By ,
Published November 04, 2015
Following Sprint's announcement of the LG Viper 4G LTE yesterday, Sprint revealed more information about it's 4G LTE service.
At a Sprint event this morning, an audience member raised the question that's been on all of our minds -- will Sprint's 4G LTE will be a part of their unlimited data plan? David Owens, the director of commercialization at Sprint, answered, "What customers can expect from us is that we’ve been steadfast in our plans to maintain our differentiation with unlimited and we have not come off of that stance."
So there you have it, a confirmation of unlimited 4g LTE at the launch of the service. Sprint has 'not come off of that stance' --yet. Who know what the future holds. Atlanta, Baltimore, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City and San Antonio will be the first round of cities to have the Sprint 4G LTE service mid-2012. Let the migration to these cities for the benefit of unlimited 4G LTE begin!