Iron Man is real: British inventor builds flight suit

(Credit: Gravity Industries)

Richard Browning may not be the real life Tony Stark, but he has taken inspiration from the comic book character, building his own Iron Man-style suit.

A British inventor and co-founder of the startup Gravity Industries, Browning showed off his suit at a TED conference in Vancouver.

Below is a video of the test flight from Gravity Industries' YouTube page:

Despite "oohs" and "ahhhs" from the crowd, Browning insists the project is for fun and not for mainstream consumption.

"I did this entirely for the same reason that you might look at a mountain and decide to climb it - for the journey and the challenge," Browning told the BBC."My approach to flight was why not augment the human mind and body, because they are amazing machines, so I just bolted on what was missing - thrust."

He built the suit using jet engines and an exoskeleton, in line with his company's line of work. Gravity describes itself as a "human propulsion technology start-up," whose mission  "is to re-imagine the future of manned flight."

The suit, which Browning has said can reach up to speeds of 200 mph, can fly for 10 consecutive minutes at a few thousand feet.

Though Browning insisted that the suit is not coming to market, he did tell the British publication his company is working on new technology which would make the current prototype look like "child's play."