Woman receives ticket for driving with Google Glass

A ticket issued in California for "driving with a monitor visible to driver," in this case the high-tech specs known as Google Glass. (Cecilia Abadie)

(FoxNews.com / Jeremy A. Kaplan)

Those with three eyes had better think twice before setting one foot in a car.

California resident Cecilia Abadie, a self-described “geek and Google Glass pioneer,” said she was ticketed for driving while wearing the high-tech specs.


“A cop just stopped me and gave me a ticket for wearing Google Glass while driving!” wrote Abadie on Google Plus. “The exact line says: Driving with Monitor visible to Driver (Google Glass). Is #GoogleGlass illegal while driving or is this cop wrong? Any legal advice is appreciated!”

The regulation cited section 27602 of the California regulations, which state that “a person shall not drive a motor vehicle if a television receiver, a video monitor, or a television or video screen … is visible to the driver while driving the motor vehicle.”

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The display on Google Glass is off unless actively being used, and the display is designed to sit out of the line of sight. But the infraction could help clarify what promises to  be a thorny legal area, as other companies seeks to create internet connected eyewear and more.

Google on Wednesday said Glass users should always make sure to follow laws against using mobile devices while driving.

"Explorers should always use Glass responsibly and put their safety and the safety of others first," a company spokesman said. "More broadly, Glass is built to connect you with the world around you, not distract you from it."

The ticket itself is likely to stand: Abadie was also cited for speeding.

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