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    Online dating websites that have us asking why

    Just when you thought things couldn't get weirder on the Internet...they did. Here are some of the wackiest online dating services out there.

  • GhostSingles_website
    Want to date someone who died horribly? On this site, you're all set.
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  • seacaptaindate
    This site promises to help you find your first mate -- pun intended.
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  • glutenfreesingles
    Sick of dating those tolerant of gluten? Learn more about the gluten free lifestyle and find your perfect mate at the same time.
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  • aynrand
    Looking for a mate who loves you as much as you love Ayn Rand books? Look no further than the Atlasphere.
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  • equestr
    Equestrian Dating boasts it's "The best, largest and most effective dating site for single horse lovers and friends in the world!"
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  • Blake_Shelton_Austin
    Unfortunately, this dating site will not score you a date with country singer Blake Shelton but will help you meet those with a mullet.
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    Giant/Warner Bros.
  • farmersonly
    Are you a farmer looking for a farmer? keeps all the non-country folk out, it's website says. "Instead of asking what your astrological sign is, at I ask if you raise or breed alpacas, horses, cattle, chickens, dogs, goats, rabbits, sheep, grow crops, or if you're an organic farmer, student farmer, cowboy, cowgirl, or just a farmer wanna be!"
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  • tallfriends
  • furrymate
    Visit for the "friendliest, funnest and furriest dating community on the internet."
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  • darwindating
    This website is a dating service for beautiful people only. Banned from the site are "Redheads, wobbly upper arms, non-symmetrical faces or bodies," among others.
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  • catloversdating
    If you really love your cats, why shouldn't your significant other feel the same way?
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  • Published
    11 Images

    Online dating websites that have us asking why

    Just when you thought things couldn't get weirder on the Internet...they did. Here are some of the wackiest online dating services out there.

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  • Online dating websites that have us asking why
  • GhostSingles_website
  • seacaptaindate
  • glutenfreesingles
  • aynrand
  • equestr
  • Blake_Shelton_Austin
  • farmersonly
  • tallfriends
  • furrymate
  • darwindating
  • catloversdating