Could Steve Jobs's childhood home get protected historical status?

Steve Jobs and best friend Steve Steve Wozniak built the very first Apple computers in a garage under consideration for historical status. (ImageForum)

The future of the house that served as Apple"s first modest headquarters and was the site where the Apple I was built is being debated by Los Atlos City Council Historical Commission.

If all of the commission"s seven-member board are in agreement, then 2066 Crist Drive, Los Altos, California will become a protected historical site and one that will have to be preserved.

But it"s not so much the three-bedroom, two bathroom, single-storey house that is so important, more its garage, where in 1976 a young Steve Jobs cajoled his best friend, Steve Wozniak into quitting his job and selling his most prized possession (a HP calculator) in order to create their own company and build their own computers.

The company intentionally formed on April 1, was called Apple and the computer the Apple I -- the first 50 examples of which were hand-built in the garage by the two Steves. Following the moderate success of that creation, the same garage became the site where Apple Computers was formally incorporated.

Nine months after the birth of the Apple I, the two Steves left Jobs's family home to set up in a rented office in Cupertino – the area where Apple is still headquartered today – but not before they"d put the family home well and truly on the map and made it one of many stops on the unofficial Steve Jobs pilgrimage that Apple"s most hardcore fans have been taking for many years.