Nurse fleeing California wildfires puts horse in car, picture goes viral

Lauren Mesaros loaded her pony, Stardust, into her car to escape the California wildfires. (Credit: Lauren Mesaros)

Leave it to human ingenuity to solve almost anything.

Lauren Mesaros, a California nurse, needed to flee from the Tubbs Fire going on in Napa, Sonoma and Lake counties in Northern California. Mesaros also needed to get her three horses, including her pony Stardust, away from the flames as well.

The problem? The trailer only held two of the three horses.


Mesaros' solution? Put Stardust in the car.

“He actually walked right into the car like a dog would,” Mesaros said in an interview with SF Gate.

Mesaros said she put Stardust into the back of her 2001 Honda Accord, aided by her friend Carol Spears, whom Mesaros described as “a horse whisperer.”

Mesaros' sister-in-law posted the picture to Facebook, which has subsequently gone viral. The photo has been shared more than 17,000 times and has the caption: "When your sister in law Lauren has to evacuate her pony from Santa Rosa but no transport is available - you do what you have to do."

The horses have been taken to nearby Wind Horse Ranch in Sebastopol to wait out the blaze and while Mesaros' property has largely been spared from significant damage, her car isn't so lucky.

“My car will never smell the same again,” she said.

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