Twitter urges users to #BeAVoter

The Twitter logo and stock prices are shown above the floor of the New York Stock Exchange shortly after the opening bell in New York, U.S., January 23, 2018. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson - RC174055D130 (Reuters)

Not yet registered to vote? Twitter and Facebook want to help you check that off your to-do list.

Twitter just launched a campaign to help people register to vote ahead of the US Midterm Elections on Tuesday, Nov. 6. Dubbed #BeAVoter, Twitter's new campaign coincides with National Voter Registration Day, which takes place tomorrow.

If you haven't already, you'll soon see a prompt at the top of your Twitter timeline with information on how to register. The prompt includes a link to the nonprofit, nonpartisan organization TurboVote. It also encourages you to tweet at your followers, urging them to register.

Twitter is also promoting its #BeAVoter tag, which will appear as the top US trend. Clicking it will bring up voter registration information, election reminders, and absentee ballot FAQs.

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"Twitter is where people go to for news and information about elections, and it is our obligation to ensure that we meet this expectation and provide a platform that promotes healthy, public conversation and surfaces reliable information for voters," Twitter Senior Public Policy Manager Bridget Coyne wrote in a Monday blog post.

Meanwhile, Facebook plans to launch a similar initiative with TurboVote tomorrow for National Voter Registration Day. On Facebook's Instagram app, you'll see ads in your feed and stories with information on how to register, update your registration, look up your state's voting rules, and more.

"From the first swipe up in Stories, getting the information you need to register to vote takes only a few minutes," Instagram wrote in a blog post last week.

On Election Day, Instagram will offer an "I voted" sticker in the camera, so you can let all your followers know you exercised your civic right. The sticker will link to Get to The Polls, a service that helps you find your polling location.

"Our nonpartisan work to help people learn about and engage with their representatives is constant," Facebook's Global Politics and Government Outreach Director Katie Harbath said during a press call last week. "Before an election, we have tools that let you hear from candidates in their words, learn more about who is on ballots, and make a plan to vote. On election day we let you tell your Facebook friends you voted. After elections, we help connect users with their new representatives, allowing them to better communicate and hold officials accountable."

This article originally appeared on