How to get started with Pinterest

Pinterest is one of the fastest-growing social media sites on the web. In just two years, the site has garnered legions of users from all over the world.

Though it may seem slightly complicated at first glance, getting started on Pinterest is simple. Here's brief guide to help you through the process.

What is Pinterest?
Pinterest is a short-form blogging site where users can upload and comment on pictures and videos posted to a virtual "pinboard." As users browse the web, they can save the remarkable, interesting, beautiful or humorous things they come across by "pinning them" to their own personal pinboard. Users can then share and browse each other's boards.

Creating a profile
While anyone can browse Pinterest, you'll need to open a profile to begin posting. To start your own Pinterest account, you first need to acquire a login. If you have a friend with an account, you can ask them to send you an invite, which allows you to start your own profile immediately.

If not, you'll need to request a login directly from the site by entering your email address, though this can take a short period to process. Once you've received an invite, you must connect your Facebook or Twitter profile with Pinterest to open your own account.

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Find friends
Once your account has been opened, you can begin building and personalizing it. You should be automatically prompted to begin clicking on some preset interest boards to help connect you to other users with similar interests.

Similar to other social media sites, one of Pinterest's main features is the ability to follow other users and get updates on their activity and recent pins. If you notice someone pinning object that pique your interests, you can begin following their futures pins, just as other users can begin following yours.

In addition, you can use the "Find Friends" option located under your account photo to link your Pinterest account with those of your Facebook and email connections.

Browsing and pinning
Next, it's time to begin creating your own boards to share with your new friends.

New boards can be created around a specific theme or subject, such as travel, weddings or gadgets. You will be given the option to add a "Pin It" button to your web browser, which automatically posts pictures that you find while browsing the Internet to your Pinterest boards with a simple click.

In addition, if you see something that takes your fancy while browsing the site, you can choose to "repin" it on one of your own boards.

When browsing through Pinterest, your interests will dictate what pins appear on your homepage. The more interests you select, the more you can refine and improve your experience.

You can also browse by subject or simply view "everything" the site has to offer. If you're looking for something specific on Pinterest, you can use the search bar in the top left corner of the screen to find pins relating to a specific subject.

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