HP Testing Windows 8 on TouchPads

The HP TouchPad -- a tablet computer running Palm's WebOS operating system -- is displayed in San Francisco. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg)

Zombie tech?

The products you thought were dead at HP may not be quite dead just yet.

The HP TouchPad, the highly praised WebOS operating system, and the entire PC division are still on the chopping block, but sources at HP say that with the new CEO Meg Whitman, the butcher's blade hasn't yet fallen.

So those HP TouchPads may not be historical artifacts after all.

Sources within HP told FoxNews.com that the hardware team has been busy doing proof-of-concept work testing Windows 8 Developer Release on the devices, which are currently listed in retail stores and online at fire-sale prices. Internally there's been discussion about reviving the defunct tablets -- or even building new devices with Windows 8 in mind.

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HP effectively killed the TouchPad back in August when it announced plans to stop supporting WebOS devices. A $99 tablet sale ensued, and the surprisingly strong demand prompted HP to build another round of TouchPads. HP has yet to announce when that second round of devices will be available.

Layoff notices are also on hold as HP assesses former CEO Leo Apotheker's decision to shutdown the PC division. Part of that assessment includes WebOS. Sources on the WebOS team say that HP is actively meeting with a number of interested buyers including HTC, LG, Nikon, and Amazon.

Just think: a WebOS-enabled television from LG, or a WebOS-powered camera from Nikon? That would be a Halloween treat indeed.

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