BlackBerry Tablet Delayed Because iPad 2 Too Successful


The moral of the story may be, don't mess with Apple.

Research in Motion, the Canadian company behind the popular line of BlackBerry smartphones, is finally set to release its long-awaited iPad competitor, the PlayBook. One reason for the gadget's many delays? The incredible success of the iPad 2.

According to a report in the trade magazine Digitimes, shortages in touchscreens forced RIM to postpone the release of the PlayBook.

"Sources from touch-screen panel makers also pointed out that PlayBook shipments were postponed for about a month from the original schedule due to a delay in software testing as well as shortage of touch panels because Apple already booked up most of the available capacity," the report reads.

The PlayBook was announced in September 2010, but seems to have faced an uphill battle on the way to store shelves. It is scheduled to go on sale April 19 at 20,000 retail outlets in the U.S. and Canada at a starting price of $499.

The tablet will be sold in all Best Buy stores and Best Buy Mobile stores in the U.S. and at Best Buy and Future Shop stores in Canada. The company has said it would let customers place orders for the new tablet immediately.

The BlackBerry PlayBook with Wi-Fi will come in three models, featuring 16GB, 32GB or 64GB of storage at $499, $599 and $699 respectively.

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