Meet Gentlemint, a site described as "Pinterest for manly men." (Gentlemint)
A pin board for men
Pinterest is catching fire on the Internet. It helps you build a list of your favorite stuff from around the Web. But, let's face it -- it's very female-centric.
Here's a hot-off-the-press alternative for the men -- manly men. Gentlemint operates on the same premise, but instead of pins about jewelry, crafts and fashion, you'll find sports, science, technology, automobiles - and, OK, still some fashion.
Just like that other, girly site, Gentlemint is free to join, but you'll need to ask for an invite.
Kim Komando hosts the nation's largest talk radio show about consumer electronics, computers and the Internet. Get the podcast or find the station nearest you at www.komando.com/listen. Subscribe to Kim's free e-mail newsletters at www.komando.com/newsletters. Copyright 1995-2012, WestStar TalkRadio Network. All rights reserved.