Nazi Bomber Found in Ocean off England

A formation of Dornier Do 17 planes flies in 1940. (Wikipedia)

A German bomber shot down in World War II has been found 50 feet below the sea off the coast of England.

The twin-engined Dornier 17, buried in a sandbank, is the last of its kind in the world. It was discovered when a fishing boat snagged its nets on the wreckage off the coast of Deal, Kent, in the channel between England and France.

The plane, known as a Flying Pencil, was blasted out of the sky during Nazi attacks on Britain in August 1940. The Royal Air Force Museum plans to raise it from the water next year and put it on display in London.

It said the plane was in "remarkable" condition. Museum director Air Vice-Marshal Peter Dye added: "It is a unique survivor from the Battle of Britain."

Read more at The Sun.

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