Magic Leap video puts HoloLens on notice

Magic Leap, a secretive startup backed by Google, has released a video demonstrating what its augmented reality headset is capable of. This comes hot on the heels of a deep dive into the Florida-based company from Wired.

The video, entitled "A New Morning," claims to have been shot directly through Magic Leap's tech without any special effects. It shows the user going thorugh his notifications, looking at work productivity charts and looking at his daughter's multimedia school project. He goes on to buy a pair of shoes online and, inexplicably, watch a bunch of jellyfish float towards the ceiling.

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It's all reminiscent of what Microsoft is doing with augmented reality and HoloLens, which shipped to developers last month. In contrast, there is no development version or details about consumer versions of Magic Leap's goggles. In fact, there isn't even a picture of the startup's device.

Magic Leap refers to their technology as "mixed reality," somewhere between VR and AR. According to Wired, the company's headset isn't as bulky as HoloLens or the HTC Vive, but is "as comfortable as slipping off sunglasses."

This all sounds exciting, but there have been no public demos of Magic Leap's prototype. That means there's a long way to go. But Microsoft might be quaking on its boots: HoloLens is officially on notice.

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