Office 2103 in pictures

In One Note, you can search the notes and files you've added to find anything you've captured a page in a presentation, text in a picture or a comment in an audio clip. Type in a keyword or phrase. (Microsoft Corp.)

Seen in Windows 8's new tile-based interface, the new Office responds to touch as naturally as it does to keyboard and mouse. (Microsoft Corp.)

Find the best ways to visualize your data in charts. Excel recommends the most suitable charts based on patterns in your data. Quickly look at your data in different charts and graphs and pick the view that shows what you want. (Microsoft Corp.)

Get in touch with OneNote. Use your fingers and hands to move through your pages and notes when you don't have a keyboard. (Microsoft Corp.)

With one click, discover different ways to visually represent your data. Love what you see? Apply the formatting, Sparklines, chart or table with one more click. (Microsoft Corp.)

When presenting with a second screen (such as a projector) from Microsoft PowerPoint, new behind-the-scenes tools keep you in control and allow you to focus on and connect with your audience. (Microsoft Corp.)

In Outlook's new "People cards," multiple contacts are transparently joined into one view, reducing distracting duplicates and offering social context. (Microsoft Corp.)

Get started with ease. When opening PowerPoint, you are presented with a collection of compelling, widescreen themes to use in creating your presentation. (Microsoft Corp.)

See a clean version of Word documents that have been marked up, with subtle hints that indicate changes and comments. With one click, you can see the changes and then hide them for easy reading and tracking. (Microsoft Corp.)

Jan. 29, 2013: Office 365 Home Premium -- a subscription version of the Office 2013 software -- works on up to five devices, including Windows tablets, PCs and Macs, Microsoft said. (Microsoft Corp.)