SHOT Show 2014 in pictures

Thousands flock to opening day at this year's SHOT Show in Las Vegas. (National Shooting Sports Foundation)

A display of Fox Knives.  (National Shooting Sports Foundation)

Country superstar and military veteran came to see the gun show. (National Shooting Sports Foundation)

You can never have enough camo at the SHOT Show. (National Shooting Sports Foundation)

It's no surprise that one of the Duck Dynasty guys made an appearance at this year's SHOT Show. Duck call crafter Godwin signed autographs and checked out the new gear at the show. (National Shooting Sports Foundation)

Companies from all over came together to show off their latest guns and accessories. (National Shooting Sports Foundation)

Professional shooter, KC Eusebio, currently holds the title of the youngest Grand Master in USPSA history which he earned at the age of 12. (National Shooting Sports Foundation)

Governor Rick Perry dressed down when he visited the SHOT Show in Las Vegas. (National Shooting Sports Foundation)

There was no shortage of guns at the SHOT Show. Visitors browsed more than 600,000 square feet of products. (National Shooting Sports Foundation)

There were plenty of gun accessories on display at the SHOT Show including a wide selection of holsters. (National Shooting Sports Foundation)

Paraclete's newest body armor was on display at the SHOT Show. (National Shooting Sports Foundation)

Browning showed off their car decked out in camo. (National Shooting Sports Foundation)