We can't read your iMessages, Apple says

After it came to light earlier this year that the NSA keeps people on a much shorter digital leash than most suspected, issues such as security and privacy shot to the forefront of online media once again.

Keeping your online activity private is no easy task, though it is possible, and it seems like new research emerges every day showing how vulnerable various methods of online communications are.


Apple’s iMessage product was the latest to find itself security researchers’ crosshairs as a group called QuarksLab claimed Apple is able, if it so desires or if the NSA requires it to, to read your iMessages. Despite the lab’s lengthy white paper on the matter, Apple issued a statement on Friday claiming in no uncertain terms that the group is flat-out wrong.

"iMessage is not architected to allow Apple to read messages,” an Apple spokeswoman said to AllThingsD in a statement.

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“The research discussed theoretical vulnerabilities that would require Apple to re-engineer the iMessage system to exploit it, and Apple has no plans or intentions to do so.”