Samsung bringing back the flip phone


Like a rock star coming out of retirement the flip phone is making a comeback with Samsung announcing a new line of clamshell handsets.

But before you get too excited, there is a catch: It’ll only be available is South Korea and it’s aimed towards the older mobile phone user.

This retro ringer, called the Master series, was announced by Samsung via its Flickr account and has been purposely aimed at “respected older generations” who desire a more nostalgic design and simple feature set.

Here you won't find the whizzbang wonders of smartphones but you do get a 3-inch screen plus a pedometer and front and rear cameras.

Long before touchscreen wizardry the only way we wanted to answer our mobile was with the satisfying flick of a flip phone. It’s a design that has since been lost to the history books and many of us who rocked mobiles back in the day still yearn for it.

Despite our desire to return to our old slamming shut ways it’s very unlikely we’ll be seeing these flip phones headed our way. However you can get your hands on one in South Korea for 240,000 won (approximately $234).

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