Google Glass release date pushed back to 2014, sources say

Those hoping to find a Google Glass headset under their Christmas tree this holiday season will be sadly disappointed.While earlier projections suggested the heads-up display could launch by the end of 2013, sources within Google are reportedly pushing this date back to 2014.

An unnamed Google source that tipped ComputerWorld back in May has now told the website that Google Glass won’t ship until 2014.

“We’re always adjusting and readjusting our timelines,” a Google spokesperson said to ComputerWorld. “The most important thing that we do is focus on building a great product for users whenever that might be launched.”


This delay echoes comments made by Google’s Eric Schmidt earlier this year. Back in April, the Google executive chairman told the BBC that Google Glass was about one year away from its commercial launch. Google began shipping $1,500 Explorer Edition developer units of Glass in April, but hasn’t specified when the headset will see widespread availability or how much it will cost for consumers.

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