Microsoft to users: Please, ditch Windows XP

In case you somehow haven’t already heard, in less than a month Microsoft will stop offering support for Windows XP.

That’s right folks, come April 8, there’ll be no more software or security updates for the aging operating system, leaving machines still running it exposed to all kinds of potential issues, some of them rather unpleasant.

According to data from StatCounter, about 18 percent of computers around the world are still running XP, a factor which may have prompted Microsoft to launch a final push to get stragglers to upgrade.

No, this “final push” doesn’t involve dark-clad Microsoft minions turning up in the small hours to offer a quiet word in your ear about why you really should ditch XP, but instead centers on a few incentives that it hopes might motivate you into taking action, prompting you to finally put the old OS to bed.

The incentives include a $50 gift card, 90 days of free support, and free help with data transfer if you buy a brand new Windows machine from its online store.

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The listed machines include four desktops ranging from $700 to $1,300, and four laptops priced between $280 and $700. A bunch of 2-in-1 PCs and tablets are also available

The gift card is clearly the most attractive part of the deal, but be aware that it can only be spent on something from Microsoft’s online store.

The free “premium” support comes via phone, chat, and sales channels and covers “virtually anything” – as long as it concerns your new computer, of course.

As for the free data transfer, the computer giant has partnered with data migration service Laplink to help you easily transfer all your files, settings, and user profiles from your old machine to your new one.

Final note – the offer is available till April 30 or “while supplies last.” Oh, and don’t forget: “Microsoft reserves the right to modify or discontinue offers at any time.” So if you’re thinking of taking advantage of this particular one, better get your skates on.

[Microsoft's Windows offer for XP users]