 1954 in Champaign, Illinois. I'm going to listen to what this jerk says? Give me a break.
GUTFELD: He created the Weather Channel.
BECKEL: He created the Weather Channel. So what? A lot of people -- does that make him an expert?
GUILFOYLE: A lot of people created the Weather Channel?
PERINO: In all fairness because I did a gymnastics routine to "The Entertainer" when I was in third grade, and then I became the White House press secretary. So maybe you should haven't taken me seriously then? I mean...
BECKEL: That's probably true, but I'm not taking this guy seriously. Get me one of your scientists.
PERINO: Kimberly, did you -- did you like having him on?
GUILFOYLE: Did I like...
PERINO: Having h= -- I'm on the show to talk about the science.
GUILFOYLE: Yes. Of course, but the problem is when you confront people with logic and facts and science, they're still going to disbelieve because it is not in accord with their ideology, so they refuse to acknowledge it or even have common sense about it. So it's frustrating to me. Because guess what? The whole agenda, their whole cause, the whole thing they raise money for goes down the tubes.
PERINO: But Eric, there is -- there are scientists who would say that everything that John Coleman just said, yes, while true, there are counter balancing measures that show that climate change is real and is a serious problem that we should deal with.
BOLLING: And a lot of those make a lot of money or get a lot of money from a lot of sources who donate money and even the government sources. So they're pretty much talking their book, as you say on Wall Street. If you went the other way and said, "You know what? This whole thing we were wrong. It's actually global cooling right now."
GUILFOYLE: Then there's no payoff.
BOLLING: Then there's no payoff. There's no payoff. Actual science numbers, the doctor -- if he a doctor? Anyway...
BECKEL: He's not a doctor. He's a radio talk show host.
GUILFOYLE: No, he's not.
BOLLING: He pointed out the arctic ice has grown.
BOLLING: Ph.D., doctor. So up 40 percent in the last two years. There's a great tweet that's going around the Internet, when Al Gore was born, there were 130,000 glaciers, and now there are only 130,000 glaciers. So the point being, yes, it's weather. It's not global warming. It's weather.
PERINO: We're talking a little bit about the censorship, the self- censoring and not wanting to go to commencement speeches. Listen to this from The New York Times. This is a quote on the paper's handling of climate change.
Quote, "Claims that the entire field of climate science is some kind of giant hoax do not hold water, and we have made a conscious decision that we are not going to take that point of view seriously." That's from Adam Bryant on October 27.
GUTFELD: Well, this is -- for people who have accepted this, it is not a science. It is now a faith; it's a religion. And like a religion, you can't talk about it in mixed company without people getting angry. And it operates like a religion on faith.
Being outspoken is always considered heroic by the media, unless it's global warming and then it's considered a crime. And some will even advocate criminal -- they will want to prosecute you for going against their ideology.
But let's talk about the rising temperature. I'm going to talk for a while. The percentage of historical climatology network stations to reach 90 degrees is the smallest on record. The hottest was 1931, when 98 percent of the stations went over 90 degrees.
We also know there's been a temperature pause for 18 years. They've been blaming the drought in California on humans, but evidence from the tree rings show that the drought was much worse between 1100 and 1200 A.D. There were no SUVs then.
Let's talk about sea levels. Al Gore claimed that sea levels rose 3 to 6 feet, will rise 3 to 6 feet by 2100. New research shows that the sea level rise in the Indian Ocean is six inches per century, which is less than the global mean by one inch.
And here's a fun fact about sea levels going up. It's sometimes an illusion, because the land is actually shrinking. It's a local phenomenon. For example, sea level in Australia has dropped about 1.5 feet. And that's because Perth is shrinking. This is the science that they will not tell you.
BECKEL: OK, but let me just say...
PERINO: Do you hear that phone? That call is from Megyn Kelly. So she's like, you had fun tonight.
BECKEL: Let me say one thing.
PERINO: We've got to go. We're not going to have time for your segment.
BECKEL: Greg asked me -- Greg asked me -- I'm taking up my segment. That's fine, because it happens that way anyway. Greg asked me to look at the science. I have agreed -- I agree there's a lot of good science on both sides, but don't just debunk everybody on the other side and say that they're all bunk. There's lots of science over this.
GUTFELD: All right. Going to talk about the -- Let's talk about the No. 1 -- the 97 percent consensus debunked. Created by misclassified...
BECKEL: I hear that. I hear that.
GUTFELD: ... delivery -- deliberately saying...
BECKEL: All I'm saying is that there are facts on both sides that need to be explored, that's all.
GUTFELD: I'm with you on that.
PERINO: Oh, wow. I think that was consensus.
Still ahead, Ebola is scaring a lot of people this Halloween, and some costume makers are cashing in. Some people are calling the hazmat get-up insensitive. We're going to tell you what we think next.
BECKEL: Pay attention to this block, folks. It's the liberal block, and it's going to last about 90 seconds.
