Nokia Lumia 920 Could Launch November 2nd

After getting our hands on the brand new Nokia Lumia 920 earlier this week, we couldn't help but think that this could be the flagship device that Windows Phones -- and Nokia, for that matter -- so desperately needs. The one big problem: this flagship doesn't have an actual launch date. When will people be able to pick one up at the store? Nokia's kept mum, but its industry partners have given us a general idea.

An executive at an eastern European cellular carrier told Reuters that the Lumia 920 would touch down on his network during the latter half of November, though he also said that larger countries will launch the Windows 8 handset earlier in the month. The Verge's sources narrowed that down to a potential November 2nd launch date on AT&T in the U.S.

The delay could hurt Nokia in the short run, the executive who spoke to Reuters opined. "The problem is that Nokia has temporarily destroyed the market for its own phones. Nobody will buy the old Windows phone and until the new Lumia comes, the market is absolutely dead."

Nokia managed to undercut Apple when it came to announcing its new handset, but if the rumored September 21st street launch date for the iPhone 5 holds true, that means Apple's flagship phone could be in people's hands for over a full month prior to the Lumia 920's actual launch. The Android market is also looking packed, with the LG Intuition, Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and a trio of new Droid RAZR phones being just the tip of the iceberg.

Windows Phones have an uphill battle against competition like that, but the beautiful and innovative Lumia 920 might just have a fighting chance. We'll know for sure when a review model winds up in our offices.

There's still no word on the Lumia 920's pricing details.