Hackers now targeting your router

Schloesser mit den Namen von etlichen Liebespaaren sind am Donnerstag, 23. April 2009, am Gitter der Hohenzollernbruecke in Koeln zu sehen. Seit Silvester 2008 haben Paare hier ihre Liebe manifestiert und aller Welt kundgetan, indem sie ein Schloss mit ihren Namen an der Bruecke befestigt haben. Bei dem Schloesser-Trend handelt es sich um einen Brauch aus Italien. In Rom befindet sich eine alte Bruecke, die Milvische Bruecke, die ueber den Tiber fuehrt. Diese Bruecke ist ein regelrechter Wallfahrtsort fuer verliebte Paare. Dort werden Schloesser, auf denen die Namen des Paares eingraviert sind, an der Bruecke fest gekettet und der Schluessel wird in den Tiber geworfen. Dieser Brauch soll die Haltbarkeit der Liebe untersuetzen. (AP Photo/Roberto Pfeil) --Padlocks with the engraved names of lovers are fixed to the fence at the Hohenzollern Bridge in Cologne, western Germany, Thursday, April 23, 2009. In an old ritual, padlocks with lovers names on it are fixed at the Milvian bridge in Roma, Italy, and the keys are thrown into the Tiber river to symbolize endless love. (AP Photo/Roberto Pfeil) (AP GraphicsBank)

It's time for a router emergency call to 911. You knew about hackers stealing our credit cards from retailers, the NSA spying on anyone who picked up a cellphone or writes an email, and ad trackers watching our every move and purchase.

Hang on, we've got a string of recent reports of router vulnerabilities. Backdoors have been found in NetGear and Linksys routers , two of the biggest sellers. A host of other brand names including D-Link, Micronet, Tenda and others have also been the subject of mass attacks that let hackers hijack your browser, produce fake search results, and download malware into all the devices connected to your network.

Yes, it’s possible and it’s happening. Take a deep breath. Here's what you need to do to secure your router and save money too.

Many service providers give you a cable or DSL modem with a built-in router. These steps still work for combined units.

First, let's protect your router. There are three simple steps.

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1) You need to do a geeky thing called "updating the firmware." Every router maker’s process is a little different, but here's the basic outline.

First, find your router's program on your computer. Fire it up and it should automatically find your device.

If you don't have a router program, look up your router's manual online and see what the device's IP address is. In case you need it, I have instructions on how to find a manual here.

Type the number that corresponds to your router’s address into your browser and enter the default login password found in the manual. If you don't know your router's password, click here for the default passwords to almost all routers.

While you're in the router settings, make sure to change the default login password that came with the router. There should be a button labeled "update firmware." Hit that and go through the process. That will, at least in theory, provide the company's latest protection. (Bonus: It might increase your device's performance, too.)

2) Make sure you turn on wireless encryption and provide a strong password. Strong passwords are a pain, but for your home network you just have to enter it once for each gadget. Just remember to keep it written down in a safe place in case you forget it.

Because computer manufacturers want to make our life more complicated, we are confronted with another blinding array of complicated acronyms when it comes to choosing what encryption to set. Look around for an option to secure the network using WPA2. It's the best protection right now.

It's smart to put in a long and complex password. Again, it's a pain, but it will make your network secure from anything but industrial-strength attacks.

I've got some tips for a nice strong password right here.

3) Finally, take your router offline and make it invisible to passers-by. In the settings, turn off SSID (or network name) broadcasting. This keeps your network hidden unless you know the name. Be sure to change the network name to something that's hard for someone to guess.

It won't foil the most dedicated bad guys going around sniffing our networks, but it should stop casual hackers and snoops. Jokesters like to call their networks something like “FBI Surveillance” or “NSA Snoops.”

Now your router is safe from attacks. Let's save you some money and improve your Internet service.

Check your Internet speed using the handy testers available at Speedtest.net or Speakeasy.net. Do it with your computer plugged in to your modem with an Ethernet cable. Keep notes on the plugged-in speed.

If you are one of those lucky folks who have competing Internet and cable providers in town, the first step is to call your cable company and try to negotiate your bill down. If your download speed is significantly slower than what's promised, start off giving them heck about that.

For cable companies, call and say you're looking at an offer from a satellite provider. If you have a cable modem for Internet service, say that you're looking at a cellular, satellite and DSL offer.

Next, make sure you have the fastest modem available. Most cable customers are paying a per-month cable modem rental. If that's your deal, make sure you've got a DOCSIS 3 modem. Get an upgrade if you don't.

Finally, there's your wireless router. This gobbledegook nomenclature is a pain, but have to make sure you have one that uses the 802.11n standard. If it's 802.11 b or 802.11g, you should know those are very old standards. The cost of a new "n" one will really be worth it in terms of speed.

If you are buying a new router, consider whether you're going to be getting a new computer or tablet soon. If so, consider paying a little extra for the very newest standard or 802.11ac. That won't help most older computers, but it's a speedy step forward for routers. You'll be glad you did as you get new devices that adhere to that standard.

There are other ways to boost your home Wi-Fi. Click here for ways to get more bars in more places. You should also check to see if your neighbors are stealing your Wi-Fi. This will slow things down in your home. I show how to do exactly this on my site.

Copyright 2014, WestStar MultiMedia Entertainment. All rights reserved.

On the Kim Komando Show, the nation's largest weekend radio talk show, Kim takes calls and dispenses advice on today's digital lifestyle, from smartphones and tablets to online privacy and data hacks. For her daily tips, newsletters and more, visit her website at www.komando.com.