Google Glass wink feature makes sneaking photos even easier

If taking photos with Google Glass discreet enough for you, a new firmware update should do the trick. The XE12 update has added new camera functionality that lets you capture an image by simply winking through the device.

The feature only works with the newer version of Google Glass that was released on Oct. 28. Google claims that this makes snapping photos even faster, especially since users can capture images by winking even when the display is off.

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While functionality is bound to come in handy, it’s also likely to further fuel privacy concerns surrounding Glass. In the past, the wearers would have  to make a physical motion by pressing the camera button or verbally instruct Glass to take a photo. Onlookers could also tell when Glass is turned on by looking at the tiny glowing prism display. However, Google’s XE12 update eliminates these signs.

Still, this addition to Glass doesn’t come as a surprise. Back in April a Reddit user uncovered coding buried within the MyGlass companion app with commands such as “WINK_ENABLED,” “WINK_CALIBRATION_SUCCESS, and EYE_GESTURES_WINK_TAKE_PHOTO.

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Other notable features to come with the software update include the ability to listen to music purchased through Google Play Music, the addition of a screen lock to protect others from using your Glass, and Glassware apps for Hangouts and YouTube. This means you’ll be able to share your Glass videos to YouTube directly from the device. The MyGlass app is set to debut in the iOS app store this week as well.

So what else can Glass do? Try asking “How far to Brooklyn” or “How many calories in a banana?” to find out.