Apple's Siri gets sassy in trash-talking Google Glass

It's a touchy subject but Siri is willing to offer an opinion if she is as good as Google Glass. (

If there are two types of people (or digital assistants) in the world, Siri is clearly in the pessimist camp when it comes to Google Glass. (

Apple's Siri has always been a bit of a joker, knocking back countless proposals of marriage and answering "42" to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything.

Now she's having fun taking a dig at the opposition.

Try this yourself. Hit and hold the home button on your iPhone to activate Siri and then whisper this sweet nothing in her ear: "Okay Glass."

If you were wearing Google's hi-tech spectacles, that would be the command to activate them into action. (Here's a life tip: if you are wearing a pair of Google Glass spectacles, never ever say the words "Okay Glass" just as you're walking into a public toilet).

Try the Okay Glass command on Apple's Siri, and she'll put you in your place.

More On This...

The Verge reports that beta versions of Apple's new operating system iOS7 has even more witty retorts in the Siri versus Google Glass rivalry.

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