Tim Cook takes center stage at All Things D conference

Tim Cook introducing the new iPad this past March. (Reuters)

Apple CEO Time Cook will be having a chat Tuesday night at the D10 conference -- in only his second public interview in recent months.

In February, Cook appeared at the Goldman Sachs annual Technology and Internet Conference in San Francisco where he discussed Foxconn workers, Apple’s product line, and the company’s long term financial outlook. Today’s talk at D: All Things Digital, an annual gathering of technology insiders in Ranchos Palos Verdes, Calif., is expected to cover similar themes.

Some are hoping the discussion will shed light on Apple’s product pipeline: the buzzed about iPhone 5, Apple’s game-changing TV (wherever it is), or maybe even an iPad mini.

Just don’t get your hopes up. The iPhone-maker doesn’t typically announce major products at non-Apple events, and Apple’s own World Wide Developers Conference, where it has introduced new iPhones in the past, is just weeks away.

Cook, despite efforts to stamp his personal brand on the company, has respected certain traditions, notably the company’s infamous secrecy.

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But that doesn’t mean there won’t be anything to talk about. Journalists will be eager to press Cook about Apple’s Chinese relations, legal battles with Samsung and Google, and maybe even details about the company’s plan to refresh its Mac line.

Cook’s session at D10 begins at 9 p.m. EST.