A seagull has gone viral after it was captured on film eating an entire rat in one gulp.

Allyson Reis woke up early on July 2 in her home in Notting Hill to loud noises, British news agency SWNS reports.

Upon looking out her window, she saw a few seagulls and a pair of magpies fighting the rodent, before eventually killing it. That's when she was able to get her phone out to capture the seagull swallowing the rat whole.

A seagull is captured on camera eating a rat whole. (Credit: SWNS)

A seagull is captured on camera eating a rat whole. (Credit: SWNS)


"I ran in the bedroom to get my phone but by the time I got out he killed it already," Reis, 54, said. "There were two other seagulls and two magpies but the seagull that had caught the rat had chased off the other ones and then that was it -- he was just eating it. It was disgusting."

Reis believes the birds have grown desperate for food during the coronavirus lockdown, which has impacted countries around the world, including the U.K.

"I think it's getting much worse because there’s no food for them to eat," Reis explained.

A lack of food scattered on the streets due to lockdown has seen Notting Hills desperate seagulls changing up their gourmet diets for rodents. (Credit: SWNS)

A lack of food scattered on the streets due to lockdown has seen Notting Hills desperate seagulls changing up their gourmet diets for rodents. (Credit: SWNS)

Two weeks earlier, Reis said she saw seagulls eating a dead crow.

The U.K. has been one of the most impacted countries by the pandemic, with more than 288,000 reported cases of COVID-19, resulting in over 44,600 deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.