Re-Launch of Iconic Vessel 'Calypso'

La Calypso, famous ship of Captain Cousteau, Calypso will be re-purposed as a touring educational exhibition. (The Cousteau Society)

Calypso in Concarneau (Britany France)-Calypso was commissioned as a British minesweeper in 1943 and served briefly as a post-war ferry. (The Cousteau Society)

Calypso was acquired in 1950 by Irish millionaire and former MP Thomas Loel Guinness, who leased it to Cousteau for a symbolic one franc per year. (The Cousteau Society)

The SP-350 Denise, famous as the "Diving saucer," is a small submarine designed to hold two people, and is capable of exploring depths of up to 400 meters. It was invented by Jacques-Yves Cousteau and engineer Jean Mollard at the French Center for Undersea Research. (The Cousteau Society)

10 meters deep, real underwater houses have been settled, on the reef of Shaab Rumi (Sudan, Red Sea). (The Cousteau Society)

Captain Cousteau with an underwater camera. (The Cousteau Society)

The Alcyone was created as an expedition ship to test the operation of a new kind of marine propulsion system, the turbosail. It has two of the unusual sails, which augment its diesel engines. Since the accidental sinking of the Calypso (ship), the Alcyone has been the Cousteau Society's expedition vessel. (The Cousteau Society)