Steve Jobs turned down liver transplant from Tim Cook, biography claims

Tim Cook and Steve Jobs remove their microphones after a news conference at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, Calif., July 16, 2010. (REUTERS/Kim White)

Steve Jobs turned down a partial liver transplant from now Apple-CEO Tim Cook two years before he died of cancer, according to a new biography on the tech icon.

The biography, “Becoming Steve Jobs,” claims that Cook offered part of his liver to Jobs in 2009 after learning that he had the same rare blood type as his boss and could grow back the liver cells, the New York Post reports.

“I said, ‘Steve, I’m perfectly healthy,’ ” Cook reportedly says in the book. “ ‘I can do this and I’m not putting myself at risk; I’ll be fine.’ ”

Jobs, however, declined the offer.

Cook, then Apple’s chief operating officer, took the CEO reins from Jobs in August 2011. Jobs lost his battle with pancreatic cancer on Oct.5 2011.

However, the iconic tech guru still casts a long shadow over Apple, and questions have swirled around Cook’s ability to continue the company’s phenomenal innovation engine.

On Monday Cook unveiled Apple Watch, which Apple is touting as a revolution in consumer gadgets. Apple Watch, which syncs to the iPhone, is the company’s first new product category since it launched the phenomenally successful iPad in 2010.

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