High-tech beauty: Get rid of the extra jiggle and brighten up your smile

With the advancement of technology, so to comes new ways to improve your looks. FoxNews.com checked out a few high-tech gadgets and procedures to help you get rid of those last few pounds and brighten up your smile.

Laser Body Sculpting
If you have a little extra arm jiggle that just won't tighten, or love handles that won’t disappear with diet and exercise, then laser body sculpting may be exactly what you’re looking for to get rid of excess fat.

As an alternative to one of the most commonly performed medical procedures in the country – invasive liposuction – laser body sculpting is relatively painless. The recovery is quick, requiring less downtime, due to less bruising and less swelling.

“Most people who have body sculpting are in pretty good physical shape; they’re not overly obese – they might have areas of fat they just can’t get rid of with diet and exercise,” NYC-based plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Guida told Foxnews.com.

Laser body sculpting, deemed a gentler method of fat removal, targets stubborn problem areas like arms, abdomen, waist, flanks, back and thighs using a laser to melt unwanted fat away and tighten loose skin while performing liposuction. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

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Depending on the targeted area, the procedure can be as quick as 30 minutes or take up to two hours, allowing you to get back to normal activities in a day or so, Guida explained.

“It’s recommended you don’t exercise or do any strenuous activity for a few weeks,” he added.

Laser body sculpting is less invasive than traditional liposuction, using a smaller-than-expected instrument, which has three different laser wavelengths.  During the procedure, the first beam specifically melts fat, a second beam heats and tightens the skin, and the third beam coagulates the small capillaries and blood vessels under the skin to minimize bleeding and bruising.

“The advantages are that it can be done under local anesthesia, (and) the laser seals the blood vessels as you do the procedure, so there is very little bleeding and less bruising, and only requires tiny incisions that don’t even need to close,” Guida said.

Phillips Zoom WhiteSpeed 
If at-home whitening treatments aren't doing the trick to brighten your smile, a quick touch up procedure at lunch with Phillips Zoom WhiteSpeed could solve your problem.

Bleaching can often lead to sensitive teeth, which is why this cosmetic procedure uses a gel in conjunction with a LED light accelerator, which can be adjusted depending on each patients gum sensitivities.

“We are very concerned about patients comfort," Dr. Jeff Golub-Evans, a cosmetic dentist based in New York City told Foxnews.com. "It’s customizable, safe, and more effective than any other lamp—our results show two to three shades lighter than our previous lamps,”

The light is very cool, with little heat emanating from it. Even so, the intensity setting can be adjusted as the dentist administers three doses of light and three applications of whitening gel.

The Zoom procedure takes about an hour for whitening results.

Golub-Evan's practice also developed a product called Quick White, which is one dose of the longer process.  He recommends this for “touch ups, or if you have an important engagement or reunion—you are in and out.”

Quick White can be administered two to three times a year and takes about 20 minutes in the office.

A whitening bonus developed by Golub-Evans is his patented diamond dust used on the teeth before applying the LED light.

“Diamond dust alone is great for porcelain, china, and silver and so forth, but it’s also great for polishing teeth, and so you wouldn’t use it every day,” he explained.

Golub-Evans mixes a secret sauce of not only diamond dust, but other substances for brightening your canines, “bleaching gel, and a few other secret ingredients; and emollients, which lightens the teeth two shades before we even use the lamp.”