If you haven't gotten a costume yet for Halloween, here's one idea. The so-called sexy Ebola containment suit is one of the Hazmat-themed options available this year. It comes equipped with a nurse's dress, face shield, goggles and blue latex gloves. Some people are outraged by it. I am, too, but how can you be P.C. free? Kimberly, what do you say? If it was up to you and me...
GUILFOYLE: Right. I have a lot of costumes, and I would not purchase this costume, nor would I wear it.
BECKEL: You've got a lot of costumes? I'm just curious. For Halloween.
GUILFOYLE: Yes. I have a tremendous amount of costumes.
PERINO: I've heard all about them.
BECKEL: All right, Dana, what do you think?
PERINO: This is what I think. I think that I'm with Catherine Miller of Buzzfeed, who -- she believes Halloween is for children. I agree. I don't think that adults need to be spending all this time and money and effort by going to all this...
PERINO: ... dressing up in costumes. I don't think this is necessary. It's for kids.
BECKEL: I agree. Greg, what are you going as this year?
GUTFELD: This is no different than a sexy firefighter or a sexy police officer. All risky occupations become sexy costumes as a compliment to bravery. What's the No. 1 male stripping costume? The police officer who shows up to a rescue on your bachelorette night and then ends up stripping. Not that I would know, but it's a common practice.
GUILFOYLE: Part-time job?
BECKEL: Eric, what are you going as this year?
BOLLING: No. 1, I don't think that's sexy. No. 2, I love Halloween, and I'm a big fan of Halloween. And No. 3, I'm all for any costume. You want to do that, that's fine. Knock yourself out.
I'm going to go as a liberal, but somebody's going to have to like punch me in the head so many times I can't think straight.
PERINO: Won't that give you a big head?
BECKEL: Because every liberal in the world is a bad person. So you shouldn't go as that. I want you to be a good guy. I don't want you to do that.
"One More Thing" is up next.
PERINO: Will you get the suspenders?
BOLLING: All right, time for One More Thing. I'll kick it off here. Check out Bundy Cobb (ph), who tried to vote in the state of Georgia but was told he'd have to remove his NRA hat before he could vote, and here's the explanation by the Douglas County Board of Elections commissioner.
LAURIE FULTON, DOUGLAS COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS: Courts have found that anything that suggests associated with the NRA in many people's impressions is related to the Republican party. So in an over-abundance of caution, Mr. Cobb was asked to remove the hat so that no one could, you know, interpret that we were showing any favoritism toward one party over the other.
BOLLING: So one quick question, before we throw it around. If he were wearing a United Steelworkers Union hat, would he also have to take it off? Because everyone knows the unions definitely favor the Democrats? OK.
BECKEL: They shouldn't be allowed to vote.
BOLLING: Dana's up next.
PERINO: OK. Diplomacy is running away from the White House, far, far away. In the "who in the world would say such a thing" segment tonight, I bring you an article just posted by Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic. And this is senior administration officials from the White House talking about Israel's prime minister, Bibi Netanyahu, who I might mention, served in the special forces of the IDF and was shot at twice.
They said, "I was talking" -- Goldberg reports, "I was talking to a senior administration official, and they said that Netanyahu is a chicken" -- poop, we would have to, you know, bleep that. "And also added that he is a coward," and they're referring to the issue of Iran's nuclear threat.
I don't know what's going on at the White House and why they would think this is a good idea, but if Israel really is our special friend in the world, this is probably not how you should treat them.
BOLLING: A bad time to be leaking that kind of stuff.
BECKEL: K.G., you're up.
GUILFOYLE: OK, well, who likes weddings?
GUILFOYLE: It's not a royal wedding. All right. So here's a really cute wedding video that went viral. It was on Facebook. It had, last time we checked, 507,390 likes and views on YouTube. It's Brian and Allie (ph) and one of their friends put one of those GoPro cameras on a bottle of fireball cinnamon whisky and then passed it around the wedding. Take a look.
First of all, did anyone think about passing around...
PERINO: I would not do that.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.
PERINO: No one would drink after me.
GUILFOYLE: Not after your cough.
BOLLING: All right, Greg, you're up.
GUTFELD: It's time for...
GUTFELD: Greg's Crime Corner.
GUTFELD: All right. A daring prison escape in Russia, where Ivan Forbatsky (ph) attempted to break out of a notorious Siberian prison. And it's all caught on tape.
GUTFELD: So close but then so far. He was later executed.
BOLLING: It is Russia.
BOLLING: Bob, you're up.
BECKEL: I'm sorry, I was playing solitaire (ph).
GUILFOYLE: He really was.
BECKEL: I was. Yes, right there.
House of Representatives, my prediction on this is that right now, the -- there are about 15 seats in play in the House, I believe. And I think the Republicans are probably going to win 9 of them and the Democrats 6. That's it.
GUILFOYLE: So that's your solitaire.
BOLLING: That's helpful.
That's it. Set your DVRs. You're never going to miss another episode of "The Five."
GUTFELD: Never. You will never.
BOLLING: I said you won't.
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