
The future of gaming is here thanks to Sony PlayStation. The PlayStation VR (Virtual Reality) is the newest edition to the gaming family and is already showing plenty of promise. The company's PS4 has been leading the console wars and with this new VR technology, PlayStation will be maintaining its grip on the gaming market.

The VR system is easy to set up with straightforward instructions and a visual diagram. The system is not wireless, but nothing will hold you back from getting immersed into the detailed worlds of the VR games available.


The wireless controller makes playing the VR much easier -- especially if you don't want to worry about yanking your system off its support when you're enthralled in a separate reality. Some games will have you use the PS4 controller and some need the PS4 motion controllers, to act as your hands during gameplay. Because it is not wireless, the headset doesn’t offer that same level of freedom. However, PlayStation VR does include a long cable. The VR headset is also glasses friendly, which is oftentimes overlooked! The device does require a PlayStation camera in order to read your movements and place your body in the virtual world.

The gameplay from the PlayStation VR is everything a fan could want. The graphics are smooth and intricate, delivering a unique, first-person experience. Playing as Batman in the new “Batman Arkham VR” game, you find yourself reaching for your utility belt in order to use batarangs, a grappling hook, and a scanner. The “Job Simulator VR” lets players experience different occupations. For example, you can be a chef, taking orders and cooking food for your robot friends. Other occupations within the game include office worker, mechanic or store clerk. After a few minutes you will be quickly sucked into the world of the game and forget the layout of your home.

Verdict: 9/10

The PlayStation VR will have you hooked instantly from the moment you put on the headset. Just make sure you have space to move when you enter this new world of entertainment. The PlayStation VR is a huge leap in the future of gaming.